Phoenixville Inside Out Workouts!

Mark your calendars for ICA’s free community workouts on Bridge Street this summer!

We’re thrilled to be a part of Phoenixville’s “Inside Out” iniative for the third summer in a row.

Free community workouts will be held at the parking lot across from Molly Maguires on the following Sunday’s this summer:

  • June 23, 8:00 am
  • July 21, 8:00 am
  • August 18, 8:00 am

For whom are these classes intended? Anyone (age 13 to 100) who wants to have an energetic start to their Sunday morning and perhaps get a little fitter.

What should I bring? It would be a great idea to bring a cold drink, a friend and a smile.

How awesome of a time will I have if I show up? Great question; I’m glad you asked. Intensely awesome!

If you’ve never been to ICA before, you can click HERE to fill out a waiver and book the class so we know you’re coming.

If you have any questions, reach out to John at

Daily WOD – May 20, 2022

Coach Kevin’s last 4:00 pm sending him off in style!

Workout of the Day

Complete 6 rounds, each for time:

  • 30/24 cal row
  • 20 one-arm DB thruster (50/35#, 10R/10L)

Start a new round every 5 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Choose a DB weight that allows you to complete sets of 5 to 10.  You may switch arms at any time!  The row should be pretty darn aggressive and will ideally be completed in 1:30 to 2:00 each round.  Full rounds should take less than 3 minutes and should be capped at 3:30 to ensure enough rest!

Daily WOD – May 19, 2022

Hayley lapping a stone!

Workout of the Day

Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3

Then complete NFT:

  • 50 bent over flies
  • 50 banded pec flies

WOD Notes:  Today we’ll be building to a heavy set of 3 on shoulder presses!  Shoot to start your first set around 70% of your 1 rep max and aim for 85-90% by set 5.  Then get ready to really go after your upper body in the accessory work!

Coach Notes:  Today at 4:00 pm will be Coach Kevin’s last class on the schedule!  If you see him or Hayley, wish them luck on their new adventures!

Daily WOD – May 18, 2022

JZ picking up the big stone!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • 400m run
  • 10 deadlifts (275/183#)
  • 400m run
  • 3 rope climbs

WOD Notes:  Choose a deadlift weight that will take 1 or 2 sets to complete most of the way. Avoid going to singles.  The rope climbs should be done in 90 seconds or less each round.  Find a steady run pace and see if you can consistently keep moving for all 20 minutes!!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Tim C!

Daily WOD – May 17, 2022

Lacey lining up an atlas stone!

Workout of the Day

Complete 4 rounds for time of:

  • 5 ring muscle ups
  • 15 power snatches (115/73#)
  • 50 air squats

WOD Notes:  The power snatch today is expected to be done in small sets (3 to 5) or quick singles.  Ideally, each set of power snatches will take less than 2 minutes.  The ring muscle ups should be completed in less than 90 seconds each round.  If muscle ups aren’t in your arsenal, you can complete jumping muscle ups, box transitions or pull ups and push ups (~10+10/round).

Daily WOD – May 16, 2022

Liz getting ready to crush a clean!

Workout of the Day

Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2


2x400m run

WOD Notes:  Today we’ll build to a 2 rep max front squat!  Shoot to hit your first set of 2 around 70-75% and build.  If you’re trying for a PR today, that should happen around set 5 or 6.  After squatting, we’ll be attempting a 400m PR.  The first run will be to feel out your legs and focus on form but not particularly speed.  The second run should be everything you’ve got!

Daily WOD – May 15, 2022

Chanelle landing a split jerk!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time: 

  • 10 wall walks

Then 3 rounds of:

  • 30 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 15 strict knees-to-elbow


  • 10 wall walks

Time cap = 20 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Choose a wall walk scale that will take 3 minutes or less for the first round of 10.  For the knees to elbow, fight to crunch up hard!  These should be in sets of 5 or more.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Sigal!

Daily WOD – May 14, 2022

Welcome Cam!

Workout of the Day

With a partner, one person working at a time, complete 3 rounds for time of: 

  • 800m row
  • 80 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 80 KB swings (53/35#)

Time Cap = 35 minutes.

WOD Notes:  These movements do not need to (and should not) be split evenly between your partners.  Be in constant communication and help each other as you fatigue!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Lynne!

Daily WOD – May 13, 2022

Color coordinated toes to post!

Workout of the Day

Take 20 minutes to find a 1 rep max of the following complex:

  • 3 deadlifts + 2 hang squat cleans + 2 shoulder to overheads

Then accumulate 2 minutes of:

  • L-sit hold

WOD Notes:  A barbell complex consists of completing all the movements without placing the bar down to rest!  If you are significantly limited by the overhead portion of the lift, consider making it 3 deadlifts + 3 hang squat cleans.  L-sit holds will ideally come from the floor but we can modify to rings, pull up bars, boxes or plates!

Daily WOD – May 12, 2022

Rey going hard on the air bike!

Workout of the Day

Complete 4 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 20 handstand push ups
  • 20 KB snatches (53/35#, 10R/10L)

Time Cap = 25 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Pick a handstand push up variation/rep scheme that will take less than 2 minutes when fatigued.  When choosing your pace for the run today, aim for your 1 mile pace and try to hold as consistently as you can across all 4 rounds!

Daily WOD – May 11, 2022

Sydney locking out a split jerk!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds for max reps in 1 minute at each station:

  • Row (calories)
  • Triple unders
  • Chest to bar pull ups

Rest 1 minute between rounds.

WOD Notes:  Don’t shy away from triple unders!  What we’re really saying here is work on the most challenging form of jump rope for you.  That could be single unders, backward single unders, double unders or the elusive triples!

Daily WOD – May 10, 2022

Kelly Gl. getting ready to shoulder the 115!

Workout of the Day

Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2

Then complete 3 rounds NFT:

  • 15 banded deadlifts (40% 2RM)
  • 15 heel propped goblet squats

WOD Notes:  The goal today is to work up to a 2 rep max!  Shoot to start around 75% of your 1 rep and try to establish a PR (if you’re feeling good) by the 5th set.  Get ready for some leg-smoking accessory work afterward!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Audge!

Daily WOD – May 9, 2022

Jesse Sy lowering a bench press!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 15 power snatches (135/93#)
  • 30 toes to bar
  • 10 power snatches (135/93#)
  • 20 toes to bar
  • 5 power snatches (135/93#)
  • 10 toes to bar

WOD Notes:  Choose a power snatch weight today that is challenging enough that you’ll likely drop each rep.  If snatches do not feel good, go for power cleans at a higher weight!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Sadie!

Daily WOD – May 8, 2022

Bob Brown crushing burpees!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 14 minutes of and ascending ladder by 2’s:

  • Thrusters (95/63#)
  • Alternating weighted box step ups (1×50/35# to 24/20″)

Then complete NFT:

  • 20 inverted burpees

WOD Notes:  The ascending ladder means that you’ll complete 2 thrusters and 2 step ups (1R/1L) in round 1.  Then 4 and 4, then 6 and 6, then 8 and 8 and so on until the 14 minutes is up.  The inverted burpees is designed to be gymnastics skill and strength work afterward!  If you don’t have an inveted burpee yet, we can work toward candlesticks or handstand holds.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Dries!

Daily WOD – May 7, 2022

Quinn firing through box jumps!

Workout of the Day

EMOM for 20 minutes of:

  • First minute: 5 bench presses (70-75% 1RM)
  • Second minute: 16 one-arm DB/KB bent over rows (8R/8L)

WOD Notes:  Choose weights that let you hit pretty much every set unbroken.  If fatigue sets in in the later rounds, consider dropping the reps to 2 or 3 to continue moving.

Schedule Notes:  In light of attendance, we’re removing the Friday 6:00 pm class from the schedule.  We may bring it back in the fall if it is warranted!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Jesse Sy!

Daily WOD – May 6, 2022

Joe B hitting some toes to bar!

Workout of the Day

Strong Man Day!

Complete the following work:

  • 2 minutes of max reps keg/stone/sandbag ground to shoulder
  • 20 x 10 yard 2-arm farmer’s carry (heavy KBs or DBs)
  • 4 x 10 yard hand-over-hand standing sled pull

WOD Notes:  You’ll have 12 minutes at each station today.  In that time, you’ll have the chance to practice the movement, get your weights set and complete the work.  At the 12 minute mark, you’ll rotate to the next station.  Come in for some fun with some movements you might not often get to do!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday to Andrew W, Mike T and Marcus!

Daily WOD – May 5, 2022

Sadie working on some turn jumps in the teen program!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:

  • 2 power cleans (85% 1RM)
  • 25 double unders

WOD Notes:  The goal today should be to choose a weight that will not risk failure but will force you to drop each rep.  If you’re newer to power cleans or just don’t want to push as heavy, consider switching to 5 reps/round at lighter weight and practice stringing them together!

Daily WOD – May 4, 2022

We’re excited to announce that Celeste Viggiano is joining ICA as the newest member of our coaching team! Celeste brings significant experience as a coach and CrossFit athlete and will be a truly valuable addition to ICA. Here are some Q&As to help you get to know Coach Celeste a little better:

How long have you been doing CrossFit? I am celebrating 11 years of CrossFit experience this fall.  I actually have the original paper copy of the waiver that I signed when I first started, dated November 21, 2011. 

How long have you been a coach? I got my L-1 in the summer of 2019 and started coaching that fall, so almost three years. My experience in coaching inspired me to return to school to continue to educate myself at Montgomery County Community College. I am receiving my Associate’s Degree in Exercise Science and Wellness at the end of May. I also have a bachelor’s degree from West Chester University in Sociology. 

Kids/Family?  My husband Pete and I have a son, Antonio (4 years old) and a daughter, Twila (1.5 years old).

What is your favorite move in the gym?  Strict pull ups, no doubt! [Editor’s Note: Clearly a match for ICA!]

What is your favorite workout? Murph, I like the workout, and even more so I love Hero WODs. We are so fortunate to be able to show up and put in hard work to honor the memory of those who have sacrificed everything for our freedoms. The event of Murph every Memorial day is one of my favorite CrossFit traditions.

Any hobbies? Exercise and food! I love working out and I love cooking as well as eating. I also love spending time outdoors, running or hiking (which more recently has turned into swings and slides on the playground or playing in mud and puddles at the river). 

Coach Celeste will be integrating into the schedule over the next few weeks.  Make sure to say hi and introduce yourself when you see her!

Workout of the Day

Split Jerk 2×2 (75%), 2×2 (80%), 2×2 (85%)

Then complete NFT

  • 4×10 wallballs (as heavy as possible)

WOD Notes:  It’s a great day to work some split jerk technique!  If you’re feeling on fire, you can try to alternate feet each rep although it is not necessary if you have a preferred stance.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Dana Schwartz!

Daily WOD – May 3, 2022

Natalie lining up a solid deadlift!

Workout of the Day

Complete 3 rounds, each for time of:

  • 500/400m row
  • 21 burpees
  • 400m run

Start a new round every 9 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Will this be a bit uncomfortable? Yes.  Do you need it in your life?  Also yes.  Credit to CrossFit mainpage on 220408.

Nutrition Notes:  Hopefully everyone that is tracking macros for this month made it through day 1! The sample day of eating is a great way to start to understand how your protein, fat and carb add up by the end of the day.  It is a great idea to follow that plan for a day or two and then start varying your foods and see what quantities are needed to get to your final numbers!

Daily WOD – May 2, 2022

Sean B launching a heavy DB!

Workout of the Day

For time complete:

15-12-9 reps of:

  • Strict handstand push ups

Then 15-12-9 reps of:

  • Strict ring dips

Then 15-12-9 reps of:

  • Push ups

Complete 21 sit ups after each set (9 total sets of sit ups).

WOD Notes:  Modify the movements today so you can complete each set in 5 sets or less.  Avoid choosing something difficult enough that it breaks down to singles!  Taken from the mainpage on 220413.

Nutrition Notes: The Spring into Macros challenge begins today!  Pro-tip: if you know any meals in advance, enter them the night before and it can make planning substantially easier!

Daily WOD – May 1, 2022

Mike D working through step ups!

Workout of the Day

Back Squat 8-8-6-6

Then complete 3 rounds NFT of: 

  • 10 hip thrusts (50% 1RM back squat)
  • 30 banded clamshells (15R/15L)

WOD Notes:  The goal is to increase your squats across each set.  Shooting for 60 to 65% of your 1 rep for the first set would be a good bet.

Nutrition Notes:  The Spring into Macros challenge starts Monday!!  Get your grocery shopping and food prep taken care of today!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Diana!

Daily WOD – Apr 30, 2022

Time ripping through some DB snatches!

Workout of the Day

Partner Interval AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • 12 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 6 burpee box jumps (24/20″)
  • 3 bar muscle ups

WOD Notes:  For this partner workout, partner 1 will complete 1 full round while partner 2 rests.  Once a round is complete, partner 2 will begin a round while partner 1 rests.  Choose a wallball weight/height that will let you go unbroken through most of the workout.  Ideally each round should take less than 90 seconds.  Rack up as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes!

Daily WOD – Apr 29, 2022

We’re sad to say that Coach Kevin and Hayley will be moving to Connecticut at the end of May. While we’re sad to see them go, make sure to wish them well on their new adventures if you see them!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 20/16 cal row
  • 10 bench presses (60% 1RM)

WOD Notes:  Choose a bench press weight today that will let you get through round 1 unbroken.  You should likely need to break some of the later rounds into 2 or 3 sets as fatigue sets in.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Joe S!

Daily WOD – Apr 28, 2022

Sage working on getting jacked!

Workout of the Day

Clean 3×2@75%, 2×2@80%, 2×2@85%


Pause clean 5×1 (50% 1RM, 10 second pause in the squat)

WOD Notes:  If you are familiar with your 1 rep max squat clean, shoot for the percentages listed and do your best to make them look great!  If you’re not familiar, take 7 sets to hit a reasonable heavy set of 2 and get more comfortable with cleans in general.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Paige!

Daily WOD – Apr 27, 2022

Some early morning wallballs!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

  • 7 power snatches (115/73#)
  • 7 overhead squats (115/73#)
  • 7 strict pull ups

WOD Notes:  Come on in today for a fun little high skill burner!  We’ll be spending some significant time during instruction today working on overhead squat mobility and positioning.  Even if you don’t overhead squat, you can definitely benefit from working on the position in warm up.  If snatches and OHS don’t feel good for you, complete this workout with power cleans and front squats!  The strict pull ups should happen in 1 or 2 sets in the first few rounds.  After that, they could break down further and that is ok.  Ideally the first round is less than a minute in total.

“Spring into Macros” Nutrition Challenge

On Monday, May 2nd, we’re kicking off a 4-week nutrition challenge, focusing on the macro diet!

If you’ve never heard of macros, we’ll teach you what they are and how they can help you meet your fitness and body composition goals. If you’ve heard of macros, but you’re intimidated by them, we’ll break it down and make it simple, so you can succeed. If you’re an old pro at macros, join us for a month of strict, clean eating. This challenge is FREE for all participants. Who’s ready?!?!? Read on for more details…

1. What are Macros?

“Macro” is short for macronutrient. They’re the three main categories of nutrients that comprise our food and give us energy: protein, carbohydrates and fats. When you’re counting your macros, you’re counting the grams of proteins, carbs and fat that you eat each day.

2. Why should I count macros?

Keeping track of your macros gives you the power to fine-tune your eating to meet your body’s needs. It ensures you’re getting the right amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrate to fuel your body and build muscle but not support body fat.  Tracking macros takes the guess work out of nutrition and helps you make smart food choices.

3. How do I know how many macros to eat?

A good starting point, for active adults, is to get 40% of your calories from carbohydrate, 30% from protein, and 30% from fat. What’s neat about macros is we can play around with those ratios over time based on what works best for you. It’s a real-life science experiment!

If you’re new to macros, we will assign you starting set of macros. The best way to do that is to get an InBody scan. The scan will provide an estimated basal metabolic rate, which we can use to assign your macros. However, getting an InBody scan is not required to participate in our “Spring into Macros” Nutrition Challenge! Our coaching staff can use our experience to “guess-timate” a set of macros for you, and we’ll tweak from there based on how you’re feeling.

If you already have a set of macros that you’ve used for previous nutrition challenges, and they worked for you, feel free to use those numbers again.

4. How do I track macros?

There are a number of macro tracking apps available; the most widely used is My Fitness Pal. Each day, you’ll enter everything you eat, and the app will calculate your macros. It even has a bar code scanner, so you can scan most packaged items. For the best results, you should weigh and measure your food – this requires using a food scale and measuring cups so you can accurately quantify how much you’re eating.

We are in the process of creating several “sample” meal plans, which will show what one full day of eating would look like for various calorie goals, using the 40% carb, 30% protein, and 30% fat breakdown. We will make these sample meal plans available later this week!

5. How do I sign up for the “Spring into Macros” Challenge?

Add your name to this spreadsheet. Indicate whether: (1) you already know you macros, (2) you’d like an InBody scan to determine your macros ($50 for a pair of before-and-after scans), or (3) if you’d like a coach to assign macros to you (free). If you select option 2 or 3, a coach will be in touch with you to set up your Inbody scan and/or macros.

Please sign up by Friday April 29 at the latest, but the sooner the better, so we can get you set up with your macros and you can start grocery shopping and meal planning!

In Summary:

  • Dates: Monday May 2 – Saturday May 28
  • Cost: $0
  • Downsides: None
  • Benefits: Improved energy and performance in the gym, “get toned” for summer!
  • Sign up? ASAP at this link!
  • Questions? Reach out to us at

Daily WOD – Apr 26, 2022

Elissa making wallballs look easy!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 800m run
  • 70 eye level KB swings (53/35#)
  • 60 one-arm suitcase KB deadlifts (30R/3L, 53/35#)
  • 50 one-arm KB hang power cleans (25R/25L, 53/35#)
  • 40 one-arm KB push presses (20R/20L, 53/35#)
  • 30 toes to KB (53/35#)
  • 20 two-arm KB squat cleans (53/35#)
  • 10 Turkish get ups (53/35#)

Time Cap = 25 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Try to choose a KB weight that you can use for all of the movements.  The toughest move for most will likely be the Turkish get ups for which you may end up with a different KB or DB. Take the first run out pretty fast but with enough gas in the tank to hold on for a big set of KB swings!

Community Notes: Happy Birthday Jason S!

Daily WOD – Apr 25, 2022

Jason B working through box jumps!

Workout of the Day

Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Then complete for time:

  • 15 thrusters (95/63#)
  • 30 push ups
  • 15 thrusters (95/63#)

WOD Notes:  The heavy thrusters may come from the floor or rack, whichever you prefer!  For part 2, plan on the push ups taking fewer than 2 minutes.  Adjust the form or reps accordingly.

Nutrition Notes:  Get ready to jump in on our spring nutrition challenge!  It will start this Monday so get ready to stock up on healthy food this weekend.  We’ll have more info each day this week!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Bill F!

Daily WOD – Apr 24, 2022

Joe F flying on the air bike!

Workout of the Day

Complete 7 rounds for time of:

  • 4 deadlifts (365/225#)
  • 12 ring dips

WOD Notes:  The deadlift today should be around 80% of your 1 rep max.  If you don’t know your 1 rep, choose a weight that will allow you to complete each round of deads in 1 or 2 sets.  Ideally the reps should never break down to singles.  The ring dips should take less than a minute for the first 3 to 4 rounds.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Kasey!

Daily WOD – Apr 23, 2022

Dana cruising through step ups!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 16 minutes of:

  • 36 double unders
  • 24 one-arm DB clean and jerks (50/35#, 12R/12L)
  • 12 weighted box step ups (50/35#, 6R/6L)

WOD Notes:  Choose a double under rep scheme today that will allow you to keep DUs to under 1 minute for the whole workout.  The DB clean and jerks do not need to alternate hands each rep.  Ideally the first several rounds of C&J should be unbroken!

Quarterfinal Notes:  The first few workouts of quarterfinals are in the books!  Come out and cheer for the remaining 3 workouts being held Saturday and Sunday starting at 11:00 am at the gym!

Daily WOD – Apr 22, 2022

Carver crushing a row!

Workout of the Day

Sumo Deadlift 8×3 (80% 1RM)


Tempo deadlifts 4×7 (50% 1RM, 3 seconds down, 1 second up)

WOD Notes:  Choose a weight that will allow you to start each set with a perfectly straight back and control the final rep back to the floor.  For the tempo deads, move slowly and make them look great!

Daily WOD – Apr 21, 2022


Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 20 pull ups
  • 400m run

Time Cap = 24 minutes.

WOD Notes:  The beauty is the simplicity!  The goal today is to spend ~1 to 2 minutes on pull ups per round although it could be faster if you love pull ups.  Think about your PR mile pace and a reasonable bet would be to hold that speed for these 400s.  If that will take you longer than 2 minutes/round, consider scaling some or all of the runs to 250m.  Taken from on 220404.

Nutrition Challenge Note:  We’re excited to announce that we’ll be starting a nutrition challenge on Monday, May 2!  The emphasis on this challenge will be tracking macros however you are always welcome to alter it any way you like.  More details to come!

Daily WOD – Apr 20, 2022

Chris Mc ripping through burpees!

Workout of the Day

Complete the following sets, each for time:

  • 500/400m row
  • 40 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 40 box jumps (24/20″)

Start a new movement every 3 minutes.  Repeat for a total of 3 rounds.

WOD Notes:  The goal today is to finish each movement in 1:30 to 2:00, leaving at least 1 minute of rest.  Try to push the pace while still being able to recover in the downtime between movements!

Daily WOD – Apr 19, 2022

**NOTE** The water will be shut off to the gym from ~7 to 9 am for building maintenance.  This means we’ll effectively have no bathrooms, sinks or drinking water available during that time.  Classes will run as usual. We apologize for the inconvenience and will update when the water gets turned back on!

Steph and Erin working through T2B!

Workout of the Day

Push Press 5×5 (75% 1RM)

Then complete for time:

  • 150 ft handstand walk

Time Cap = 10 minutes.

WOD Notes:  If you are close to walking on your hands then see how far you can make it in 10 minutes!  If not, this is a great chance to practice getting inverted!  You can work toward head stands, handstands against a wall or shoulder taps against a wall.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Tom B!

Daily WOD – Apr 18, 2022

A line of rowers putting in work!

Workout of the Day

Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes, complete:

  • 3 squat cleans (155/103#)
  • 8 toes to bar

Rx = touch and go cleans.  If you can’t complete the work in one minute, go AMRAP for the remaining time!

WOD Notes:  Try to choose movements, weights and reps that will allow you to finish the early rounds in 30 to 40 seconds.

Quarterfinal Notes:  Good luck to our age group qualifiers on their next round of competition this weekend: Dave, Karen L, Betsy, Joe B, Dan E, Gretchen, Nikki, John, KtS, Jenn and Reese!  In this round, athletes will be given 5 workouts to complete over 3 days with the top 30 worldwide advancing to the semifinals.  If you’d like to come out and support/cheer/perhaps judge, you’re likely to find people hitting the workouts on the following schedule:

  • Friday: 8 am to 9 am, 10 am to noon or 1 to 3 pm
  • Saturday: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Sunday: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Coach Kelsey!

Daily WOD – Apr 17, 2022

Swetha locking out a deadlift!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 40 KB swings (53/35#)
  • 40 abmat sit ups
  • 4 rope climbs
  • 30 KB swings (53/35#)
  • 30 abmat sit ups
  • 3 rope climbs
  • 20 KB swings (53/35#)
  • 20 abmat sit ups
  • 2 rope climbs
  • 10 KB swings (53/35#)
  • 10 abmat sit ups
  • 1 rope climb

Time Cap = 20 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Choose a KB weight such that each round takes 1 or 2 sets to complete.  Ideally, most rounds of rope climbs should take 90 seconds or less.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Sarah Chain and Mick!

Daily WOD – Apr 16, 2022

Congrats to Missy on the birth of her baby boy Troy! We can’t wait to see him in the gym!

Workout of the Day

Front Squat 6×3 (80% 1RM)

Then complete NFT:

  • 4 sets of 10 lateral box jumps (5R/5L)

WOD Notes:  When completing the lateral box jumps, shoot for explosive movements with a smooth landing.  The box does not need to be particularly high but pay attention to any asymmetries in your motion as you go from one side to the other.  Fight to make the front squats look perfect across the sets!

Daily WOD – Apr 15, 2022

Julie firing through KB swings!

Workout of the Day

“The Chief”

AMRAP in 3 minutes of:

  • 3 power cleans (135/93#)
  • 6 push ups
  • 9 air squats

Rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 5 rounds.

WOD Notes:  It’s another annual benchmark!  Choose a power clean weight that will be touch and go the entire workout and a push up modification that allow you to go unbroken for the entire first interval.  Try to open up at a somewhat measured pace for the first 3 minute round and see how close you can stay to that number through the workout.  Round 5 should be at a blistering pace!!

Schedule Notes:  The HSPU clinic for this Saturday has been cancelled.  We’ll keep you posted on the next one!

Daily WOD – Apr 14, 2022

Fili lining up an OHS!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

  • Row (calories)
  • Burpees

Pick your own rep scheme to maximize your reps.  One restriction: you must complete at least 30 reps of each!

Rest 5 minutes then complete as fast as humanly possible:

  • 250m run
  • 20 burpees
  • 20/15 cal row

WOD Notes:  For the first part of this workout, you can pick a classic rep scheme like sets of 10 and 10 or alternate movements every minute.  Try not to totally shy away from one or the other!  For the second part, mind blowing sprint doesn’t satisfy what this needs to be!

Daily WOD – Apr 13, 2022

Dana locking out a deadlift!

Workout of the Day

EMOM for 20 minutes of:

  • 2 squat snatches 

WOD Notes:  Gradually increase in weight over the 20 minutes.  You are welcome to drop the bar between reps or try to go touch and go.  As always, if squat snatches do not feel great, consider power snatches or cleans today!

Daily WOD – Apr 12, 2022

Solid toe point by Erin on a handstand!

Workout of the Day

Complete 4 rounds for time of:

  • 15 chest to bar pull ups
  • 30 one-arm DB push press (50/35#, 15R/15L)
  • 15 box jumps (30/24″)

Time Cap = 20 minutes.

WOD Notes:  All 3 movements today are designed to be fairly high exertion!  Scale the movements such that the first round takes around 4 minutes (approximately 1 minute/exercise) while moving at a steady pace.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday KtS and Linda!

Daily WOD – Apr 11, 2022

Quinn getting ready for some weighted lunges!

Workout of the Day

  • Run 1600m

Rest 4 minutes

  • Run 800m

Rest 3 minutes

  • Run 400m

Rest 2 minutes

  • Run 200m

WOD Notes:  Today is a great opportunity to hit some benchmark runs!  There are several ways to go after this.  One is to try for a PR on one or two of the distances.  In that case, plan for the run before and/or after to be a little slower.  Or you can try to gradually increase your speed across all 4 distances.  Start fairly steady on the mile and try to move a little faster each run!

Cherry Picking Notes: Much like Batman’s heroism, this may not be the workout some of you want, but if I’m talking to you, it’s the workout you need!

Daily WOD – Apr 10, 2022

Lacey standing up a back squat1

Workout of the Day

Seated box jumps 5×3


Deadlift 10-10-10-10

WOD Notes:  The 10 rep max deadlift is a fairly challenging endeavor!  If you feel like you can push today, aim to start your first set around 50% of your 1 rep max.  Hitting 70-75% is possible for the final set!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Chris S and John!

Daily WOD – Apr 9, 2022

Mike D with a solid lunge!

Workout of the Day

EMOM for 24 minutes of:

  • First minute: 40 double unders
  • Second minute: 6 power cleans (155/103#)
  • Third minute: 12 toes to bar
  • Fourth minute: 6 push jerks (155/103#)

WOD Notes:  This is a little different from out typical workout in that it is not as fast as possible or as many reps as possible.  Instead, you have 4 fairly challenging tasks and your goal is to keep up the “every minute on the minute” scheme.  If you’re halfway through and feel it should be more or less challenging, feel free to adjust the reps or weight accordingly!  If you really want to beat yourself up, you could add a rep to one of the movements each round and see if you can maintain.

Daily WOD – Apr 8, 2022

Congrats to our newest 1 yr members on the board! Shout out to our other February and March anniversaries: JZ (2), JV (2), Steve Ke (2), Cate (2), Kelly Go (4), Sean R. (4), Kyle E. (5), Jeff (7), Pete S (9) and Dan E (9)!

Workout of the Day


AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • 2 ring muscle ups
  • 4 handstand push ups
  • 8 KB swings (70/53#)

WOD Notes:  It is time for one of our ICA benchmarks!!  Nate is designed to be pretty slow and steady with 3 very high exertion movements.  Make sure to check SugarWOD to see if you were here for this last time so you can track progress.  If this is your first time attempting this benchmark, try to choose movements that will be easy to track in the future. IE strict pull ups or ring pull ups for muscle ups, push ups or DB shoulder presses for HSPU.

Reminder:  We are holding a 1 hour HSPU clinic on Saturday, Apr 16 at 11:00 am!  Sign up in Wellness living if you plan to attend. Cost = $15.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Coach Dave!

Daily WOD – Apr 7, 2022

Jean getting under a heavy back squat!

Workout of the Day

Bench Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Then complete 3 rounds NFT of:

  • 30 Paloff presses (15R/15L)
  • 30 banded lat pulls (15R/15L)

WOD Notes:  It is a great day to try for a PR bench press!  If you’re newer to benching, consider changing the scheme to sets of 3 or 5 and get more comfortable with the movement.  If you love benching, start around 75% of your 1RM and build gradually!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Tom K!

Daily WOD – Apr 6, 2022

Welcome Teresa!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 40/30 cal row
  • 20 burpee box jump overs
  • 10 snatches (165/113#)
  • 20 burpee box jump overs
  • 40/30 cal row

WOD Notes:  This is a variation of the 5th workout from this year’s quarterfinals!  The original workout stopped after the snatches and the snatches were a bit heavier (185/133#).  Choose a weight/movement today that will take 1 to 3 minutes to complete.  If you don’t feel great about snatching heavy, feel free to go light and hit 20 reps or switch to power cleans!

Daily WOD – Apr 5, 2022

Somebody tell this guy to bring that bar a little forward already…

Workout of the Day

Complete 10 rounds for time of:

  • 15 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 40 yd farmer carry (70/50# KBs or DBs)

WOD Notes:  The 40 yd course will be in the gym so no need to worry about the weather!  Choose a wallball weight/height that will let you complete each round in 1 or 2 sets.  This workout will be a test of will to see if you can avoid standing and looking at KBs or WBs.  Keep it moving!

Daily WOD – Apr 4, 2022

Robbie landing a TALL dynamic push up!

Workout of the Day

Back Squat 

  • 3×2@75%
  • 2×2@85%
  • 2×2@90%

Then complete 3 rounds NFT of:

  • 10 KB lateral squats (5R/5L)
  • 10 KB Romanian deadlifts (5R/5L)

WOD Notes:  The intent of today’s workout is to hit 7 heavy doubles on a back squat. Keep good form and don’t go to failure! If you’re newer to squatting, don’t worry about the percentages; just hit 7 relatively heavy sets where you focus on good form and full depth.

Handstand Push Up Clinic:  Coach Ricky will be holding a 1 hour handstand push up clinic on Saturday, April 16 from 11am-12pm! Whether you’re working toward getting into your first handstand against a wall or trying to cycle reps from a deficit, you’re sure to acquire some new tricks to carry forward!  Cost is $15; sign up in Wellness Living!

Trail Series: Dave and Bob have added 5 spring Sunday trail runs to the calendar! Meet at 11:15am at the Schuylkill Canal Lock 60 parking area on April 10 & 17; May 1, 8, & 15. Sign up in Wellness Living so they know who to expect! These sessions are free for ICA members and guests.

Daily WOD – Apr 3, 2022

Megan V jumping on the soft box!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 2 legless rope climbs
  • 20 DB alternating power snatches (70/50#, 10R/10L)

WOD Notes:  Come in to work a new skill!  If you’re learning how to climb a rope, by all means use your legs.  If you feel pretty good, try for 1 legless and 1 regular rope climb/round.  If you’re on fire, go legless and get a sick arm pump!  Choose a DB that will give you a good chance at finishing each round in 1 or 2 sets.

Daily WOD – Apr 2, 2022

Jess landing a power clean!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 24 minutes of:

  • 20 push ups
  • 20 sit ups
  • 20 wreckbag squats (50/35#)

Every 4 minutes, complete a 200m wreckbag run.  Start with a run.

WOD Notes:  Today is a great chance to work on your capacity in a longer time domain!  The goal should be to go out of the gates at a steady pace and do what you can to hold the run splits consistent.  Choose scales that will allow you to get nearly a round between the first two runs.  That means each movement should take ~40 to 60 seconds.  Later rounds may slow down!

Daily WOD – Apr 1, 2022

Welcome Christine!

Workout of the Day

Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Then complete NFT:

  • Eye level KB swings 3×15 (as heavy as possible)

WOD Notes:  The intent today is to establish a 1 rep max power clean!  If you are newer to power cleans or just want more volume today, feel free to increase to sets of 3 or 5.  As you progress in weight, make sure the technique stays sound.  If your footwork or elbow positioning starts to degrade, ease the weight back and make it look great!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Tom G!

Daily WOD – Mar 31, 2022

Coach Kevin getting Kelyn through 22.2!

Workout of the Day


Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of:

  • Thrusters (95/63#)
  • Pull ups

Time Cap = 12 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Fran is perhaps the CrossFit benchmark.  It is a fantastic test of gymnastics and weightlifting technique paired with muscle endurance!  If you’ve don’t Fran before, come in and try to set a blazing PR.  If you’ve never had the pleasure, it is time to establish a benchmark that you can improve upon for years to come!  Strategy note:  If you’re relatively new to Fran or if either of the movements cause you concern, shoot to hit the 21s by way of 3×7.  This will leave you with enough gas to really push on the 15s and 9s.

Daily WOD – Mar 30, 2022

Dan E flying up the rope!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:

  • 10 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 10 slam balls (30/20#)
  • 1 complex (135/93#)

1 complex = 8 deadlifts, 6 hang power cleans, 4 front rack reverse lunges in place (2R/2L).

WOD Notes:  Once you have started the barbell complex listed above, the goal should be to complete it without putting the bar down.  Plan your weight accordingly!  Make sure to come in and test out the new boxes!

Daily WOD – Mar 29, 2022

Jason putting in work on the rower!

Workout of the Day

Overhead Squat 6×3 (80% 1RM)


Every 2 minutes for 6 minutes, complete:

  • 4 tempo overhead squats (40% 1RM, 5 seconds down, 5 second pause, 5 seconds up)

WOD Notes:  Some quick math on the tempo squats will tell you that each rep is 15 seconds and therefore the set of 4 should take 1 minute!  This is an awesome way to develop some overhead stability and strength.  If the bar concerns you, feel free to use PVC.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Greg!

Daily WOD – Mar 28, 2022

Coach Dave knocking out some deads!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds for max reps of:

  • Bench press (60% 1RM)
  • Toes to bar

Start a new round every 5 minutes.

WOD Notes:  For this workout, you’ll complete as many reps on the bench as you can.  Once you’ve re-racked the bar, you’ll immediately begin as many toes to bar as you can.  Once you come down from the bar, you’ll rest for the remainder of 5 minutes and repeat for a total of 5 rounds.  Choose variations/weight that will let you complete 10 to 30 reps of each in round 1.  Toes to bar can be changed to hanging knee tucks, hollow rocks, alternating toe touches or any other challenging ab work!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Chanelle!

Daily WOD – Mar 27, 2022

Ricky flying through some bar facing burpees!

Workout of the Day

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 500/400m row
  • 21 hang power snatches (75/53#)

WOD Notes: Choose a hang power snatch weight that will allow you to complete each round in 1 to 3 sets.  If you know your PR 500/400m row time, shoot for adding 15 to 20 seconds onto that pace and try to maintain across all 3 rounds!

Daily WOD – Mar 26, 2022

Welcome Yilu!

Workout of the Day

Sumo Deadlift 2×8 (65%), 2×5 (75%), 2×3 (85%)

Then complete an alternating Tabata of:

  • Bent over rows (95/63#)
  • Back squats (95/63#)

WOD Notes:  This is going to be one heck of a lifting day!  A Tabata interval consists of 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.  In this case, you’ll complete 20 seconds of bent over rows, 10 seconds of rest, 20 seconds of back squats, 10 seconds of rest and repeat for a total of 8 rounds.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Chris Mc!

Daily WOD – Mar 25, 2022

Jet and Joe P getting ripped!

Workout of the Day

Complete 4 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 30 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 30 kettlebell swings (53/35#)

Time Cap = 25 minutes.

WOD Notes:  It’s a great day for running! Choose a wallball and KB that will allow you to complete each round in 1 to 3 sets. The goal should be to complete each round in about 5 minutes, with a hard cap at 25 minutes for the WOD. Slower runners can modify to 250m runs as needed.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Erin B!

Daily WOD – Mar 24, 2022

Cielo locking out a DB snatch!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 

  • 5 ring muscle ups
  • 50 double unders

WOD Notes:  This is a great day to work some double under and muscle up technique!  Plan on the double unders taking less than 1 minute/round even when fatigued.  Scales for the muscle ups will include jumping muscle ups, muscle up transitions or 5 strict pull ups + 5 push ups.

Daily WOD – Mar 22, 2022

Lidia landing a split jerk!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds, each for time of:

  • 12 burpee box jump overs (24/20″)
  • 3 squat cleans (225/143#)

Start a new round every 4 minutes.

WOD Notes:  The cleans should be heavy enough that they will likely be dropped each rep.  If you don’t feel proficient enough with the technique to move heavy weight, consider dropping the weight and increasing the reps to 5 or more per round.  Choose a burpee option that consistently takes around 1 minute to complete.

Daily WOD – Mar 21, 2022

The teens at the 6:00 pm Friday class!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 14 minutes of:

  • 16/12 cal row
  • 10 strict handstand push ups

WOD Notes:  The goal today for HSPU is to cultivate brute strength!  Scales will include A-frame push ups, strict DB presses or regular push ups.  Ideally the early rounds should be completed in 1 or 2 sets.

Daily WOD – Mar 20, 2022

Some new cornhole boards courtesy of 31Heroes!

Workout of the Day

Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Then complete 3 rounds NFT of:

  • 20 stepdown squats (10R/10L)
  • 30 banded clamshells (15R/15L)

WOD Notes:  Choose a box for the stepdown squats that ideally lets you hit just below parallel at he the lowest point while keeping your knee in a stable position.  For the front squats, plan to hit your first rep around 70% of your 1 rep max and shoot for your heaviest set to be round 6 or 7.

Daily WOD – Mar 19, 2022

Hayley hammering away on the rower!

Workout of the Day

Partner interval AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • 15 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 10 DB thrusters (2×40/25#)
  • 10 toes to bar

WOD Notes:  For this workout, partner 1 will complete a full round of the workout while partner 2 rests; then switch.  If one or more of the movements really starts to slow you down, cut the reps back so that you can finish a round in ~90 seconds even when tired.

Reminder:  Pizza Helen starts at 4:00 pm.  Come on out for a grand old time!

Daily WOD – Mar 18, 2022

Robbie standing up a deadlift!

Workout of the Day

“Triple 2’s”

Complete for time:

  • 2000m row
  • 200 double unders
  • 2000m run

Time Cap = 35 minutes.

WOD Notes:  This is an adaptation of a workout for the 2014 CrossFit Games!  The intent is for the row to take less than 10 minutes (2:30/500m pace), the double unders to take less than 6 minutes and the run to take less than 15.  Scale distances and reps accordingly!

Pizza Helen Notes:  Final reminder that our annual social “Pizza Helen” is this Saturday, March 19th from 4 – 6:30 PM.  Wear your Kelly green in celebration of St.Patty’s Day! This is also a great opportunity to celebrate the end of the 2022 Open with the ICA community.  Sign ups will not count towards your class totals but we ask that you register in Wellness Living by Friday at noon to ensure we order enough pizza.

Daily WOD – Mar 16, 2022

Kelyn standing up a dead!

Workout of the Day

“The 300”

Complete for time:

  • 25 pull ups
  • 50 deadlifts (135/93#)
  • 50 push ups
  • 50 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 50 floor wipers
  • 50 one-arm KB/DB clean and jerks (25R/25L)
  • 25 pull ups

Time Cap = 30 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Choose scales for this workout that will let you complete each movement in under 4 minutes!

Daily WOD – Mar 14, 2022

Erin celebrating a burpee in style!

Workout of the Day

Deadlift 8×1 (85-90% 1RM)

Then complete 3 rounds NFT of:

  • 10 hip-banded Romanian deadlifts
  • 20 leg lifts

WOD Notes:  Make these heavy deadlifts perfect!  Choose a weight that will be very strenuous but with no breakdown in form and get after it.

Community Notes: Come on out this Saturday, March 19th at 4:00PM for a St. Patty’s day special- Pizza Helen (weather permitting)! This social event celebrates the end of the 2022 Open and it’s also our annual St. Patty’s day tradition, so be sure to wear your Kelly Green! This event will not count towards your class totals but please sign up in Wellness Living so we know how much pizza to order.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Davin!

Daily WOD – Mar 13, 2022

Kasey landing a split jerk!

Workout of the Day

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 20 squat cleans (115/73#)
  • 800m run

Time Cap = 24 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Choose a clean weight that will let you complete the first round of 20 ~2 to 3 minutes.  The run should ideally take less than 5 minutes when fatigued.  You can scale to 600 or 400m to accomplish this.  Lastly, if you don’t want to run in what some people would consider “cold”, you may row instead.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Cara!

Daily WOD – Mar 12, 2022

Michelle pulling some weight off the floor!

Workout of the Day

With a partner (1 working at a time), complete for time:

  • 100/85/70 cal row
  • 100 power snatches (95/63#)
  • 100 push ups
  • 100 box jumps (24/20″)

WOD Notes: The three calorie totals listed are for a team of MM/MF/FF respectively.  Choose a weight for power snatches that will let you string sets of 3 to 5 even when tired.

Daily WOD – Mar 11, 2022

Workout of the Day

“Open 22.3”

  • 21 pull ups
  • 42 double unders
  • 21 thrusters (95/65#)
  • 18 chest to bar pull ups
  • 36 double unders
  • 18 thrusters (115/75#)
  • 15 bar muscle ups
  • 30 double unders
  • 15 thrusters (135/85#)

Time cap: 12 minutes

Tie-Break Time: After 21 thrusters & 18 thrusters

Official Variations

  • Scaled (16-54): Jumping PU->PU->C2B / single unders / 45->55->65 (♀) / 65->85->105 (♂)
  • Rx Teens (14-15): 45->55->65 (♀) / 65->85->105 (♂)
  • Scaled Teens (14-15): Jumping PU->PU->C2B / single unders / 35->45->55 (♀) / 45->65->85 (♂)
  • Rx Masters (55+): Jumping PU->PU->C2B / 45->55->65 (♀) / 65->85->105 (♂)
  • Scaled Masters (55+): Jumping PU->Jumping C2B->PU / single unders / 35->45->55 (♀) / 45->65->85 (♂)
  • Foundations: refer to the scorecard

WOD Notes:  Here we go ICA! It’s time to get after the final Open WOD of 2022! Today is a 21-18-15 rep scheme, with the gymnastics getting harder and the barbell getting heavier each round. There is an agressive time cap!

If you are a registered competitor, PLEASE review the official Workout Description and Scorecard: Rx & Scaled / Foundations and be sure to select one of the official workout variations listed above! Pick the most challenging version that allows you to get some reps. If you hit a point where you get stuck, mark down your score and then continue on with a scaled version to get a good workout in!

  • Reminder: For Open WODs, women’s 15kg bars count as 35#; you do NOT need to add 1# plates.

As with all Open workouts, we’ll run 2 heats so everyone has a judge/counter. Even if you are not registered for the Open, we encouage you to come to class tomorrow to take on 22.3! 

Schedule Note:  Friday Night Lights kicks off at 6:00 pm! We’ll run heats of the Open WOD every 20-30 minutes until everyone is done.  Even if you don’t plan to work out, come out to enjoy the lively environment and cheer everyone on! This session does not count toward your class totals.

Daily WOD – Mar 10, 2022

Gretchen with a solid position on the rower!

Workout of the Day

Bench Press 2-2-2-2-2-2

Then complete NFT:

  • 5×5 dynamic push ups

WOD Notes:  For the bench press, shoot to start around 65% of your 1 rep max and gradually build.  If you’re feeling great, 90% is doable for the last set!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Tyler!

Daily WOD – Mar 9, 2022

Gisela landing a heavy clean!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 500m row

Then 40-30-20-10 reps of:

  • Abmat sit ups
  • Wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)


  • 500m row

WOD Notes:  The goal today should be to take the first 500m at a moderate pace and really try to push the second 500.  Each set of wallballs should be done in 4 sets or fewer.


Daily WOD – Mar 8, 2022

Josh lining up hang clean!

Workout of the Day

Split Jerk 6×3 (75% 1RM) 

Then EMOM for 7 minutes of: 

  • 5 bar muscle ups

WOD Notes:  There is a decent chance of bar muscle ups being in the open this week!  You would also be welcome to treat this as a 7 minute “death by” (start with 1 the first minute, then 2 the second and so on for 7 minutes).

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Dave W!

Daily WOD – Mar 7, 2022

Shawn C firing through DB snatches!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 10 pistols
  • 20 double unders
  • 20 pistols
  • 40 double unders
  • 30 pistols
  • 60 double unders
  • 40 pistols
  • 80 double unders
  • 50 pistols
  • 100 double unders

WOD Notes:  This workout has a LOT of pistols!  As such, even though it is “for time”, the goal should be to develop these two skill sets.  Choose a version of pistol (and rep scheme) that allows you to work technique and improve.  Compare to 220214 on the mainpage.

Schedule Notes:  Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 19th at 4:00PM for a St. Patty’s day special- Pizza Helen (weather permitting)! This is a FREE social event that celebrates the end of the 2022 Open, and it’s also our annual St. Patty’s day tradition, so be sure to wear your Kelly Green! This event will not count towards your class totals but we ask that you sign up in Wellness Living, however, so we know how much pizza to order. Feel free to sub out pizza for a beverage of your choice. It is St. Patty’s day, after all!

The workout “Helen” is 3 rounds of a 400m run, 21 KB swings, and 12 pull-ups. For Pizza Helen, you eat a slice of pizza before each round! A little birdy told me the pizza actually improves your time. Who knew?! Come on out and have some fun with your fellow ICAers! Registration is live in Wellness Living.

Daily WOD – Mar 4, 2022

Workout of the Day

“Open 22.2”

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:

  • Deadlifts 
  • Bar-facing burpees

Time Cap: 10 minutes

Official Workout Variations (for registered competitors)

  • Rx’ed, Ages 16-54 (225/155#)
  • Scaled, Ages 16-54 (135/95#, may step over bar on burpees)
  • Rx’ed, Teenagers 14-15 (135/95#)
  • Scaled, Teenagers 14-15 (75/55#, may step over bar on burpees)
  • Rx’ed, Masters 55+ (185/125#)
  • Scaled, Masters 55+ (115/85#, may step over bar on burpees)
  • Foundations, All Ages (75/55#, regular burpees)

WOD Notes:  ICA is primed and ready for 22.2!! Today is a lung and leg burner, and has the potential to be a real back-buster as well, so please approach this WOD wisely! Start slower than you think you need to! If you are a registered competitor, PLEASE review the official Workout Description and Scorecard here: Rx & Scaled / Foundations. You should select one of the official workout variations listed above; pick the most challenging version that you can complete SAFELY. Even if you complete only a few reps Rx, that score will rank higher than any Scaled score. Similarly, a few reps scaled will rank higher than any Foundations score. If you have any questions, please reach out to your team captain! (Note that for Open WODs, women’s bars count as 35#, so you do NOT need to add the 1# plates.)

As with all Open workouts, we’ll run 2 heats so everyone has a judge/counter. Even if you are not registered for the Open, we encouage you to come to class tomorrow to take on 22.2! 

Reminder:  Friday Night Lights kicks off at 6:00 pm.  If you’ve never attended one, FNL basically consists of running heats of the Open WOD every 20-30 minutes until everyone is done. It’s a fun environment and a great way for athletes to get revved up and get after the workout. Even if you don’t plan to work out, come out to cheer everyone on! Some folks plan to hang out after the final heat, so bring some refreshments and join us.

Daily WOD – Mar 1 2022

Rachelle hitting some hang DB snatches!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 250m row
  • 15 deadlifts (225/153#)

WOD Notes: Choose a deadlift weight with which you could complete 15 in a row (~60% 1RM).  Most will do 2 or 3 sets per round in this workout with very short breaks.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Tom G!

Daily WOD – Feb 28, 2022

Mike T. firing through a row!

Workout of the Day

Complete 10 rounds for time of:

  • 15 traditional KB swings (70/53#)
  • 12 push ups*
  • 9 toes to bar

Time Cap = 20 minutes.

*The Rx push up today will take place with your hands on 25# plates and you will hit your chest to an abmat.

WOD Notes:  Choose scales for the push ups and toes to bar such that they each take ~30 seconds per round.  Neither should exceed 45 seconds in any one round!  KB swings should be unbroken for the majority of the rounds.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Dan Ellis, Kyle E, Mani and Jason L!

Daily WOD – Feb 27, 2022

Frank W. firing through some KB snatches!

Workout of the Day

Overhead Squat 8-8-15

Then complete:

50 slow butterfly abmat sit ups (~2 seconds up, ~2 seconds down)

WOD Notes:  The goal today is to establish a 15 rep max overhead squat.  If going overhead doesn’t feel good for you, consider a back or front squat instead.  The intent on the abmat sit ups is to start each rep without

Daily WOD – Feb 26, 2022

A line of early morning push pressers!

Workout of the Day

With a partner, complete for time:

  • 3000m row 

And 15 rounds of:

  • 20 double unders
  • 10 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 5 power snatches (115/73#)

WOD Notes:  For this workout, both partners will begin working at the same time; one on the rower and one on the triplet.  The rower must stay in motion until all 3000m are completed.  At that time, one athlete will be working at a time to finish off the remaining rounds.  You may switch as often as you like!

Open Notes:  Remember to submit your scores at the games website before Monday at 8:00 pm!

Daily WOD – Feb 25, 2022

Workout of the Day

“Open 22.1”

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:

  • 3 wall walks
  • 12 alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35#)
  • 15 box jump overs (24/20″)

WOD Notes: Welcome to Open 22.1!! We hope you are excited to take this WOD for a spin! If you are a registered competitor, be sure to review the official Workout Description and Scorecard here: Rx & Scaled / Foundations.  There are a lot of movement standards to be aware of; two key ones to note are: (1) There is a new wall climb standard this year which is based on gender, not athlete height, (2) The box jump overs REQUIRE a step down, even for Rx divisions, unless you plan to clear the box in a single bound (not recommended). As with all Open workouts, we’ll run 2 heats so everyone has a judge/counter. Even if you are not registered for the Open, we encouage you to come to class tomorrow to take on 22.1! 

Schedule Notes:  In addition to our regular Friday classes, we’re holding “Friday Night Lights” at 6:00pm for anyone who wants to complete 22.1 in prime time!  Starting shortly after 6:00 pm, we’ll kick off heats of 22.1 until everyone is through.  If you plan to attend, be prepared to get yourself warmed up and ready to go, since there is no coach-led warm up or instruction.  Even if you’re completing the workout earlier in the day, come on out to cheer on some ICAers going after it! Some folks plan to hang out after the final heat, so bring some refreshments and join us!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Natalie and Caroline!

Daily WOD – Feb 24, 2022

Dom hitting some slider deads!

Workout of the Day

Sumo Deadlift 5-3-3-2-1-1-1

Then complete NFT:

  • 2 laps around the gym of banded lateral walks, always facing the whiteboard.

WOD Notes:  The intent today is to build to a heavy sumo deadlift single.  You can plan to start with the set of 5 around 65 to 70% and gradually increase in weight across each set.  Shooting for 90 to 95% by your last single is a good bet.  If you feel great, you can shoot for a new PR!

Open Notes:  The teams are set and the 2022 Open is upon us!  Check out the live announcement at the games site at 3:00 pm on Thursday.  You’ll get to see some of the best CrossFitters on earth try it out without very much prep time!

Daily WOD – Feb 23, 2022

The ICA Open teams are set! Let the games begin!

Workout of the Day

Complete 4 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 10 chest to bar pull ups
  • 20 KB snatches (53/35#, 10R/10L)

Time Cap = 20 minutes.

WOD Notes:  The ideal timing for this workout would be to spend 1:30 to 2:00 on the run and then ~1 minute on each of the other two movements.  Go out of the gates at a measured pace and see if you can gradually increase in speed over the final two rounds!

Daily WOD – Feb 22, 2022

Joe B pulling some heavy weight!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds of max reps in 1 minute at each of the following stations:

  • Box jumps (32/26″)
  • Thrusters (135/93#)
  • Rope Climbs

Rest 1 minute between rounds.

WOD Notes:  In this workout, you’ll be working on box jumps for one minute then immediately transition to thrusters for 1 minute, then rope climbs.  After a 3 minute round, there will be 1 minute of rest.  We’ll record total box jumps, total thrusters and total rope climbs completed!

Daily WOD – Feb 21, 2022

Dave, Erin,Tim, Kyle E, Bob Brown representing ICA at the Ugly Mudder this weekend!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 8 minutes of:

  • 5 hang power cleans (155/103#)
  • 10 front rack reverse lunges (155/103#, 5R/5L)

Rest ~5 minutes then complete:

  • Max distance handstand walk in 4 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Choose a weight today that will let you hit 5 hang power cleans in a row each round.  The handstand walk can be modified to wall supported HS shoulder taps, cumulative handstand hold or wall climbs.

Open Notes:  Anyone looking to join a team for our intramural open series has until tomorrow (Monday) at noon to do so!  Then we will be dividing up the teams and getting ready to get after it come Friday!

Daily WOD – Feb 19, 2022

Diana getting tight for a deadlift!

Workout of the Day

“The Baseline”

Complete for time:

  • 500m row
  • 40 squats
  • 30 sit ups
  • 20 push ups
  • 10 pull ups

Rest for the remainder of 8 minutes and repeat for a total of 3 rounds.

WOD Notes:  It’s time to come re-test your first workout ever at ICA!!  Generally, there are two methods to attack this workout.  You can let it rip on round 1 and let 2 and 3 melt away or you can go at a measured pace in round one and try to gradually decrease your time in rounds 2 and 3 (negative split).  Either way, it should be a blast!

Daily WOD – Feb 18, 2022

Julie standing up a clean!

Workout of the Day

Complete 8 rounds, each for time of:

  • 10 burpee box jump overs (24/20″)
  • 4 bar muscle ups

Start a new round every 3 minutes.

WOD Notes: Scale the reps and movements such that each round is ideally done in 60 to 80 seconds.  There will be a cap of 2 minutes on any one round.  Muscles ups can be scaled to jumping muscle ups or pull ups+push ups.

Daily WOD – Feb 17, 2022

Matt lining up for a power clean!

Workout of the Day

Front Squat 8×1 (90% 1RM)

The complete NFT:

  • 4×20 one-arm KB slider deadlifts (10R/10L)
  • 4×20 goblet squats (10R/10L, heels elevated 2″)

WOD Notes: Today is a killer leg day!! Get ready to pack in some work.

Open Notes:  The 2022 NoBull CrossFit Open is just 7 days away!  The all-inclusive worldwide Open is the largest participatory sporting event on Earth. During the online competition, one workout is released each Thursday, and athletes have four days to record and submit their scores. Our Daily WOD each Friday (Feb. 25,  Mar 4, & Mar. 11) will be the Open workout for that week. Anyone who is 14 and older can sign up and participate in the first step of the CrossFit Games season. Anyone who signs up will also be placed on an in-house intramural team with an ICA coach as a captain! So, what are you waiting for?! Follow this registration link to sign up for the Open and join in on the fitness and fun!

Daily WOD – Feb 16, 2022

Happy Birthday to the founder of ICA and love of my life!

Workout of the Day

“Open 17.5”

Complete 10 rounds of:

  • 9 thrusters (95/63#)
  • 35 double unders

Time Cap = 25 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Choose a thruster weight that will allow you to go unbroken through at least the first 5 rounds and a double under option that will not take more than 1 minute.

Daily WOD – Feb 15, 2022

Welcome Joe!

Workout of the Day

Complete 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:

  • Bench press (60% 1RM)
  • Ring dips

WOD Notes:  Choose a bench press weight that will likely let you go unbroken but may require a little thought between sets and/or maybe break a few sets in half.  If ring dips aren’t yet in your arsenal, consider banded ring dips, push ups on a bar,  or ring push ups.

Daily WOD – Feb 14, 2022

Ken firing through some KB swings!

Workout of the Day

Squat snatch 6×2 (80% 1RM snatch) 

Then EMOM for 10 minutes of:

  • Even minutes: 30 seconds of power snatches (50% 1RM power snatch)
  • Odd minutes:  30 seconds of weighted step ups (50/35# single DB to 24/20″)

WOD Notes:  You may drop the bar between the heavy snatch reps and try to get back on in a reasonable amount of time (~10 seconds or so).  Try to hang on for the power snatches; see if you can hold for all 30 seconds!

Community Notes: Happy birthday Jeff Collins & Annie Both!

Schedule Notes:

  1. For the 3 weeks of the Open, there will be a 6pm session of “Friday Night Lights.” This session will not include a coach-led warm up or instruction; athletes will need to warm up and get ready on their own. We’ll run heats of the workout until everyone is done! Newer athletes should try to attend a coach-led class, but if the 6pm is your only option, we will have plenty of experienced athletes who can help you get ready!
  2. After the Open, the 6pm will turn into a regular class / Daily WOD. We’ll keep it on the schedule as long as attendance justifies it! We are going to invite our Teen Strength & Speed athletes to attend this class as well, so it will be a great opportunity to meet and work out with some of our ICA teens!

Daily WOD – Feb 11, 2022

“The CrossFit Open is officially two weeks away. If you have yet to sign up or are on the fence about it, what are you waiting for? Regardless of your age or ability, when you register for the Open, you’re signing up to bring out your very best, create memories, and have a blast! Don’t miss out on your chance to fitness with your fellow ICAers and other CrossFitters from all over the world! Here is the Open registration link. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ricky.”

Workout of the Day

Banded deadlift 12×3 (60% 1RM)

Then 3 attempts at a max broad jump.

Then complete NFT:

  • 50 toe touches
  • 50 leg lifts 

WOD Notes: When choosing a band for deadlifts, red bands work well for someone with a deadlift <150#; black 150-225#; purple 225-300#; green 300+#.  If you’re new to deadlifting, bands are not necessary.  You can come in and get a bunch of deadlift practice!