“The Open” 2025

What is the Open?

The Open is an annual, online competition for CrossFit athletes around the world. It’s the largest and most inclusive fitness competition on Earth and a celebration of our CrossFit community! It’s 3 weeks long, with one “test” per week, beginning on Feb 27, 2025.

At ICA, the Open is one of the most fun times of the year, featuring an intramural competition for all registered athletes as well as “Friday Night Lights.” (Details below.) It’s a great way to connect with our community and celebrate our collective fitness!

Last year we had 98 athletes participate – can you help us get to 100 this year?!? 

Who Is the CrossFit Open For?

The Open is for everyone! For some, the CrossFit Games season is complete after 3 weeks of the Open and is a standalone yearly endeavor. For an elite few, the Open serves as the first qualifying round for the 2025 CrossFit Games season. Here is how the Open feeds into later stages of the CrossFit Games season:

  • The Open – Hundreds of thousands of people compete in the Open every year! Anyone can and everyone should participate!
  • Semifinals – The top finishers from the Open will move on to the In-Affiliate Semifinals.
  • CrossFit Games – The top finishers from the Semifinals move on to compete at the CrossFit Games where the Fittest on Earth are crowned.

Every athlete who registers for the Open will get placed into a division based on age and gender:

  • Individual – All athletes aged 18-34 will be placed in the individual division
  • Age Groups – There are 9 age groups for teenage athletes ages 14-17 as well as masters athletes ages 35-70+

Once you are placed in a division, you will have the opportunity to choose a variation of the workout based on your fitness level:

  • RX’d – Do the workouts as written. This is the most challenging option, yet many individuals have moved from scaled to Rx’d as they progress from year to year.
  • Scaled – Not quite ready to tackle the workouts as written? No problem. The scaled division offers classic scaling options for many of CrossFit’s common gymnastics movements and includes lighter loading.
  • Foundations – Just started CrossFit or maybe this is your first Open? The foundations workouts are a great place to start.

How Do I Participate?

If you are a member at ICA, participating in the Open is easy! We run the Open Workout as the Daily WOD every Friday. We run 2 heats per class, so everyone has a counter/judge. All you need to do is:

  1. Register for the Open ($20) by February 21, 2025. Remember to select “CrossFit Phoenixville” as your affiliate.
  2. Show up to the gym on Feb. 28, Mar. 7, and Mar. 14, and complete one of the official versions of the WOD. If you can’t make it to the gym on Friday, you can complete the workout during Open Gym on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. You’ll need to make your own arrangements for a counter/judge and ensure a coach is available to oversee.
  3. Post your score to the Games website by Monday at 8pm!

Friday Night Lights!

On Fridays during the Open, we hold all regular classes through the 4pm. Starting at 5pm, we turn up the energy, blast the music, and throw down with our ICA Fit Fam at “Friday Night Lights.” This fun and festive atmosphere is a great way to complete the Open workouts. Rather than a coach-led class, we run heats of the Open workout every 20-30 minutes until everyone has finished. Even if you complete the workout earlier in the day, we encourage you to come back to the gym from 5-7pm to cheer on your friends!

ICA Intramural

One of the most fun aspects of the Open is that every registered athlete gets assigned to one of our in-house Open teams. Teams are led by ICA coaches, who will be your guides for the Open. You’ll earn points for your team just by showing up and completing the workout. The higher you place, the more points you’ll earn. We’ll also give out spirit awards each week for a chance to earn your team even more points!

To get assigned to an in-house intramural team, you MUST officially register for the Open by Friday Feb. 21 and pick CrossFit Phoenixville as your affiliate! 

The Community Cup and Pairs Competition

New this year, CrossFit HQ is offering two new competitions that will be available exclusively to athletes who completed the Open:

  • The Community Cup – Taking place from Jun 9-15, this online competition will let you compete against other athletes of similar abilities. After completing the Open, you’ll be assigned a “competition level,” grouping you with other similarly skilled athletes. Use the time between the Open and Community Cup to tackle areas of your fitness you want to improve, then compete in the Community Cup in your assigned tier.  Similar to the Open, then competition will involve three workouts. Different from the Open, all three workouts will take place in one week!
  • The Pairs Competition – Individual and masters athletes who compete in the Open can partner with another athlete from anywhere in the world. Both partners will use their Open scores to qualify. The top pairs will then qualify for an in-person competition hosted by Masters Fitness Championship taking place Oct. 10-12, 2025, in Fort Wayne, Indiana, at the Grand Wayne Convention Center.

Let’s Goooooo!

Register today!  

“The Open” 2025

What is the Open?

The Open is an annual, online competition for CrossFit athletes around the world. It’s the largest and most inclusive fitness competition on Earth and a celebration of our CrossFit community! It’s 3 weeks long, with one “test” per week, beginning on Feb 27, 2025.

At ICA, the Open is one of the most fun times of the year, featuring an intramural competition for all registered athletes as well as “Friday Night Lights.” (Details below.) It’s a great way to connect with our community and celebrate our collective fitness!

Last year we had 98 athletes participate – can you help us get to 100 this year?!? 

Who Is the CrossFit Open For?

The Open is for everyone! For some, the CrossFit Games season is complete after 3 weeks of the Open and is a standalone yearly endeavor. For an elite few, the Open serves as the first qualifying round for the 2025 CrossFit Games season. Here is how the Open feeds into later stages of the CrossFit Games season:

  • The Open – Hundreds of thousands of people compete in the Open every year! Anyone can and everyone should participate!
  • Semifinals – The top finishers from the Open will move on to the In-Affiliate Semifinals.
  • CrossFit Games – The top finishers from the Semifinals move on to compete at the CrossFit Games where the Fittest on Earth are crowned.

Every athlete who registers for the Open will get placed into a division based on age and gender:

  • Individual – All athletes aged 18-34 will be placed in the individual division
  • Age Groups – There are 9 age groups for teenage athletes ages 14-17 as well as masters athletes ages 35-70+

Once you are placed in a division, you will have the opportunity to choose a variation of the workout based on your fitness level:

  • RX’d – Do the workouts as written. This is the most challenging option, yet many individuals have moved from scaled to Rx’d as they progress from year to year.
  • Scaled – Not quite ready to tackle the workouts as written? No problem. The scaled division offers classic scaling options for many of CrossFit’s common gymnastics movements and includes lighter loading.
  • Foundations – Just started CrossFit or maybe this is your first Open? The foundations workouts are a great place to start.

How Do I Participate?

If you are a member at ICA, participating in the Open is easy! We run the Open Workout as the Daily WOD every Friday. We run 2 heats per class, so everyone has a counter/judge. All you need to do is:

  1. Register for the Open ($20) by February 21, 2025. Remember to select “CrossFit Phoenixville” as your affiliate.
  2. Show up to the gym on Feb. 28, Mar. 7, and Mar. 14, and complete one of the official versions of the WOD. If you can’t make it to the gym on Friday, you can complete the workout during Open Gym on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. You’ll need to make your own arrangements for a counter/judge and ensure a coach is available to oversee.
  3. Post your score to the Games website by Monday at 8pm!

Friday Night Lights!

On Fridays during the Open, we hold all regular classes through the 4pm. Starting at 5pm, we turn up the energy, blast the music, and throw down with our ICA Fit Fam at “Friday Night Lights.” This fun and festive atmosphere is a great way to complete the Open workouts. Rather than a coach-led class, we run heats of the Open workout every 20-30 minutes until everyone has finished. Even if you complete the workout earlier in the day, we encourage you to come back to the gym from 5-7pm to cheer on your friends!

ICA Intramural

One of the most fun aspects of the Open is that every registered athlete gets assigned to one of our in-house Open teams. Teams are led by ICA coaches, who will be your guides for the Open. You’ll earn points for your team just by showing up and completing the workout. The higher you place, the more points you’ll earn. We’ll also give out spirit awards each week for a chance to earn your team even more points!

To get assigned to an in-house intramural team, you MUST officially register for the Open by Friday Feb. 21 and pick CrossFit Phoenixville as your affiliate! 

The Community Cup and Pairs Competition

New this year, CrossFit HQ is offering two new competitions that will be available exclusively to athletes who completed the Open:

  • The Community Cup – Taking place from Jun 9-15, this online competition will let you compete against other athletes of similar abilities. After completing the Open, you’ll be assigned a “competition level,” grouping you with other similarly skilled athletes. Use the time between the Open and Community Cup to tackle areas of your fitness you want to improve, then compete in the Community Cup in your assigned tier.  Similar to the Open, then competition will involve three workouts. Different from the Open, all three workouts will take place in one week!
  • The Pairs Competition – Individual and masters athletes who compete in the Open can partner with another athlete from anywhere in the world. Both partners will use their Open scores to qualify. The top pairs will then qualify for an in-person competition hosted by Masters Fitness Championship taking place Oct. 10-12, 2025, in Fort Wayne, Indiana, at the Grand Wayne Convention Center.

Let’s Goooooo!

Register today!  

Delayed Opening – Jan 20

On Mon Jan 20, we will have a delayed opening due to the winter weather and anticipated slippery road conditions. We will open at 9:00am with a normal schedule for the remainder of the day:

Daily WODs

  • 9:00 am, 9:30 am, 12:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:00 pm, 5:30 pm, 6:00 pm

Teen & Youth

  • 7:00 pm

Open Gym

  • 10:30 am – 5:30 pm

We’ll add a 10:00am if the 9:00 and 9:30 fill. Please only sign up for a class if you’re sure you can attend (car cleared off and roads looking passable). Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! 

Operation: Pull-Up Domination!

It is that time of the year again – the season of re-committing, resolutions and goal setting! Across our 2025 goals cards, many of you have a pull-up goal. Some are looking for strict, some for kipping, others butterfly. Regardless of your goal, we have a plan to help you get there!

8-Week Strict Pull-Up Program

Starting 2/10, we’re kicking off an 8-week strict pull-up program. This program involves a weekly progression of strict pull-ups (banded, unassisted, or weighted, depending on your starting point). On Day 1 of each week, we’ll post that week’s pull-up rep scheme, and the work should be completed 3-4 days per week (independently / outside of class). Participants should expect to commit ~20 minutes a day, 3-4 days per week, for 8 weeks.

Celeste will hold a 30-minute mini-clinic on Saturday 2/8 @ 11 am, to introduce the program, test your baseline strict pull-up (10 RM), and get you set up with your 8-week progression. If members attended the mini-clinic last year, there is no need to re-attend the strict pull-up day as it will cover the same information.

If you want to improve your strict pull-up capacity, this program is not to be missed! The gainz are real!

Kipping Pull-Up Clinic

In April (date TBD), Celeste will host a 1-hour kipping pull-up clinic. We’ll cover the traditional kip as well as the butterfly kip, helping you develop proficiency and efficiency in these movements.

We strongly recommend that athletes have an unassisted, strict pull-up before starting to learn the kip. (Although it’s not a die-hard prerequisite for attending the kipping clinic.) If you’re still working toward a strict pull-up, we encourage you to complete our supplemental “Upper Body Pulling Strength” program. This program is available on the ICA app year-round! There are 15 total workouts aimed at helping you build strength and stability. Expect to spend ~30 minutes a day, 3 days/week, for 5 weeks. This program can be completed concurrent with the 8-week strict pull-up program, if desired.

I’m in! How do I Sign Up?

All of these pull-up programs are FREE for ICA members!

  • MINI-CLINIC: The Feb 8 “mini-clinic” will be listed in the ICA app soon!
  • 8-WEEK STRICT PULL-UP PROGRAM: Every Monday, starting Feb 10, the weekly pull-up rep scheme will be posted on the ICA app under the Daily WOD. There is no need to sign up! Log your results to let us know you’re participating.
  • KIPPING CLINIC: More info to come… April date TBD.
  • UPPER BODY PULLING STRENGTH PROGRAM: This program is available year-round in the ICA app. It’s listed as a separate track (similar to our Endurance and Olympic WODs). To find it, open the Workouts tab, click on the “1) Workout of the Day” drop-down, and click on “Upper Body Pulling Strength.”

Time to get to work and crush our 2025 goals!

Weather Updates – Jan 6, 2025

***UPDATE***: We’re opening ICA for Open Gym hours from 3:00 to 7:00 pm. We’ll make the final call on Teen/Youth classes by 5:00 pm.

Given the winter weather forecast (snow expected throughout the morning), classes are canceled for Monday, Jan 6. We’ll assess road conditions and open up for Open Gym when/if it looks safe to do so. Keep your eye on the blog, the Social tab of our app, and/or our ICA Community Facebook group for updates. Today’s previously programmed WOD, Fight Gone Bad, has been moved to Friday!

  • Teen and Youth classes are tentatively on for 7:00pm. Please register if you plan to attend so we can gauge interest and make a final decision by 5:00pm.

At-home WOD recommendations!

  1. Shovel for time
  2. Sled or walk in the snow for max distance
  3. AMRAP in 15 minutes of: 10 push-ups, 15 sit-ups, 20 air squats
  4. Complete the “at-home” version of any Daily WOD from recent weeks

UltraTrek Bear Mountain – April 6, 2025!

Rucking involves walking while carrying a weighted vest or backpack, also known as a ‘ruck.’

Attention all walking, hiking, rucking, and outdoor-loving ICA athletes! We’re putting together a team for UltraTrek Bear Mountain on 4/6/25, and we’d love to have you join us! ​It’s a walking and rucking endurance challenge with 7, 14, 21, and 28-mile race options. The course utilizes a scenic, 7-mile loop, up and down the trails of the Bear Creek ski mountain. Participants will journey through varied terrain – paved, gravel, dirt, and rocky paths – and elevation up to 1,000 feet to push their mental and physical capabilities.

Aid stations with snacks/beverages and restrooms will be available every 2.5 miles of the course, making the event beginner friendly. Seasoned vets can level up the experience and earn extra swag by adding a 20- or 35-pound pack or weighted vest.

The event kicks off at 7am, and athletes will have 10 hours to complete the course. Finishers will receive a custom t-shirt, patch, premium canvas tote bag, and refreshments and food after the race. Cost varies based on your distance: $64 for 7-miles up to $124 for the full 28-mile challenge.

If you want in, register through the website linked above and be sure to write in “Iron Cross Athletics” as your team! Reach out to Nikki Warnek, Dave Boelker, or Dennis Mooney with questions – and to let us know you registered!

Ring Muscle Up Clinic – Jan 17, 2025

Ring Muscle-Up Clinic

Are you ready to conquer the ring muscle-up? Whether you’re aiming for your first one or refining your technique, this clinic is for you!

Clinic Details

📅 When: Friday, January 17th
⏰  Time: 6:00–7:00 PM
📍  Where: ICA- Main Room

What You’ll Learn

  • Key Phases of the Ring Muscle-Up: Pulling, transitioning, pressing, and kipping.
  • Strength & Skill Drills: Focused progressions to build confidence and proficiency.
  • Personalized Feedback: Attempt muscle-ups or progressions with guidance.

This clinic is open to all skill levels—whether you’re just starting or fine-tuning your technique, you’ll leave with actionable steps to improve.

Spaces are limited, and the cost is FREE, so sign up today! Please reach out to Coach Ricky with any questions.

Let’s make 2025 the year you master the muscle-up! 💪

ICA Holiday Schedule!

The gym’s hours will be modified between Dec 23 and January 1st! You can see our schedule below:

Monday, December 23rd:

  • Regular schedule

Tuesday, December 24th:

  • Open gym 5:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • 5:00 am
  • 6:00 am
  • 7:00 am
  • 8:00 am
  • 9:00 am
  • 10:00 am
  • 11:00 am TEEN (age 13-18)
  • 12:00 pm

Wednesday, December 25th:


Thursday, December 26th:

  • Open Gym – 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • 7:00 am
  • 8:00 am
  • 9:00 am
  • 10:00 am
  • 11:00 am TEEN (age 13-18)
  • 12:00 pm
  • 4:00 pm
  • 5:00 pm

Friday, December 27th:

  • Open Gym – 5:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • 5:00 am
  • 6:00 am
  • 7:00 am
  • 9:00 am
  • 10:00 am
  • 11:00 am YOUTH (age 8-12)
  • 12:00 pm
  • 4:00 pm
  • 5:00 pm

Saturday, December 28th: Regular schedule

  • Open Gym – 7:00 am to 8:00 am
  • 7:00 am OLY
  • 8:00 am
  • 8:30 am
  • 9:00 am
  • 9:30 am
  • 10:00 am

Sunday, December 29th: Regular schedule

  • Open Gym – 8:00 am -11:00 am
  • 8:00 am
  • 9:00 am
  • 10:00 am

Monday, December 30th:

  • Open Gym – 5:00 am to 6:00 pm (except for 11:00-12:00)
  • 5:00 am
  • 6:00 am
  • 7:00 am
  • 9:00 am
  • 10:00 am
  • 11:00 am TEENS (age 13-18
  • 11:00 am YOUTH (age 8-12)
  • 12:00 pm
  • 4:00 pm
  • 5:00 pm

Tuesday, December 31st:

  • Open Gym – 5:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • 5:00 am
  • 6:00 am
  • 7:00 am
  • 8:00 am
  • 9:00 am
  • 10:00 am
  • 11:00 am TEENS (age 13-18)
  • 12:00 pm

Wednesday, January 1st:

  • Open Gym – 8:30 am to 11:30 am
  • 8:30 am
  • 10:00 am

12 Days of ICA – 2024

Thanksgiving is barely behind us, but we’re already planning for our next tradition that you don’t want to miss! Join us on Saturday, December 21, 2024, for our annual “12 Days of ICA” WOD! In lieu of regular classes, we’ll run heats all morning long, starting at 6:40am and ending around 11:00am. Read below for details!

“12 Days of ICA”

  • Day 1 = 1 x 200m run
  • Day 2 = 2 deadlifts (225/153#)
  • Day 3 = 3 box jumps (30/24″)
  • Day 4 = 4 push-ups (men clapping)
  • Day 5 = 5 second L-sit hold
  • Day 6 = 6 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • Day 7 = 7 kettlebell swings (53/35#)
  • Day 8 = 8 kettlebell sumo-deadlift high pulls (53/35#)
  • Day 9 = 9 burpees
  • Day 10 = 10 walking lunges
  • Day 11 = 11 knees to elbows
  • Day 12 = 12 keg ground-to-overhead (105/75#)

WOD Notes: You do the workout like you sing the song – each round starts with a new movement and then you work backwards through the numbers below it. For example:

  • Round 1 = 200m run
  • Round 2 = 2 deadlifts + 200m run
  • Round 3 = 3 box jumps + 2 deadlifts + 200m run… etc.
  • Round 12 = 12 keg G2O, work down thru every movement, end with a 200m run

The full workout takes up to an hour. A popular scale is to perform only the even rounds (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) – once you start the round, you still complete ALL the movements (even & odd) beneath it. This modification effectively cuts the workout in half but allows you to complete each station.

Schedule Notes: We run this workout in heats (not a coach-led class), kicking off a heat every 20 minutes. The time you sign up for is the time your heat kicks off! Please show up 20-30 minutes beforehand to warm up in the North Room. A coach will be available to help you get ready and answer any questions you may have.

Registration: This workout is FREE for ICA members. Our system will deduct a session when you register, but it will be returned once the coach checks you in. Our typical late cancel / no show policy applies. (12-hour cancellation)

PS – Wear your most festive holiday outfits and ugly sweaters to fill the gym with holiday cheer!

Winter Trail Series 2024

We’re bringing back our winter trail series! Instead of letting old man winter get you down, let’s take it on head-first! On Sunday mornings we’ll meet up at the Schuylkill Canal Park’s Lock 60 Recreation Area at 10:15am where we’ll split into 2 running groups (faster & slower) and occasionally, a hiking group. The hike is 2-3 miles and the run is 4-6. All ages and running abilities are encouraged to join us!! (Kids too!) This trail series is FREE for all participants, including non-ICA members. Sign up in Push Press for training runs so we know who to expect! 

For extra motivation, consider registering with a regular group of ICA trail racers for one or more of the Pretzel City Sports’ Trail Races, which these runs will prepare you for: Dirty Bird 15K/30K (Dec 15), Chilly Cheeks (Jan 19) and/or Ugly Mudder (Feb 23). They’re lots of fun and a great mid-winter challenge. Reach out to our fearless trail leaders with questions: Coach Dave, Bob Brown and Erin!

The Firebird – 2024


On Thursday, Nov. 28th, ICA will be OPEN and bustling with energy as we complete our annual tradition of “The Firebird!” It’s one of our favorite days of the year! 

This class is free for ICA members. Registration is open!

“The Firebird”

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 800m run
  • 5 ring muscle ups
  • 10 hang power cleans (155/103#)
  • 20 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 30 double-unders

“The Firebird Express”

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 10 pull ups
  • 10 hang power cleans (115/75#)
  • 10 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 20 double-unders

To accommodate as many athletes as possible, we run this workout a differently than most daily WODs. It is not a coach-led class. Instead, we kick off heats every 30 minutes from 7-10am. (Hard cap to finish the WOD is 11am).  Equipment for the workout will be set up around the Main room and shared between all athletes.

When you sign up for a heat time, that is the time you START the workout. Please arrive 20-30 minutes before your heat time to warm up. We’ll have a coach available in the North room to answer questions and help you figure out modifications. 

“The Firebird” is a long workout (40-60 min), so if you’re looking for something more reasonable, consider “The Firebird Express” (20-30 min)..

Other Thanksgiving Schedule Changes:

  • Wednesday Nov. 27 – No 5:30pm, 6:00pm, or 7:00pm (teen) classes. The gym will close at 6:00pm.
  • Friday Nov. 29 – Classes at 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, & 12:00 PM classes. (Reese & John GAMES CELEBRATION starts at 5PM at the Rec Room)

It’s a Celebration!

Please join our ICA family in celebrating Reese & John’s Games success!

  • Date: Friday, November 29 (Black Friday)
  • Where: The “side bar” at the Rec Room in Phoenixville
  • Time: 5-8 PM

Appetizers will be served in addition to a cash bar. Looking forward to celebrating THE FITTEST TEEN ON EARTH with you!

ROWvember – 2024!

The time has come for our annual ROWvember challenge which officially kicks off on Friday, November 1st!

For those that haven’t heard, ROWvember is a fun and free challenge we hold each year to help you up your conditioning and rowing game.

This year’s challenge features twelve rowing-based workouts, each lasting ~15 to 30 minutes. The workouts will be posted on the Aerobic Capacity track in PushPress throughout November. There’s no requirement to complete them on the day they’re posted; just make sure to log your results in the ICA app on the correct date before the deadline (Monday, December 2nd) so we can track who completed them.

You can tackle the workouts during Open Gym, outside in the parking lot (weather permitting and if classes aren’t using the rowers), or at home if you have access to a rower.

Complete and log all 12 workouts to earn a sweet prize! Let’s make this the best ROWvember yet! If you have any questions, please direct them to Coach Ricky.

To help you along your ROWvember adventure, Coach Ricky is holding a free rowing clinic on Friday, Nov 8 from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. Whether you’re looking to sharpen your mechanics, boost efficiency, or just get more out of your rowing sessions, this clinic will have you covered. We’ll break down the essentials and get you moving with precision.

✨ Bonus: We’ll wrap up with one of our ROWvember workouts so you can put everything you’ve learned into action right away. Expect to sweat, have fun, and improve your performance!

📅 Date: Friday, Nov. 8th
🕔 Time: 5-6 PM
📍 Location: North Room

Sign up in PushPress today! Space is limited.

Phoenixville Bed Races – 2024

No photo description available.

The Phoenixville Bed Races are upon us once again! Save the date of Nov. 2 to come out, cheer on the ICA team, and donate to a good cause!  Details below:

What the…? The bed races are an annual fundraiser and Phoenixville tradition in which local groups (businesses, teams, friends, etc.) dress in crazy costumes and race beds on wheels down Third Avenue in Reeves Park to raise funds for two local nonprofits that provide shelter for the homeless. Beds are eligible for the three top prizes of Fastest Bed, Best Team Theme, and Most Funds Raised. The day includes the races, kids’ activities, music, great food, and community! For more details on the race and the organizations involved, click here.

Where and when is this awesomeness? This year the race will take place on Saturday, November 2th. Voting for best bed starts at 11:00 am, races start at 12:00, and the event usually wraps up around 2:00 pm. The race takes place at 3rd avenue, along Reeve’s Park.

How can I participate? First thing – we need 4 pushers, 1 driver, and 1-2 alternates. We’ll have try-outs to seek out ICA’s fast pushers! A few requirements:

  1. Be available on Saturday, November 2th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
  2. Be ready to be an ambassador for the ICA community! This means show up with a positive attitude, have fun and compete hard!
  3. Be a current ICA member.
  4. Sign up to meet with John on 10/15 or 10/16, during one of the windows on this spreadsheet. The tryout will be a ~150 meter (out and back) time trial. Be warmed up! (If you can’t make these times, email John at ironcrossathletics@gmail.com to schedule a try out.)

How else can I get involved? Show up on race day wearing your ICA gear and cheer on our team! If you are able, we’d greatly appreciate donations or your help spreading the word and fundraising: ICA Fundraising Page

Peggy Berman Memorial Pull-up Challenge 2024

💪Join us Saturday, September 28, 2024, for the Peggy Berman Memorial Pull-up Challenge!

Peggy was an ICA member from 2012-2016 and mom to current member Sam. The challenge was created in her honor after her tragic passing in 2020. You can read more about Peggy and the inspiration for her namesake challenge here: Peggy Berman Memorial Pull-up Challenge.

💪The goal of the challenge is to complete 50 strict pull-ups in 30 minutes, just like Peggy did on her 50th birthday.

If you’re 50+ years old and complete the challenge Rx, you’ll get your name added to the wooden plaque. Even if you’re under 50, or you need scale the workout (banded pull-ups, ring rows, etc.), please join us for this fun event to celebrate and honor Peggy.

💪New this year

  • On 9/28, every class (8:00, 8:30, 9:00, and 9:30) will have 15 minutes to complete pull-ups in Peggy’s honor.
  • The final class of the day (10:00am) will host our official challenge and get a full 30-minutes. (That means the 10am class will run a little longer than usual; please plan accordingly.)
  • If you want to show up just for the pull-ups, all are welcome! No need to register, please arrive ~10:30 and be ready to start ~10:40.

2024 Fall Nutrition Challenge

It’s that time of year again…our annual ICA nutrition challenge is almost here! Below is some info on the structure of the challenge and some frequently asked questions on the basics:

Q: What is the nutrition challenge?

A. The focus of our nutrition coaching at ICA is to help you provide you with the information you need to create long-term success for your health & fitness goals through sustainable habits. The challenge is no different! You’ll goal set one-on-one with a coach, establish a plan for what you want to accomplish, and then work together with the coaches and community over 6 weeks to get you closer to your goals.

Q: Is this a weight loss challenge?

A: No, this challenge focuses on your goals as an individual. Some will want to gain weight in the form of lean muscle, some will want to decrease body fat or improve performance in the gym. Some people will just want to feel better – and these are all great goals for the challenge!

Our nutrition coaches strive to help you on your health & wellness journey. Most often we will focus on body composition, not weight. Weight is one of many metrics we use to measure success.

Q: What do I have to give up/restrict/limit/forego to participate?

A. There are foundational pillars of nutrition that help create success. We will help you to focus on the ‘do’s’ of nutrition rather than the ‘don’ts’ throughout the challenge. There are no rules in place that create restriction (i.e., no sugar, no carbs, no booze, etc).

Will limiting or emitting some less-healthy options from your diet help? Sure. But we would rather help you implement sustainable habits you are ready & willing to stick to long after the challenge ends.

Q: Do I have to weigh & measure all my food? What about counting macros and tracking food?

A. There is no requirement to weigh and measure food or count macros for the challenge. These are tools we use to gain the most data in this process. The more specific you are with your intake, the more specific your results will be. You’ll have a chance to sit with a coach and explore your options that are best for YOU!

If you still have any questions, you can direct them to Coach Ricky, Coach Karen, or Coach Aileen. If you’re still on the fence, this is your sign to take the plunge & sign up!

31Heroes 2024 – Event Info!

**9/11 update – Teams & Heats posted HERE!**

31Heroes 2023

ICA’s 14th Annual 31Heroes WOD & 13th Anniversary Celebration – Sunday, September 15, 2024! 

13 years ago, on August 6, 2011, 30 Americans and 1 military K9 lost their lives when their helicopter was downed in Afghanistan. This tragedy happened only days after ICA opened its doors, and it has become our annual fundraising mission. Each year since 2011 we’ve hosted the 31Heroes WOD and fundraiser to honor these fallen heroes and raise money to support their families and others in the veteran community suffering from TBI and PTSD.


In teams of 4, complete as many reps as possible in 31 minutes of:

  • 200m wreck bag run
  • Thrusters
  • Rope climbs (scales: pull ups or ring rows)
  • Box jumps

WOD Notes: While teammate #1 is running, #2 is completing thrusters, #3 is doing rope climbs and #4 is jumping.  When the runner returns, everyone moves forward one station. The team’s score is the total number of thrusters, rope climbs and box jumps completed in 31 minutes. The rope climb scale is pull ups or ring rows, where every 5 reps counts as 1 rope climb. (It’s also okay to not count reps and just go hard for 31 minutes – that’s what most teams do!)

  • Level 1 = 50# wreck bag, 155# thruster, 30″ box
  • Level 2 = 35# wreck bag, 103# thruster, 24″ box
  • Level 3 = 35# wreck bag, 65# thruster, 20″ box
  • Level 4 = 20# wreck bag, 35# thruster, 16″ box

All team members share a sandbag, thruster bar, and box. Team members who are not comfortable thrustering their team’s weight can use a pair of dumbbells or power clean instead.

Fundraising / Donations

Every year since 2011 we’ve been among the top fundraisers in the WORLD for the 31Heroes organization. Help us keep our legacy alive by donating to our team! There are 3 ways you can contribute:

  1. Donate directly to our team page: https://www.classy.org/team/592517. A donation of $31 (or more) will get you a 31Heroes tank or t-shirt (mailed to you directly by 31Heroes). *To be eligible for a shirt, donations are due by Aug 31!*
  2. Sign up as an individual fundraiser! You can earn some cool gear depending on your fundraising totals. Go to our team page (linked above) and click the “Join Team” button. Prizes are listed here.
  3. Make a cash donation in person at the live event (no t-shirt or prizes).

While donations of any amount are appreciated, you are not required to make a donation in order to work out with us on September 15!


ICA members: Register via the members app under the Events tab. (Schedule–>Events). Cost is free!

  • IMPORTANT: Signing up in the app registers you for the event, but we still need to put together teams! We’ll have Level Sign Up Sheets at the gym where you can add your name to your desired level (1, 2, 3, or 4). You can sign up as a full 4-person team, as a pair of 2, or as a free agent, and we’ll match you up with a team.

Guests: We love having guests at this event! If you simply want to spectate and cheer, you do not need to register. If you want to participate in the WOD, please register here and then email us at ironcrossathletics@gmail.com with your preferred level (1, 2, 3 or 4).

ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSES SEPTEMBER 8 to give us time finalize heats and teams! 


  • 7:30 – Gym opens
  • 8:00 – Opening Remarks
  • 8:20 – Heat 1
  • 9:00 – Heat 2
  • 9:35 – Group Photo in the Parking Lot
  • 9:50 – Heat 3
  • 10:30 – Heat 4
  • 11:10 – PARKING LOT PARTY! We’ll provide pizza & wings; BYO beverages and snacks to share!

**9/11 update – Teams & Heats posted HERE!**

We will release heat assignments a few days before the event. If you have a specific heat request, please note that on the Level Sign Up Sheets. We will do our best to accommodate, but we cannot promise specific heat times!


The parking lot will be closed for athlete and spectator safety. Please park along Jefferson Street, on the northeast side of the building, or across Bridge Street at the Oakwood Apartments.

Parking Lot Party

Bring your canopies, folding chairs, and yard games to create a “tent city” in the parking lot! During the event, we’ll have water and snacks available for participants. Around 11:45 we’ll serve up some wings and pizza. Please bring snacks, food, desserts, and beverages to share… including cold, adult beverages if desired!

Special Note

Remember that our annual 31Heroes event is a fundraiser, not a competition. The focus of the day is honoring the 31Heroes, enjoying a grueling workout with 100+ of your closest friends, and celebrating our incredible community of fitness!

Thank you for your support of the 31Heroes! We can’t wait to workout, fundraise, and celebrate with you all! 

Powerlifting Cycle 2024

On 9/1/24, we’re starting our annual powerlifting cycle. Powerlifting consists of the “big three” lifts: back squat, bench press, and deadlift. Throughout September & October we’ll focus our strength days on these lifts.

The 9-week cycle will culminate with the “Powerlifting Total” on SUNDAY NOVEMBER 3. Classes will be 90-minutes long, and we’ll increase the attendance caps so people can partner up with a lifting buddy. You’ll have 3 attempts at each lift to establish a 1 rep max. Your total will be the sum of your back squat + bench press + deadlift.

Athletes can choose whether to sumo deadlift or conventional deadlift – pick whichever one you’re most comfortable with and train that version over the next 2 months!

Let’s get strong, ICA!

August Meat Order 2024


A couple pictures of the farm via Rineer Family Farms facebook page.
A couple of pictures of the farm via Rineer Family Farms facebook page.

It’s time for another ICA meat order!  Some of you may not know that we have a good relationship with a small family run farm in rural Lancaster called Rineer Family Farms.  Three to five times a year we place an order through Daryl (the farmer) for beef, chicken and pork.  Usually 2 weeks to a month later, it is delivered to the gym packaged and frozen.  The delay is because when we order the meat, the animals are still walking around a field living it up.  This means we get fresh high quality meat at prices typically lower than equivalent meat bought at the grocery store.  In addition to that we get to support a small farmer doing what he loves!

Beef: 1/8th cow is about 50# with about half ground beef, half steaks/roasts etc = $475

Pork:  1/2 hog is about 60# with sausage, hams, ground pork, loins and bacon = $395

Chicken: about 40# of chicken with a few whole chickens, some breasts, wings, thighs and usually a smoked chicken (delicious) = $215

If you are interested, you can fill out your info here.  Please have your order in by Friday, August 16 at 8:00 pm.

200 Burpees WOD

It’s the day you’ve been waiting for all year! On Saturday, August 17, we’re doing our 200 burpees for time benchmark!

It’s a test of sheer mental fortitude and a rite of passage for ICA members. More importantly, it’s a chance to prove to yourself what you’re made of!

This year, we’re running it as a “bonus” workout – FREE for ICA members and guests. It will take place in the North Room with two heat times – 9:10 and 9:30. Please warm up on your own before the heat start time, and plan to attend both heats so you can workout at one and count for a friend at the other.

If you’re unsure whether you can complete 200 burpees, we have options! Our recommended approach is:

  • If you get to 100 burpees before 10 minutes, go for the full 200.
  • If you get to 100 burpees between 10 and 15 minutes, go to 150.
  • If you get to 100 burpees after 15 minutes, call it at 100.

See you Saturday, ICA!!!

Phoenixville Inside Out Workouts!

Mark your calendars for ICA’s free community workouts on Bridge Street this summer!

We’re thrilled to be a part of Phoenixville’s “Inside Out” iniative for the third summer in a row.

Free community workouts will be held at the parking lot across from Molly Maguires on the following Sunday’s this summer:

  • June 23, 8:00 am
  • July 21, 8:00 am
  • August 18, 8:00 am

For whom are these classes intended? Anyone (age 13 to 100) who wants to have an energetic start to their Sunday morning and perhaps get a little fitter.

What should I bring? It would be a great idea to bring a cold drink, a friend and a smile.

How awesome of a time will I have if I show up? Great question; I’m glad you asked. Intensely awesome!

If you’ve never been to ICA before, you can click HERE to fill out a waiver and book the class so we know you’re coming.

If you have any questions, reach out to John at info@ica-strong.com.

“Murph” – May 27, 2024

On Memorial Day, we’ll tackle the hero workout “Murph” in honor of the men and women who have died serving our country in the U.S. Armed Forces. This is an annual tradition at ICA and CrossFit gyms around the country. It’s a free workout for ICA members (will not count toward your class totals).

“Murph” is a CrossFit Hero WOD named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan on June 28th, 2005, at the age of 29. Murphy graduated from Pennsylvania State University and was accepted to multiple law schools, but decided he could do more for his country as one of the Navy’s elite SEALS.  This workout was created by Murphy and was one of his favorites; he used it for his own training and named it ‘Body Armor.’ It first appeared on the CrossFit site after his death, on August 18, 2005.

On June 28, 2005, the day he was killed, Murphy was leading a SEAL team in northeastern Afghanistan looking for the commander of a group of insurgents known as the Mountain Tigers. Engaged in a frenzied firefight and outnumbered by the Taliban, Navy Lt. Michael Murphy made a desperate decision as he and three fellow SEALs fought for their lives on a rocky mountainside. In a last-ditch effort to save his team, Murphy pulled out his satellite phone, walked into a clearing to get reception, and called for reinforcements as a fusillade of bullets ricocheted around him. One of the bullets hit him in the stomach, but he finished the call and even signed off, “Roger that, thank you,” before continuing to battle. If it sounds familiar, it’s because Murphy’s heroism is documented in “Lone Survivor,” a book written by fellow SEAL Marcus Luttrell in 2007 and turned into a movie in 2013.

“Body Armor” aka “MURPH”

Complete for time:

  • 1 mile run
  • 100 pull ups
  • 200 push ups
  • 300 squats
  • 1 mile run

Wear a 20/14# weight vest.

WOD Notes:

  • You must start and end with the run, but you can split up the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as desired. Common rep schemes are: 20 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats; or 25 rounds of 4 pull ups, 8 push-ups, 12 squats.
  • This workout calls for a 20/14# weight vest. We have a limited number of vests available- first come, first serve.

Scaling Options:

  • Most individuals do not wear a weight vest, so that is the first scale to consider! We only recommend wearing a vest if you’ve successfully completed non-vested Murph in the past.
  • The full version of this WOD takes about an hour. A popular scale is to complete exactly half of the distances and reps.  (800m run, 50 pull ups, 100 push-ups, 150 squats, 800m run.) “Half Murph” usually takes 20-40 minutes.
  • Another scale is to tackle this workout with a partner, running together but sharing the indoor reps with a friend.
  • If you need to scale pull-ups, please sub ring rows. (Jumping pull ups are not allowed, and bands are discouraged because they take a long time to get in and out of…)

Schedule Notes:

  • In lieu of traditional classes, we kick off a heat every 30 minutes from 7:30-10:00am.
  • The heat time you signed up for is when you start the workout. Please show up at least 15 minutes before your heat time to get warmed up and ready!
  • The gym will open by 7:00am.

This is a free workout for ICA members (will not count toward your class totals). However, the no-show / late cancellation policy does apply. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Bye-bye SugarWOD & Hello ICA Custom App!

Starting Monday, May 6th, we’re retiring SugarWOD and bringing you an all-in-one ICA app! 

There are many reasons for the switch, but the two big ones are:

👉 SugarWOD has been increasingly unreliable and glitchy in recent months.

👉 You’ll now have the ability to book classes, manage your account, and log results in 1 app!

Some Helpful Q&As:

⭐ How will I log results? Do I need to download a new app? ⭐

There are 3 options:

1) Our #1 recommendation is you replace your PushPress Members app with our new, custom ICA app (powered by PushPress). It has all the functions of the Members app but has some ICA specific themes. Plus, you can have our sick logo on your phone! Download ICA app for iPhone HERE. Download ICA app for Android HERE

2) You can keep using your current PushPress Members app. You’ll be able to log your results in the “workouts” section.

3) If you love collecting as many apps as possible (AMAAP), you can download PushPress Train, which is PushPress’s app specifically designed for results tracking. It has a user-friendly interface, and logging results here will automatically sync them with the members app (and vice versa).

⭐ What will happen to all the results I’ve logged in SugarWOD? ⭐

You can export your workout history from SugarWOD to PushPress by following this VIDEO.  This will put all of your logged workouts in the new app but will not automatically link them to the appropriate benchmarks. We recommend that you take some time to manually link the benchmarks you care about! (Reach out to us if you have trouble, but it seems fairly user friendly.)

  • To help you identify the workouts you might care about, here’s a list of benchmarks and dates they were last performed: ICA benchmarks.
  • There’s no need to undertake a marathon session of transferring benchmarks! Over the next year, every time a benchmark is programmed as our Daily WOD, we’ll let you know the date it was last performed so you can easily find it.
  • If you have trouble logging in at train.pushpress.com, use the password reset feature – you can pick the same password you used for your members app.

⭐ If I stop my membership, will I lose access to all my results? ⭐

Nope! You can use the PushPress Train app to see your old results and manually enter future workouts. You will lose access to view ICA’s daily workouts.

🚨New Track Alert🚨

Hopefully you already know about the various programming “tracks” that we offer. This includes:

  • Workout of the Day
  • Aerobic Capacity (general conditioning work)
  • Weightlifting (Olympic)
  • Teen Strength & Speed
  • Youth Strength & Speed

These tracks are free for all ICA members and can be used for supplemental training or to get ideas for what to do if you find yourself at open gym.

We’re excited to announce the addition of a new track!! The new track you’ll find on the app will be labeled “Train with Reese”. This track is the extra training that Reese performs each day. We’re making it available to the entire gym so you can use it as supplemental training, especially for folks interested in competing.

There are two important things to note as you peruse that track:

  1. One day of training for Reese is significantly more work than most of us do in a week. It took years for her to build up to her current workload. It would be unwise for ANYONE (not named Reese) to attempt to tackle all of it. The best use of this track would be to pick and choose a few workouts each week as supplemental training. Modify weights, reps, etc. to make it suitable for you!
  2. These workouts should only be completed during open gym hours. You can find our schedule of open gym hours HERE. Some of the workouts are suitable for outdoor training, in which case you can complete them in the parking lot during normal class times.

To access our supplemental tracks, go to the Workouts tab of the app (ICA app, Members app, or Train app) and use the drop-down at the top of the page.

New Rates – effective June 1

Those of you who have been at ICA for a while know that we constantly strive to improve the quality of services we offer, including our facilities, schedule, equipment, and coaching expertise. We implement a once-per-year rate increase to help us offset inflation, pay our coaches fairly and competitively for the amazing work they do, and ensure we continue to deliver a top-notch experience for you and future ICA athletes.

Our 2024 rates will go into effect on June 1 and reflect a ~3% increase over 2023 rates:

Adult Monthly Memberships

  • Unlimited Membership – $196
  • Standard Membership (14 classes/month) – $165
  • 2x/week (9 classes/month) – $131 (available to athletes with 6 months+ at ICA)

Teen & Youth Monthly Memberships

  • Unlimited Membership – $196
  • 2x/week – $131
  • 1x/week – $88

Personal Training 

  • 1 hour – $88
  • 30 min – $52

Nutrition Services (refer to Other Services webpage for details on each phase)

  • Phase 1 – $263/month
  • Phase 2 – $175/month
  • Phase 3 – $88/month

Drop-in Rates

  • Current member drop-in – $17
  • Non-member drop-in – $22

These rates reflect a ~3% increase over 2023 rates.  Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Thank you!

Save 30% on your Membership with TrueMed

CrossFit is medicine.

We know that. You know it. TrueMed believes it, too! So they created a company with the sole purpose of driving HSA/FSA spending to products that are scientifically proven to improve metabolic health (like CrossFit). By using your HSA/FSA funds for your gym membership, you can save 30% on average!

ICA has signed up as a partner gym with TrueMed, making the process even easier for you. Start the qualification process here: Qualify for HSA/FSA spending using ICA’s custom link.
What to expect:
  • The link will take you to a 2-minute survey, which asks you various questions about your health history and goals to determine if you qualify.
  • If TrueMed determines that fitness can help reverse or prevent a health condition you care about (making it eligible for HSA/FSA), they will send you a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN). They can justify almost everyone to get a LMN based on the desire to prevent metabolic disease.
  • Once you are approved, you’ll need to submit your LMN and your future gym membership receipts to your HSA/FSA provider for reimbursement. TrueMed’s customer support team will be available to assist. TrueMed guarantees reimbursement once qualified!

If you want to know more about TrueMed’s background, check out their website or read this article from TechCrunch.

If you have an HSA/FSA, don’t delay! Qualify for HSA/FSA spending using ICA’s custom link: HERE

Manion WOD – Apr 27, 2024

Saturday, April 27th at 11:00AM

On Saturday April 27, we’re hosting the Manion WOD at ICA! This is a FREE community event that honors local hero, Travis Manion.

Iron Cross Athletics is an OFFICIAL host of this year’s workout. If you choose to register via the ICA Fundraiser Page, a t-shirt is included with your donation.

While the workout can look intimidating, there are many ways to scale (half Manion, Partner Manion, etc.) A coach will help you choose the best option for you.


7 rounds for time of:

  • 400-meter run
  • 29 back squats (135/95#)

The Manion Foundation (TMF) is introducing a RUCK option this year! (Weighted ruck in place of the 400m run.) If you choose this option, you will also receive a patch from TMF.

For more information on Travis & the Manion Foundation, click HERE.

To register & donate for the ICA Manion Event, click HERE.

If you would like a t-shirt in time for the WOD, you must register by April 12!

*New* Power Yoga Series!

No photo description available.

Power Yoga is back! We’re excited to announce a 6-week Power Yoga series this spring 🌞

When and Where?

The series, “Learn the Basics of Power Yoga,” will take place at ICA on Sundays from 11:15-12:00, from March 24 to April 28.

What will the classes cover?

Each class will teach a new sequence, and by the end of the 6 weeks, attendees will be able to do an entire 45-minute non-stop vinyasa power class. This class will be great for beginners, great for folks who haven’t practiced in a while, and great for experienced yogis to use as a way to advance their practice.

What is power yoga? 

Vinyasa Power Yoga builds strength and mobility through whole-body movements, encouraging the body to move the way nature intended. Power yoga challenges your mind, empowering you to discover how strong you truly are.

What is the cost?

Classes are free for ICA members with an active membership. Non-ICA members are welcome and encouraged to attend as well! If you aren’t an ICA member, the cost is $10 at the door, payable to Jana.

Who is the instructor?

Jana Kent-Dewald is an experienced power yoga instructor who has taught at numerous studios in the local area. She previously taught classes at ICA (pre-COVID), and we are thrilled to get her back in-person for this limited series!

CrossFit Open 2024!

What is the “Open?”

The Open is an annual, online competition for CrossFit athletes around the world. It’s the largest and most inclusive fitness competition on Earth and a celebration of our CrossFit community! Participating in the Open will bring out the best of you, while you cheer on your peers and create unforgettable memories.

When is the Open?

The Open is 3 weeks long, beginning on February 29, 2024.  Every Thursday night for 3 weeks an Open workout will be posted to the Games website at 3:00pm EST. Registered athletes will have 4 days – until Monday at 8:00pm EST – to complete the workout and submit their scores.

Is the Open for me?

The Open is for EVERYONE! Each Open workout has several versions, to encourage participation of all ages, abilities, and experience levels.

  • Rx’d – For athletes that typically Rx our daily workouts
  • Scaled – For athletes that typically scale our daily workouts but are familiar with most CrossFit movements
  • Foundations – For our newest athletes
  • Age Groups – For teens (ages 14-17) and Masters 55+ (age as of July 14, 2024)
  • Adaptive – For athletes with permanent physical or intellectual impairments

Athletes can switch back and forth between Rx’d, Scaled, and Foundations each week, based on the specific workout that is announced. Those who complete all 5 workouts Rx will be ranked against other Rx athletes.

Where can I do the workouts?

If you are a member at ICA, participating in the Open is easy! We program the Open workout as our Daily WOD every Friday. All you have to do is:

  • Register for the Open ($20). Be sure to select “CrossFit Phoenixville” as your affiliate!
  • Show up to class on March 1, March 8, and March 15, and complete one of the official versions of the WOD.
  • We also run Friday Night Lights every Friday evening, starting at 5pm. Details below!
  • If you can’t make it to the gym on Friday, you can complete the workout during Open Gym on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. (Please make your own arrangements for a judge AND ensure a coach is available to oversee.)
  • Post your score to the Games website by Monday at 8pm!

Even if you don’t sign up for the Open, you are welcome and encouraged to attend Friday class and complete the workout as a normal Daily WOD!

  • Workout 24.1 – March 1
  • Workout 24.2 – March 8
  • Workout 24.3 – March 15

Friday Night Lights!

On Friday evenings during the Open, we’ll turn up the energy, blast the music, and throw down with our ICA Fit Fam at “Friday Night Lights.” Starting at 5:00pm, we’ll run heats of the Open workout until everyone has finished. Even if you complete the workout earlier in the day, we encourage you to come back to the gym from 5-7pm to cheer for everyone! Each week we’ll have a “headliner heat.”


  • Week 1 = Teens. Cheer on our youngest registered athletes as they take the stage!
  • Week 2 = Masters. Get inspired by our Masters athletes, anyone over the age of 35 can participate.
  • Week 3 = Nominees. If you know of an athlete who didn’t get to headline in weeks 1 or 2, but they’d be a great headliner athlete, send their name our way! Self-nominees are encouraged, rookies especially! You DO NOT need to be an Rx athlete to headline!

ICA Intramural

Every registered athlete will get assigned to one of our in-house Open teams. Each team will be led by ICA coaches, who will be your guides for the Open. You’ll earn points for your team just by showing up and completing the workout. The higher you place, the more points you’ll earn. We’ll also give out spirit awards each week for a chance to earn your team even more points!

To get assigned to an in-house intramural team, you MUST officially register for the Open BY THURSDAY FEBRUARY 22 and pick CrossFit Phoenixville as your affiliate! 

–> Click here to see the list of ICA athletes registered for the 2024 Open: View ICA Leaderboard on Games site

End of Open Celebration

On the final night of the Open, March 15, join us for a “stink and drink” at ICA, to celebrate the end of the Open and our amazing ICA community. Bring your dinner, favorite drinks, and snacks and desserts to share!

I’m in. How Do I Register?

Register HERERemember to choose CrossFit Phoenixville as your affiliate! 

The fun continues…

After the Open, the top 25% of athletes will be invited to participate in a 2nd level of competition, the Quarterfinals. This is a huge increase over last year, where only the top 10% were invited. We expect to have several athletes qualify for this level of competition. The Quarterfinals take place April 17-22.

After Quarterfinals, the very best individual athletes will qualify for semifinals. From there, the top 40 men and 40 women in the world will compete at the 2024 CrossFit Games in Fort Worth, Texas, from Aug. 8-11, to crown the Fittest on Earth.

For age-group athletes (teens and masters), the top 200 athletes from each age group will advance to the online Age-Group Semifinal (May 8-13) to determine who will advance to the CrossFit Games. As many of you know, Reese Littlewood has qualified for the Games the last 2 years, finishing 4th in the world for girls ages 14-15 in 2022 and 4th in the world for girls ages 16-17 in 2023. We can’t wait to see what this year has in store! After the online semifinals, the top 30 boys and 30 girls from the teenage divisions will advance to the Teenage CrossFit Games in Three Rivers, Michigan. Competition dates TBA.

Pull-Up Program – Starts January 8th!


Everyone who has been in the gym knows the top of the pull-up bar is hallowed ground. The view achieved here is something that has sparked countless hours in gyms and on tree branches the world over. It is seen by few and coveted by all. With 2024 upon us, Coach Celeste (who has done a pull-up or two in her day) has created a 12-week program to help you on your pull-up journey!

What is it? A 12-week pull-up program that breaks down as follows:

  • 4 weeks of upper body pulling strength accessory work, 3 days per week (January 8 – February 2)
  • FREE 30-minute pull-up clinic on Saturday, February 3 at 10:30 am – teaches the tools to successfully attack the next 8 weeks.
  • 8 weeks of pull-up progression work, 3 days per week (February 5 – March 29)

How much time will this take? Most of the work can be done in ~20 minutes before or after class. Please plan to do this work during open gym hours and be respectful of ongoing classes and/or personal training sessions.

Where can I see the programming? The whole program will be accessible in SugarWOD, listed under the Daily WOD on M/W/F.

When does all this muscle cultivation begin? January 8th!

How much does it cost? No monetary cost. Just 12 weeks of hard work!

Should I do it? Depends, see below:

  • Are you awesome at strict pull-ups but want to be more awesome? Then heck yeah!
  • Are you working toward your first strict pull-up and could use a structured plan and some camaraderie? Absolutely!
  • Do you simply want bigger bis and lats? Do it!
  • Are you concerned about getting too many gains? Then… no, probably not.


Holiday Schedule

We will have a modified schedule from December 25 – January 1. Check out the class and open gym hours below, and be sure to make time for fitness this holiday season! If you are an out-of-town CrossFit athlete and would like to drop in, please reach out to us at ironcrossathletics@gmail.com to reserve your spot. Merry Fitness to all!

“12 Days of ICA” 2023

Coach Steve spreading holiday cheer!

Join us on Saturday, December 16, 2023, for our annual “12 Days of ICA” WOD! It’s another tradition that you don’t want to miss! In lieu of regular classes, we’ll run heats all morning long, starting at 7:00am and ending around 11:00am. Read below for details!

“12 Days of ICA”

  • Day 1 = 1 x 200m run
  • Day 2 = 2 deadlifts (225/153#)
  • Day 3 = 3 box jumps (30/24″)
  • Day 4 = 4 push-ups (men clapping)
  • Day 5 = 5 second L-sit hold
  • Day 6 = 6 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • Day 7 = 7 kettlebell swings (53/35#)
  • Day 8 = 8 kettlebell sumo-deadlift high pulls (53/35#)
  • Day 9 = 9 burpees
  • Day 10 = 10 walking lunges
  • Day 11 = 11 knees to elbows
  • Day 12 = 12 keg ground-to-overhead (105/75#)

You do the workout like you sing the song – each round starts with a new movement and then you work backwards through the numbers below it.

  • Round 1 is a 200m run
  • Round 2 is 2 deadlifts + 200m run
  • Round 3 is 3 box jumps + 2 deadlifts + 200m run… etc.
  • Round 12 is 12 keg G2O, work down thru every movement, end with a 200m run.

Similar to “The Firebird,” the gym will bet set up in stations with shared equipment. Also similar to The Firebird, we run this workout in heats (not a coach-led class). The time you sign up for is the time your heat kicks off! Please show up 20-30 minutes beforehand to warm up in the North Room. There is no group warm up, but a coach will be available to help you get ready and answer any questions you may have.

The full workout takes up to an hour. A popular scale is to perform only the even rounds (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12.) Once you start the round, you still complete ALL the movements beneath it. This modification effectively cuts the workout in half but still allows you to complete each station.

PS – Wear your most festive holiday outfits and ugly sweaters to fill the gym with holiday cheer! 

Winter Trail Series!

A warm Sunday morning at Lock 60!

Instead of letting old man winter get you down, take it on headfirst! On Sunday mornings throughout the winter, we hold a trail run and hike series. A group of ICAers will meet up at Schuylkill Canal Park’s Lock 60 every Sunday at 10:15am. The run is usually 4-6 miles; some weeks there will be two groups of different speeds and other weeks we’ll stick as one big pack. Don’t worry, we never leave a runner behind! Most weeks we offer a hike option as well; the hike is~3 miles and kid friendly.

For extra motivation, consider registering for one or more of the Pretzel City Sports’ Trail Races, listed below. They’re lots of fun and a great mid-winter challenge. There will be no Lock 60 meet ups these weekends.

This trail series is FREE for all participants, including non-ICA members. Please sign up in Push Press so we know who to expect. (Also, so we know who to reach out to if we need to cancel for any reason.)

Thanks to Coach Dave and Erin for being our fearless trail leaders!

  • Nov 26
  • Dec 3 – Dirty Bird 15K – French Creek State Park
  • Dec 10
  • Dec 17
  • Dec 24
  • Dec 31
  • Jan 7
  • Jan 14
  • Jan 21
  • Jan 28 – Chilly Cheeks 11K – Reading Liederkrantz
  • Feb 4
  • Feb 11
  • Feb 18
  • Feb 25 – Ugly Mudder 6.55M – Reading Liederkrantz

Row Clinic!

Join Coaches Ricky and Steve for an immersive Rowing Clinic on Friday, Nov. 17th from 5-6:15 PM! Enhance your rowing skills with guidance on sound mechanics, efficiency techniques, and a chance to elevate your performance and get a little sweating in!

Admission is $10. Sign up in PushPress!

“The Firebird” 2023

On Thursday, Nov. 23rd, when most businesses are closed for the Thanksgiving holiday, ICA will be open and bustling with energy as we complete our annual tradition of “The Firebird!” It’s one of our favorite days of the year!

“The Firebird”

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 800m run
  • 5 ring muscle ups
  • 10 hang power cleans (155/103#)
  • 20 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 30 double-unders

“The Firebird Express”

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 10 pull ups
  • 10 hang power cleans (115/75#)
  • 10 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 20 double-unders

To accommodate as many athletes as possible, we run this workout a little differently than most daily WODs. It is not a coach-led class. Instead, we’ll kick off heats of 15 people every 30 minutes from 7-10am. (Hard cap to finish the WOD is 11am). When you sign up for a heat time, that is the time you START the workout. Please arrive 20-30 minutes before your heat time to warm up and get ready. Equipment will be set up around the room and shared between all athletes.

If you’re a newer athlete, seek out a coach when you arrive to go over any modifications and ask any questions you may have. We’ll have plenty of coaches and experienced athletes on hand to help out. “The Firebird” is a long workout (40-60 min), so if you’re looking for something more reasonable, consider “The Firebird Express” (20-30 min).

Other Thanksgiving Schedule Changes:

  • Wednesday Nov. 22 – 5:30pm & 6:00pm class times are canceled. The gym will close at 6:00pm.
  • Friday Nov. 24 – 5:00am & 6:00am class times are canceled. The gym will open at 5:30am.

Rowvember – 2023 Edition

Our annual ROWvember challenge will be kicking off on Wednesday, November 1st!

This annual ICA challenge consists of twelve 10 to 30 minute, rowing based workouts that will be posted to the Aerobic Capacity track on SugarWOD during the month of November. Workouts do not need to be completed on the day they are posted as long as your results are recorded in SugarWOD on the proper day before the end of the month.

Workouts can be completed during Open Gym, out in the parking lot (weather permitting & if classes don’t need the rowers), or at home if you have a rower.

A sick prize will be awarded to any ICAer who completes and logs all 12 of the workouts!

For anyone interested, Coaches Ricky and Steve will be holding a rowing clinic on Friday, November 17th from 5:00 to 6:15 pm in the North Room (cost = $10). This is a great opportunity to dedicate time and effort toward refining your rowing technique under the watchful eye of a coach. You can sign up HERE to reserve your spot!

“CHAD 1000x”

On Saturday, November 11, CrossFitters around the nation will join together to complete the hero workout “CHAD,” in honor of Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson who died by suicide on October 29, 2018, due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast wave injuries, and PTSD. The workout is being run to bring awareness to the epidemic of suicide, particularly among veterans, and to raise funds in support of the The Step Up Foundation and other veteran health initiatives.

At ICA, we’ll run one heat of the workout on Saturday, 11/11/23, at 11:00am. If you’d like to officially register with the Chad 1000x organization and buy a t-shirt or donate, you can do so HERE. You are welcome to complete the workout at ICA whether or not you officially register; but you do need to reserve your spot in class! (This is a free class / will not count toward class totals.)

The Workout

“CHAD 1000X”

Phoenixville Bed Races

The 2021 Bed Race Squad!

The Phoenixville Bed Races are upon us once again! Come out, cheer on the ICA team, and donate to a good cause.  Details below:

What the…? The bed races are an annual fundraiser and Phoenixville tradition in which local groups (businesses, teams, friends, etc.) build a rolling bed and race against each other in a double-elimination competition. There are prizes for fastest bed, best theme, and most funds raised. The bed races raise funds and awareness for two local organizations that provide shelter for the homeless. For more details on the race and the organizations involved, click here.

Where and when is this awesomeness? This year the race will take place on Saturday, November 4th. Voting for best bed starts at 11:00 am, races start at 12:00, and the event usually wraps up around 2:00 pm. The race takes place at 3rd avenue, along Reeve’s Park.

How can I participate? First thing – we need pushers! Every bed needs 4 people to push it and 1 designated alternate in case of game day injury. Last year, the request was submitted by several ICAers to create an all-female team, and we love the idea. If you’re interested in pushing, check out the list of requirements below:

  1. Be available on Saturday, November 4th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
  2. Be ready to be an ambassador for the ICA community! This means show up with a positive attitude, have fun and compete hard!
  3. Be a current ICA member.
  4. Sign up to meet with John during one of the windows on this spreadsheet. If none of these times will work, reach out via email (ironcrossathletics@gmail.com) to schedule a time.  We’re hopeful to have the team put together by this Saturday! The tryout will be a ~150 meter (out and back) time trial. Be warmed up for this!

How else can I get involved? Show up on race day wearing your ICA gear and cheer on our team! If you are able, we’d greatly appreciate donations or your help spreading the word and fundraising. Link to our team page here.

2023 Fall Nutrition Challenge

🍁The ICA Fall Nutrition Challenge is HERE!🍁

Summer has come and gone and now it’s time to refocus on the foundation of your health & fitness – nutrition.

This year, our challenge will kick off with a 90-minute panel-style nutrition seminar on Wednesday, October 4th 6:30-8pm in the North Room. Join your ICA nutrition coaches for an informational session on the basics of nutrition, a discussion of the specifics of the challenge, and a Q&A to conclude the session. This seminar is OPEN TO ALL Iron Cross Athletic members, regardless if they buy-into the challenge or not.

If you are up for the challenge, there is a $70 investment that includes:
🍏 2 InBody scans (before and after)
🍎 A weekly email with recipes, Q&A, and information to support your goals
🍏 A weekly group zoom call with a nutrition coach to celebrate your progress & address any pitfalls.
🍎 A private Facebook group for the 2023 Challenge participants for peer & coach support
🍏 Prizes for the top 3 participants
🍎 Results, Support, Accountability, and Healthy Habits

Challenge Timeline:

  • Wednesday, October 4th 6:30-8p Kickoff Seminar
  • Saturday/Sunday, October 7-8th Baseline InBody Scans
  • Monday, October 9th – First day of the challenge & Baseline Workout of the Day
  • Saturday/Sunday, November 18-19th Final days of challenge & Final InBody Scans
  • Wednesday, November 22nd – Winners & Prizes Announced

For ALL the details, and to REGISTER for the challenge, click the link below or scan the QR code on the posters at the gym. Let’s get healthier & fitter together this Fall!


Peggy Berman Memorial Pull-up Challenge

The crew from the inaugural Peggy Berman Memorial Pull-up Challenge!

We invite you to join us this Saturday, September 23, 2023, for the Peggy Berman Memorial Pull-up Challenge! We’ll meet up around 11:15 AM and kick off shortly thereafter.

We introduced this challenge 2 years ago in honor of Peggy, an ICA member from 2012-2016. You can read more details about Peggy and the inspiration for the challenge here: Peggy Berman Memorial Pull-up Challenge.

The goal of the challenge is to complete 50 strict pull-ups in 30 minutes. If you’re 50+ years old and complete the challenge Rx, you can get your name added to the wooden plaque in the gym.

Even if you are under 50, or you need scale the workout (banded pull-ups, ring rows, etc), please join us for this fun event to celebrate and honor Peggy. In 2021 we had several folks treat it as an AMRAP of pull-ups in 30 minutes… for those looking for an extra challenge!

This is a FREE community event! Please register in Push Press so we know how many to expect.

If you can’t make it on 9/23, don’t worry; this is an on-going challenge that you can complete any time. (Video evidence or coach observation will be required to get on the plaque.)

ICA Mountain Day!

All ICA-ers are invited to join us for a day of outdoor fun and adventure on Saturday, October 7!

Tucked away in the woods about 1.25 hours from Phoenixville is one of our favorite getaways – an old boy scout camp turned cabin community at the base of the Appalachian Trail. At the top of the mountain is a beautiful spring-fed swimming hole with 2 rope swings and invigorating temperatures! A bit further on the trail is a boulder field and a lookout.

We don’t have much planned beyond showing up, running or hiking and maybe (definitely) a swim. Here are a few details we’ve pinned down:

  • Meet up between 2:30-3:00pm. We’ll provide the address to those who RSVP.
  • Break into 2 groups and head up the mountain! Group 1 – hike. Group 2 – run! (John has planned a “mountain mile” which will be a comically challenging 1-mile run!)
  • Play around at the swimming hole, hike to the boulder field and/or look-out if desired.
  • Head to our cabin for a campfire. BYO food, snacks, beverages, etc.
  • Folks are welcome to stay overnight if you like camping! We have space for several tents and you’ll have access to the cabin water, bathroom, sink, microwave, etc.
  • Sign up HERE so we have a head count!

200 Burpees WOD!

Yay burpees!

On Saturday, Sept 9, we’re doing an annual benchmark WOD – 200 burpees for time!

Is it a test of conditioning and muscle endurance? Sure is. Is it a test of sheer mental fortitude? Abso-freaking-lutely!

We’re offering 3 class times: 8, 9, 10am. We’re doubling the class caps to triple the energy!!! Everyone will have a counter/cheerer to help get you through.

If you’re unsure whether you can complete 200 burpees, come in any way! A good approach would be:

  • If you get to 100 burpees before 10 minutes, go for the full 200.
  • If you get to 100 burpees between 10 and 15 minutes, go to 150.
  • If you get to 100 burpees after 15 minutes, call it at 100.

See you Saturday, ICA!!!


Blog Updates!

Surviving AP World History | A student's resource for AP World HistoryOur blog is getting a make-over!

When we first opened our doors – and for the first 10 years of operation – the nightly blog post was EVERYTHING to our members. Folks would sit around hitting “refresh” until the post went live, eager to find out what the next day’s workout would be. But things have changed, and the blog isn’t getting the traffic it used to. First, we started using SugarWOD to track our daily WODs. Then, we began posting our workouts a week in advance (view them here). The end result is that the nightly blog posts aren’t being read anymore, and all the great info and announcements we share on the blog aren’t making it to your eyes and ears!

Starting August 30, 2023, we’re discontinuing the nightly blog post. Daily WODs will be shared via the SugarWOD app, with important reminders and announcements listed at the top, under the daily photo.

What will happen to the blog?

Announcements that require lengthier descriptions will still get posted to the blog. We’ll include a high-level announcement in SugarWOD and a link back to the pertinent blog post. Also, for anyone who prefers to use the website, there’s now a blue “WOD” button at the bottom of each page that you can click on to view the daily WOD (via a SugarWOD plug-in).

But I don’t use SugarWOD! How can I stay in-the-loop on ICA announcements?

We strongly encourage every member to download the SugarWOD app and use it to track your results! It will help you and our coaching staff to track your progress over time. However, another great resource is our ICA Members Community Facebook page – if you’re on social media but haven’t joined our group page, please do!

Daily WOD – Aug 29, 2023

Sigal powering through pull ups!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 50/40 cal (bike or row)
  • 50 single-leg squats
  • 50 handstand push-ups
  • 50/40 cal (bike or row)
  • 50 front squats (95/63#)
  • 50 bench presses (95/63#)

Time cap: 25 min

WOD Notes: To keep this chipper moving, try to finish each movement in 3 minutes with a 4-min hard cap. We’ll have plenty of modification options for the gymnastics movements, so don’t let them scare you! For the barbell movements, pick a weight that will let you do sets of at least 10 reps.

Daily WOD – Aug 28, 2023

JZ cruising through box jumps!

Workout of the Day


AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • 8 clean & jerks (155/103#)
  • 28 double unders
  • 15 toes-to-bar

WOD Notes: This is Sage’s birthday workout and an annual ICA benchmark! The power clean and jerk is likely going to be dropped each rep, but there should be no risk of failure. Ideally the early rounds will take ~2 minutes and the later rounds should stay below 4.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Ron S, Arvind, and Sage!

2023 Powerlifting Cycle

Squat Bench Deadlift' Trucker Cap | SpreadshirtOn Aug. 30, we’re starting a 9-week powerlifting cycle. Powerlifting consists of the “big three” lifts: back squat, bench press, and deadlift. During this cycle we’ll program a little less Olympic lifting and a little more powerlifting. (Don’t worry, Olympic lifting won’t go away completely!)

The 9-week cycle will culminate with the “Powerlifting Total” on Saturday Nov. 4 SUNDAY, NOV. 5. On that day, classes will be 90-minutes long, and we’ll increase the attendance caps so people can partner up with a lifting buddy. You’ll have 3 attempts at each lift to establish a 1 rep max. Your total will be the sum of your back squat + bench press + deadlift. (Athletes can choose whether to sumo deadlift or conventional deadlift – either counts!)

Let’s get strong, ICA!

Daily WOD – Aug 27, 2023

Robbie at the top of a ring muscle-up!

Workout of the Day

EMOM for 20 minutes of:

  • 1 split snatch

WOD Notes: A couple of weeks ago we learned the dumbbell split snatch. Today you get to learn the barbell version! Start light to hone in your technique, then gradually build in weight across the 20 minutes.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Coach Tanya!

31Heroes – Aug 26, 2023

Workout of the Day

“31 Heroes – Workout to Remember”

AMRAP in 31 minutes:

  • Wreck bag run
  • Barbell thrusters
  • Rope climbs
  • Box jumps

WOD Notes: While teammate #1 is running, #2 is completing thrusters, #3 is doing rope climbs and #4 is jumping. When the runner returns, everyone moves forward one station. The team’s score is the total number of thrusters, rope climbs and box jumps completed in 31 minutes.

  • Many teams choose to not keep track of reps, and that’s fine too! All we ask is you push yourself for 31 minutes in honor of the 31 heroes.
  • If you can’t climb a rope, the official sub is pull-ups or ring rows, where every 5 reps = 1 rope climb.

Level Options: All team members will share a sandbag, thruster bar, and box:

  • Level 1 = 50# wreckbag, 155# thruster, 30″ box
  • Level 2 = 35# wreckbag, 105# thruster, 24″ box
  • Level 3 = 35# wreckbag, 65# thruster, 20″ box
  • Level 4 = 20# wreckbag, 35# thruster, 16″ box

Questions & Answers

What if my team’s barbell is too heavy for me?

  • Substitute a front squat or power clean. Alternately, grab a pair of dumbbells to thruster (please put them away when you’re done).  

What if my team has more (or less than) 4 people? 

  • 2-person teams: Partner 1 runs, Partner 2 does an AMRAP of 8 thrusters, 6 rope climbs, 11 box jumps. When P1 returns, pick up where P2 left off.
  • 3-person teams: Combine the box jump and rope climb station. P1 runs, P2 thrusters, P3 rotates thru 1 rope climb + 5 box jumps.
  • 5+ person teams: Two people buddy up and rotate together. One person works at a time on the indoor stations, but both run.

What heat am I in?

  • Heats and teams are listed HERE.

What time should I arrive? 

  • We’d love everyone to show up by 8:00am for Opening announcements and cheer for our early heats! However, the only requirement is that you show up 30 minutes before your heat time to get warmed up and ready (in the North room). There is no coach-led warm up, but there will be coaches and experienced athletes available to help out – don’t hesitate to ask if you have questions!
  • There is a group photo at 10:15am. Be there if you can!!!

What else do I need to know?

  • For full event details, head on over to our Event Page! A few highlights:
  • The box officially opens at 7:00am, but you can come by even earlier if you want to help set up!
  • The main parking lot will be closed – please use one of the alternate parking locations described in the event page.
  • BYO folding chairs and canopy tents to create a “tent city” in the parking lot.
  • Group Photo at 10:15 – please try to be there!
  • We’ll kick off the after party at 11:45, with pizza and wings provided by ICA.
  • BYO snacks to share, adult beverages, yard games, etc.

Remember that 31Heroes is a fundraiser and community celebration – not a competition. There are no judges and keeping score is optional. The focus of the day is honoring the 31Heroes and celebrating our incredible community of fitness!! 

Daily WOD – Aug 25, 2023

Noel powering through T2B!

Workout of the Day

Complete 0:40 work, 0:20 rest, of:

  • Lateral plyo skier hops (20/16″)
  • Russian kettlebell swings (70/53#)
  • Ab-mat sit ups
  • Wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • Burpees

Rest 1 minute and repeat for 3 rounds.

WOD Notes: It’s the day before 31Heroes, pick your intensity based on how you feel heading into tomorrow’s WOD! Score is total reps completed across all 3 rounds. (It could also be a great day to not keep track of reps… Just go hard, breathe heavy, sweat a bunch, and get jacked up for 31Heroes!)

Community Notes: Happy birthday Saritha M, Monica W, and Bill L!

Daily WOD – Aug 24, 2023

Dennis flying through devil’s press!

Workout of the Day

Complete AMRAP in 8 minutes of:

  • 16 dumbbell snatches (50/35#)
  • 16/12 calories (bike or row)

Rest 4 minutes. Repeat.

WOD Notes: Go hard in the first 8 minute AMRAP, then try to match or beat your score in the 2nd go round!

Community Notes: Happy birthday Shawn C!

Daily WOD – Aug 23, 2023

Anna working through rope climbs!

Workout of the Day

Front squat 4-4-4-4-4-4

Then 3 rounds NFT of:

  • 15 weighted calf raises
  • 30 standing oblique crunches (15R/15L)
  • 15 heel-elevated goblet squats

Use a 53/35# KB for all 3 movements.

WOD Notes: Today we’ll work up to a heavy 4 rep front squat. If you know your 1 rep max, start around 65% and work up to 85-90%.

Daily WOD – Aug 22, 2023

JZ locking out a bar muscle up!

Workout of the Day

Complete 4 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 40 push-ups

Time cap: 24 minutes

WOD Notes: Let’s hold ourselves accountable to perfect push-ups today! If you want to go Rx, elevate each hand on a 25# plate and put an abmat directly between the plates. Make sure your chest contacts the abmat each rep. If you know 160 push-ups isn’t do-able, reduce the number (20-30 per round) or set up a bar on the rig and perform elevated push-ups.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Jazmin L!

Daily WOD – Aug 21, 2023

Mike powering through the run with his gunshow!

Workout of the Day

Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of:

  • Calories (bike or row)
  • Deadlifts (185/133#)
  • Box jumps (30/24″)

Time cap: 15 minutes

WOD Notes: This workout is meant to be short and fast! The deadlifts should be 1-2 sets per round. Box jumps are taller than normal but something you feel confident with. We expect the fastest will finish this the 6-7 minute range; there is a 15 minute time cap.

Community Notes: Happy birthday J-Rod, Rob R, and Leda!

Daily WOD – Aug 20, 2023

Erin powering through muscle ups!

Workout of the Day

Push press 5-3-3-2-1-1-1

Then Tabata dumbbell push presses (~25% 1RM, alternate arms each round)

WOD Notes: In part 1 we’ll establish a 1 rep max push press. Part 2 is a 4-minute cash-out called a Tabata. It’s 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. Use a DB that’s approximately 25% of today’s 1RM. Alternate arms each round and record total DB push press performed across all 8 rounds.

31Heroes Notes: Please take a look at the draft heat schedule and email us ASAP if you see an error with your team or if you need a different heat time. For the procrastinators out there… we can accommodate a few more athletes! Several teams have “OPEN” spots listed, and we even have room for a few full teams. Hit us up by Tuesday night if you want in!

Daily WOD – Aug 19, 2023

Max crushing his shuttle runs in youth strength & speed!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds, each for time, of:

  • 20 burpees
  • 20 pull-ups
  • 20 hang power cleans (135/93#)

Start a new round every 5 minutes.

WOD Notes: Don’t cherry pick just because it has burpees! Our annual 200 burpees WOD is coming soon; today will help you prepare! Each round will have a hard cap at 3:30, but try to finish closer to the 2:30-3:00 range, especially for the first few rounds.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Ray F!

Daily WOD – Aug 18, 2023

Zach locking out a power snatch!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 800m run
  • 30 back squats (225/153#, NTE 65% 1RM)
  • 800m run

Time cap: 20 minutes

WOD Notes: Guaranteed to toast your legs and leave you sore tomorrow, so choose your weight wisely! If you know your 1 rep max back squat, do not exceed 65% of that number. It should be heavy, but you should be able to finish the 30 squats in 3-6 sets (no singles)!

Community Notes: Happy birthday Marie S!

Daily WOD – Aug 17, 2023

Violet crushing hanging knee raises!

Workout of the Day

Banded deadlift 10×3

Then complete NFT:

  • Banded partner sprints (8/person)

WOD Notes: Today’s focus is on fast, explosive deadlifts. The weight on your bar should be ~50% of your 1RM. The band you select will vary based on your strength and height. General guidance: Red band for 1RM deadlift <150 lb; Black band for 1RM deadlift 150-250 lb; Purple band for 1RM deadlift 250-350 lb; Green band for 1RM deadlift, 350+. Shorter athletes want to go up a band color; taller athletes may want to go down a band color.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Coach Zhu & Tracy M!

Daily WOD – August 16, 2023

Botta setting up for snatch!

Workout of the Day

Complete AMRAP in 18 minutes of:

  • 21 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 15 toes-to-bar
  • 9 handstand push-ups

WOD Notes: Aim for even splits today (i.e., make each round the same length). Start out slower than you think you need to and break the movements into manageable sets. Shoot for 1-3 sets per movement and minimize downtime!

Community Notes: Happy birthday Karen B!

Daily WOD- Aug 15, 2023

Ricky demo’ing mobility!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 3 rope climbs
  • 10 devil’s presses (2×50/35#)

Time cap: 20 minutes

WOD Notes: This workout doesn’t have a ton of reps, but each rep will take a lot of effort! Be sure to pick scales that challenge you. If you end up flying through the workout, add a couple extra rounds while the rest of the class finishes!

Daily WOD – Aug 14, 2023

Tina rocking some Games Fan moves!

Workout of the Day

Bench press 5×5 (75-80%)

Then complete 3 sets NFT of:

  • 10 bent-over rows (75% of today’s weight)
  • 20 floor wipers (10R/10L)

WOD Notes: The bench presses are intended to be performed “across,” meaning you use the same weight for all 5 sets. Traditionally a 5×5 is performed at 75% of your 1 rep max.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Caden R & Becky F!

Daily WOD – Aug 13, 2023

Pugh crushing T2B!

Workout of the Day

With a partner, one person working at a time, complete an AMRAP in 24 minutes of:

  • 400m run
  • 400m row
  • 200 double unders

WOD Notes: Divide the work any way you want. You can take turns running the 400’s, or split each round into 2x200m. (Same concept for the row; divide as desired.) For the DU, in order to go Rx today you should be able to string sets of 25-50. If that’s not doable, scale back the reps or sub 2x single unders. For those who can’t jump at all, sub 5 slam balls = 20 DUs. Each round of DU should take 3 minutes or less.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Alexa T!

Daily WOD – Aug 12, 2023

Bannet powering through push presses!

Workout of the Day

Take 12 minutes to find your heaviest DB split snatch (each arm).

Then “Final Positions”

Complete for time:

  • 20 bar muscle ups
  • 30 dumbbell squat snatches (70/50#)

WOD Notes: Today we get to test out the final workout from the 16-17 age group at the 2023 CrossFit Games! It’s meant to be quick (sub 10-minutes). Both movements are high skill, so we’ll have plenty of scaling options. The 20 bar muscle ups can be scaled to jumping bar muscle ups, pull-ups, or a pull-up/push-up combo. If you’re not comfortable with the DB squat snatch, sub split snatches. We’ll take the first part of class to learn the DB split snatch technique and work up to something heavy!

Daily WOD – Aug 11 2023

Heather crushing DB snatches!

Workout of the Day

Take 10 sets to build to a heavy single of the following complex:

  • 1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 1 split jerk

WOD Notes: Programming Credit: CrossFit main page on 7/28/23. Experienced athletes can go as heavy as possible for this complex. Newer athletes can use this workout as an opportunity to drill the movements.

Daily WOD – Aug 10, 2023

Erik powering through presses!

Workout of the Day

Complete each round for time of:

At the 0 minute mark on the clock, begin round 1:

  • 50/40 cal bike or row
  • 50 kettlebell swings (53/35#)

At the 9 minute mark on the clock, begin round 2:

  • 40/32 cal bike or row
  • 40 kettlebell swings

At the 16 minute mark on the clock, begin round 3:

  • 30/24 cal bike or row
  • 30 kettlebell swings

At the 22 minute mark on the clock, begin round 4:

  • 20/16 cal bike or row
  • 20 kettlebell swings

At the 27 minute mark on the clock, begin round 5:

  • 10/8 cal bike or row
  • 10 kettlebell swings

WOD Notes: Each interval gets shorter, so increase intensity as you go! Choose a kettlebell that lets you complete the set of 50 in no more than 3 sets. Bonus points if you can go unbroken! There’s a time cap for each round plus an additional 2 minutes of guaranteed rest. Time caps: 7 min / 5 min / 4 min / 3 min / 2 min.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Steph M & Dave L!

Daily WOD – Aug 9, 2023

Kelsey cruising with the sand bag!

Workout of the Day


Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 15 overhead squats (95/63#)

Time cap: 20 minutes

WOD Notes: This is a benchmark WOD that we complete once/year. You don’t want to miss it! If you are not comfortable with the overhead squat, modify to front or back squats. Whatever variation you choose, pick a weight that will allow you to complete the first few rounds unbroken and give you a legitimate shot at finishing all rounds unbroken. The special part of Nancy is trying to hold a reasonable run time as the squat volume builds!

Community Notes: Happy birthday Tom S!

Daily WOD – Aug 8, 2023

Vanessa crushing weighted lunges!

Workout of the Day

Back squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Then complete:

  • 5 x 12 banded Russian kettlebell swings (as heavy as possible)

WOD Notes: Today you’ll have a chance to set a new 1 rep max back squat! Start around 70% and aim for 95% of your previous 1 rep max by set 5. If you’re feeling great, use sets 6 & 7 to go for a new 1 rep max. If not, you can stay at 95% and hit some good looking singles.

Daily WOD – Aug 7, 2023

John destroying the 200!

Workout of the Day

Complete AMRAP in 15 minutes of:

  • 3 power cleans (185/133#, NTE 85% 1RM)
  • 6 toes-to-bar
  • 9 box jump overs (24/20″)

WOD Notes: The power cleans are heavy today! Most athletes will treat them as quick singles, but touch-and-go isn’t out of the question for some monsters (hint, hint).

Community Notes: Happy birthday Missy & Sutton!

Daily WOD – Aug 6, 2023

Smith powering through thrusters!

Workout of the Day

Complete each exercise for time:

  • 800m run
  • 150 double unders
  • 1000/800m row (or 2000/1600m bike)
  • 50 burpees

WOD Notes: You’ll have 5 minutes to complete each exercise, and you’ll rotate to a new station every 7 minutes (at least 2 minutes of rest). Treat each station as a max effort!

Community Notes: Happy birthday Jen N & Gina W!

Daily WOD – Aug 4, 2023

Erin piling up ring dips!

Workout of the Day

Complete EMOM for 30 minutes of:

  • Min 1: 8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
  • Min 2: 8 thrusters (115/73#)
  • Min 3: 12/8 calorie bike or row

WOD Notes: This style of work out starts out easy and builds as the time progresses. Aim to complete each movement in 20-40 seconds. In the “rest” time, think about what went well in the set and what you can improve. It’s a great day to work on the C2B skill or go a little heavier in thrusters than you normally do. Try to go unbroken on the thrusters most, if not all, the way through!

Community Notes: Happy birthday Diane H & Elissa!

Daily WOD – Aug 3, 2023

Tara crushing her push press!

Workout of the Day

Complete each round for time, starting a new round every 4 minutes:

Rds 1 & 4:

  • 200m run
  • 30 kettlebell sumo deadlift high pulls (53/35#)

Rds 2 & 5:

  • 200m run
  • 30 kettlebell hang snatch (15R/15L, 53/35#)

Rds 3 & 6:

  • 200m run
  • 30 goblet squats (53/35#) 

WOD Notes: Each round should be a sprint! Try to finish by 2:30 each round to give yourself 90 seconds of rest. Hard stop at 3 minutes per round.

Daily WOD – Aug 2, 2023

Kelsey powering through RMUs!

Workout of the Day

Overhead squat 5-5-3-3-1-1-1

Then complete 5 rounds NFT of:

  • 10 kettlebell windmills (5R/5L)
  • 15 PVC overhead sit-ups

WOD Notes: If you are feeling good about OHS, hit the first set around 65% of your 1RM and aim for your first single at ~90%. If you feel less good about OHS, feel free to stay light and work on form, or go front squats and crush some quads!

Community Notes: Happy birthday Jon G!

Daily WOD – Aug 1, 2023

Reese powering through tire flips!

Workout of the Day

Complete 8 rounds for time of:

  • 5 deadlifts (65% 1RM)
  • 15 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 30 double unders

Time cap: 20 minutes

WOD Notes: The deadlift weight is heavier than what we typically use in a metcon, but you should be able to perfom the 5 reps unbroken. Ideally your first round will take less than 90 seconds, with unbroken deadlifts, wall balls in 1-2 sets, and double unders in 1-2 sets.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Byron!

Daily WOD – Jul 31, 2023

Quinn powering through slam balls in youth strength & speed!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds for max reps of:

  • 1 minute row or bike (for calories)
  • 1 minute rest
  • 1 minute burpee pull-ups
  • 1 minute rest

WOD Notes: If you’re going for Rx today, choose a pull-up bar that is ~6″ above your reach. Obviously we have a finite number of pull-up bar options, so pick the best fit. As long as you have to jump to reach the bar it can count as Rx! In large classes, folks can partner up and share a bike/rower and pull-up bar if desired, one starting on the row/bike and the other starting on the burpees.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Bethanie S!

Daily WOD – Jul 30, 2023

Whitney setting her Farmer’s carry PR while encouraging the teen crew!

Workout of the Day

Sumo deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3

Then complete 3 rounds NFT of:

  • 20 banded box steps ups (20/16″)
  • 20 single-arm, opposite leg kettlebell deadlifts (10R/10L)

WOD Notes: For the sumo deadlifts, start around 65% and work up to a heavy set of 3 in the 85% range. In Part 2, for the banded box steps ups, most athletes will use a purple or green band depending on your height and strength. Be sure to drive through your heel and squeeze your glutes at the top! For the KB deadlifts, use a weight at least 1 step down from what you typically swing.

Daily WOD – Jul 29, 2023

Colt crushing shoulder press!

Workout of the Day

Complete 4 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 21 squat cleans (95/63#)

Time cap: 20 minutes

WOD Notes: The squat cleans are on the lighter side; you should be able to hit sets of at least 5 without dropping. (PLEASE save our barbells and don’t drop every rep!) If you modify to power cleans, add 21 air squats to the end of each round.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Dom!

Daily WOD – Jul 28, 2023

Coach Steve crushing thrusters!

Workout of the Day

Complete AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • 15 Russian kettlebell swings (70/53#)
  • 15 push-ups
  • 15/12 cal bike or row

WOD Notes: Focus on controlled, full-ROM, insta-worthy push-ups that will make your coach proud! Move fast on the KBS and bike/row. KBS should be unbroken for most if not all of the workout.

Daily WOD – Jul 27, 2023

Mike pressing through his fitness!

Workout of the Day

Shoulder press 2-2-2-2-2-2

Then complete 4 sets NFT of:

  • 15 ring dips

WOD Notes: In Part 1, work up to a heavy 2 rep shoulder press, starting around 65% of your 1RM and ending around 90-95% of your 1RM. For Part 2, ensure your ring dips are controlled and safe! Use band assistance, reduce the number, or modify to box/bench dips as needed. Rest 60-90s between sets.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Carver!

Daily WOD – Jul 26, 2023

Noel powering overhead!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 50 dumbbell snatches (50/35#)
  • 25 toes-to-bar
  • 40 DB snatches
  • 20 toes-to-bar
  • 30 DB snatches
  • 15 toes-to-bar
  • 20 DB snatches
  • 10 toes-to-bar
  • 10 DB snatches
  • 5 toes-to-bar

Time cap: 20 minutes

WOD Notes: There are a lot of reps in today’s workout, so you’ll want to pick modifications that allow you to keep moving. It’s a great day to work on stringing sets of DB snatches dynamically, meaning switch hands mid-air rather than on the floor. It will save your low back and speed up the reps!

Daily WOD – Jul 25, 2023

Ved & Ryder powering through their program!

Workout of the Day


  • 7 wall walks
  • 27 deadlifts (205/123#)
  • 20 pistols
  • 13 power cleans (205/123#)
  • 7 ring muscle ups
  • 27 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 20 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 13 strict pull ups

Time cap:  18 minutes

WOD Notes: This is Carver’s birthday WOD and the 10th time we’re doing this annual benchmark! The scale for ring muscle ups is typically jumping muscle ups or 2-3x push ups. Whatever modifications you choose, record them accurately as this one will come around again! Last performed on 7/26/22.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Debbie H!


Daily WOD – Jul 24, 2023

Jill crushing her DB push press!

Workout of the Day

Hang power snatch 5-5-5-5-5


Run 1 mile for time!

WOD Notes: The hang power snatch can be taken from high hang or low hang. Whichever variation you go for, a hook grip will be crucial today!! If you know your 1 RM hang power snatch, start around 60-65% and increase weight each set, aiming for 80-85%. Part 2 of the workout is our annual 1 mile time trial. This is a full out, 100% effort; let’s see some PRs!


Daily WOD – Jul 23, 2023

Rylan powering through her KB swings!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds, each for time, of:

  • 15 bar-facing burpees
  • 15 overhead squats (95/63#)

Start a new round every 4 minutes.

WOD Notes: Most folks will modify one or both movements today… and that’s okay! The goal is to pick movements and reps that let you hit each round with intensity, ideally finishing in 1:30-2:00 min. Bar-facing burpees can become regular burpees or plank burpees. OHS can become front or back squats. Give yourself a hard cap at 2:30 each round to ensure 90 seconds of rest!

Community Notes: Happy birthday Coach Ricky!

Daily WOD – Jul 22, 2023

Sarah wrecking shop on her WOD!

Workout of the Day

With a partner, complete (in any order):

  • 30 rope climbs
  • 300/240 calories on the C2 bike

Time cap: 30 minutes

WOD Notes: Find a partner who balances your strengths! It’s okay if you don’t have rope climbs; we’ll have modification options including rope pulls or ring rows. Partners can work simultaneously, but only 1 can be biking and 1 rope climbing at a time. Once you and your partner finish all the rope climbs or bike cals, you’ll take turns working on the remaining movement. Rx for M/F teams is 270 cals.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Karen Smith & Swetha!

Daily WOD – Jul 21, 2023

John crushing KB swings!

Workout of the Day

Front squat 5×5 (75-80%)

Then complete 3 sets of:

  • 16 front-rack Bulgarian split squats (8R/8L) at 30% 1RM

WOD Notes: Today’s front squats are intended to be performed “across,” meaning you use the same weight for all 5 sets. Traditionally a 5×5 is performed at 75% of your 1 rep max. If you’re not familiar with Bulgarian split squats, check out a video demo HERE.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Quinn L!

Daily WOD – Jul 20, 2023

Kerri having fun on the run!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 120 double-unders
  • 5 clean & jerks (155/103#)
  • 90 double unders
  • 10 clean & jerks (155/103#)
  • 60 double unders
  • 15 clean & jerks (155/103#)
  • 30 double unders
  • 20 clean & jerks (155/103#)

Time cap: 20 minutes

WOD Notes: The sub for double unders is 2x single unders, hops over a line, or plate hops (25# plate). The clean & jerk should not exceed 70% of your 1 rep max. Athletes who are very strong at both of these movements may consider increasing the number of double unders (200-150-100-50), increasing the weight on the barbell, or both! If you finish early and have energy in the tank, continue with rounds of 30 DU and 5 C&J until the rest of the class is done!

Community Notes: Happy birthday Theresa N!

Daily WOD – Jul 19, 2023

Ming pulling a heavy dead!

Workout of the Day

On a 20 minute clock, complete:

  • 1 mile run

Then AMRAP in remaining time of:

  • 5 strict handstand push ups
  • 10 one-legged squats
  • 15 med ball sit ups (20/14#)

WOD Notes: We have a 1 mile time trial coming up on Monday; use today’s opening run as prep! Aim to hit the run at about 90% intensity (approx 20-30 seconds slower than your goal for Monday.) In the remaining time we’ll get gymnasty. The reps don’t have to be fast; challenge yourself with harder variations than you typically would do!

Daily WOD – Jul 18, 2023

Frank working through heavy DB snatches!

Workout of the Day

Deadlift 5-5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1

Then complete NFT:

  • 30 barbell roll-outs

WOD Notes: Today you’ll have the opportunity to work up to a heavy 1 rep deadlift. Start your first set of 5 around 65% and your first set of 1 around 90%. For the barbell roll-outs, focus on maintaining a tight, hollow core and strive for a long hip-and-shoulder extension.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Joel K!

31Heroes 2023 – Event Info!

*8/25 Update – Final Teams & Heat Assignments available HERE.*

ICA’s 13th Annual 31Heroes WOD & 12th Anniversary Celebration – August 26, 2023! 

12 years ago, on August 6, 2011, 30 Americans and 1 military K9 lost their lives when their helicopter was downed in Afghanistan. This tragedy happened only days after ICA opened its doors, and it has become our annual fundraising mission. Each year since 2011 we’ve hosted the 31Heroes WOD and fundraiser to honor these fallen heroes and raise money to support their families and others in the veteran community suffering from TBI and PTSD.

Fundraising / Donations

Every year since 2011 we’ve been in the top 5 fundraisers in the WORLD for the 31Heroes organization. Help us keep our legacy alive by donating to our team! There are 3 ways you can contribute:

  1. Donate directly to our team page HERE. A donation of $31 (or more) will get you a 31Heroes tank or tee (mailed to you directly by 31Heroes).
  2. Sign up as an individual fundraiser! You can earn some cool gear depending on your fundraising totals. Go to our team page (linked above) and click the “Join Team” button.
  3. Make a cash donation in person at the live event (no t-shirt or prizes).

While donations of any amount are greatly appreciated, you are not required to make a donation in order to workout with us on August 26!


In teams of 4, complete as many reps as possible in 31 minutes of:

  • 200m sandbag run
  • Thrusters
  • Rope climbs (scales: pull ups or ring rows)
  • Box jumps

WOD Notes: While teammate #1 is running, #2 is completing thrusters, #3 is doing rope climbs and #4 is jumping.  When the runner returns, everyone moves forward one station. The team’s score is the total number of thrusters, rope climbs and box jumps completed in 31 minutes. The rope climb scale is pull ups or ring rows, where every 5 reps counts as 1 rope climb.

  • Level 1 = 50# wreckbag, 155# thruster, 30″ box
  • Level 2 = 35# wreckbag, 105# thruster, 24″ box
  • Level 3 = 35# wreckbag, 65# thruster, 20″ box
  • Level 4 = 20# wreckbag, 35# thruster, 16″ box

All team members must share a sandbag, thruster bar, and box. Team members who are not comfortable thrustering their team’s weight can use a pair of dumbbells or front squat or power clean instead.


ICA members: Please sign up in Push Press, as you would for a normal class. This is a free event (will not count toward class totals).

  • Once you’ve signed up in PP, please also add your name to your desired level (1, 2, 3, or 4) on the sign-up sheets at the gym, near the water cooler. It’s helpful if you can establish your 4-person teams in advance of the event, but you can also sign up as a free agent and we will match you up with a team.

Guests: We love having guests at this event! If you simply want to spectate and cheer, you do not need to register. If you want to participate in the WOD, please set up an account and fill out a waiver HERE, then separately register for the event HERE.

  • Once all team members have registered, please email us @ ironcrossathletics@gmail.com with your team roster and Level (1, 2, 3 or 4).

ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSES AUGUST 19 to give us time finalize heats and teams! 


  • 7:30 – Gym opens
  • 8:00 – Opening Remarks
  • 8:20 – Heat 1
  • 9:00 – Heat 2
  • 9:40 – Heat 3
  • 10:15 – Group Photo in the Parking Lot
  • 10:30 – Heat 4
  • 11:10 – Heat 5
  • 11:45 – PARKING LOT PARTY! We’ll provide pizza & wings; BYO beverages and snacks to share!

We will release heat assignments a few days before the event. If you have a specific heat request please note that on the sign-up sheets; we’ll do our best to accommodate!

  • 8/25 Update: Click HERE for teams & heat assignments! 


The parking lot will be closed so we can set up a “tent city” for our athletes and spectators! The 200m running route will take place in the parking lot, too. The highlighted areas shown below will be available for parking: along Jefferson Street, on the opposite side of the building, or across Bridge Street at the Oakwood Apartments.

Parking Lot Party

Bring your canopies, folding chairs, and yard games to create a “tent city” in the parking lot! During the event, we’ll have water and snacks available for participants. Around 11:15 we’ll serve up some wings and pizza. Please bring snacks, food, desserts, and beverages to share… including cold, adult beverages if desired!

Special Note

Remember that our annual 31Heroes event is a fundraiser, not a competition. The focus of the day is honoring the 31Heroes, enjoying a grueling workout with 100+ of your closest friends, and celebrating our incredible community of fitness!

Thank you for your support of the 31Heroes! We can’t wait to workout, fundraise, and celebrate with you all! 

Daily WOD – Jul 17, 2023

Emily powering through box jumps!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 1000/800m row (or 2000/1600m bike)

Immediately into 5 rounds of:

  • 15 pull-ups
  • 7 push jerks (135/83#)

Time cap: 20 minutes

WOD Notes: Programming credit: modified from CrossFit main page 7/7/23. To maintain intensity on the pull-ups and jerks, pick a number of pull-ups that you can complete in 2-3 sets even when tired. Push jerks will come from the floor, so go unbroken as long as possible!

Community Notes: Happy birthday Pat Buday!

Daily WOD – Jul 16, 2023

Heather crushing DB snatch!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 400m run
  • 50 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 400m run
  • 50 toes to bar
  • 400m run
  • 50 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)

Time cap: 20 minutes

WOD Notes: This one looks simple on paper but it will pack a punch! The goal is to keep intensity high – go for big sets and keep your breaks short. The sets of wall balls and toes to bar should take no more than 3-4 minutes each.

Daily WOD – Jul 15, 2023

Steve overjoyed by the WOD!

Workout of the Day

Bench press 2-2-2-2-2-2

Then complete 3 sets of:

  • 8 deficit ring rows (3s up, 1s hold, 3 sec down) immediately into:
  • 8 deficit push ups (3s down, 1s hold, 3s up)

Rest ~1 minute between sets.

WOD Notes: If you know your 1 rep bench press, start around 70-75% and work up to 90-95%. For the cash out, the ring rows and push ups should be performed at a slow tempo – don’t rush them! If possible, elevate your feet on a bench to make the ring rows and push ups more challenging.

Daily WOD – Jul 14, 2023

Melinda cruising through box jumps!

Workout of the Day

Partner interval AMRAP in 24 minutes of:

  • 8 dumbbell thrusters (2×50/35#)
  • 20-yd walking lunge (2×50/35#)
  • 8 tall box jumps (30/24″)

WOD Notes: Partners will take turns, each performing 1 complete round while the other partner rests. Try to pair up with someone you can share dumbbells with. If we run out of dumbbells, kettlebells work too! For the walking lunge, the DBs/KBs can be carried any way desired – by your sides, on your shoulders, or over head! (Caution: Even though 50/35# is a “typical” DB weight, today’s workout calls for 2 of them, which is a lot more challenging. Be ready to drop down to 1 DB if you need to mid-WOD.)

Daily WOD – Jul 13, 2023

Sarah ripping through DB snatches!

Workout of the Day

Complete 7 rounds for time of:

  • 200m run
  • 10 hang power cleans (135/93#)
  • 5 ring muscle ups

Time cap: 20 min

WOD Notes: Pick a hang power clean weight that allows you to go unbroken for most of the workout. Subs for ring muscle ups include jumping ring muscle ups, low ring transitions, or ring rows + dips (5 each). Pick a number of RMU that can be performed in 1-2 sets, at least for the first several rounds.

Daily WOD – Jul 12, 2023

JZ powering through box jump overs!

Workout of the Day

Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1

Push press 1-1-1-1-1

Push jerk 1-1-1-1-1

Cash out: 100 handstand shoulder taps

WOD Notes: On a 24 minute clock, find a heavy 1 rep of each lift: shoulder press, push press, and push jerk. You’ll have ~8 minutes per movement and should aim for 4-5 reps of each. Post your starting and ending weight for each lift. For the cash out, pick the most vertical position you can achieve that allows you to do sets of 10-20 shoulder taps at a time. Handstand, wall walk hold, or high plank on the floor.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Dennis M!

Daily WOD – Jul 11, 2023

Lindsay powering through cleans!

Workout of the Day

Complete 27-21-15-9 reps for time of:

  • Calories (row or bike)
  • Thrusters (95/63#)

Time cap: 20 minutes

WOD Notes: Programming Credit: CrossFit Games (Open 15.5 & AGOQ Test 23.4). The Games version called for calories to be completed on the rower, but today you can use the rower or bike. Teens under 17 and Masters 55+ used 65/45# thrusters…feel free to use those weights and post as Rx if you fit in those groups! (Unless your initials are RFL… don’t even think about it.)

Community Notes: Happy birthday Tara S!

Daily WOD – Jul 10, 2023

Jesse flying in from the run!

Workout of the Day

Complete AMRAP in 15 minutes of:

  • 10 alternating dumbbell snatches (70/50#, 5R/5L)
  • 8 burpee box jump overs (24/20″)

WOD Notes: The prescribed dumbbell weight is heavier than usual…whether or not you Rx today, you should challenge yourself with something heavier than you usually use! If 8 burpee box jump overs will stop you in your tracks, consider reducing the number or modifying the movement (e.g., burpee only, box jump only, plank burpees, etc.).

Daily WOD – Jul 9, 2023

Natalia crushing front squats!

Workout of the Day

Back squat 1-15-1-10-1-5-1

Then AMRAP in 3 minutes of:

  • Double unders

WOD Notes: We performed a similar workout using overhead squats on 3/11/23. If you know your 1 rep max back squat, the first set of 1 should be around 75% of your 1RM. Each subsequent set of 1 should increase in weight, if possible. For the sets of 15-10-5, the % will vary greatly for each person, but a good starting point would be 60-70-80%.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Moira!

Schedule Notes:

  1. Today (Sunday) at 8:30am we’re hosting a free community workout at the parking lot at Bridge & Main St as part of the PXV “inside out” series. Come join us and bring your friends!
  2. Due to low attendance, we’re taking the M/T/R 4:30pm class off the schedule and replacing it with Open Gym. We’ll keep an eye on attendance and expect to add these classes back in the Fall!

Daily WOD – Jul 8, 2023

Alex powering through the run!

Workout of the Day


Complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 21 kettlebell swings (53/35#)
  • 12 pull ups

Time cap: 15 min

Then EMOM for 8 minutes:

  • X toes to bar

WOD Notes: Helen is a benchmark workout that we perform once a year, most recently on 7/10/22. It should be fast! Pick modifications that allow you to spend no more than 2 minutes per run, 1 minute per set of KBS, and 1 minute for pull ups. After a brief cool down, we’ll do some toe-to-bar skill work. Every minute for 8 minutes, complete a set of TTB, ideally unbroken. Pick the number that’s right for you!

Daily WOD – Jul 7, 2023

Sikora crushing KB swings!

Workout of the Day

Complete 8 intervals, starting a new interval every 3 minutes:

On minutes 0/6/12/18:

  • 10 deadlifts (95/63#)
  • 10 power cleans (95/63#)
  • 10 front-rack reverse lunges (95/63#)

On minutes 3/9/15/21:

  • 30/24 calorie row (or bike)

WOD Notes: Get ready to sprint! Today’s WOD calls for 8 short intervals. The goal is to work for 1:00-1:30 per round, max 2:00, to ensure you have at least 1 minute of rest. Slower rowers may consider decreasing the calories to 25/20.

Daily WOD – Jul 6, 2023

Gretchen powering through OHS!

Workout of the Day

Take 7 sets to build to a heavy single of the following complex:

  • 1 cluster + 1 thruster

Then complete 4 sets NFT of:

  • 16 dumbbell bent-over row (8R/8L)
  • 16 dumbbell shoulder press (8R/8L)

WOD Notes: Today you’ll work up to a heavy 1 rep of a barbell complex. Click HERE for a video demo. If you’re newer to these movements or simply prefer to stay lighter, increase the number of thrusters to 5 each set. Anyone with shoulder issues can modify to clean + front squat.

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