Starting Monday, May 6th, we’re retiring SugarWOD and bringing you an all-in-one ICA app!
There are many reasons for the switch, but the two big ones are:
👉 SugarWOD has been increasingly unreliable and glitchy in recent months.
👉 You’ll now have the ability to book classes, manage your account, and log results in 1 app!
Some Helpful Q&As:
⭐ How will I log results? Do I need to download a new app? ⭐
There are 3 options:
1) Our #1 recommendation is you replace your PushPress Members app with our new, custom ICA app (powered by PushPress). It has all the functions of the Members app but has some ICA specific themes. Plus, you can have our sick logo on your phone! Download ICA app for iPhone HERE. Download ICA app for Android HERE
2) You can keep using your current PushPress Members app. You’ll be able to log your results in the “workouts” section.
3) If you love collecting as many apps as possible (AMAAP), you can download PushPress Train, which is PushPress’s app specifically designed for results tracking. It has a user-friendly interface, and logging results here will automatically sync them with the members app (and vice versa).
⭐ What will happen to all the results I’ve logged in SugarWOD? ⭐
You can export your workout history from SugarWOD to PushPress by following this VIDEO. This will put all of your logged workouts in the new app but will not automatically link them to the appropriate benchmarks. We recommend that you take some time to manually link the benchmarks you care about! (Reach out to us if you have trouble, but it seems fairly user friendly.)
- To help you identify the workouts you might care about, here’s a list of benchmarks and dates they were last performed: ICA benchmarks.
- There’s no need to undertake a marathon session of transferring benchmarks! Over the next year, every time a benchmark is programmed as our Daily WOD, we’ll let you know the date it was last performed so you can easily find it.
- If you have trouble logging in at, use the password reset feature – you can pick the same password you used for your members app.
⭐ If I stop my membership, will I lose access to all my results? ⭐
Nope! You can use the PushPress Train app to see your old results and manually enter future workouts. You will lose access to view ICA’s daily workouts.
🚨New Track Alert🚨
Hopefully you already know about the various programming “tracks” that we offer. This includes:
- Workout of the Day
- Aerobic Capacity (general conditioning work)
- Weightlifting (Olympic)
- Teen Strength & Speed
- Youth Strength & Speed
These tracks are free for all ICA members and can be used for supplemental training or to get ideas for what to do if you find yourself at open gym.
We’re excited to announce the addition of a new track!! The new track you’ll find on the app will be labeled “Train with Reese”. This track is the extra training that Reese performs each day. We’re making it available to the entire gym so you can use it as supplemental training, especially for folks interested in competing.
There are two important things to note as you peruse that track:
- One day of training for Reese is significantly more work than most of us do in a week. It took years for her to build up to her current workload. It would be unwise for ANYONE (not named Reese) to attempt to tackle all of it. The best use of this track would be to pick and choose a few workouts each week as supplemental training. Modify weights, reps, etc. to make it suitable for you!
- These workouts should only be completed during open gym hours. You can find our schedule of open gym hours HERE. Some of the workouts are suitable for outdoor training, in which case you can complete them in the parking lot during normal class times.
To access our supplemental tracks, go to the Workouts tab of the app (ICA app, Members app, or Train app) and use the drop-down at the top of the page.