Save 30% on your Membership with TrueMed

CrossFit is medicine.

We know that. You know it. TrueMed believes it, too! So they created a company with the sole purpose of driving HSA/FSA spending to products that are scientifically proven to improve metabolic health (like CrossFit). By using your HSA/FSA funds for your gym membership, you can save 30% on average!

ICA has signed up as a partner gym with TrueMed, making the process even easier for you. Start the qualification process here: Qualify for HSA/FSA spending using ICA’s custom link.
What to expect:
  • The link will take you to a 2-minute survey, which asks you various questions about your health history and goals to determine if you qualify.
  • If TrueMed determines that fitness can help reverse or prevent a health condition you care about (making it eligible for HSA/FSA), they will send you a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN). They can justify almost everyone to get a LMN based on the desire to prevent metabolic disease.
  • Once you are approved, you’ll need to submit your LMN and your future gym membership receipts to your HSA/FSA provider for reimbursement. TrueMed’s customer support team will be available to assist. TrueMed guarantees reimbursement once qualified!

If you want to know more about TrueMed’s background, check out their website or read this article from TechCrunch.

If you have an HSA/FSA, don’t delay! Qualify for HSA/FSA spending using ICA’s custom link: HERE


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