Daily WOD – Apr 8, 2022

Congrats to our newest 1 yr members on the board! Shout out to our other February and March anniversaries: JZ (2), JV (2), Steve Ke (2), Cate (2), Kelly Go (4), Sean R. (4), Kyle E. (5), Jeff (7), Pete S (9) and Dan E (9)!

Workout of the Day


AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • 2 ring muscle ups
  • 4 handstand push ups
  • 8 KB swings (70/53#)

WOD Notes:  It is time for one of our ICA benchmarks!!  Nate is designed to be pretty slow and steady with 3 very high exertion movements.  Make sure to check SugarWOD to see if you were here for this last time so you can track progress.  If this is your first time attempting this benchmark, try to choose movements that will be easy to track in the future. IE strict pull ups or ring pull ups for muscle ups, push ups or DB shoulder presses for HSPU.

Reminder:  We are holding a 1 hour HSPU clinic on Saturday, Apr 16 at 11:00 am!  Sign up in Wellness living if you plan to attend. Cost = $15.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Coach Dave!


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