Phoenixville Inside Out Workouts!

Mark your calendars for ICA’s free community workouts on Bridge Street this summer!

We’re thrilled to be a part of Phoenixville’s “Inside Out” iniative for the third summer in a row.

Free community workouts will be held at the parking lot across from Molly Maguires on the following Sunday’s this summer:

  • June 23, 8:00 am
  • July 21, 8:00 am
  • August 18, 8:00 am

For whom are these classes intended? Anyone (age 13 to 100) who wants to have an energetic start to their Sunday morning and perhaps get a little fitter.

What should I bring? It would be a great idea to bring a cold drink, a friend and a smile.

How awesome of a time will I have if I show up? Great question; I’m glad you asked. Intensely awesome!

If you’ve never been to ICA before, you can click HERE to fill out a waiver and book the class so we know you’re coming.

If you have any questions, reach out to John at

Daily WOD – Feb 10, 2022

Shannon hitting some DB thrusters!

Workout of the Day

Complete 6 rounds, each for time of:

  • 24 DB snatches (50/35#, 12R/12L, alternating hands)
  • 12 handstand push ups
  • 8 burpees over DB

Start a new round every 4 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Choose a weight that will let you go unbroken through the DB snatches for the first 3 to 4 rounds.  If you’re performing strict handstand push ups, consider cutting the reps to 6 or 8.  The burpees should ideally take less than 30 seconds/round.  Each round should take between 1:30 and 2:30.  It would be wise to cap yourself at 3:00 each round.

Daily WOD – Feb 9, 2022

Rachelle crushing some squats!

Workout of the Day

Complete max reps in 1 minute of:

  • 1 minute of power cleans (165/108#, NTE 65% 1RM)

Rest 3 minutes.

  • 1 minute of power cleans (185/123#, NTE 75% 1RM)

Rest 3 minutes.

  • 1 minute of power cleans (205/133#, NTE 85% 1RM)

Rest 3 minutes and repeat.  Record the reps for each of the 6 rounds.

WOD Notes:  If you are newer to power cleans, feel free to choose one weight and stay with it the entire way.  Ideally you’ll get through more than 10 reps at the lightest weight and more than 5 at the heaviest.


Daily WOD – Feb 8, 2022

Congrats to Dave and Dan on their podium finish at Master’s Arctic Blast over the weekend!

Workout of the Day

Bench Press 7×3 (80% 1RM)

Then complete 3 rounds NFT of:

  • 20 single-arm DB bench presses (3s down, 1s up, 10R/10L)
  • 20 single-arm DB curls (3s down, 1s up, 10R/10L)

WOD Notes:  Get ready to move weight!  Pick a bench press weight that will let you move with good form even when fatigue sets in!

Daily WOD – Feb 7, 2022

Anna getting under some heavy weight!

Workout of the Day

Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of:

  • Front Squats (115/73#)
  • Push Presses (115/73#)

Complete 100 double unders after each set.

WOD Notes:  Choose weights that will let you get through each round in 2 to 3 sets.  Most people will choose their weight based on the push press as that is likely to be the limiting factor.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Karen L!

Daily WOD – Feb 6, 2022

Jenn landing a clean!

Workout of the Day

Complete 4 rounds for reps of:

  • 3 minutes of rowing (cal)
  • 1 minute of bar muscle ups

WOD Notes:  Record your total calories rowed and total bar muscle ups completed! Subs for bar MU can include jumping BMU, low ring transitions, pull ups, or ring rows.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Sillup!

Daily WOD – Feb 5, 2022

Congrats to all our 1 year anniversaries! Hats off to our December and January athletes celebrating their anniversaries: Marsha (2), Dave W (3), Marissa W. (5), Cara (2), Tom B (2), Mandy (2), Ryan H. (2), Chris Mc (2), Mado (2), Kelsey (2), Fred (5), Karen Smith (6), Joel (6), Bob Ka (6), Betsy (8), and Pugh (9)!

Workout of the Day

Push Press 1-1-1-1

Push Jerk 1-1-1-1

Split Jerk 1-1-1-1

WOD Notes:  Try to progress your weights such that you can continuously increase in weight across each set.  You are more than welcome to work in some practice reps of push jerks and split jerks in the lighter weights to prime the movement.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Jenn!

Daily WOD – Feb 4, 2022

Swetha lining up a deadlift!

Workout of the Day

Partner interval AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • 12 thrusters (95/63#)
  • 12 slam balls (30/20#)
  • 24 lateral plyo hops (20/16″, 12R/12L)

WOD Notes:  In this workout, 1 partner will complete 1 full round while partner 2 rests; then switch.  Choose a thruster weight that will let you go unbroken through the majority of the workout!

Register for the 2022 Open!

The Open is coming!!! We are excited to say we have 30 ICA members already registered!!! But we’re looking to DOUBLE that number… Click HERE to register or read on for more details!

WHAT is the “Open?”

The Open is an annual, online competition for CrossFit athletes around the world. It’s the largest fitness competition on Earth and a global celebration of all the individual reasons we CrossFit! People participate in the Open to push themselves to new limits, experience the intensity and camaraderie of competition, and see how they stack up against others around the world. For the most elite athletes, the Open is the first step to qualify for the CrossFit Games. There are multiple divisions so athletes of all ages, abilities, and experience levels can join in the fun! It doesn’t matter if you’re 14, 40, or 64; if you’re just starting out or a muscle-up pro.

The Leaderboard lets you view your results and compare by division, geographic location, gym, or custom groups (such as your alma mater, occupation, etc), or just try to beat your placement from last year.



WHEN is the “Open?”

The Open starts on February 24, 2022, and is 3 weeks long.  Every Thursday night an Open workout will be posted to the Games website at 8:00pm EST. Registered athletes will have 4 days – until Monday at 8:00pm EST – to complete the workout and submit their scores.

The top 10% of athletes from the Open will be invited to participate in a 2nd level of competition, the Quarterfinals. The very best athletes from Quarterfinals will qualify for Semifinals, then another cut determines who makes it to the Games! The Games will take place in Madison, Wisconsin in August.

2022 season dates

What are the Workouts Like?

The Open is for EVERYONE! Each Open WOD has several versions, to encourage participation of all ages, abilities, and experience levels.

  • Rx’d – For athletes that typically Rx our daily workouts
  • Scaled – For athletes that typically scale our daily workouts but are familiar with most CrossFit movements
  • Foundations – For our newest athletes
  • No Equipment – For athletes completing the workout at home who don’t have access to equipment
  • Age Groups – For teens (ages 14-17) and Masters 55+ (Age as of July 14, 2022)
  • Adaptive – For athletes with permanent physical or intellectual impairments

You can switch back and forth between Rx’d, Scaled, and Foundations each week, based on the specific workout that is announced. Those who complete all 5 workouts Rx will be ranked against other Rx athletes.

Full rules and details can be found in the 2022 CrossFit Games Rulebook.


HOW do I Participate?

If you are a member at ICA, participating in the Open is easy! We program the Open workout as our Daily WOD on Fridays during the Open season. All you have to do is:

  • Register for the Open ($20)
  • Show up to class 3 consecutive Fridays (Feb 25, Mar 4, and Mar 11) and complete one of the official versions of the WOD*
  • After class, remember to post your score to the Games website!

*If you can’t make it to the gym on Friday, you can complete the workout during Open Gym on Sunday or Monday.

Even if you don’t sign up for the Open, you are welcome and encouraged to attend Friday class and complete the workout as a normal Daily WOD!

ICA’s In-House Open Competition

The Open is a ton of fun, and we encourage everyone to participate! Athletes who register by Monday, February 21 will be drafted onto one of 6 teams, headed by John, Ricky, Dave, Kevin, Kelsey and Nikki. Each week that you complete the workout you’ll earn points for your team. At the end of the 3 weeks we’ll announce the winning team! We end the Open with an outdoor social event for all the Open participants – exact date TBD based on weather!

I’m in. How Do I Register?

Register HERERemember to choose CrossFit Phoenixville as your affiliate!

If you’re on the fence, our advice is to SIGN UP! The Open is a lot of fun and will help you push yourself to new limits. It will also bring you closer to your ICA Open Team and the worldwide CrossFit community. There’s nothing to lose!


Daily WOD – Jan 31, 2022

After 7 years at ICA and nearly 5 as a coach, Coach Ryan (Iggy) is on to his next adventure! Since Ryan has come on board, he’s graduated from college, changed careers, moved, gotten married and had a daughter!  We are so grateful for the impact he has had on our community and the years of dedication to make ICA a better place for everyone.  I suspect we’ll still see him around from time to time in classes and if you see him, wish him luck!

Workout of the Day

Complete 7 rounds for time of:

  • 25 KB swings (53/35#)
  • 2 rope climbs

WOD Notes:  Pick a KB weight that will let you go complete each round in 1 or 2 sets.  If going overhead with the KB doesn’t feel good, increase to 35 reps of Russian KB swings per round.

Daily WOD – Jan 30, 2022

Dan R locking out a muscle up!

Workout of the Day

“Open 21.4”

Take 15 minutes to find a heavy single of the following complex:

  • Deadlift + Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Jerk

Then “Open 11.3”

AMRAP in 5 minutes of:

  • 1 squat clean (165/108#)
  • 1 jerk (165/108#)

WOD Notes:  For Part 1, the time permitted during the actual Open was 7 minutes, but we’re allowing 15 today to give people time to really push the weight! For Part 2, the bar must be cleaned from the floor, pass through a squat and then end up overhead.  Squat clean thrusters, squat clean + jerk, or power clean + front squat + jerk would all work!

Sunday Trail Run:  There is a trail run/hike on Sunday, led by Coach Dave! Sign up in Wellness Living and meet at the parking lot at the Lock 60 recreation area around 11:15am.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Sean R!

Daily WOD – Jan 29, 2022

Weather Update: Delayed opening @ 9:00am. (3 class times, 9/10/11am.) Before signing up for class, please be sure you can make it in (i.e., willing to drive in the snow, able to clear off car and get to class on time…) Today’s WOD is “at home” friendly for those who prefer to stay in on this snow day! 

Bob Brown knocking out ring dips!

Workout of the Day

EMOM for 27 minutes:

  • Minute 1 – 20 DB/KB floor presses (10R/10L)
  • Minute 2 – 25 Russian KB/DB swings
  • Minute 3 – 40 bicycle crunches

WOD Notes: We did a last-minute switcharoo from the originally scheduled WOD, to something “at home” friendly in case weather causes us to close. (Update: But we’re open for 9/10/11!) All you need in order to complete this workout is a single DB or KB! Modify reps as needed to accomplish each set of work in about 40 seconds, leaving 20 seconds of rest.

Daily WOD – Jan 28, 2022

Joel working through pull ups!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 10 double DB/KB thrusters (50/35#)
  • 10 chest to bar pull ups
  • 10 DB/KB facing burpees

Rest 1 minute and then complete one more round as fast as you can.  Record 2 times: first 5 rounds and final round.  Time cap to get through first 5 rounds = 15 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Try to keep a manageable pace throughout the first 5 rounds of this workout.  During the minute of rest, recover as much as you can and then annihilate the 6th round!

Daily WOD – Jan 27, 2022

Robbie working through a row!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 1000m row
  • 100 double unders
  • 800m row
  • 80 double unders
  • 600m row
  • 60 double unders
  • 400m row
  • 40 double unders
  • 200m row
  • 20 double unders

WOD Notes:  Choose a jump rope variation that will take less than 2 minutes per round in the early rounds!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Jordana!

Daily WOD – Jan 25, 2022

BK standing up a front squat!

Workout of the Day

EMOM for 27 minutes of:

  • First minute: 4 ring muscle ups
  • Second minute: 14 box jump overs (24/20″)
  • Third minute: 5 deadlifts (65% 1RM)

WOD Notes:  If there is any minute in which you cannot complete the work, go on to the next movement and consider scaling back reps the following round!  The intent is for the muscle ups to be in 1 or 2 sets most of the way and the deadlifts should be unbroken.

Daily WOD – Jan 24, 2022

Dom firing through some Russian twists!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 7 minutes of:

  • 10 handstand push ups
  • 10 front squats (155/103#)

Rest 3 minutes, then AMRAP in 7 minutes of:

  • 10 toes to bar
  • 10 overhead squats (93/63#)

WOD Notes:  Pick weights and gymnastics scales that will let you go unbroken for at least the first 2 rounds.

Daily WOD – Jan 23, 2022

Great work to the ICA crew who took on the Chilly Cheeks 11k trail run today in Reading! Big congrats to JZ for winning the Clydesdale division!

Workout of the Day

Sumo Deadlift 8×1 (85% 1RM)

Then complete NFT:

  • 40 front scales to back scales (20R/20L)
  • 2 minutes of an inversion of your choice (rings, bar, handstand, headstand, wall walk)

WOD Notes:  Warm up to 85% of your 1 rep and then stay there for all 8 sets.  It should be a weight that looks and feels good but is very high exertion.  For the inversions, the goal is to accumulate 2 minutes upside down.  Break it into manageable chunks!

Trail Run Notes: We added a trail run/hike to the schedule for tomorrow (Sunday) morning. Meet at the Lock 60 recreation area at 11:15. John will lead a 4-6 mile run and Nikki, Carver & Sage will lead a 3 mile hike. Free for all members & guests!

Daily WOD – Jan 22, 2022

Shawn F moving fast on the rower!

Workout of the Day

With a partner (one person working at a time), AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • 80 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 60 sit ups
  • 40 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 20 power clean and jerks (135/93#)

WOD Notes:  Choose a power clean and jerk weight that you will let you complete sets of 1 to 3 at a time.  The work does not need to be split evenly so communicate with your partner and help each other out!

Community Notes: Happy Birthday Bob K!

Community Note 2: Tomorrow morning Coach Iggy will be stopping by in the 9:00am timeframe for a farewell visit. Iggy is stepping back from coaching at ICA to focus on family, work, and finishing his MBA. If you see him, be sure to wish him well! Iggy – thank you for the friendship and the tremendous coaching over the years. It’s not goodbye, it’s “see you later!”

Daily WOD – Jan 21, 2022

Workout of the Day

“Open 13.1”

AMRAP in 17 minutes of:

  • 40 burpees (6″ target)
  • 30 power snatches (75/43#)
  • 30 burpees (6″ target)
  • 30 power snatches (135/73#)
  • 20 burpees (6″ target)
  • 30 power snatches (165/98#)
  • 10 burpees (6″ target)
  • 30 power snatches (210/118#)

WOD Notes:  This workout will require you to increase the weight on the bar each round. Plan your plates out in advance! If you are new to snatching (or the movement doesn’t feel good to you), consider staying at one weight all the way through or modifying to power cleans.  The snatches can be power, split or squat. The burpees are to a 6″ target if you’re going for Rx!

COVID Reminder: We’ve seen more instances of individuals walking through other member’s stations during class – for instance when setting up or breaking down equipment. Keep in mind that everyone has a different comfort level and we ask that you go around – rather than through – other people’s stations.  Thank you!

Daily WOD – Jan 20, 2022

Tracy hitting some banded step ups!

Workout of the Day

Push Press 5-5-5-5-5

Then complete 3 rounds NFT of:

  • 30 banded tricep extensions
  • 10 bar push ups (5 seconds down, 5 seconds up)

Weather Note: Snow is expected Thursday morning, starting as early as 6am and lasting until 10 or 11am. We plan to be open, but please leave extra time to travel in… and drive safely! Check the blog before leaving home for any updates.

Daily WOD – Jan 19, 2022

Karen working through ring rows!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 27 thrusters (95/63#)
  • 12 bar muscle ups
  • 21 thrusters (95/63#)
  • 9 bar muscle ups
  • 15 thrusters (95/63#)
  • 6 bar muscle ups
  • 9 thrusters (95/63#)
  • 3 bar muscle ups

WOD Notes:  Pick a thruster weight that will allow you to complete each round in 1 to 3 sets.  The early rounds of bar muscle ups should take less than 3 minutes.

Daily WOD – Jan 18, 2022

Jeff knocking out some banded step ups!

Workout of the Day

On a 3 minute clock, complete:

  • 50 double unders
  • 30 Russian twists (25/15#, R+L = 1 rep)
  • Row max calories in remaining time.

Rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of 5 rounds.  Record calories rowed each round.

WOD Notes:  Choose a double under option that will take 30 to 60 seconds/round.  The same is true for the Russian twists.  Plan to have at least 1 minute on the row each round!

Daily WOD – Jan 17, 2022

Congratulations to Reese on her 5th place finish in the 13-15 girls division at Wodapalooza! We are all so proud of you!

Workout of the Day

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3

Then complete for time:

  • 75 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)

WOD Notes:  Start the first set of front squats at around 70% of your 1RM and gradually build from there.

Schedule Notes: Due to the inclement weather and MLK holiday tomorrow, we have cancelled the 5:00am class and replaced it with a 10:00am class. Also, this is the last week of our 7:00pm Daily WOD; starting next week that time slot will be reserved for our teen athletes.

Daily WOD – Jan 16, 2022

Paulo firing away on the rower!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 13 minutes of:

  • 10 deadlifts (135/93#)
  • 10 push ups

Rest 2 minutes then complete for time:

30-20-10 reps of:

  • Alternating leg V-ups (L+R=2)
  • Hollow rocks
  • Toe touches

WOD Notes:  Choose a deadlift weight and variation that will let you go unbroken for at least the first 5 rounds today.  The push ups should ideally take less than 30 seconds even when fatigued.

Trail Run Notes: Layer up and join Dave and Bob for the Sunday trail run, leaving from Lock 60 at 11:15am!


Daily WOD – Jan 15, 2022

Dan E with straight knees and pointed toes channeling his inner gymnast (photobomb credit to Joe’s triceps)!

Workout of the Day

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 500/400m row
  • 50 DB snatches (50/35#)
  • 25 pull ups

Time Cap = 22 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Choose a DB snatch weight that will let you hit sets of 10 to 20 reps even when heavily fatigued!  The pull ups should ideally take less than 2 minutes per round.  If you’re going strict or banded, consider modifying the reps to 10-15.

Open Registration Starts Today!!

The first workout of the 2022 Games Season will be announced on Feb. 24, 2022. Open Registration starts today, Jan. 13, 2022. ARE YOU READY?!?!? (If you are, click HERE to register! If you’re unsure, read on for more info.)

WHAT is the “Open?”

The Open is an annual, online competition for CrossFit athletes around the world. It’s the largest fitness competition on Earth and a global celebration of all the individual reasons we CrossFit! People participate in the Open to push themselves to new limits, experience the intensity and camaraderie of competition, and see how they stack up against others around the world. For the most elite athletes, the Open is the first step to qualify for the CrossFit Games. There are multiple divisions so athletes of all ages, abilities, and experience levels can join in the fun! It doesn’t matter if you’re 14, 40, or 64; if you’re just starting out or a muscle-up pro.

You can compare your results by division, geographic location, gym, or custom groups (such as your alma mater, occupation, etc), or just try to beat your placement from last year.


WHEN is the “Open?”

This year the Open is 3 weeks long, starting on February 24.  Every Thursday night an Open workout is posted to the Games website at 8:00pm EST. Registered athletes have 4 days – until Monday at 8:00pm EST – to complete the workout and submit their scores.

2022 season dates

What are the Workouts Like?

The Open is for EVERYONE! Each Open WOD has several versions, to encourage participation of all ages, abilities, and experience levels.

  • Rx’d – For athletes that typically Rx our daily workouts
  • Scaled – For athletes that typically scale our daily workouts but are familiar with most CrossFit movements
  • Foundations – For our newest athletes
  • No Equipment – For athletes completing the workout at home who don’t have access to equipment
  • Age Groups – For teens (ages 14-17) and Masters 55+ (Age as of July 14, 2022)
  • Adaptive – For athletes with permanent physical or intellectual impairments

You can switch back and forth between Rx’d, Scaled, and Foundations each week, based on the specific workout that is announced. Those who complete all 5 workouts Rx will be ranked against other Rx athletes.

Full rules and details can be found in the 2022 CrossFit Games Rulebook.


HOW do I Participate?

If you are a member at ICA, participating in the Open is easy! We program the Open workout as our Daily WOD on Fridays during the Open season. All you have to do is:

  • Register for the Open ($20)
  • Show up to class 3 consecutives Fridays (Feb 25, Mar 4, and Mar 11) and complete one of the official versions of the WOD*
  • After class, remember to post your score to the Games website!

*If you can’t make it to the gym on Friday, you can complete the workout during Open Gym on Sunday or Monday.

Even if you don’t sign up for the Open, you are welcome and encouraged to attend Friday class and complete the workout as a normal Daily WOD!

ICA’s In-House Open Competition

The Open is a ton of fun, and we encourage everyone to participate! Athletes who register by Monday, February 21 will be drafted onto one of 6 teams, headed by John, Ricky, Dave, Kevin, Kelsey and Nikki. Each week that you complete the workout you’ll earn points for your team. At the end of the 3 weeks we’ll announce the winning team! We end the Open with an outdoor social event for all the Open participants – exact date TBD based on weather!

I’m in. How Do I Register?

Register HERERemember to choose CrossFit Phoenixville as your affiliate!

If you’re on the fence, our advice is to SIGN UP! The Open is a lot of fun and will help you push yourself to new limits. It will also bring you closer to your ICA Open Team and the worldwide CrossFit community. There’s nothing to lose!

Daily WOD – Jan 14, 2022

Brian G landing a split jerk!

Workout of the Day

Snatch + hang snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Then complete:

  • Banded box step ups 2×30 (15R/15L)

WOD Notes:  The snatch to hang snatch is designed to be a complex in which you complete the two reps without putting the bar down.  If lowering the snatch out of the top feels very awkward to you, feel free to drop the bar and quickly pick it back up to set for the hang snatch.  If going overhead isn’t your friend, consider doing this as a clean complex.

Daily WOD – Jan 13, 2022

Joe M. landing a chin up pull over!

Workout of the Day

With a continuously running clock, complete the following:

Minute 0-3

  • Max rope climbs

Minute 3-6:

  • Rest

Minute 6-12 AMRAP of:

  • 5 back squats (225/153#)
  • 12 butterfly abmat sit ups

Minute 12-15:

  • Rest

Minute 15-18:

  • Max rope climbs

WOD Notes:  Choose a back squat weight that you can complete unbroken and ideally plan to get through 3 to 6 rounds in the 6 minutes.  If rope climbs aren’t your game, come in anyway to learn some variations that will advance your skill set!

Community Notes:  Good luck to Reese as she takes on the competition at Wodapalooza in Miami this Friday, Saturday and Sunday!  If you’re interested in watching her compete, I believe they will be streaming it at this site.  As we become aware of the schedule, we’ll post it to the blog and the FB community page.

Daily WOD – Jan 12, 2022

Kelly Gleba hitting some split jerks on her birthday!

Workout of the Day

“Fight Gone Bad”

  • Wall ball (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • Sumo deadlift high pull (75/53#)
  • Box jump (20/16″)
  • Push press (75/53#)
  • Row (cal)

WOD Notes: The “fight gone” scheme means you will complete 1 minute at each station with a 1 minute rest after all 5 are completed. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. Score is total reps completed. For this workout, box jumps can be completed in a dynamic style of springing up off the top of the box so long as full extension is reached above the box.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Woodley and Haven!

Daily WOD – Jan 11, 2022

*A bit late* Congrats to our September 1-year anniversary members! Shout out to our other November anniversaries: Jenn P (2), Haven (2), Steve M. (3), John C. (5), Natalie (5), Erik (7), Moira (9), Jimbo (10) and Zhu (10)!

Workout of the Day

Deadlift 5×5 (75% 1RM)

Then goal setting!

WOD Notes:  We’ll spend the last 10 to 20 minutes of each class today establishing some goals for 2022!  To get you thinking about goals a little ahead of time, consider the following:

  1. What movements/workouts hold the most meaning to you?  Is a strict pull up (or 10) on your mind often?  Do you want to run a mile faster?  Try to come up with 1 to 5 ideas.
  2. Are you varying your goals enough?  If they’re all weight lifting or all conditioning, consider mixing it up!
  3. What is a reasonable improvement to shoot for?  Do you want to hit this goal in 2022 or is it farther reaching?  A coach will be able to help you with this part!

Teen Strength & Speed Program

We are excited to announce that our Teen Stength & Speed Program is expanding to 4 nights per week!

Starting January 24, 2022, our teen athletes will have the opportunity to train with us Monday – Thursday from 7:00-8:00PM.

This program focuses on developing strength, power, speed, and mobility, in a safe and fun setting. It provides a high energy environment and instills our teen athletes with a love of working out and knowledge that will last a lifetime!

Membership options

  • 2x/week – $127/month*
  • 4x/week – $190/month

*For added flexibility, the 2x/week membership is tracked as 9 classes a month, so if your teen misses a week due to vacation, illness, or school work, they can make up the missed classes.

Questions & Answers

Is there an age restriction?
While most of the teens in this program are high schoolers (age 14-18), we have several middle schoolers (12+) that do very well in the program. These younger athletes will be allowed in on a case-by case basis.

My teen has never played sports; can they do this program?
Absolutely! Our program is beginner friendly. It’s a fun and encouraging group for teens of all abilities. We can help your teen unlock their inner athlete!

Will this program help my teen in their sport?
Definitely!  Physical strength, speed and increased body awareness help with virtually any sport.

Are the classes co-ed?
Yes, classes are co-ed. Teens of all genders and abilities are welcome!

Is lifting safe for my teen? How do you ensure safety?
Our program starts with teaching your teen sound lifting mechanics and movement patterns. Once the athlete can perform a lift safely, we increase the amount of weight they are allowed to lift. Our coaches have years of experience teaching the foundational lifts covered (squat, bench press, deadlift, and power clean). Another way we ensure safety is that we limit class size. This allows us to give your teen individualized attention and provide each athlete with their own lifting station, so there is no pressure to “keep up” with a lifting partner.

What is a typical class like?
Classes are 1-hour long. They start with a coach-led warm-up and instruction on the lift of the day. Next the athletes will lift, under the watchful eye of a coach. Class ends with 1-2 “accessory” movements, usually bodyweight or lighter weight movements to drive home the strength training or build explosive power and speed. The session ends with a group stretch.

My teen’s coach wants them to gain muscle mass. Will this program help them get there?
It sure can! If you have a specific mass-gain goal, please let us know. Some athletes put on muscle easily, but many (most) will want to combine our lifting program with a mass-gain nutrition plan. We can help you with that, too!

Please reach out to us with questions or to register! Space is limited!

Contact: John Warnek, 717-572-3994,

Daily WOD – Jan 10, 2022

JZ landing a split jerk!

Workout of the Day

“Open 21.1”

Complete for time:

  • 1 wall walk
  • 10 double-unders
  • 3 wall walks
  • 30 double-unders
  • 6 wall walks
  • 60 double-unders
  • 9 wall walks
  • 90 double-unders
  • 15 wall walks
  • 150 double-unders
  • 21 wall walks
  • 210 double-unders

Time cap: 15 min.

WOD Notes:  In preparation for the 2022 CrossFit Open, we’re hitting the first workout from last year!  Rx requires setting up tape 10″ from the wall and at shoulder height to ensure range-of-motion. (More in the video, here.) If you want to shoot for the Rx, be sure to show up a few minutes early so we can set up your tape.  If not, come in and crush whatever version you’d like! As with many Open workouts, this WOD is not designed to be finished (by ordinary humans) within the timecap. Think of it as an AMRAP!

Goal Setting Notes:  This Tuesday we hold our annual goal-setting session during each class! Come to class with some idea of what (fitness-related) goals you want to attack in 2022. If you’re interested in setting up a time beyond this class to have a 30 minute sit down with a coach to go over specific goals and strategies to attain them, you can reach out to Kevin ( or Ricky ( to set it up!  Cost of the one-on-one session is $30.

Schedule Notes: Beginning January 24, we will no longer offer the 7:00pm Daily WOD on Monday/Wednesday, due to low attendance. We’re expanding our teen program to 4 nights/week, so they will be using the gym from 7-8pm Monday-Thursday. We are hopeful that our 7:00pm devotees will be able to make it to another class time. On days when that is not possible, the back room will be available for use from 7-8pm as an “Open Gym.”  Open Gyms are free and do not count toward your class totals.

Daily WOD – Jan 9, 2022

Greg lining up a split jerk!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds, each for time of:

  • 7 burpee box jumps (24/20″)
  • 7 power snatches (135/93#)
  • 7 burpee box jumps (24/20″)

Start a round every 5 minutes.

WOD Notes:  The goal today should be to find a snatch weight that allows you to string reps together through most of the rounds.  Ideally use 1 or 2 sets to complete each round.  It would be a good idea to cap yourself at 3 minutes for each round to allow ample rest time.

Trail Series Note: Due to the forecasted freezing rain, Sunday’s trail run/hike is canceled for this week.

Late Cancel Policy Update: We have shortened the allowed time for a class cancellation from 4 hours to 2 hours. However, all late cancels and no-shows will result in a $10 fee. The missed class will be returned to your account for future use. As always, the fee will be waived if you withdrew from a later class to attend an earlier class that same day, and may be waived for classes that were significantly below their caps at the time of the cancellation.

Daily WOD – Jan 7, 2022

Karen ripping through pull ups!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • 3 chin up pull overs
  • 5 strict handstand push ups
  • 10 pistols

WOD Notes:  The scale for chin up-pull overs will either be jumping chin up pull overs, skin the cats on rings or a toe to bar variation.  Handstand push ups can be modified to A-frame push ups or shoulder presses.  Ideally the first round today should take 1 to 2 minutes so plan your scales accordingly!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Ashlee!

Daily WOD – Jan 6, 2022

Rob R standing up a back squat!

Workout of the Day

Complete an 8 round Tabata of:

  • Air squats
  • Russian twists (25/15#)

Rest 4 minutes and then complete for time:

  • 2000m row

WOD Notes:  The Tabata interval refers to completing 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.  Today, we’ll record your highest and lowest round for squats and Russian twists.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Gavin!

Daily WOD – Jan 5, 2022

Michelle catching a power clean!

Workout of the Day

EMOM for 20 minutes of:

  • 1 split jerk

WOD Notes:  Gradually increase weight over the course of 20 minutes.  You do not need to go up every minute but should shoot for every 3 to 5 minutes.  If you are fatiguing toward the end, feel free to switch to every other minute!

Goal Setting Notes:  Our annual goal setting class will be next Tuesday, Jan 11 during all classes.  The usual structure of this session is to dedicate ~15 minutes at the end of class to figure out some goals for the next year.  You can choose to post them on the goals board at the gym or keep them to yourself.

As an additional option this year, we’re offering some 30 minute goal setting sessions ($30) with Kevin and Ricky.  This is for anyone who would like to have a more detailed discussion about where you would like to go and come up with a plan for how to get you there.  We have 2 sessions available with Kevin on Tuesday and 4 sessions available with Ricky on Wednesday evening.  You can sign up on this sheet.  If you can’t make those times but are interested, you can reach out to either coach at or

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Kelly Gleba!

Daily WOD – Jan 4, 2021

Carver sitting at the edge of his reading fort!

Workout of the Day

Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of:

  • Over/unders (24/20″)
  • Squat cleans (135/93#)

WOD Notes:  Choose a weight today that would allow you to string several (3 to 5) reps together in the beginning.  After round 1, you’ll likely be dropping the bar on each rep.  If over/unders aren’t happening, we can go under a target and jog around or under a high target and over a lower target (maybe a DB or your bar).

Daily WOD – Jan 3, 2022

Workout of the Day

3 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run 
  • 21 sumo deadlift high pulls (95/63#)
  • 15 push press (95/63#)

WOD Notes: It’s going to be a cold one tomorrow! If you’re not a fan of cold weather running, you can modify to a 500/400m row. For the barbell work, choose a weight that allows you to do the first round of SDHP and PP in 1-2 sets each.

Weather Notes: We may see a little snow tomorrow, so it’s a good time to remind everyone of our snow policy! It’s our goal to remain open whenever possible, but we will occassionaly close the gym during inclement weather for our coaches’ and members’ safety.  The best way to learn of weather updates is to check the blog or our Facebook community page. We’ll also update Wellness Living to reflect class cancellations.

Daily WOD – Jan 2, 2022

Jesse Sy hitting some sumo deadlifts with Sage being Sage!

Workout of the Day

Back Squat 8 x 3 (80% 1RM)


Max back squats in 1 minute @ 40% 1RM (50% of weight used in part 1)

WOD Notes: You’ll hit a set of back squats every 2 minutes. Goal is to stay at the same weight across all 8 sets.

Trail Run Notes: It’s going to be a wet and muddy one, but the trail run is on! We’ll offer 2 running groups (faster and slower), but no hike today.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Christine!

Daily WOD – Jan 1, 2022

We put our fitness to the test with a fun group outing to PRG Oaks! #regularlylearnandplaynewsports

Workout of the Day

Complete the following 20 movements, 22 reps of each, in any order, for time! 

Rx = 95/63# barbell, 24/20″ box

WOD Notes:  We’ll have print outs of the 20 movements when you arrive so you can check them off as you go!  You can complete them in any order you like but once you start a movement, you must finish all 22 reps before moving on. If you’re feeling particularly roughed up from NYE celebrations, you can share the workload with a partner!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Michelle!

Daily WOD – Dec 31, 2021

Dave W working through some lunges!

Workout of the Day

Complete 1 round for time:

  • 500/400m row
  • 50 burpees
  • 400m run

Time cap: 10 minutes.

Then take 20 minutes to work on any 2021 goals you may not have hit yet!

WOD Notes:  Today’s WOD is a short sprint workout, followed by a bunch of time to knock off a 2021 goal. (December 31 = last chance to meet your 2021 goals!) Ideally the burpees should take less than 5 minutes (10 burpees/minute pace).  If you don’t have any goals in mind, consider trying for a PR in: your favorite lift, consecutive double unders, max height box jump, or a 1 mile run. You can also do a favorite benchmark WOD, as long as it’s a shorter one (Fran, Grace, etc).

Schedule Notes:  Tomorrow we will run classes at 6:00, 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00 am. Hit up the early classes for smaller class sizes!

Additionally, due to projected rain on Saturday Jan 1 our outdoor team workout has turned into an indoor individual workout!  We’ll be holding two classes (10:00 and 11:00 am).

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Danielle!

Daily WOD – Dec 30, 2021

Joe AKA “Mayor of Tricep City” AKA “Shredded Cheddar” AKA “Flex Buffchest” ripping through some push ups!

Workout of the Day

Complete 10 rounds for time of:

  • 15 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 10 toes to bar
  • 5 deadlifts (70% 1RM, sumo or conventional)

Time Cap = 22 minutes.

WOD Notes:  We expect that a fair number of people will hit the time cap today, effectively making this a 22 minute AMRAP. For the best chance of finishing, the toes to bar should take 1 or 2 sets for most rounds, and the deadlifts should be unbroken. Modify accordingly! Remember to post the deadlift weight you used in your SugarWOD notes.

Community Notes: Happy Birthday Sean B!

Daily WOD – Dec 29, 2021

John C. lining up for a power clean!

Workout of the Day

EMOM for 20 minutes of:

  • 1 power clean + 1 hang power clean 

Rock Climbing Note: There are 3 spots remaining for this Friday’s rock climbing session, from 1-3PM at PRG Oaks. Cost is $25 per person and includes 2 hours of climbing, rental harness and shoes, and staff support (belaying). Kids are welcome too! Reserve your spot in Wellness Living. (Payment is due at time of reservation.)

At-Home Workout Reminder: We offer an at-home version of every daily WOD, so you can get your ICA fix even on days you can’t make it to the gym. All you need is a single dumbbell or kettlebell. The at-home WOD is listed in SugarWOD along with a warm up (in the workout prep notes) and a video explanation too! If you complete the at-home WOD be sure to list your results so we know who’s participating!

Schedule Note: Our New Year’s Day Team WOD will take place in the parking lot, just like good old times! There will be one class only, at 10:00am. Dress in layers (you’ll be surprised how warm you get!) and bring a mat or carpet remnant to work out on. The weather forecast has been changing daily, so we’ll keep our eye on it and let you know by Friday if we need to move the time or cancel altogether. Due to this being a team WOD and a larger class, we will NOT move it inside, we will just have to cancel. 😞

Daily WOD – Dec 28, 2021

Vanessa launching a power clean!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 50 double unders
  • 16 single arm overhead reverse lunges in place (50/35#, 8R/8L)

WOD Notes:  Choose a double under modification that will take less than 1 minute in the early rounds and maybe push past a minute in the final round or two.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday BK!

Daily WOD – Dec 27, 2021

Diana catching a power clean!

Workout of the Day


Complete for time:

  • 2000m run
  • 22 wallballs (30/20# to 10/9′)
  • 22 ring muscle ups
  • 22 wallballs (30/20# to 10/9′)
  • 22 power cleans (185/113#)
  • 22 wallballs (30/20# to 10/9′)
  • 2000m run

Time Cap to begin second run = 30 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Choose a run distance that takes 8 to 12 minutes to complete. Ideally the wallballs and power cleans should take less than 2 minutes per set.  The muscle ups should take less than 5 minutes. Compare to 191224.

Daily WOD – Dec 26, 2021

Josh at the bottom of a swing!

Workout of the Day

Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Then complete NFT:

  • 3x10R/10L one-arm KB overhead squats

WOD Notes:  The goal today is to gradually build to a heavy single on overhead squats.  Plan to start your first set at 60 to 70% of your 1RM and take a few bigger jumps (10 to 20#).  As you approach your max, the jumps in weight should get smaller.

Daily WOD – Dec 25, 2021

Workout of the Day


  • Strict pull ups
  • Push ups
  • Sit ups
  • Squats

WOD Notes:  This is an at-home workout only as the gym is closed today!  A tabata rep scheme is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.  Complete all 8 intervals of pull ups (bicep curls if no bar is available), then move to push ups.  Post to SugarWOD with your lowest total for each movement.

Daily WOD – Dec 24, 2021

Brooke firing away through KB swings!

Workout of the Day

“Double Isabel”

Complete for time:

  • 60 power snatches (135/93#)

Time Cap = 12 minutes.

WOD Notes:  This is a humdinger of a workout!  Pick a weight with which you could perform 5 to 10 unbroken reps even if you choose to go singles the whole way.  This could also be modified to 30 power snatches + 30 power clean and jerks (AKA Isa-Grace).

Run Notes:  Coach Dave is holding the Sunday run at Canal Park this Sunday at 11:15 am.  There won’t be a specified leader for the walking group but you’re welcome to come walk and explore!

Community Notes: Happy Birthday Brian D!

Daily WOD – Dec 23, 2021

Reese working through wallballs!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • 5 burpees
  • 1 rope climb
  • 30 double unders

WOD Notes:  This is a long slow grind of a workout!  Rope climbs can be scaled to a reduced height, rope pulls or strict pull ups (4/round).

Schedule Notes: Thanks to Coach Kevin for adding a 7:00am class to the schedule for Friday 12/24. We now have 5 classes on Christmas Eve, every hour from 6AM to 10AM!

Daily WOD – Dec 21, 2021

Thank you to everyone who donated to our adopted family! In addition to these amazing gifts, we collected nearly $800 in gift cards and cash. We’ll give half to our adopted family and half to Orion Communities (in the form of Walmart gift cards) so they can distribute them to families who need it most!

Workout of the Day

Complete 8 rounds for time of:

  • 20 DB snatches (50/35#)
  • 10 box step overs with DB (24/20″)

WOD Notes:  Choose a DB that will give you a chance at completing all the snatches in one or two sets.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Alison K!

Daily WOD – Dec 20, 2021

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 1000m row
  • 50 thrusters (45/33#)
  • 30 pull ups
  • 750m row
  • 25 thrusters 
  • 15 pull ups 
  • 500m row
  • 15 thrusters
  • 9 pull ups

Time Cap = 20 minutes.

WOD Notes:  This workout is an extended version of the benchmark “Jackie,” and it’s a doozy! It was originally programmed on on 211209. If performing strict or banded pull ups, shoot for a 15-10-5 rep scheme.  Ideally the thrusters should take less than 3 sets in the first round.

Holiday Adopt-a-Family: Thank you to everyone who has donated gift, gift cards, and cash for our adopted family! This is the final call for items – we’ll be picking everything up from ICA tomorrow (Monday) around 4:30/5:00pm so we can get it organized and ready for drop off on Tuesday morning.  We truly appreciate everyone’s generosity!!

Daily WOD – Dec 19, 2021

Congrats to Kelsey and Ricky for podiuming at the Naughty and Nice Winter Classic!

Workout of the Day

Shoulder Press 2-2-2-2-2-2

Then complete NFT:

  • 50 floor wipers (70% 2RM shoulder press)

WOD Notes:  Try to hit 90% of your 1RM shoulder press by the 4th set of presses.  From there you can either stay put or if you’re feeling great, you can increase!

Daily WOD – Dec 18, 2021

If you’ve got some festive “workout gear”, be sure to bust it out!

Workout of the Day

“12 Days of Christmas – 2021 Remix”

  • Day 1 – Push jerk (115/73#)
  • Day 2 – Front squats (115/73#)
  • Day 3 – Hang power cleans (115/73#)
  • Day 4 – Deadlifts (115/73#)
  • Day 5 – Strict pull ups
  • Day 6 – Burpees
  • Day 7 – Wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • Day 8 – Medball sit ups (20/14#)
  • Day 9 – Medball cleans (20/14#)
  • Day 10 – Push ups
  • Day 11 – Toes to bar
  • Day 12 – Power snatches (115/73#)

Time Cap = 40 minutes.

WOD Notes:

  1. You do the workout like you sing the song. Round 1 you do Day 1 (push jerk). Round 2 is Day 2 + Day 1  (2 front squats + 1 push jerk). Round 3 is 3 hang power cleans + 2 front squats + 1 push jerk… etc.  It would be a great idea to show up with this workout written down so you don’t have to reference the whiteboard repeatedly!
  2. If you’d like to shorten the WOD, consider scaling by only doing rounds that start with an even number. Once you start a round you still complete ALL movements in that round… This effectively cuts the workout in half but still allows you to complete each station.
  3. Wear your most festive holiday outfits and ugly sweaters!!!!
  4. If you haven’t made it to the final round (12 down to 1) by the 27 minute mark, consider skipping ahead to it.  That way you definitely get a shot at all the movements!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Julie G and Rob R!

Event Notes: We’re excited to offer a group climb at PRG in Oaks on Friday, Dec. 31! We have a group reservation from 1:00-3:00pm and we can take up to 12 people.  (Technically we can take 16… but the Warnek clan is taking 4 spots!) Cost is $25 and includes 2 hours of climbing, rental harness and shoes, and staff support (belaying). Kids are welcome too! Reserve your spot – and pay – in Wellness Living!

Daily WOD – Dec 14, 2021

Joel working through step ups!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 5 handstand push ups
  • 25 double unders
  • 10 handstand push ups
  • 50 double unders
  • 15 handstand push ups
  • 75 double unders
  • 20 handstand push ups
  • 100 double unders
  • 15 handstand pushups
  • 75 double unders
  • 10 handstand push ups
  • 50 double unders
  • 5 handstand push ups
  • 25 double under

Time Cap = 20 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Choose a handstand push up option such that the longest set takes less than 2 minutes.  Ideally the same time domain is true for double unders!

Community Notes: Happy Birthday JZ and Shayan!

Daily WOD – Dec 13, 2021

Dana M. celebrating a burpee!

Workout of the Day


Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 12 deadlifts (155/103#)
  • 9 hang power cleans (155/103#)
  • 6 push jerks (155/103#)

Time Cap = 12 minutes.

WOD Notes:  We will run this workout in 2 heats so you can have a counter to get you through!  Choose a weight that will let you complete the hang power cleans in 1 set for the first round or two.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Lacey!

Holiday Adopt-a-Family: Every year, ICA adopts a local family in need to help make their holidays special! If anyone would like to help out by donating gifts for the family, please check out their wish list and add your name next to your desired item!  You can also donate cash that we will use to purchase gifts and gift cards. Please know there is no pressure to contribute! We’ll fill in any and all gaps to make sure the family gets the items they desire. Donations need to be dropped off at ICA by 5:00pm on Monday, December 20, so we can bring them Orion Communities on December 21st. Thank you!

Daily WOD – Dec 12, 2021

Mel ripping box jumps!

Workout of the Day

Hang power snatch 3-3-3-3-3

Hang squat snatch 3-3-3-3-3

WOD Notes:  If a hang squat snatch is not a viable option for you, perform hang split snatches for the second portion.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Dana M!

Schedule Notes: Meet at 11:15am at the Lock 60 recreation area to join us for our first hike/run of the Winter Trail Series! Kids and guests are welcome too!

Daily WOD – Dec 10, 2021

Betsy locking out a deadlift!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds, each for time of:

  • Burpees
  • Box jumps (24/20″)
  • Hang power cleans (95/63#)

The reps for the 5 rounds will be 24-21-18-15-12 reps respectively.  Start a new round every 6 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Choose scales so that the early rounds take less than 4 minutes to complete.  When you get to the 15 and 12 rounds, this should be an all out sprint!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Mike C!

Daily WOD – Dec 7, 2021

Missy catching a power clean!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds for reps of:

  • Max consecutive thrusters (95/63#)
  • Max consecutive strict pull ups 

Rest ~2 minutes between rounds.

WOD Notes:  Choose scales that let you get 10-25 reps of each movement for the first 2 or 3 rounds.  After that, results may drop off precipitously…

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Jose and Megan V!

Daily WOD – Dec 6, 2021

Pugh standing up an overhead squat!

Workout of the Day

Bench Press 8×2 (85%)

Then complete:

  • 3x10R/10L one-arm DB bench press (heavy)

WOD Notes:  The goal today is to warm up to a heavy lift and stay there across all 8 sets!

ROWvember Notes: Congrats to the following athletes who completed and logged all ten workouts from our ROWvember challenge. We had a record 29 athletes complete all of the workouts! If we missed you, please let us know. Please see Ricky, Kevin, or John to redeem your prize!

Amanda M.
Andrew C.
Brian G.
Dave B.
Erik P.
Jenn T.
Karen L.
Katy C.
Kelly Goldston
Kelly Gleba
Kyle E.
Lindsay L.
Nicole S.
Rob R.
Steve Keiper
Steve Marcucio

Daily WOD – Dec 4, 2021

Nick (Franco’s son) lining up for a sumo dead in the teen program!

Workout of the Day

“Partner Andi”

With a partner, complete for time:

  • 100 hang power snatches (95/63#)
  • 100 push presses (95/63#)
  • 100 sumo deadlift high pulls (95/63#)
  • 100 front squats (95/63#)

WOD Notes:  Reps must be completed in order but do not need to be split evenly between partners.  One partner will rest while the other works.  Switch as often as you like!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Andrew C!

Daily WOD – Dec 3, 2021

Ken getting into some jump rope!

Workout of the Day

Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Then complete for time:

  • 30 jumping lunges
  • 30 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 30 jumping lunges

Time Cap = 5 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Aim for your first set of split jerks to be around 70% of your 1 rep max.  If split jerks don’t feel solid for you, consider hitting a push press instead!

Schedule Notes:  Mark your calendars for Saturday, Dec 18 for our annual ICA 12 Days workout.  We’ve modified some of the movements from our original version to create a new and improved 2021 remix!  Be sure to wear the most “festive” outfit that still gives you a shot at working out!

Daily WOD – Dec 2, 2021

Melinda working on single unders!

Workout of the Day

Complete (not for time):

  • 500m row
  • 30 bench presses (65% 1RM)
  • 1000m row
  • 20 bench presses (65% 1RM)
  • 1500m row
  • 10 bench presses (65% 1RM)

WOD Notes:  Although this workout overall is not for time, each row is for time! You’ll post to SugarWOD the weight you used on the bench press (main score) as well as all 3 row times (separate scores). The goal for the bench press is to break the sets as needed so you never actually fail.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Frank W!

Daily WOD – Dec 1, 2021

Coach Dave lining up a box jump!

Workout of the Day

Take 10 minutes to work to a heavy 1 rep snatch.

Then AMRAP in 10 minutes of:

  • 1 power snatch (165/113#)
  • 3 overhead squats (165/113#)

WOD Notes:  Ten minutes will likely not give you time to hit a PR squat snatch but should give you the chance to figure out what is a reasonable weight for the workout!  If snatches and overhead squats don’t feel good, you could either choose to use a lighter weight and hit power snatches with 4 reverse lunges or work with cleans the whole way.

Reminder:  You have until Friday, Dec 3 to finish all the Rowvember workouts to get a sweet sticker!

Trail Series Note: We’re bringing back our winter trail series! Instead of letting old man winter get you down, take it on head first! On Sunday mornings we’ll meet up at the Schuylkill Canal Park’s Lock 60 at 11:15am where we’ll split into a 2 running groups (faster & slower) plus a hiking group. The hike is 2-3 miles and the run is 4-6. We’ll have a group for you no matter what your ability, so all ages and abilities are encouraged to join us!! (Kids too!) This trail series is FREE for all participants, including non-ICA members. For extra motivation, consider registering for the Pretzel City Sports’ Chilly Cheeks (Jan 22) and/or Ugly Mudder (Feb 19) trail races. They’re lots of fun and a great mid-winter challenge. The 8 “training” Sundays are: Dec 12, Dec 19, Jan 2, Jan 9, Jan 16, Jan 30, Feb 6, and Feb 13. Sign up in Wellness Living so we know who to expect! Thanks to Coach Dave, Erin, and Bob for being our fearless trail leaders!

Daily WOD – Nov 29, 2021

Cate locking out a DB snatch!

Workout of the Day

Complete 8 rounds for time of:

  • 35 double unders
  • 10 chest to bar pull ups

Time cap = 12 minutes.

Then take 10 minutes to find:

  • Max height box jump

WOD Notes:  Choose a double under option that will allow you to complete most rounds in 20 to 40 seconds.  Chest to bar pull ups should take 1 or 2 sets for the first several rounds.

Daily WOD – Nov 28, 2021

Kelsey ripping through toes to bar!

Workout of the Day

Complete 4 rounds each for time of:

  • 20/15 cal row
  • 20 front squats (115/73#)
  • 20 handstand push ups

Start a new round every 6 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Plan your movements today so that the first round will take around 2 minutes and the later round should take 3 to 4 minutes.  It would be a good idea to cap yourself at 4:30 in any given round.

Daily WOD – Nov 27, 2021

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Rogue gift cards for our 10-year anniversary! We put the funds toward a bunch of near gear, including 2 Echo bikes, 2 rowers, 3 heavy sandbags (100#, 150#, 200#), and a GHD. The bikes are so smooth they basically pedal themselves! 😉

Workout of the Day

Complete 6 sets, building in weight, of the following complex:

  • Power clean + hang power clean + hang power clean

Then complete:

  • Hang muscle cleans 3×10 (40% of your complex)

WOD Notes:  The goal today is to build to a heavy single of the power clean complex.  Try to keep your footwork consistent as the weight goes up!

Daily WOD – Nov 26, 2021

Robbie cruising through push ups!

Workout of the Day

With a partner, AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • 50 deadlifts (185/115#) while partner holds a plank.
  • 50 toes to bar while partner holds a wall squat.
  • 50 box jumps (24/20″) while partner holds a locked out deadlift.

Partners can switch at any time but reps cannot be completed until your partner is in their static hold.

WOD Notes:  Choose a deadlift weight that will let you hit sets of 10 even when tired.  Toes to bar can be modified to hanging knee tucks, toes to post, sit ups or double leg mountain climbers.

Community Notes:  Happy birthday Dan T!

Daily WOD – Nov 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

Workout of the Day

“The Firebird”

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 800m run
  • 5 ring muscle ups
  • 10 hang power cleans (155/105#)
  • 20 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 30 double unders

Time Cap = 50 minutes.


“The Firebird Express”

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 10 pull ups
  • 10 hang power cleans (115/75#)
  • 10 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 20 double unders

WOD NotesPlease arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled class time!  We’ll have a separate room ready for warm up purposes and a coach on hand to help get your modifications set for the workout.  Once we roll into the main room, we’ll kick off the workout within about 5 minutes!

Daily WOD – Nov 24, 2021

Nicole S. lining up a deadlift!

Workout of the Day

Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3

Then complete 3 rounds NFT of:

  • 20 butterfly abmat sit ups
  • 40 bicycle crunches

WOD Notes:  If you’re feeling good on OHS, shoot for your first set to be around 60% of your 1RM.  Building to ~85-90% by the final set should be possible.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Ed!

Daily WOD – Nov 22, 2021

Bill selling tickets to the gun show!

Workout of the Day

Complete 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

  • Thrusters (95/63#)

Complete 2 rope climbs after each set.

Time Cap = 20 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Choose a thruster weight that will let you complete each round in 3 sets or fewer.  Rope climbs may be modified to 1/round or a lower height or pull ups (8/round).

Reminder:  We have a revised holiday schedule this week.  See below:

  • Wednesday – 7:00 pm is cancelled
  • Thursday – Classes at 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, and 10:00 am.  Please show up 30 minutes before your class time for warm up.
  • Friday – 5:00 am is cancelled,  10:00 am is added.

Fitness Notes:  CrossFit Lock 60 is holding a Deka Strong challenge (a Spartan event) this Saturday.  If interested, you can find out more details HERE!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Jess Smith!

Daily WOD – Nov 20, 2021

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 8 minutes of:

  • 4 squat snatches (135/93#)
  • 4 bar muscle ups

Rest 4 minutes then AMRAP in 8 minutes of:

  • 8 snatch grip deadlifts (135/93#)
  • 8 ring dips

WOD Notes:  If squat snatches don’t feel good for you, consider power or split snatches or squat cleans.  The main scales for bar muscles ups today will be jumping bar muscle ups or strict pull ups.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Andrew Murray!

Daily WOD – Nov 19, 2021


Workout of the Day

Complete 4 rounds for max reps in 1 minute of: 

  • Wall climbs 
  • Pistols
  • Russian KB swings (70/53#)

Rest 1 minute between rounds.

WOD Notes:  For most people, the intensity in this workout will come by way of consistently moving.  None of the 3 movements are designed to be performed with speed in mind but instead should be technically sound and smooth.  See if you can keep moving for 3 minutes straight each round!

Daily WOD – Nov 18, 2021

Sillup waiting on a wallball!

Workout of the Day

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3-3

Then complete in as few reps as possible:

  • 100 feet of burpee broad jumps

WOD Notes: The goal on the burpee broad jumps is to be fluid and explosive!  You should strive to start your jump as soon as you feet hit the ground and jump as far as you reasonably can.

Daily WOD – Nov 17, 2021

Lacey locking out a deadlift!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 10 power cleans (185/123#)
  • 250m run

Time Cap = 20 minutes.

WOD Notes:  The run and power cleans should take 90 seconds per round or less each.  Choose a weight that will likely be done in singles but for which there is no risk of failure.

Schedule Notes:  Sign up soon if you’re interested in running The Maren Mile at the Phoenixville track on Sunday, Nov 27.  It’s a great way to test your mile on a flat track and a great cause to support!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Allen and Ryan A!

Daily WOD – Nov 16, 2021

Zoe firing away on the row!

Workout of the Day


AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • 5 pull ups
  • 10 push ups
  • 15 squats

WOD Notes:  The goal today should be to get beyond 10 rounds!  Some common scales are to modify pull ups and push ups to 3 and 6 reps respectively or complete ring rows.  If you use bands, make sure it is set up such that you can quickly transition in and out of them!

Schedule Notes:  We’ve got our schedule set for “The Firebird” (our annual in house benchmark) on Thanksgiving day!  We’ll hold 5 classes (6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 am).  Unlike previous years, we’ll have a separate warm up area and we ask that you arrive 20 to 30 minutes ahead of your class time.  A coach will get you warmed up and make sure you have all your scales set so that we can start the workout VERY close to the class start time.  Sign up in Wellness Living if you plan to attend!

Daily WOD – Nov 13, 2021

Kris lining up for a clean!

Workout of the Day

“Open 20.2”

AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 

  • 4 DB thrusters (50/35#)
  • 6 toe to bar
  • 24 double unders

WOD Notes:  We do have a somewhat limited supply of DBs so you may end up with a slightly heavier or lighter set.  KBs would also be an option today! Compare to 191018.

Reminder:  There will be an 11:00 free class completing the workout “Chad” in honor of Veteran’s day this week!  Sign up in Wellness Living if you plan to attend.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday a day late to Allison S and Lindsay J!

Daily WOD – Nov 12, 2021

Betsy and Jenn firing through snatches!

Workout of the Day

Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3-3

Then complete:

  • 3×15 hip banded Russian KB swings (70/53#)

WOD Notes:  The power snatches today are designed to be touch and go reps unless you know it is uncomfortable to lower the bar from overhead.  In which case, drop and reset each rep!

Daily WOD – Nov 11, 2021

John C. locking out a press!

Workout of the Day

Complete 6 rounds, each for time of:

  • 20/15 cal row
  • 20 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)

Start a new round every 4 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Choose scales today that allow you to end in the 1:30 to 2:30 range each round.  It would be a good idea to cap yourself at 3 minutes in any round so that it doesn’t get out of hand!  Choosing a wallball weight/height that lets you complete each round in 1 or 2 sets would be a good idea.

Veteran’s Day Note:  Happy Veteran’s Day and thank you to all who serve!  Coach Ricky will be running a heat of “Chad” this Saturday at 11:00 am for anyone interested.  Sign up in Wellness Living if you’re interested!

Daily WOD – Nov 10, 2021

Lidia hitting some knee tucks!

Workout of the Day

2021 Nutrition Challenge Performance Re-Test!

  1. Complete max consecutive strict pull ups.
  2. Complete 15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: deadlifts (225/153#) and burpees over barbell.  Time cap = 8 minutes.
  3. Row 500/400m for time.

WOD Notes:  If you’re part of the nutrition challenge, you should be shooting for the same version of this challenge that you did last time.  Hopefully you have some notes in SugarWOD!  If you aren’t part of the nutrition challenge then do any version of the workout you like!

Daily WOD – Nov 9, 2021

ICA hats are for sale ($20) at the gym! We have a somewhat limited supply but if we run out, we’ll order more.

Workout of the Day

Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5 (1-board)

Then EMOM for 8 minutes of:

  • 30 second handstand hold

WOD Notes: A 1-board bench press means you’ll place a piece of 2×4 lumber on your chest which stops the bar just short of full range of motion.  This allows most athletes to work at their “sticking point” in the bench.  For most athletes, it will increase your bench weight by ~5%.  For the handstand hold, feel free to work wall climb holds, A-frame holds or a handstand at a reduced time (15 or 20 seconds).

Community Notes:  In honor of Veteran’s day, we’ll be holding a 90 minute class this Saturday at 11:00 am in addition to the regular schedule.  During this session, we’ll complete the hero workout “Chad” – 1000 step ups for time with a weighted backpack.  If you sign up for this, you can feel free to tackle it with a partner or unweighted.  If you are planning to go weighted, BYO backpack!

Schedule Notes:  Due to low attendance, the 6:00 pm will no longer be offered on Fridays.  The 4:00 and 5:00 pm will be on as usual!

Nutrition Notes:  One more day!  As you round out the 2021 nutrition challenge, consider what lifestyle changes seem sustainable and which will end.  For anyone interested in continuing on with an added level of accountability, we do offer ongoing nutrition counseling.  Reach out to Coach Ricky or John if you’re interested!

Daily WOD – Nov 8, 2021

Thank you to everyone who came out to support team ICA at the bed races!  Big congrats to Ricky, Kevin, Frank W, Robbie and their fearless(ish) pilot Zoe for winning the race!

Workout of the Day

Complete 2 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 30 KB hang snatch (53/35#, 15R/15L)
  • 400m run
  • 30 KB hang clean and press (53/35#, 15R/15L)

Time Cap = 20 minutes.

WOD Notes:  You can alternate hands as often as you like for the KB work today.  Choose a run distance that will take less than 2 minutes.

Nutrition Notes:  Only 2 days to go!  If you’ve been crushing this challenge the whole way, you may be having some significant cravings by now.  Maybe ice cream or cheeseburgers have been haunting your dreams the past few weeks.  If you are planning to break the challenge with some indulgence, then do it!  I would suggest that you have a plan for that meal.  As we all know, a meal can snowball into a day, into a week, into every day.  If you have been enjoying the way you feel, look and perform during this challenge, start to apply some of the sustainable aspects of your eating to the days after the challenge!


Daily WOD – Nov 7, 2021

Andrea pulling a clean!

Workout of the Day

Complete 8 rounds, each for time of:

  • 7 toes to bar
  • 5 bear complexes (95/63#)
  • 7 toes to bar

Start a new round every 3 minutes.

WOD Notes:  Choose scales/weights that ensure you finish every round in under 2 minutes.  A bear complex is a continuous completion of a: power clean/front squat/push press/back squat/push press.  If you don’t feel comfortable lowering a bar onto your back for the bear complex, complete a power clean/thruster/thruster instead.

Nutrition Notes:  Are you getting enough fiber in your diet? Most nutritionists will recommend 25-40 grams of fiber per day – from real food sources – to keep your gut happy (and to keep things moving along). Currently, dietary fiber intake among adults in the U.S. averages about 15 grams a day. Fiber is found in plant foods, such as vegetables, nuts and seeds, and legumes. Eating the skin or peel of fruits and vegetables provides a greater dose. Look back at a few days in your eating journal and try to calculate how much fiber you’re eating. If you think you may be low, here are a few challenge-friendly foods that are naturally high in fiber:

  • 1 cup fresh raspberries (8 grams)
  • 1 medium pear with skin (5.5 grams)
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds (5.5 grams)
  • 1/2 cup (dry) old fashioned rolled oats (5 grams)
  • 1 medium apple with skin (4.5 grams)
  • 1 medium banana (3 grams)
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries (3.5 grams)
  • ½ medium avocado (5 grams)
  • 1 ounce almonds (3.5 grams)

Tip: One of our favorite ways to get fiber is to add 1 tablespoon chia seeds and 1/2 cup blueberries to a bowl of oatmeal (1/2 c dry). This adds up to 41g carb, 7g fat, and 7g protein, with 14g fiber. When increasing fiber, be sure to do it gradually and consume plenty of water.

Daily WOD – Nov 6, 2021

Joe B working through HSPU!

Workout of the Day

Deadlift 4-4-4-4-4


Lateral KB goblet squat 3×16 (8R/8L)

WOD Notes:  Choose a KB weight for the goblet squats that allows you to get a solid range of motion without your heel coming off the floor.

Community Notes:  It’s bed race day!! Come to Reeve’s park from ~11:00 to 1:00 to support team ICA through this annual fundraiser held by Ann’s Heart.  It should be a fun time all around!

Nutrition Notes:  Today’s topic is healthy fats. For those on the macro diet, what do you do if you realize you’re coming up short on fat? Some of the best sources of fat are canned coconut milk and avocados. Other inexpensive options are coconut oil, olive oil, and ghee. (Although ghee is derived from butter, it’s healthier than butter, since butter contains butterfat, milk solids and water, whereas ghee is pure butterfat.) When it comes to fats, beware the temptation to use nuts, seeds, and nut butters as a primary fat source, since they’re not your healthiest option and they tend to be pricey. Also, many nuts are roasted in seed or vegetable oils – a less healthy option – so always go for dry roasted. (For more information on nuts, check out this article from Whole30.)