Phoenixville Inside Out Workouts!

Mark your calendars for ICA’s free community workouts on Bridge Street this summer!

We’re thrilled to be a part of Phoenixville’s “Inside Out” iniative for the third summer in a row.

Free community workouts will be held at the parking lot across from Molly Maguires on the following Sunday’s this summer:

  • June 23, 8:00 am
  • July 21, 8:00 am
  • August 18, 8:00 am

For whom are these classes intended? Anyone (age 13 to 100) who wants to have an energetic start to their Sunday morning and perhaps get a little fitter.

What should I bring? It would be a great idea to bring a cold drink, a friend and a smile.

How awesome of a time will I have if I show up? Great question; I’m glad you asked. Intensely awesome!

If you’ve never been to ICA before, you can click HERE to fill out a waiver and book the class so we know you’re coming.

If you have any questions, reach out to John at

Football WOD – Mar 9, 2014

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 2 rope climbs
  • 6 back squats (225/145#)
  • 9 handstand push ups

Open Notes: Remember to post your scores for Open WOD 14.2!!

Swim WOD Notes: Please arrive at the Radnor High School pool a few minutes early so we can start promptly at 2:00/3:00pm. (Remember that it’s daylight savings time!) It’s $6.00 to get in. Make sure you have Nikki and/or John’s cell phone numbers on hand in case there’s any trouble finding us. The pool entrance is adjacent to the football stadium.

Daily WOD – Mar 7, 2014


Take 3 minutes to complete 2 rounds of:

  • 10 overhead squats (95/65#)
  • 10 chest to bar pull ups

If you finish both rounds then:

Take 3 minutes to complete 2 rounds of:

  • 12 overhead squats (95/65#)
  • 12 chest to bar pull ups

If you finish both rounds then:

Take 3 minutes to complete 2 rounds of:

  • 14 overhead squats (95/65#)
  • 14 chest to bar pull ups


WOD Notes: Get jacked up for 14.2!!! This is an ascending ladder (of sorts) of OHS and C2B pull ups. If you complete 2 full rounds in the first 3 minutes, you’ll wait until the 3 minute clock expires, then you get a new 3 minute clock to attempt 2 more rounds (with 2 extra reps of each movement). If you are competing in the Open, be sure to visit the Games page and read the full rules/standards HERE. For any newbies who don’t know what the Open is all about, read more here. For masters age 55 or older, weights are 65/45#.

Make Up Day – Mar 6, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. “Open 14.1” – AMRAP in 10 minutes of 30 double unders, 15 power snatches
  2. Back Squat 1RM with a 10s hold at the bottom then tabata back squats (50%)
  3. Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of barbell row (135/95#) and strict chin up, then 8×50 yd dash
  4. Row 3000m for time and complete 3 rounds of 20 pull ups (consecutive) and 20 partner leg tosses
  5. High Hang Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then snatch balance 5×5 @ 50%
  6. Complete for time 30 burpees, 10 thrusters (95/65#), 20 burpees, 20 thrusters (95/65#), 10 burpees, 30 thrusters (95/65#)

Pool Notes: We have added a second class this Sunday at 3:00 p.m. for the swimming WOD with 12 spots available.  Sign up if you plan on attending!  The pool is at Radnor High School and the admission fee is $6.

Open Notes:  Hats off to the point scorers for ICA in the first week of the 2014 Open.  For the women it was KEB, Jenn and Nik and for the men it was Kehl, Sam and John.  It is worth noting that both of the Berman kids had  top 3 performances!

Daily WOD – Mar 3, 2014


Please check back in the morning for any weather-related class cancellations. We will update this post by 5:15am if we need to cancel the 6:15.


Row 3000m for time


3 rounds not for time of:

  • 20 pull ups (consecutive)
  • 20 partner leg tosses

Football WOD – Mar 2, 2014

Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of:

  • Bent over row (135/95#)
  • Strict chin ups


8×50 yd sprints (approx 20s rest)

Notes: Class is full for tomorrow. If you are registered as of 8:00am tomorrow morning and do not show up, it is a 50 burpee penalty!!  If you are on the wait list you can attend.

March Schedule & Events


Mark your calendar for these important dates in March!

  • March 6 – Stretching & Mobility with Coach Mark, 6pm
  • March 9 – POOL WOD!!! Thanks to ICA member Tanya Curtis, ICA is offering its first ever swimming WOD! Tanya has hooked us up with a pool where she coaches in Radnor for Sunday March 9th. We can accommodate up to 24 athletes, with 12 going at 2pm and 12 going at 3pm.  It’s a $6 entrance fee to get into the pool. Please sign up using MindBody. When/if the 2:00pm class fills we will add a 3:00pm. Please do not register and take up a spot unless you are 100% committed to attending… thank you!!
  • March 20 – Stretching & Mobility with Coach Mark, 6pm
  • March 22 – Pizza Helen! Join us at 5:00pm on Saturday for a (belated) St Patty’s day special – Pizza Helen! This is a FREE social event that will not count towards your class totals. The pizza is on us (just a small thank you for making ICA the amazing community that it is)!! Feel free to sub out pizza for another food or beverage of your choice.  BYOB for a “strink and drink” after the WOD! Please sign up in MindBody so we know how much pizza to order. Click HERE for last year’s WOD and results.

Daily WOD – Mar 1, 2014

Back Squat 1RM with 10 second hold at bottom


Tabata back squat (50% of 1RM pause squat)

Open Notes: Great job to everyone in our first Open WOD of the 2014 season! We saw some great scores, including many improvements compared to earlier this month! We want to remind everyone that the official day for Open WODs at ICA is Friday. There is no designated “make up” session, so athletes should do everything possible to come in on Friday. We will allow limited make ups during barbell club on Saturday mornings, but you need to clear it with John/Nikki ahead of time. This should be a once or twice thing, not a weekly occurrence. On that note, if you are making up 14.1 during barbell tomorrow, please show up promptly at 7:30 and get yourself warmed up for an 8:00 kick off.

Also please remember that all Open competitors must submit their scores at by 8:00pm Monday. Failure to submit a score knocks you out of the competition – please don’t let that happen! Try to submit your scores over the weekend so we can verify them Sunday night.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Jim Northcott!!

Daily WOD – Feb 28, 2014

Who added DUs to their 2014 goals after today??
Who added DUs to their 2014 goals after today??

“Open 14.1”

AMRAP in 10 minutes of 

  • 30 DUs
  • 15 power snatches (75/55#)

WOD Notes: Open WOD 14.1 is a repeat of Open WOD 11.1! This was also our daily WOD on 140204. If you are competing in the Open, be sure to visit the Games page and read the full rules/standards HERE. If you can not power snatch the weight listed, you are allowed to get the bar ground to overhead any way you want, including a clean and jerk. For Masters over the age of 55, the Rx weights are 65/45#.  For anyone who doesn’t know what the Open is all about, check out our previous post on it here.

Make Up Day – Feb 27, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Banded Deadlift 10×2 (60/40%) then 30 strict pull ups and 30 weighted seated box jumps
  2. Complete 3 rounds for time of 40 KB swings (53/35#), 10 push presses (185/105#), 2 rope climbs
  3. Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes complete 1 power clean + 1 hang power clean (225/150)
  4. Run 1600m, rest 4 minutes, run 800m, rest 3 minutes, run 400m, rest 2 minutes, run 200m
  5. AMRAP in 7 minutes of an ascending ladder by 3’s of front squats (115/75#) and box jumps (24/20″)
  6. Bench Press 2-2-2-2-2-2 then weighted push ups 3-3-3-3-3

Open Notes:  At 8:00 p.m. Thursday night, Open 14.1 will be announced!! Two top level CrossFit Games athletes will go head to head to showcase the workout live at  We will be doing the Open workouts each Friday for the next 5 weeks, so if you show up on Fridays you will experience the Open workouts regardless of whether or not you registered for the Open.  During the Open, individuals from around the world get ranked based on their performance and tracked in a huge online database — it is addictive to check out.  What you may not know is that ICA will be ranked against all other CrossFit affiliates who registered a team. The database uses the top 3 male and female performances each week to calculate our team score.  This is a point of pride for us as owners and coaches and for you as members!  The first year we finished with about 80% of gyms in our region ahead of us.  The second year it was about 53% meaning a marked improvement.  We hope to improve even further this year thanks to our many talented athletes!  If you think you have a chance of being top 3 in any possible event, consider signing up for the Open.  You will never work out harder than when you know your name and your gym’s name is on the line.  It promotes a really enjoyable and competitive atmosphere that is unlike anything you will see for the rest of the year.  If you have already made the decision to not sign up, we respect your decision.  If you are still on the fence, sign up and then get jacked up because the Open is here!!!!!!!

Daily WOD – Feb 25, 2014

Mel right after she PR
Mel right after she PR’d her mile in the cold windy night!
Russ with a solid front squat
Russ with a solid front squat
Welcome Kyle!
Welcome Kyle!
and Marina!
and Marina!
and Jeff!
and Jeff!

AMRAP in 7 minutes of:

  • 3 front squats (115/75#)
  • 3 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 6 front squats
  • 6 box jumps
  • 9 front squats
  • 9 box jumps

Continue ascending by 3’s until the 7 minutes are up.

Football WOD – Feb 23, 2014

Ever 30 seconds for 10 minutes complete:

1 power clean + 1 hang power clean (225/150# NTE 75%)

WOD Notes:  The reps must be consecutive; you may not drop the bar between the power clean and the hang power clean.  If you are relatively new to power cleans, you may need to heavier than 75% of your max.  Work with your coach to determine the appropriate weight.

Make Up Day – Feb 20, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1  then “11.3” – AMRAP in 5 minutes of clean and jerks (165/110#)
  2. “Valentine’s WOD” – in pairs complete for time 50 KB swings, 50 sit ups, 50R/50L lunges, 50 box jumps, 50 push ups, 50 wallballs, 50 pull ups, 50 burpees
  3. Complete 5 rounds NFT: HS hold (30 seconds) then max HSPU, ring dip hold (20 seconds) then max ring dips, pull up hold (10 seconds) then max strict pull ups, then 32 burpees for time
  4. Death by toes to bar then death by 10 yd dash
  5. Banded Box Back Squat (60% bar, 30% band) 12×2 then 5×5 good mornings (40% 1RM back squat)
  6. “Open 13.3” – AMRAP in 12 minutes of 150 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 90 double unders, 30 muscle ups

Beef Notes:  Remember that I will be placing the orders for beef tomorrow (Friday) afternoon.  If you would like a share and have not already done so, post your order to the comments under the beef post found here.

Open Notes:  The first workout for the 2014 Open will be announced in one week!  Who wants to take some guesses at what 14.1 will look like?

Daily WOD – Feb 17, 2014

DrumstickReminder: Custom Fit Meals will be here tonight from 4:30-7:30pm for a free tasting event! If you are interested in trying out their food please stop by tonight!


Death by toes to bar in 15 minutes


Death by 10 yd dash (starting from 5 runs) in 15 minutes 

WOD Notes:  During a death by workout, complete 1 rep the first minute, 2 the second, 3 the third and so on until you cannot complete the number of reps within the minute.  When you fail to complete the number of reps within the minute, restart the ladder and continue until the 15 minutes are up.  Compare 10 yd dash to 130222.

Football WOD – Feb 16, 2014

Complete 5 rounds (not for time) of:

  • Handstand hold – 30 seconds
  • Handstand push ups – max reps
  • Hold top of ring dip – 20 seconds
  • Ring dips – max reps
  • Hold top of pull up – 10 seconds
  • Strict pull ups – max reps


Complete 32 burpees for time.

WOD Notes: Perform the isometric hold for the specified time, then kick down, shake out your arms, and perform max reps of the given exercise. Score is total number of reps completed. If you have never kicked into a handstand before, you should perform a 30 second plank hold followed by max push ups. Compare to CFFB WOD 140211.

Class Notes: At this time, class is full. The 50 burpee penalty is in effect for anyone who is signed up as of 8:00am tomorrow and doesn’t show up! Please do not pull your name out of class any later than 8:00am to be fair to other athletes who want to attend.

Community Notes: To the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, Happy Birthday Nikki!!


Daily WOD – Feb 15, 2014




Valentine’s Day Partner WOD

In teams of 2 complete:

  • 50 kettlebell swings (53/35#)
  • 50 sit ups
  • 50L/50R walking lunge
  • 50 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 50 push ups
  • 50 wall balls (20/14# to 10′)
  • 50 pull ups
  • 50 burpees

WOD Notes:  One person is working at a time. Partners do NOT have to split the work evenly, but each partner must complete at least 10 reps of each movement.  You do not need to have a partner before showing up.  Anyone without a partner will get paired up when you get here!  There will be plenty of scaling options so come on out and have fun! Compare to 130209.

Daily WOD – Feb 14, 2014

snowflake-hiThe 6:15 a.m. class is cancelled. As of now all other classes will be held as scheduled.  Check back for further updates.


Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


“Open 11.3”

AMRAP in 5 minutes of (squat) clean and jerks (165/110#)

WOD Notes:  Compare power clean to 120309.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Nick V!!

Other Notes: If the parking area in front of the gym is still not plowed tomorrow, park in the side lot (near the baseball field) and enter through the door with the Cherokee Barbell sign.

Final Note: Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

Beef, it’s whats for dinner… and breakfast and lunch too!


Hey all, its beef ordering time again! The nutrition benefits of fresh grassfed beef have been well documented and it won’t get much fresher than this! I will be contacting Rineer Family Farms on Friday, Feb 21 to place an order for the gym and the beef should arrive on a week night in mid to late March. It takes about a month because the cows need to be butchered, aged and packaged into 1 to 2 pound servings and flash frozen.  You can order in increments of 1/8 of a cow which comes out to around 50 pounds of meat.  You can see the complete list of cuts here.  The cost per 1/8 is $375.

If you would like to purchase 1/8 of a cow, post to comments.

Anyone who got this beef the last time, feel free to add your thoughts to comments!

Make Up Day – Feb 13, 2014

snowflake-hiWe will be open for our regularly scheduled hours tonight, including the Fundamentals class at 6:30pm. The parking lot is not plowed in front of the gym but you can park in the side lot.  The side door is unlocked.  Drive safe!


Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. “11.4” AMRAP in 10 minutes of 60 bar facing burpees, 30 OHS (120/90#), 10 muscle ups
  2. Rack Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then EMOM for 5 minutes of max handstand push ups
  3. Perform every 90 seconds: 3 back squats (225/135#), 3 box jumps (30/24″) then 50 plyo push ups for time, each break complete a suicide run.
  4. Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 then 15R/15L single leg box jumps
  5. “11.6” AMRAP in 7 minutes of ascending ladder by 3’s: thruster (100/65#), C2B pull ups
  6. “13.2” AMRAP in 10 minutes of 5 S2O (115/75#), 10 deadlifts, 15 box jumps (24/20″)

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Lindsey!!

Make Up Day – Feb 6, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Complete 3 rounds for time of: 15 KBS (70/53#), 15 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 15 burpees, 15 pull ups
  2. Front Squat 1-30-1-20-1-10-1
  3. EMOM for 12 minutes of 2 power cleans (80%), 10 double unders
  4. Complete the following tests:  Max prowler push in 1 minute (140/90#), max strict pull ups consecutive, max tire flips in 2 minutes, max distance broad jump, max reps bench press (135/75#)
  5. “11.1” AMRAP in 10 minutes of 30 double unders, 15 power snatches (75/55#)
  6. Deficit deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 3×10 plate grip deadlift

Daily WOD – Feb 5, 2014


The 6:15 a.m. class is cancelled due to icy road conditions.  The 9:30 will still be held as scheduled.


Deficit Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


3×10 plate grip deadlift

Community Notes: Happy birthday Jenn!

Daily WOD – Feb 3, 2014


The 4pm class is cancelled due to weather and no sign ups. We plan to hold the 5pm, 6pm and 7pm classes. Please drive safely!  The parking lot is NOT plowed.  If you do not have a car that is good in the snow, consider bringing a shovel!


Complete the following tests:

  • Max distance prowler push in 1 minute (140/90#)
  • Max consecutive strict pull ups
  • Max tire flips in 2 minutes
  • Max distance broad jump
  • Max consecutive bench press (135/75#)

WOD Notes:  Groups of 3 will move from station to station with approximately 7 minutes to put all 3 people through the test at that station.  We will record 5 results for each athlete.  You may attempt a station more than once if time allows.

February Schedule & Announcements


It’s a short month, but we’ve got a lot going on! Mark your calendars for these important dates in February:

  • Feb 6 – Stretching & Mobility, 6pm. Join Coach Mark at 6pm for a 30 minute session focusing on stretching and mobility. Free for anyone attending make up night or barbell club; counts as a regular class if this is the only session you are attending Thursday night.
  • Feb 8 – Girls on Girls partner competition at CF Harmony. Volunteers needed, let Nikki know if you are available. We have 6 athletes competing so cheerleaders are always welcome and encouraged!
  • Feb 15 – Valentine’s Day Partner WOD. Bring a partner to WOD with you for free! ICA members should sign up for class, and shoot us an email if you plan to bring a guest. The WOD is beginner-friendly. We’ve had people bring their significant others, brothers, and even kids! (Age 12 or older, please.)
  • Feb 17 – Custom Fit Meals tasting. During our evening classes, a Custom Fit Meals rep will be set up in the lounge for a taste testing. If you are interested in trying out their food be sure to show up! We hope to get our cooler delivered in early March and you’ll be able to start order meals immediately after that.  Check out this blog post about CFM if you missed it the first time around.
  • Feb 20 – Stretching & Mobility, 6pm. 
  • Feb 27 – First 2014 Open WOD announced. The first Open WOD of 2014 will be announced at 8:00pm! We will run it as the workout of the day on Friday Feb 28. Please excuse any lateness in updating the blog that night; we will review the WOD and standards and get a post up by 10:00pm.  If you haven’t signed up for the Open, there’s still plenty of time! Click HERE to read more about the CrossFit Games Open.

Nutrition Notes: If you’ve strayed from the healthy diet you achieved during our Fall Nutrition Challenge, now is a great time to “tune up” your diet in advance of the Open! The Warnek household started paleo a week ago (well, minus Carver)… anyone else want to join us?

Make Up Day – Jan 30, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Overhead Squat 15-15-15 then AMRAP in 3 minutes of burpees
  2. 3x1000m row, rest in between efforts
  3. Complete 3 rounds of 40s on, 20s rest:  1 arm db thruster (50/30#), strict pull ups, 1 arm db power snatch (50/30#), mountain climbers
  4. 15 minutes of snatch practice then “Isabel” – 30 power snatches for time (135/95#)
  5. Open WOD 12.3 – AMRAP in 18 minutes of 15 box jumps (24/20″), 12 push press (115/75#), 9 T2B
  6. “Pick Your Own Gymnastics WOD” – 3 rounds NFT of 7 strict pull ups OR 14 C2B pull ups OR 21 kipping pull ups,  7 HSPU OR 14 ring dips OR 21 push ups, 1 legless rope climb OR 3 rope climbs OR 7 muscle ups

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Katie N!!

Daily WOD – Jan 29, 2014

Anthony – Donkey Kong

“Pick Your Own Gymnastics WOD”

Complete 3 rounds not for time of:

  • 7 strict pull ups OR 14 chest to bar pull ups OR 21 kipping pull ups
  • 7 hand stand push ups OR 14 ring dips OR 21 push ups
  • 1 legless rope climb OR 3 rope climbs OR 7 muscle ups

WOD Notes:  The goal for today is to improve your gymnastics skills.  Pick movements that are challenging to you or that you would like to work on.  This work out is NOT FOR TIME because we want you to focus on the quality of your movement and not necessarily focus on speed.


Custom Fit Meals – Coming to ICA!


Custom Fit Meals is coming to ICA! Custom Fit Meals is a food service that provides fresh, prepared meals specifically geared to CrossFit athletes. They use only high quality “clean” ingredients, and most of their meals are either paleo or primal. (Their beef is organic and grass-fed; poultry is free-range; pork is pastured; and the produce is sourced locally.) Meal prices vary but are generally about $10 each. Check out the menu HERE. John, Nikki, and Karen have all tried the food and can vouch for its freshness and quality.

There are no contracts to participate. Interested members would simply create an online account and place their orders once a week. Food will be delivered twice a week (since it is fresh, not frozen) to a Custom Fit cooler that will be located in our lounge.

In order to get a cooler delivered, we need to show Custom Fit Meals that we have sufficient interest in the program. If you are interested in trying out this program, please add your information to this SIGN UP SHEET.  (If you have trouble opening the file, simply comment on this post with your name and preferred email address.) Adding your name is not binding, but we hope that you’ll at least give the meals a try once we get the program up and running. Custom Fit Meals will a offer 10% discount for your first order.

Please note that we make a point of not advertising products at ICA. Our 100% focus is on helping our athletes get stronger, faster, and fitter! This service is simply being provided as a convenience for people looking for healthy, quick meal options.

Daily WOD – Jan 27, 2014

The ICA crew from the weekend!
The ICA crew from the weekend!
Congrats to Nikki and Joe for taking 2nd in the lightweights
Congrats to Nikki and Joe for taking 2nd in the lightweights
Congrats to T for taking first with her partner in the heavyweights!
Congrats to T for taking first with her partner in the heavyweights!

15 minutes of snatch practice



  • 30 power snatch for time (135/95#)

WOD Notes: If you have shoulder issues, sub cleans / power cleans for snatches.

ISR Notes: A while back we posted about swimming lessons through Infant Swimming Resource. The goal of ISR is to help children 6 months to 6 years old learn skills to keep them safe in the water. The instructor is offering a 50% discount on the weekly lessons that are taking place in Limerick PA starting February 10th. For more information contact Lisa at 407-276-2374.

Football WOD – Jan 26, 2014

Complete 3 rounds of:

  • 1-arm DB thruster (50#/30) 40 seconds
  • 20 seconds rest
  • strict pull ups 40 seconds
  • 20 seconds rest
  • 1-arm DB power snatch (50#/30) 40 seconds
  • 20 seconds rest
  • mountain climbers 40 seconds
  • 20 seconds rest

WOD Notes:  The 1-arm movements may be done with either arm.  You can use one arm all the way through the workout if you want (though I wouldn’t advise it).  Mountain climbers must have your foot come up to your hand. Results will be total reps completed through all three rounds.

Community Notes: Happy Birthday to one of our newest members, Sushant!

Daily WOD – Jan 25, 2014

3 x 1000m row

WOD Notes: There is a strict 15 person cap today! 2-3 people can share a rower, rotating through. Between your rowing intervals you can rest, mobilize, or pick an assistance movement and work a weakness! (For example: do 15 strict pull ups, 50 situps, 5 muscle ups, etc)

Make Up Day – Jan 23, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of clean and jerks (135/95#) and C2B pull ups
  2. Power Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 5×5 seated box jumps (tall box)
  3. Complete 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of power cleans (75% bodyweight) and toes to bar
  4. Complete 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of deadlifts (135/95#) and sit ups
  5. Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3 then 3×10 reverse grip bench press (50% 1RM)
  6. Partner AMRAP in 15 minutes of 1 rope climb, 10 push ups and 20 double unders.  Alternate movements with partner.
  7. And as an added bonus, you  may also make up the final event from the Battle for the Iron Phoenix: 200m run, 30 deadlifts (235/145#), 30 dips/push ups, 20 power cleans (145/95#), 20 pull ups, 10 OHS (95/65#), 10 toes to bar, 50 yds OH walking lunge (45/25# plate)

Community Notes: Happy Birthday Joe McG!!

Daily WOD – Jan 22, 2014

Partner AMRAP in 15 minutes:

  • 1 rope climb
  • 10 push ups
  • 20 double unders

WOD Notes:  Partners will switch with every movement.  Partner 1 climbs the rope, then partner 2 completes push ups, partner 1 jumps rope, partner 2 climbs etc.  One person working at a time.

Reminder:  The 6:15 a.m. class is cancelled for today.  The 9:30 is still on but check back in the morning for possible cancellations.

Daily WOD – Jan 21, 2014

snowflake-hiThe gym will be closed for all classes this evening and the 6:15 a.m. tomorrow.  As of now, the 9:30 class will run as scheduled.  Check back for updates.

Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3


Reverse grip bench press 3×10 (40-50% 1RM bench)

Community Notes: Happy Birthday Tina!!

Registration is Open for the 2014 Open!

games 2014

Even if you’re new to CrossFit, chances are you’ve heard of the “Open.” The 2014 CrossFit Open season is upon us!! The goal of today’s post is to explain a little about the Open and get everyone to sign up!

What is the “Open?”

Officially, the Open is the first level of competition required for athletes to qualify for the Reebok CrossFit Games.  However, for 99.999% of CrossFitters, the Open is simply a once-a-year opportunity to push yourself to new limits, experience the intensity of competition, and see how you stack up against CrossFitters around the world. As many of you experienced at the ICA Throwdown last weekend, the competition atmosphere is a lot of fun, and it joins us together as a community. The Open is no different. To learn more about the CrossFit Games season check out these links:

When is the “Open?”

This year, the Open season will run from February 27 – March 30.   Every Thursday for 5 consecutive weeks an Open workout will be posted to the Games website at 8:00pm. Registered athletes will have until that Monday at 8:00pm to complete the workout and post their scores online.  All scores must be validated by ICA.

When and Where Can I do the Open WODs?

At ICA, we will run the Open WODs on Fridays as our Daily WOD during all 6 classes. You can join us on Fridays to work out even if you’re not formally registered for the competition. If a registered athlete can not make it to a Friday workout, please let us know as soon as possible. We will do our best to arrange for a judge to be available over the weekend or on Monday.

Other FAQS:

1. What if I need to scale an Open WOD?

In order for your score to count in the worldwide competition, you have to complete all the workouts as prescribed. Most workouts are designed so that everyone can get at least a few official reps in. (For example, most workouts that involve very heavy weights or tricky gymnastics movements have some lighter/easier movements first… so you can get some legitimate points on the board.) At ICA we’ll encourage everyone to try the workout as prescribed, and if you hit a point where you absolutely can’t continue we’ll write down your score, and have you continue “off the books” at a lighter weight or with scaled movements. That way you get an official score and still get a great work out!

2. How much does it cost to register for the Open?

Registration is $20 for individual athletes.

3. How do I qualify for Regionals?

At the end of the Open, the top 48 men, top 48 women, and top 30 teams from each region are invited to the Regionals. There are also Masters divisions in 5 year increments for athletes over the age of 40. This year, for the first time, any athlete who is attempting to qualify for Regionals is required to use a registered Judge (all ICA coaches will be registered judges). Additionally, all of their Open workouts must be videotaped, and at least one video will be reviewed by CrossFit Games staff prior to sending out Regional invitations. 

4. Will the Friday Open WOD count as one of my classes for the week?

Yes, the Open WOD will count as a class, so any punchcard or 2x/week members should plan accordingly.

5. Okay, I’m Sold. How Do I Register?

Register on the CrossFit Games website – click on the red link in the upper right hand corner. Remember to choose CrossFit Phoenixville as your affiliate!!! If you have any questions, talk to John, Nikki or any of your coaches.

Daily WOD – Jan 20, 2014

Welcome Betsy!
Welcome Betsy!
and Sushant!
and Sushant!
and Sarah K!
and Sarah K!

Complete 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:

  • Deadlift (135/95# NTE 35% 1 rep max)
  • Sit ups

WOD Notes:  This workout contains a LOT of deadlifts.  Unless you are exceptionally efficient at deadlifting, consider scaling back the number of reps and/or weight.

Apparel Notes:  We still have some M, L and XL blue zip up hoodies in stock.  If you are interested, they are $40 and first come, first serve!

Throwdown Notes: We’ve had some folks request a link to the results from Saturday… see here.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Brian!

Football WOD – Jan 19, 2013

Complete 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:

  • Power clean (75% BW, NTE 65% 1RM)
  • Toes to bar

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday to one of our newest members – Sy!

Post-Throwdown Notes: Thank you to all our competitors, judges, and volunteers who came together to make the first ever ICA Throwdown a success!!! Congratulations to Dan and Katie N, Dave and Jenn, and Robbie and Sara R on your top spots… and to all 32 competitors for a job well done. If anyone wakes up sore tomorrow and wants to spend some time mobilizing, you’re welcome use the back room during the 10am Football WOD.

Mobility Room Notes:  Speaking of the back room… Now that the build out is complete, the back room room is available for mobility work almost any time the gym is open. We will use it for personal training and Fundamentals a few times a month, but other than that it will be available for use. We recommend folks go back there before and/or after classes to keep progressing in your mobility! The room is also available for independent lifting, on a case by case basis. Anyone who has specific strength goals and wants to lift before/during/after class should talk to John or Nikki.

Daily WOD – Jan 18, 2014


1st - Katie N., 2nd - Jenn, 3rd - Sara R.
1st – Katie N., 2nd – Jenn, 3rd – Sara R.
1st - Dan E., 2nd - Dave, 3rd - Robbie
1st – Dan E., 2nd – Dave, 3rd – Robbie

Power Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


5×5 seated box jumps (tall box)

Schedule Notes:  Remember there will only be the 7:30 barbell and 8:30 class today.  You may complete this WOD during  barbell.

Throwdown Notes: Get jacked up!!!!! Today we’ll have an epic battle for year-long bragging rights at ICA. Only one male and one female can come out on top,  but everyone will experience a fun day of working out, pushing yourself to new limits, cheering on your peers, and then celebrating a job well done over beer and food. Athletes should arrive anytime between 9:30 and 10:00am. We’ll brief the standards at 10am – all athletes and morning volunteers/judges should be present. First heat kicks off at 10:30.  There will be pizza/beer and whatever else you bring.  There is still plenty of space available for the potluck!  It is a good idea to have some food ready to eat after each event to keep energy levels up.

Make Up Day – Jan 16, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 then 6×30 yd sled drag (50% SDC)
  2. Complete for time 25 HSPU, 25 hang power cleans (115/75#), 25 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 25 pull ups, 25 KB swings (70/53#)
  3. Power clean 5×3, then complete for time 12 DB thrusters (50/35#), 12 KBS (70/53#), 12 push ups, 12 KBS, 12 DB thrusters. Complete a 40 yd shuttle run after each set.
  4. Complete 3 rounds for time of 30 box jumps (24/20″), 20 thrusters (75/55#), 10 T2B
  5. Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 then 30R/30L single leg KB RDL
  6. “Nancy” – complete 5 rounds for time of 400m run, 15 OHS (95/65#)

Throwdown Notes:  Workout 4 will remain a mystery until the first 3 workouts are finished on Saturday!  There is still time to sign up!

Daily WOD – Jan 15, 2013

The many faces of Nancy
The many faces of Nancy


5 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 15 overhead squats (95/65#)

WOD Notes:  Compare to 130116.

Throwdown Notes:  Workout number 3 is a little more traditional.

Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of:

  • box jumps (24/20″)
  • KB swings (53/35#)
  • burpees

Event Notes: CrossFit Apex is hosting a Winter Combine competition on Feb 22. This event differs from most local competitions in that there are performance/eligibility requirements. To read more or to sign up click HERE.

Daily WOD – Jan 14, 2014

Big Mike getting ready!
Big Mike getting ready!

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5


30R/30L Romanian 1-leg KB deadlifts

WOD Notes:  Compare deadlift to 121117.

Throwdown Notes:  Workout number two looks like

Run 1 mile for time.

You can take time off your mile score by lifting a bar (135/95#) over your head and holding for as long as possible.  Your official mile time will end once the bar is locked out overhead. Each second you hold the bar is one second removed from your mile time.  If you do not wish to hold the bar over your head (or can’t lift the weight) you may stop your time when you cross the finish line.

Tentative schedule for Saturday:

  • 9:30 – competitors show up and begin warming up for start time of 10:30
  • 10:00 – go over standards with judges/volunteers and competitors
  • 10:30 – Event 1 begins (5 heats)
  • 11:30 – Event 2 begins (5 heats)
  • 1:00 – Event 3 begins (5 heats)
  • 2:00 – Last heat of event 3
  • 2:45 – Final event (top 5 men and women)
  • 3:45 – Winners announced, beer and potluck to be enjoyed by all!

Daily WOD – Jan 13, 2013

hard work
hard work

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 30 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 20 thrusters (75/55#)
  • 10 toes to bar

ICA Throwdown Notes:  We will be announcing the first 3 workouts for the ICA Throwdown during the next 3 days.  The first one is:

Take 5 minutes to find:

  • max wallballs
  • 1 rep max thruster

Score is thruster weight plus total wallballs.  You may set the bar up for your first weight before the workout begins.  You will start with wallballs but once you make your first thruster attempt, you may no longer wallball.  The wallballs do not need to be consecutive.


Make Up Day – Jan 9, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. AMRAP in 20 minutes of 30s handstand hold, 30s L-sit hold, 30s squat hold, 30s pull up hold
  2. Complete 3-6-9-12-15 reps for time of burpees over a bar and power cleans (135/95#)
  3. “Tillman” Complete 7 rounds for time of 7 deadlifts (65%), 1 full gasser, 15 pull ups
  4. “Flight Simulator” 5 to 50 to 5 in increments of 5 of unbroken double unders
  5. Hang power snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 20R/20L DB split snatches NFT
  6. AMRAP in 14 minutes of 3 “2-fer” muscle ups and 5 “2-fer” cleans (165/105#)

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Kim H!!

Daily WOD – Jan 6, 2014

“Flight Simulator”

Complete 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 unbroken double unders for time.

WOD Notes: Today is goal setting day!  Class will finish up about 15 minutes early so you can grab a card and set some goals for 2014.  Compare to 111102.

ICA Throwdown Notes:  The sign up sheets for the ICA Throwdown on Saturday, Jan 18th will be hanging on the door starting today!  There is one for competitors and one for volunteers/judges.  I would love to get at least 15 volunteers (even if you can only stay for part of the day) to make this event run smoothly but more would be better!

Daily WOD – Jan 3, 2013


Jackie T. and Robbie with a solid L-sit
Jackie T. and Robbie with a solid L-sit
Joanna and Brian praying for 30 seconds
Joanna and Brian praying for 30 seconds


AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • 30s handstand hold
  • 30s L-sit hold
  • 30s squat hold
  • 30s pull up hold

Weather Notes: The 6:15am class is cancelled. All other classes are still on. Drive safely!

Event Notes:  Some events that didn’t make our original January Events post…

  1. Our friends up at CrossFit 181P are hosting a small local competition on January 25th as a fundraiser.  This is a great way for anyone that wants to start getting into competition as it is expected to be a small and friendly event!  Details here.
  2. Tiana at Cherokee Barbell is offering a two day Olympic Lifting camp geared toward helping lifters improve their form.  The scheduled date is Feb 1st and 2nd.  Details here.
  3. Aimee at CFKOP is offering a post-partum women’s wellness program starting January 13. Details here.
  4. Infant Swimming Resource is an organization that offers water survival skills for infants and young children ages 6 months – 6 years. CrossFit Kids has a close relationship with ISR and has done a lot of work to promote their courses. Lisa King, a certified ISR instructor, will be offering lessons in the Limerick area starting February 10. See the flyer HERE.

Make Up Day – Jan 2, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 4 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Deficit Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 then 100 KBS for time (53/35#)
  2. Teams of 3 complete 10 rope climbs, 150 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 100 pull ups, 75 sandbag cleans, 50 burpees over bag, 10 rope climbs
  3. AMRAP in 5 minutes of 5 front squats (135/95#), 10 dynamic push ups, rest 5 minutes, AMRAP in 5 minutes of 5 back squats (135/95#), 5 strict pull ups
  4. Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3 then max consecutive push ups

WOD Notes:  Anyone starting up a new years paleo challenge is welcome to complete the fall nutrition performance test as well during make up night tonight.


January Schedule & Events

01 January

Mark your calendars for these important dates in January!

  • Jan 1 – Happy New Year!! ICA is closed today.
  • Jan 2 – Stretching and mobility, 6pm
  • Jan 4 – Whole9 Life Nutrition Seminar at CrossFit Love, 9am-4pm. Click HERE for more info.
  • Jan 6 – 2014 Goal Setting (will take place at the end of each class, come with ideas!)
  • Jan 16 – Stretching and mobility, 6pm
  • Jan 18 – ICA Throwdown (first ever in-house competition!)
  • Jan 25 – Competition and Fundraiser at CrossFit 181P. Details HERE.
  • Feb 1-2 – Olympic Lifting Clinic at Cherokee Barbell. More details HERE.

Daily WOD – Dec 31, 2013

“Last Chance” New Year’s Eve Open Gym

WOD Notes:  Today is the last chance to knock some 2013 goals off the board.  Come in between 7:30 and 10:30 a.m. to do any workout you want!  If you’re not sure what you want to do, come in anyway and get an idea from a coach.  Check out 121231 and 111231 to see some previous results.

Daily WOD – Dec 28, 2013

Teams of 3 complete:

  • 10 rope climbs
  • 150 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 100 pull ups
  • 75 sandbag cleans (45/25#)
  • 50 burpees over sandbag
  • 10 rope climbs

One athlete working at a time, the movements must be completed in order.

WOD Notes:  Since we can reasonably accommodate 5 teams of 3 today, we will take all 14 people signed up as well as the first person on the waitlist.  If you cannot make the workout, please cancel your name out as soon as possible!  Compare to 121217.

Make Up Day – Dec 26, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 4 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then clean and jerk and carry 1om x6 (70%)
  2. “12 Days of Christmas” – see Saturday for details.
  3. Complete for time 30R/30L KB step ups (53/35# to 20/16″), 50 strict pull ups, 100 banded good mornings
  4. Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then max consecutive 10s pause front squats (50%)

Daily WOD – Dec 21, 2013



Thanks to everyone for coming out today!!
Thanks to everyone for coming out today!!

“ICA’s 12 Days of Christmas”

  • Day 1 = 1 run (200m)
  • Day 2 = 2 deadlifts (225/155#)
  • Day 3 = 3 box jumps (30/24″)
  • Day 4 = 4 push ups (clapping for guys)
  • Day 5 = 5 seconds L-sit hold
  • Day 6 = 6 wall ball (20/14″ to 10′)
  • Day 7 = 7 kettlebell swings (53/35#)
  • Day 8 = 8 kettlebell SDHP (53/35#)
  • Day 9 = 9 burpees
  • Day 10 = 10 walking lunge (5R/5L)
  • Day 11 = 11 knees to elbow
  • Day 12 = 12 keg to overhead (105/75#)
WOD Notes: You do the workout like you sing the song. Round 1 you do Day 1. Round 2 is Day 2 + Day 1. Round 3 is Day 3 + Day 2 + Day 1…. Round 12 is Day 12 all the way down to Day 1. Compare to 121222.
Warm Up:  Please show up at least 30 minutes early to get warmed up.  We will be starting the first heat at 7:30 sharp!

Make Up Day – Dec 19, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Hang clean 3-3-3-3-3 then 1000m row
  2. Partner Interval AMRAP in 13 minutes of 5 box jumps (30/24″), 7 KBS (70/53#), 9R/L mountain climbers
  3. Complete two rounds of 1 minute on, 1 minute off of: DB push press (50/30#), weighted pull up (50/30#), row (1 cal = 1 rep), burpees
  4. 1/2 Kalsu – 50 thrusters (135/95#) for time.  Perform 5 burpees at the start of each minute
  5. Max height box jump then back squat 2-2-2-2-2-2
  6. Complete 4 intervals of max reps bench press (60-70%), 400m run

Notes: A 7:30am heat time was added for Saturday. (You crazy early birds!!) We’ll have the gym open by 7:00am for folks to warm up. If you switch class times, please remember to take yourself out of your original heat!

Daily WOD – Dec 18, 2013

Complete 4 intervals of:

  • Max reps bench press (60-70% 1RM)
  • 400m run

Get up from the bench and immediately begin the 400m run.  There will two results: total reps of bench and 400m splits.

Notes: This Saturday we are running our annual 12 days of Christmas WOD. It’s an event you don’t want to miss! The early morning heats are full, so PLEASE be respectful to the other ICA athletes and show up if you are registered for those times. DO NOT WAIT until Friday night / Saturday morning to take your name out!!!! We’ll be watching… and so will St. Nick! There will be a 50 burpee penalty for no shows, 30 burpees for late withdraws.

Daily WOD – Dec 16, 2013

Welcome Robb!
Welcome Robb!

“1/2 Kalsu”

Complete for time:

  • 50 thrusters (135/95#)

Perform 5 burpees at the start of each minute.

WOD Notes:  There will be a 20 minute cap on this workout.

Apparel Notes:  The ICA hoodies are in and are $40!  If you ordered one please try to come in to pick it up by Wednesday.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Maggie N!!

Daily WOD – Dec 14, 2013

Box-2, Garrett-0
Box-2, Garrett-0
Tom S. swinging the 62
Tom S. swinging the 62

Partner Interval AMRAP in 13 minutes:

  • 5 box jumps (30/24″)
  • 7 KB swings (70/53#)
  • 9 mountain climbers R/L

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Jacki N and Joanna!!

Thank you to the entire ICA family for helping out with the adopt a family project this year.  On top of getting every single item on the wish list, we managed to raise $1600 to be split between the families!!  You have done a huge part in making their holidays more joyous!

Make Up Day – Dec 12, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. “Annie-einnA” Complete 50-40-30-20-10-10-20-30-40-50 reps for time of double unders and sit ups
  2. Turkish get up 1 rep max R/L then overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
  3. EMOM for 7 minutes of 15 lateral plyo ski hops, rest 5 minutes then every other minute complete 30 Russian KBS (70/53#) with a 10 burpee penalty for not finishing
  4. “Badger” – Complete 3 rounds for time of 30 cleans (95/65#), 30 pull ups, 800m run
  5. Sumo deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 5×20 banded good mornings
  6. 50 push press (75/55#), 30 box jumps (24/20″), 10 power snatches (135/95#), 30 box jumps (24/20″), 50 push press (75/55#)

ICA Throwdown!

game time

Mark your calendars, this is the first ever ICA in-house competition!

Where: ICA

When: Jan 18, 2014  10:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

What:  The competition will be composed of 3 events that everyone will complete.  After the 3 events, the top 5 male and female athletes will complete a final event.  Workouts will be announced a week prior to the competition.

Who: Anyone with a current 2x/week or unlimited membership at ICA (except ICA coaches)!  The first 3 workouts will be set up so that as long as you can Rx a box jump (24/20″), KB swing (53/35#) and wallball (20/14# to 10/9′) you should be able to participate!  Sign up sheets will be at the gym.

Why:  To become immortalized in ICA history and to talk a little smack!  Winners will have their name engraved on a trophy. Beverages will be on hand so even if you don’t compete come on out because we will still need judges/volunteers to help this run smoothly.

Daily WOD – Dec 9, 2013


Complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 30 squat cleans (95#/65)
  • 30 pull ups
  • 800m run


“Badger Cub”

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 20 squat cleans (95#/65)
  • 20 pull ups
  • 400m run

WOD Notes: Badger is a HERO WOD in honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter. It was first posted on the main page on 071219.  Compare to ICA results from 120107.

Community Notes: Today is the last day to drop off donations for our adopted families. We have already collected tons of toys, clothes and gift cards, including every single item off the kids’ wish lists. Thank you ICA!! You guys rock!! Your generosity never ceases to amaze us… and it will make 5 special kids very happy this holiday season!