Phoenixville Inside Out Workouts!

Mark your calendars for ICA’s free community workouts on Bridge Street this summer!

We’re thrilled to be a part of Phoenixville’s “Inside Out” iniative for the third summer in a row.

Free community workouts will be held at the parking lot across from Molly Maguires on the following Sunday’s this summer:

  • June 23, 8:00 am
  • July 21, 8:00 am
  • August 18, 8:00 am

For whom are these classes intended? Anyone (age 13 to 100) who wants to have an energetic start to their Sunday morning and perhaps get a little fitter.

What should I bring? It would be a great idea to bring a cold drink, a friend and a smile.

How awesome of a time will I have if I show up? Great question; I’m glad you asked. Intensely awesome!

If you’ve never been to ICA before, you can click HERE to fill out a waiver and book the class so we know you’re coming.

If you have any questions, reach out to John at

Make Up Day – Dec 5, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Power squat 2-2-2-2-2-2 then 30 strict toes to bar NFT
  2. Death by back squat (50%)
  3. Complete 4 rounds for time of 400m run, 50 squats
  4. Find your 1 rep max snatch and power snatch
  5. Complete 10 rounds for time of 1 power clean (250/150#), 3 HSPU, 10 wallballs (20/14# to 10/10′)

WOD Notes:  Remember to sign up for Moga with Coach Kehl tonight at 6:00!

December Schedule & Highlights


Mark your calendars for these important dates in December! There are several schedule changes at the end of the month due to the holidays, please take note!

  • Dec 5 – MOGA, 6pm
  • Dec 9 – Last day to donate to our adopted families!
  • Dec 19 – MOGA, 6pm
  • Dec 21 – “The 12 Days of Christmas” WOD. We will run this WOD in heats like the Firebird. Barbell is cancelled to accommodate the expected turnout for this WOD, but there may be an opportunity to lift from 7:00-7:30am before the first heat kicks off. Talk to Nikki or John.
  • Dec 24 & 25 – CLOSED
  • Dec 27 – No 6:15am or 5:00pm classes. We’ll be open during the 5:00 hour for independent mobility and strength work.
  • Dec 28 – No 10:30 class. (We will have 7:30 Barbell, 8:30 and 9:30 WODs)
  • Dec 31 – Last Chance Open Gym, 7:30-10:30am. This is your last chance to meet your 2013 goals!!
  • Jan 1 – CLOSED

Daily WOD – Dec 3, 2013

Scott landing a snatch!
Scott landing a snatch!

Find your 1 rep max:

  • Snatch
  • Power Snatch

WOD Notes:  Today you will establish a 1 rep max on both a snatch and power snatch.  You may choose which one to focus on longer but you must get one of each.  On both lifts, we are expecting Olympic standards to be upheld which means no pressing out at the top of the lift (you should land with your arms already extended).  For previous results and some nice video references, compare to 121001.

Football WOD – Dec 1, 2013

Death by Back Squat (50% 1RM)

Complete 1 back squat the first minute, 2 back squats the second minute, 3 back squats the third minute and so on…

WOD Notes:  Record your score as the last round you complete in full, plus any reps you completed in your final (failed) round.  This WOD will be run in 2 heats so everyone can take the bar off a rack. Compare to CFFB WOD 131125.

Daily WOD – Nov 30, 2013

Today’s WOD is: OPEN GYM!

WOD Notes:  Come in between 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. to do any workout you want!

Community Notes: Happy Wedding Day Filchner! Congratulations!

Adopt-a-Family Update: Thank you to everyone who has donated so far!!! We’ve received a lot of items off the kids’ wish lists. For anyone who still wants to donate we can use:

  • Gift cards for both families (gas, groceries, Target, Walmart)
  • “One Direction” items for Janya and Amya
  • Hair items, lotions, body spray for Amya
  • Additional clothes, pajamas, crib sheets, etc per the families’ wish lists

Donations are due by Monday Dec 9 at the latest. You can also donate cash that we will use towards the remaining items or gift cards.

Lastly, a few people have checked off items from the list that are not (yet) in the pile. This includes pajamas for Amya and Janya, 3D Mario and sneakers for Marshyne, and a warm jacket for Mason. If you bought these items please let me know, and please bring them in this week! Thank you

Daily WOD – Nov 28, 2013

Thanks to our ICA family for making this a great morning!  Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Thanks to our ICA family for making this a great morning! Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 800m run
  • 5 muscle ups
  • 10 hang power cleans (155/105#)
  • 20 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 30 double unders

WOD Notes:  This is the third offering of ICA’s House WOD!  There will be no coach-led warm up today.  Please show up at least 30 minutes prior to your heat to get warm/mobilize.   The sub for muscle ups is 2x pull ups and push ups. If you’re not up for an hour-long monster WOD, scales to consider are: shortening the run to 400m, completing 3 rounds instead of 5, or cutting everything in half.  Compare to 121122.

Daily WOD – Nov 27, 2013

500m row for time


Rack Pull 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Schedule Notes: Just a quick reminder of the schedule for the next few days:

  • Thursday – Open from 7:30-10:30 for “The Firebird.”  There are only a few spots left; email us if you get locked out.
  • Friday – The 6:15am and 5:00pm classes are cancelled. Join us at 9:30, 12:00, 4:00, or 6:00pm. The gym will be open during the 5:00 hour for independent mobility or strength work.
  • Saturday – Open Gym, 8:00-11:00am. Slam some bars and set PRs!
  • Sunday – Football WOD with Kehl

Daily WOD – Nov 26, 2013

Maggie and Holly swingin hammers
Maggie and Holly swingin hammers
Paul heaving the stone
Paul heaving the stone

“Fight Gone Strongman”

AMRAP in one minute at each of the following stations:

  • sledge hammer hits 
  • DB one handed shoulder to overhead (70/45#)
  • keg/stone ground to shoulder
  • farmer carry (106/70#, 10 yds = 1 rep)
  • sandbag step up (45/25# to 24/20″)

Rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 3 rounds.

Daily WOD – Nov 23, 2013

Bench press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


400m sled drag (30% SDC)

WOD Notes:  Compare to 130624.

Schedule Notes:  Due to early bird demand, we’ve added an 8:00am heat for next Thursday’s “Firebird.” We’ll have the gym open by 7:30am, and we’ll stay open until 10:30am. Because we are running this in heats, everyone will warm up on their own, but we’ll have a recommended warm up on the board (along with some scaling options).

Daily WOD – Nov 22, 2013

An enthusiastic warm up!
An enthusiastic warm up!
Tom P. locking out heavy weight!
Tom P. locking out heavy weight!

“2011 Games Event 3”

Complete for time:

  • 5 rope climbs
  • 5 clean and jerks (145#/115)
  • 4 rope climbs
  • 4 clean and jerks (165#/125)
  • 3 rope climbs
  • 3 clean and jerks (185#/135)
  • 2 rope climbs
  • 2 clean and jerks (205#/145)
  • 1 rope climb
  • 1 clean and jerk (225#/155)

Make Up Day – Nov 21, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Find your 2 rep max clean and jerk (20s time limit)
  2. “Nightmare on Wheatland St” – Teams of 4 complete 4x200m run, 200 G2O (75/55#), 200 box jumps, 200 KBS (53/35#), 200 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 200 push ups, 4x200m run
  3. Every 90s complete 4 deadlifts (315/225#), max ring dips.  Repeat for 5 rounds.  Then AMRAP in 6 minutes of sprint 80yds, 5 pull ups, 5 push ups.
  4. 5 rounds for max reps of KB swing (106/62#), pullups.  Rest as needed between rounds.
  5. “Baseline” – 500m row, 40 squats, 30 sit ups, 20 push ups, 10 pull ups for time.  Then 12×2 banded box back squat.
  6. 5 rounds for time of 10 DB snatch (70/45#), 20 sit ups, 30 lateral jumps over DB

Daily WOD – Nov 18, 2013

Welcome Kathy!
Welcome Kathy!


and Christine!
and Christine!
and Jen N!
and Jen N!

Complete 5 rounds for max reps of:

  • KB swings (106/62#)
  • pull ups

Rest as needed between rounds.

WOD Notes:  You will be picking a KB that you can swing 10 to 30 times the first round.  As soon as you put the KB down, immediately go to a pull up bar and do as many strict pull ups as possible without coming off the bar.  We will record the total number of reps completed.

Daily WOD – Nov 16, 2013

Black Out Day #5

WOD Notes:  We will take the 2 waitlist spots in any class today as well as the typical 14 spots.

Apparel Notes:  The second generation of ICA hoodies will be ordered this Wednesday.  We do not want to keep much in the way of inventory so we are asking for advanced orders.  It will be a light blue zip up hoodie with the ICA emblem on the right chest and CrossFit Phoenixville running down the left sleeve.  We anticipate the cost being about $40 but won’t know until we place the order.  Respond to this post if you’d like to order one!

Make Up Day – Nov 14, 2013

Kelly tearing up some heavy deads!
Kelly tearing up some heavy deads!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. “The Chief” – AMRAP in 3 minutes of 3 power cleans (135/95#), 6 push ups, 9 squats, repeat for 5 rounds
  2. Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 then 20 gymnastics pull overs
  3. Complete for time: 7 power clean and jerks (155/105#), 5 HSPU, 6 PC&J, 10 HSPU, 7 PC&J, 15 HSPU
  4. Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5 then 3×10 walking lunges (65%)
  5. Complete 4 rounds for time of: 400m run, 25 burpees
  6. “Diane” Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of: deadlift (225/155#), HSPU

Holiday Adopt-a-Family


As many of you will remember, last year we participated in the Kelly Anne Dolan Memorial Fund Adopt-a Family program.  We collected gifts and gift cards for a local family in need. Because of our HUGE fundraising success last year, we have been asked to adopt TWO families this year! These families have children with serious health problems, which have stressed the families emotionally and financially.  We have the chance to help make these children’s Christmas wishes come true!!

If you are interested in helping these deserving families, there are several ways you can give: buy gifts off the kids’ wish lists (see below), buy gift cards that we will pass along to the families, or provide monetary donations that we will use to purchase gifts for the families.

A few notes:

  1. Donations and gifts are due Monday December 10.
  2. All gifts must be unwrapped.
  3. Preferred food gift cards: Acme, Pathmark, ShopRite, Giant
  4. Preferred Department store gift cards: Old Navy, Target, Walmart, CVS, Walgreens
  5. Lightly used toys are welcome

Family 1: Elijah

Elijah is an 8-month-old child with VLCAD deficiency. He experienced a hemodynamic collapse in late August due to a virus and has residual moderate left ventricular systolic dysfunction, which is symptomatically well controlled on enteral medications.  He remains in the Cardiac Care Unit and is currently being weaned from narcotic and sedative medications which were necessary during his time in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.  The family travels daily to visit with Elijah.  The father works full time, and the mom cares for their two older children. The parents have struggled to pay their mortgage and household bills due to the prolonged hospitalization and the associated costs, including gas, parking, and tolls when commuting to the hospital and back home.

Wish list for Elijah (patient, 8 months old)

  • Clothing size: 12 months
  • Gift suggestions: Walker, educational toys, stuffed animals

Wish list for Janya (sister, 8 years old)

  • Clothing size: 12
  • Favorite color: Purple
  • Gift suggestions: One Direction (music group), microphone, pajamas

Wish list for Amya (sister, 10 years old))

  • Clothing size: 14/16
  • Favorite colors: Purple and pink
  • Gift suggestions: One Direction (music group), any items from this group, pajamas, hair items, lotions, body spray

Family 2: Marshyne and Mason

Marshyne is a 9 year old boy with moderate hemophilia A, factor VIII deficiency.  This is a lifelong illness characterized by unpredictable bleeds that can make even minor injuries turns into severe bleeding episodes.  Marshyne has had emergency room visits at least once a year, and hematology clinic visits every four months.  He has also experienced joint bleeds which have been managed from home with a regimen of infusions and home care nursing.  In August, Marshyne became a big brother to Mason, who was diagnosed at birth with Hemophilia A, factor VII deficiency.  Having two boys with hemophilia has been very stressful emotionally and physically, and has been difficult to manage at times.  Marshyne and Mason’s mom is a single working parent. She previously obtained her Master of Social Work while working full time, but her maternity leave was unpaid which caused significant financial stress. Mom has been working tirelessly for her family, even while recuperating from a complicated c-section.  She is responsible for all costs associated with clinic visits and hospitalizations, including but not limited to: transportation, child care expenses for other children at home, food during prolonged hospitalizations, co-pays for specialist visits, etc.

Wish list for Family:

  • Gift cards to food and department stores

Wish list for Mason (4 months)

  • Clothing size: 9 months
  • Interests: Elmo
  • Gift suggestions: Mason is a newborn and will be around 5 months old at the holidays. He will be wearing around 9 month old clothes. Mom would greatly appreciate crib sheets, swaddling blankets, and a new walker or “play saucer” for him to sit in. He could also use a warm jacket for the winter.

Wish list for Marshyne (9 years)

  • Clothing size: Children’s Large (10-12)
  • Favorite colors: Blue and Red
  • Interests: Wii U
  • Gift Suggestions: Marshyne would really like to have the game “Gooey Louie.” He loves his Wii U and would love “digimon” games andor “3D Mario.” He could also use a pair of sneakers (size 4 1/2)

Daily WOD – Nov 12, 2013

Black Out Day #2

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Mark C!

If you want to get a head start on Christmas shopping – or just need some new workout gear – Schuylkill Valley Sports Pottstown has invited us to participate in their Friends and Family sale this weekend! This Thursday through Sunday (Nov 14-17), you can get 20% off the entire store. Just bring in THIS FLYER and show it at check out. (For those of you who don’t know, all ICA athletes get 10% off Reebok CrossFit gear at SVS-Pottstown every day. They carry the Reebok Nanos and a selection of Reebok CrossFit clothing.)

Daily WOD – Nov 9, 2013


Katie L, impressive!
Katie L, impressive!

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3


20 gymnastics pullovers NFT

WOD Notes: Click HERE to see a video demonstration of a pullover. If you can’t perform a pullover, the sub will be “skin the cats” or a 3 minute tuck hold on the paralettes.  Feel free to complete this WOD during 8:00am barbell club.

Make Up Day – Nov 7, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Overhead Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2 then AMRAP in 2 minutes of OHS (40%)
  2. “Big Baseline” – See Saturday for details
  3. Complete 4 rounds for time of 20 DB thrusters, 10R/10L DB lunges, 10R/10L DB push up to row
  4. Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of push press (135/95#) and box jumps (30/24″)
  5. Complete 3 rounds for time of 25 2-fer wallballs, 50 double unders
  6. Snatch Grip Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then weighted pull up 3-3-3-3

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Sidlo!!

November Schedule & Events


Mark your calendars for these important dates in November!

  • Nov 7 – MOGA with Coach Mark, 6pm
  • Nov 16 – NEW SATURDAY MORNING SCHEDULE! Barbell Club will run from 7:30-8:30am, with Daily WODs at 8:30, 9:30, and 10:30. This schedule will be in effect until beach weather returns next June!
  • Nov 16 – 4th annual WOD ‘n Wings, this year at CF Del Val. Click HERE for more info.
  • Nov 21 – MOGA with Coach Mark, 6pm
  • Nov 28 – Thanksgiving Day! We will be open from 8-11am and will be running our house WOD, “The Firebird.” Heats will kick off at 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, and 10:00. There will be NO make up night tonight.
  • Nov 30 – Phoenixville Jaycee’s “Burn off the Bird 5k and 1 mile fun run/walk. Starts at 9am the Stepping Stone Educational Center. Rey is one of the event organizers; please show up and support him!
  • Nov 30 – Open Gym, 8am-11am. Come make up a WOD you missed, work on skills, or knock off another 2013 goal!!

Make Up Day – Oct 31, 2013

jack o lanters

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Complete 8 rounds for time of: 5 HSPU, 5L/5R pistols, 5 L-sit pull ups
  2. Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
  3. Complete 5 rounds of 10R/10L weighted step up (135/95# to 20/16″), 20 evil wheels, max consecutive pull ups, 90s rest
  4. 3x partner interval AMRAP in 5 minutes: 1) 5 power snatches (135/95#), 2) 10 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 3) 5 burpees
  5. “CrossFit Total” – back squat 1-1-1, shoulder press 1-1-1, deadlift 1-1-1
  6. 4x800m run, start a run every 7 minutes

Happy Halloween!

Daily WOD – Oct 29, 2013

6:15 Rxers
6:15 Rxers
and clearly the costume of the day!
and clearly the costume of the day!

“CrossFit Total”

  • Back Squat 1-1-1
  • Shoulder Press 1-1-1
  • Deadlift 1-1-1

WOD Notes: Today’s workout is a CrossFit benchmark.  After warming up, you’ll have three and ONLY THREE attempts at each lift to establish a one rep max. Choose your attempts wisely! Your score is the sum of your highest squat, press, and deadlift. If you’re curious, click HERE to read a 2006 CrossFit Journal article about the Total. Compare to 130605.

Oh yeah, and Rx today requires wearing a costume! (If you don’t have a costume, make something up… Anything is better than nothing!)

Daily WOD – Oct 28, 2013

The old switcharoo
The old switcharoo

Complete 3 Partner Interval AMRAPs in 5 minutes of:

  • 5 power snatches (135/95#)


  • 10 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)


  • 5 burpees

Rest approximately 5 minutes between AMRAPs.

Community Notes:  Tuesday the 29th will be our costume WOD!  Make sure to bring out your Halloween costumes for the work out.

Reminder:  This Friday is Nov 1st and is the first day of the new rates at ICA.  If you would like to purchase a multi-month membership at the current rates, you have until Thursday to do so!

Daily WOD – Oct 26, 2013

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

WOD Notes:  This workout can be completed during barbell club today.  Compare to 130525.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Jimbo!!

“Lift Up Luke” – Amazing work by the gym for the “Lift Up Luke” fundraiser last weekend.  ICA matched $152, 1 for each round completed by all the athletes.  As a gym you managed to more than double that with a contribution of $318 for a grand total of $470!  Another great showing by a fantastic community!

Lastly, the gym Ipod went missing Wednesday night.  If you were in one of those classes, please check your gym gear to see if it accidentally ended up with you!

Daily WOD – Oct 25, 2013

Welcome Kim L!
Welcome Kim L!
and Rich!!
and Rich!!

Complete 8 rounds for time of:

  • 5 handstand push ups
  • 5 L/5R pistols
  • 5 L-sit pull ups

Community Notes:

  1. The Phoenixville Citizen’s Advocacy 5k/10k and 1 mile fun run is this Saturday morning. Click HERE for details.
  2. The Philadelphia SuperFit Games runs from 7am-7pm on Saturday at CFKoP. $10 to spectate, or FREE if you volunteer to help out. Email to volunteer.
  3. Next Tuesday 10/29 we’ll have a special Halloween WOD. Everyone is encouraged to come in costume!!! (Best costume wins your picture on the blog and one full year of infamy/notoriety/bragging rights.)

The Champs!


The nutrition challenge ended just about a week ago and we hope everyone is still on the healthy eating wagon (after an obligatory cheat day or two)!  Thanks to everyone who toughed out the whole month; we had nearly 60% of our members take part in the challenge, and many of them have been at the gym less than one year.  Because of your dedication, we saw some tremendous gains in strength and conditioning as well as some transformations of body composition.  Even more exciting is how many people have expressed their plan to continue some sustainable version of the diet because of how good they felt during the challenge.  Well done to everyone who participated!

The decisions were tough but we have come up with a winner for rookie, veteran, and spirit!  The decision was primarily based on physical performance (for rookie and veteran) and performance + enthusiasm (for spirit).  Without further ado, the winners are:

Rookie:  Mike “Hoagie” Hogentogler

  • Initial test: 6 pull ups, 69 wall balls, 165 clean, 10:41 mile
  • Final test: 14 pull ups, 75 wall balls in 4:29, 185 clean, 9:06 mile

Veteran:  Natalie Chamberlain

  • Initial test: 7 pull ups, 45 wall balls, 125 clean , 14:06 mile
  • Final test: 3 pull ups (smaller band), 62 wall balls, 135 clean, 13:51 mile

Spirit: Dave Boelker

  • Initial test: 8 pull ups, 56 wall balls, 185 clean , 6:25 mile
  • Final test: 13 pull ups, 75 wall balls in 4:31, 195 clean, 6:02 mile

Congratulations to all three of you! You will each receive 1 free month of membership at ICA – talk to Nikki or John in the next few days to set it up!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the challenge and try to keep all the good habits you formed over the last month!!

Make Up Day – Oct 24, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last six workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Banded Deadlift 10×2 the 5×8 good mornings (40% back squat)
  2. “Lift Up Luke” – AMRAP in 5 minutes of 4 power cleans (155/105#), 24 double unders, 10 pull ups
  3. Complete 5 rounds for max reps of 15s on, 45s rest: hang power clean and jerks (115/75#), weighted pull ups (50/30#), burpees
  4. Split Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 then complete 5 rounds for time of 10 push press (95/65#), 5R/5L lunges in place
  5. AMRAP in 8 minutes of 2 KBS (70/53#), 2 T2B, 4 and 4, 6 and 6 …
  6. “Kelly” – 5 rounds for time of 400m run, 30 box jumps (24/20″), 30 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)

Daily WOD – Oct 23, 2013


5 rounds for time of:

  • 400m Run
  • 30 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 30 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)

WOD Notes: This is a benchmark WOD, and it’s a long one! The fastest athletes can finish this in the low 20 minute range, but it is more often in the 30-40 minute range. We will have a 40 minute time cap; please scale accordingly!  A GREAT scale for this WOD is to do 3 rounds instead of 5. We strongly recommend this for all beginners. Another scaling option is to do 1/2 reps of box jumps and wall balls.  Compare to 120724.

Daily WOD – Oct 22, 2013

Welcom Lindsay A!
Welcom Lindsay A!
and Keb! (Peggy
and Keb! (Peggy’s daughter!)

AMRAP in 8 minutes of:

  • 2 KB swings (70/53#)
  • 2 toes to bar
  • 4 KBS
  • 4 T2B
  • 6 KBS
  • 6 T2B

WOD Notes:  Each round of the workout adds 2 reps  to each movement.  The goal is to go as high on the ladder as you can!

Football WOD – Oct 20, 2013

Complete 5 rounds for max reps of:

  • 15s of hang power clean and jerk (115/75#)
  • 45s rest
  • 15s of weighted pull ups (50/30#)
  • 45s rest
  • 15s of burpees
  • 45s rest

Community Notes:  So far 152 rounds have been completed for the “Lift Up Luke” fundraiser.  If you couldn’t make it in today feel free to make it up on Thursday and  we will have the donation box available during classes all week!

Daily WOD – Oct 19, 2013

Lift Up Luke

AMRAP in 5 minutes:

  • 4 power cleans (155/105#)
  • 24 double unders
  • 1o pull ups

WOD Notes: This WOD should be fast and painful! Scale wisely – the right scale will allow you to hit a super high intensity with little down time. The power clean should be heavy, but not exceed 70% of your 1RM. For double unders, pick a number of reps that you can typically complete unbroken, or in 2-3 sets at most. If you are still learning DUs, this is a good day to scale to 50 SUs (no DU attempts).

We’ll kick off the first heat around 9:10, and run heats every 10 minutes until 11:30. First come first serve for heat times. Please come early and stay late to cheer on the other athletes!

ICA will donate $1 for every full round completed, and we encourage you to “match” our donation with $1 for every round you complete. Donations are encouraged but not required!

Daily WOD – Oct 18, 2013


Banded Deadlift 10×2


5×8 good mornings (40% 1RM back squat)

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Steve K!!

Community Notes II: Saturday morning we are running a fundraiser, Lift Up Luke, which seeks to raise money for the Autism Tree Foundation to support early diagnosis and treatment of autism, as well as parent education.  Instead of regular classes we’ll run heats of the WOD from 9am-11:30am, every 10 minutes or so. You can sign up for a heat when you show up, and we’ll have a warm up area in the warehouse. ICA will donate $1 for every full round completed! (Scaled or Rx, both count.) Donations of any amount are welcome. An easy way to help us DOUBLE our donation is by matching us with $1 for every round you complete. Of course, you do NOT have to donate in order to participate. We are making this a FREE workout for anyone on a punchcard or 2x/week membership.

Make Up Day – Oct 17, 2013

Join us beteen 4:30 and 7:30 tomorrow to make up one of the last 6 workouts. This week the choices are:

  1. Max distance broad jump, 20 rep max back squat, max distance broad jump
  2. Complete for time: 1000m row, 30 muscle up, 800m run. Sub for MU is MU transitions or 1 T2B and 1 dip
  3. CFFB WOD – Complete 9 rounds for time of: 5 deadlifts (315/205 NTE75%), 5 handstand push ups
  4. EMOM for 12 minutes of: 10 thrusters (45/30), 10 box jumps (24/20″)
  5. OHS 5-5-5-5-5 then 50 toes through rings NFT
  6. Fall Nutrition Challenge Performance test – max strict pull ups in 1 minute, 75 wall balls for time, max clean, and 1 mile run

Community Notes: Ice cream social 7-8pm tonight!

Daily WOD – Oct 16, 2013

“Fall Nutrition Challenge Performance Test”

  • max strict pull ups in 1 minute
  • 75 wallballs for time (5 minute time cap)
  • 1 rep max clean (10 minutes)
  • 1 mile run

A rest will be taken between each of the 4 events.

WOD Notes:  The goal today is to measure your current athletic ability and compare it to 1 month ago.  Judges/counters will be used during the first two events.  The max clean may be power or squat but must come off the floor.  Feel free to show up a little early to class to get measured and weighed in!  If we don’t get to measure/weigh you today, we can take care of it in the next couple days.  Compare to 130916.

Community Notes: ICA member Erin Burke is running in the Race for Hope on November 3 to raise money for the National Brain Tumor Society. Please consider supporting her by joining her team (runners, walkers, rollerbladers all welcome!), or by providing a donation. You can visit her personal fundraising page HERE to learn more, including the story of her own diagnosis and recovery.

Daily WOD – Oct 15, 2013

Solid squat position!
Solid squat position!

Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5


50 toes through rings NFT

WOD Notes:  Compare OHS to 130507.

Community Notes:  Congratulations to everyone who survived the month of our fall nutrition challenge! Tuesday is the last full day of the challenge – you made it! Technically you can wake up Wednesday morning and eat a bowl of ice cream for breakfast, with cookies crumbled on top, followed by a glass of chocolate milk. HOWEVER, keep in mind we are running the performance test on Wednesday, so it would be a GREAT idea to stick to your paleo/GF-SF diet until after you complete the test. You’ve made it an entire month, what’s a few more hours?? Also, we hope many of you can join us for the FREE ice cream social on Thursday night, from 7:00-8:00pm. Feel free to BYOB. We’ll provide ice cream and toppings! Remember to sign up in MindBody if you plan on attending so we have enough ice cream!

Daily WOD – Oct 14, 2013

the aftermath
the aftermath
awesome sweat angel
awesome sweat angel

EMOM for 12 minutes of:

  • 10 thrusters (45/30#)
  • 10 box jumps (24/20″)

WOD Notes:  If during any minute you cannot complete the reps, this workout turns into an AMRAP.  There will be an unnecessarily harsh penalty for dropping bars today!

Make Up Day – Oct 10, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  • “Filthy Fifty” – see Friday, 10/2 for details.
  • 1 rep max snatch complex, then 5×3 tall box jumps
  • Complete 8 rounds for time of 3 hang power cleans (185/115#), 25 yd unilateral DB lunge
  • “Angie” – 100 pull ups, push ups, situps and squats
  • Complete 3 rounds for time of 10 deadlifts (275/185#), 50 double unders, 3 rope climbs
  • Shoulder Press 8×5 (75-80%) then handstand practice

Nutrition Notes:  One week left on the nutrition challenge!  Any overall impressions 3 weeks in?

Daily WOD – Oct 9, 2013

Shoulder Press 8×5 (75-80%)


10 minutes of handstand practice

WOD Notes:  Some ideas for handstand practice include: walking 50 yds on hands, holding a handstand for 10 sec, holding a handstand against a wall for 1 minute, hand stand push ups, head stands or any other upside down activities!

Daily WOD – Oct 7, 2013

Welcome Craig D
Welcome Craig D
Exactly how I feel about Angie too! Welcome Steve!
Exactly how I feel about Angie too! (Welcome Steve!)



Complete for time:

  • 100 pullups
  • 100 pushups
  • 100 situps
  • 100 squats

WOD Notes:  Scale to half reps, or 3/4 reps, as needed.  If you’ve built up calluses, it might be a good idea to shave them tonight…  Angie is known for causing rips! Compare to 120627.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Nick A!!

Football WOD – Oct 6, 2013

Complete 8 rounds for time of:

  • 3 hang power cleans (185/115#, NTE 80% 1RM)
  • 25 yd unilateral DB lunge 

WOD Notes:  For the lunges, carry a db in one hand.  Alternate hands as needed. Go as heavy as you can!

Community Notes: Happy birthday Tom Pugh!

Daily WOD – Oct 5, 2013


Find your 1 rep max of the following movements performed in succession:

  • Snatch pull to above knee (pause for 2 count)
  • Snatch 2nd pull
  • Snatch

Cash Out:

  • 5×3 box jumps (as high as possible)

WOD Notes: If you are experienced with the snatch you are welcome to complete this WOD during barbell club. (Get your head outta the gutter, Kehl!)

Daily WOD – Oct 4, 2013

Jocelyn and Marissa chipping through wall balls
Jocelyn and Marissa chipping through wall balls

“Filthy Fifty”

For time:

  • 50 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 50 jumping pullups
  • 50 kettlebell swings (53/35#)
  • 50 walking lunge
  • 50 knees to elbows
  • 50 push press (45/35#)
  • 50 back extensions 
  • 50 wall balls, (20/14# t0 10/9′)
  • 50 burpees
  • 50 double unders

WOD Notes:  This is a long chipper and is a CrossFit benchmark. Beginners may scale to “Dirty Thirty” – which is 30 reps of each movement.  There will be a 40 minute time cap on the WOD.

Compare to 130109.

The Who/What/When/Why of Fish Oil

fish oil

Do you take fish oil? Do you think you should, but not sure exactly why? Or have you never even considered taking fish oil? This post will explain what fish oil is, and why you should seriously consider making it part of your daily routine.

Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Let’s start with some background. There are two types of fatty acids you need to know about: omega-6 and omega-3. Both play important roles in our bodies, but at the end of the day you can simplify their roles into the following: omega-3 is anti-inflammatory and omega-6 is inflammatory.

The major sources of Omega-6 in our diets are unhealthy oils (palm, sunflower and soybean), crackers and cereals, nuts and seeds, and corn-fed beef. The major sources of omega-3 are cold-water fish and shellfish. Before the introduction of grains, unhealthy fats, and artificial substances into our diets, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 was around 1:1. Today, we consume at least 20 times more omega-6 than omega-3. The problem is that excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids can promote inflammation, which is a key step in many chronic diseases. (Remember this article?)

What are the Benefits of Fish Oil?

By adding a fish oil supplement to your daily routine, you can restore balance to your omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. The benefits are many, including:

  • Improved heart health
  • Improved brain health
  • Increased protein synthesis (aka improved recovery from workouts!)
  • Enhanced immune function
  • Improved insulin sensitivity
  • Reduced triglyceride levels

But I Eat Paleo!

Eating a Paleolithic diet goes a long way towards correcting the imbalance of omega-6 to omega-3. However, even on a paleo diet you can get into trouble if you’re eating a large number of nuts and seeds and still eating conventional (aka corn-fed) beef. To correct the imbalance, you can start by eating fish a couple times a week, and choose grass-fed beef over corn fed beef whenever possible. Grass-fed beef has about 5 times the omega-3 content as corn fed beef! (More on this here.) The moral of the story – unless you eat grass-fed beef and fish as your primary protein sources, supplementing with fish oil is still a good idea.

Fish Oil – What type and how much?

There are actually three main types of omega-3 fatty acids: (1) alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) – which is found in flaxseed, walnuts, some vegetable oils, and some green vegetables; (2) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and (3) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) – both of which are found in fatty fish. The health benefits of omega-3s are derived principally from EPA and DHA, so only these should be taken into account when selecting a supplement. (The human body can convert ALA to EPA and DHA, but it is not an efficient conversion.) The two lessons to take away from this are: (1) Flaxseed oil is NOT a good substitute for fish oil, and (2) when selecting a fish oil, look closely at the EPA/DHA content.

If you aren’t eating fish and grass-fed beef on a regular basis, you will want to supplement with 2-3 grams of EPA/DHA a day.  There are two primary ways to take fish oil: liquid or pills.

  • Pills: The main advantage of pills is their mobility and ease of ingestion.  Some people have a hard time with the thought of taking liquid fish oil, and pills provide a simple (and tasteless) remedy. The main disadvantage is you’ll need to take several pills to get your desired daily intake. It is important to read labels carefully! Many bottles of fish oil will advertise “1000mg per serving,” but upon closer read, only 300mg is EPA/DHA. To get your daily dose of 2-3 grams of EPA/DHA, you would need 7-10 pills!!  (Note: at home we take Kirkland enteric coated fish oil pills; each pill has almost 700mg EPA/DHA, and we don’t get fishy burps with them!)
  • Liquid: The main advantage of taking your fish oil in liquid form is you can get a concentrated dose and be done for the day in one shot. You can get some decent tasting fish oils – for instance Carlson makes a lemony one. The disadvantages of liquid form are you can’t travel with it, and many people are turned off by the idea of drinking fish oil.

Worth a try?

Only you can decide whether it’s worth your time, energy, and money to add a fish oil supplement to your daily routine. On a personal note, we have been taking it for several years, and we are strong believers in its health benefits. However, we are NOT registered dieticians or physicians, just CrossFit athletes sharing our knowledge of what has worked for us. If you have any concerns, you should always consult your doctor!

For other who/what/when/why articles, check out the following links:

Make Up Day – Oct 3, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. AMRAP in 15 minutes of 3 bar muscle ups, 5 KBS (70/53#), 7 burpees
  2. Thruster 5-5-5-5-5 then 400m sled drag
  3. Complete 20-15-10-5 reps for time of: DB thrusters (45/25#) and knees to elbow.  Then complete 10x100m sprints.
  4. “Hell-en” 1200m run, 63 KBS (53/35#), 36 pull ups, 800m run, 42 KBS, 24 pull ups, 400m run, 21 KBS, 12 pull ups
  5. Sumo Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 then 400m farmer’s carry
  6. Complete for time: 100 overhead squats (115/75#), perform 5 burpees at the start of each minute.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Sarge!!

Nutrition Challenge Notes:  Check out this video about “sugarholics” from the legend Jack Lalanne.

Daily WOD – Oct 2, 2013

Complete  for time:

  • 100 overhead squats (115/75# NTE 50% 1RM)

Perform 5 burpees at the start of each minute.

WOD Notes:  The number of burpees and overhead squats may be scaled as needed.  If flexibility greatly limits your OHS, consider doing this workout as thrusters instead. Anyone with shoulder issues can do front squats.

Daily WOD – Sep 30, 2013

Early morning KB swings in unison
Early morning KB swings in unison


  • 1200m run
  • 63 KB swings (53/35#)
  • 36 pull ups
  • 800m run
  • 42 KB swings (53/35#)
  • 24 pull ups
  • 400m run
  • 21 KB swings (53/35#)
  • 12 pull ups

WOD Notes: This workout was first introduced at the 2010 CrossFit games. It is 2x the reps of “Helen,” one of the original CF Benchmarks. Hell-en will have a 35 minute time cap. Scales to consider include regular Helen (3 rds of 400m run, 21 kbs, 12 pull-ups), or cutting the 2nd or 3rd round. Compare to 120420.

Community Notes: Congratulations on your engagement Coach Mark and Rachael!

October Schedule & Events


Mark your calendars for these important dates in October!

  • Oct 10 – Stretching and Mobility with Coach Mark, 6pm.
  • Oct 15 – Last day of the Fall Nutrition Challenge! (The performance test is Wed Oct 16.)
  • Oct 17 – ICA ICE CREAM SOCIAL!!! We’ll celebrate the end of the fall nutrition challenge with an ice cream social on Thursday night from 7pm-8pm. Please register in MindBody if you plan on attending, so we have enough ice cream for everyone!
  • Oct 19Lift Up Luke fundraiser at ICA. We’ll run the Lift Up Luke WOD as the workout of the day. ICA will donate $1 for every full round completed!! Help us DOUBLE our donation by matching us with $1 for every round you complete. Instead of regular classes we’ll run heats of this WOD from 9am-11:30am, every 10 minutes or so. You do NOT have to donate in order to participate.
  • Oct 24 – Stretching and Mobility with Coach Mark, 6pm
  • Oct 26 – Phoenixville Citizen Advocacy 5k , 10k , or 1 mile fun run. Starts at 8am at Reeve’s Park. Click HERE for more info. Moira is one of the event organizers, so please show up and support her!
  • Oct 26SuperFit Games competition at CFKOP. We are sending 5 teams to this SOLD OUT CrossFit competition. We have tickets available for 1 more co-ed team! The cost is $95 per person. If you are interested, find a partner and let John know asap. We’ll reach out to other local boxes at the end of the week if we don’t have any takers from ICA.

Daily WOD – Sep 28, 2013

Thruster 5-5-5-5-5


Sled drag 400m (25-30% SDC)

Notes: If you are familiar with these movements, you are welcome to do this WOD during barbell club. Also – Sarge and Phil are in charge this weekend; be on your best for them!! The 30 burpee penalty is in effect for anyone who signs up but doesn’t show up.

Daily WOD – Sep 27, 2013

Welcome Mohyeed!
Welcome Mohyeed!
Matt C hit his first (and 10th) muscle up today!
Matt C hit his first (and 10th) muscle up today!

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:

  • 3 bar muscle ups
  • 5 KB swings (70/53#)
  • 7 burpees

WOD Notes: The scale for bar muscle ups will be ring muscle ups, chest to bar pull ups, regular pull ups, or ring rows. No bands will be allowed, so pick the hardest movement you can do without a band. Also, for anyone who can do bar muscle ups but can’t string 3 together, we will have you scale to 1 per round (to keep things moving)!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Korba!!

Make Up Day – Sep 26, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Snatch balance 1-1-1-1-1-1 then EMOM for 10 minutes of 2 hang snatches
  2. Complete 2 rounds for time of 25 pull ups, 50 deadlifts (155/105#), 800m run
  3. Complete 5 rounds for time of 2 rope climbs, 8 front squats (185/115#), 9 HSPU
  4. Complete for time: “Elizabeth” 21-15-9 of squat cleans (135/95#) and ring dips
  5. Complete for time: 100 DUs, 3 rounds of 25 push ups & 25 T2B & 2 rope climbs, 100 DUs
  6. Front squat 2-2-2-2-2-2 then “Bring Sally Up” squat challenge (135/95#)

Gym Expansion & Rate Change Announcement



We recently signed a new three-year lease, and along with it we are upgrading our facility. Construction has already begun on the following:

  • An athlete lounge – where you can hang out before or after class;
  • A personal training room  – which will be available for mobility work before/after class, overflow during barbell clubs, and many other uses;
  • Improved HVAC – including an extra heating unit in the main work out room, and air conditioning in all three rooms!

For those of you who are new to ICA, you may not realize that over the last year we have grown from about 45 members to 100 members. We have added 2 new coaches and 12 new class times. We have almost doubled the equipment in the gym, from rowers to kettlebells to barbells to dumbbells and medicine balls. We even acquired an AED unit, to ensure your safety in case the unexpected ever happens.

What hasn’t changed is our 100% commitment to quality. Our class cap remains at 14, which is extremely rare among CrossFit gyms. And we actively manage our total membership to ensure classes don’t overfill. (Did you know that new members often wait up to two months to get their foot in the door at ICA?!?) This is a testament to our commitment to you – our members.  We promise to always provide you with a one-of-a-kind box where you will experience personalized attention, high quality instruction, small classes, a welcoming community, and most importantly – results!


On November 1, we will be increasing membership rates at ICA. The new rates will help us cover our rising rent, and will reflect the top notch training you receive with us every day. The new rates will be:

2x/week Unlimited Discount
 Monthly Rate  $110  $155  n/a
 Monthly Rate (auto-pay)  $105  $150  $5 discount for auto-pay
 3 months  $295  $415  10% discount
 6 months  $550  $775  6th month is free!

Other services:

  • 10 Class Punchcard: $155
  • Drop in rate: $18

If you’re already on auto-pay, you’ll see the new rates reflected in your first payment after Nov 1. If you currently purchase your membership online each month, but would like to set up auto-pay, please let us know. Also, if you want to purchase a 3 or 6 month membership at the current rates, you have until October 31 to do so!


In our quest to be the best CrossFit box around, we want your feedback! We truly hope you are comfortable approaching us in person or by email with any questions, concerns or suggestions you may have. However, we know sometimes this can be difficult to do, especially if you have a sensitive issue to raise. If you prefer to submit feedback anonymously, we have added a Feedback Form to our “Contact Us” page. Please check it out and use it!

Daily WOD – Sep 24, 2013


Complete for time:

  • 100 double unders
  • 3 rounds for time of: 25 push ups, 25 toes to bar and 2 rope climbs
  • 100 double unders

Community Notes:  Cari Metler’s mother recently passed away.  If you were at ICA while Cari was here and would like to sign the card, see Lindsey.


Daily WOD – Sep 23, 2013

Welcome Maria!
and Daria!
and Daria!


Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of:

  • Clean (135/95#)
  • Ring dip

WOD Notes: Clean = full squat clean. Compare to 120604.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Jackie B!

Other Notes: One week down in our Fall Nutrition Challenge! How is everyone feeling? If you’re really hungry or tired, now’s a good time to talk to Nikki or John about what you’ve been eating, so we can help you tweak your diet and get through the next 3 weeks. Also, here’s another great article to keep you motivated: “What Really Causes Heart Disease?”  Lastly – last year we had a blog post where everyone could add their favorite recipes to share with the group. Check it out, and add any new favorites you’ve come to love! “ICA’s Favorite Paleo Recipes

Daily WOD – Sep 21, 2013

Complete 2 rounds for time of:

  • 25 pull ups
  • 50 deadlifts (155/105# NTE 40%)
  • 800m run

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Peggy!!

Will WOD for Beer: So far we have 5 people heading to DelVal for Will WOD for Beer. This is a really fun CrossFit event; it’s more of a throw down with friends than a competition. If you suddenly realize you have a free afternoon and want to join us, it starts at 4pm at CF Del Val. Meet at ICA at 3pm if you want to carpool. If you plan to partake in wings, Del Val is asking for $7 per person. (Note: wings are okay on the GF/SF diet, but not on paleo!)

Daily WOD – Sep 20, 2013

Katie L
Katie L in a deep squat!

Snatch Balance 1-1-1-1-1-1


EMOM for 10 minutes of

  • 2 hang snatches

WOD Notes:  If flexibility limits you on doing snatches, this workout will be a 1 rep max front squat taken from the floor followed by an EMOM of hang cleans.

Make Up Day – Sep 19, 2013


Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Partner Interval – 10 rounds for time of 5 front squats (215/135#), 7 box jumps (24/20″), 9 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  2. Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2 then EMOM for 5 minutes of 5 deadlifts (60%), max double unders
  3. Complete 3 rounds of 45s on, 15s rest: pull up hold, overhead walking lunge (45/25#), sledge hammer strikes, 10 yd shuttle
  4. “Performance Test” – max strict pull ups in 1 minute, 75 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)  (5 min cap), max clean, 1 mile run
  5. Bamboo bench press 3×15, bamboo shoulder press 5×5, max weighted push up
  6. Complete 30-20-10 reps for time of burpee plate jumps (4″) and hang power cleans (135/80#)

Daily WOD – Sep 16, 2013

Matt setting a new power clean PR!
Matt setting a new power clean PR!

“Fall Nutrition Challenge Performance Test”

  • max strict pull ups in 1 minute
  • 75 wallballs for time (5 minute time cap)
  • 1 rep max clean (10 minutes)
  • 1 mile run

A rest will be taken between each of the 4 events.

WOD Notes:  The goal today is to measure your current athletic ability so that you can compare it to 1 month from now.  Judges/counters will be used during the first two events.  The max clean may be power or squat but must come off the floor.  Feel free to show up a little early to class to get measured and weighed in!  If we don’t get to measure/weigh you today, we can take care of it in the next couple days.  Here we go!!

Community Notes:  This Saturday is the “Will WOD for Beer” event and CrossFit Delaware Valley starting at 4:00.  We had a great showing last year and had some fun eating wings and working out.  It is a shame that beer is pretty much off the table with the nutrition challenge on but it should still be a blast!  Post to comments if you are planning on attending so we can get an early head count.

Sunday Football WOD – Sep 15, 2013

Complete 3 rounds:

  • Hold Top of a Pull Up – 45 seconds
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • Overhead Walking Lunge (45/25#) – 45 seconds
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • Sledge Hammer Strikes – 45 seconds
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • 10 yard shuttle – 45 seconds
  • Rest 15 seconds

WOD Notes: The score for this WOD is the total number of seconds spent in a pull up hold, plus the total number of lunges, sledge strikes, and shuttle runs completed. Compare to CFFB WOD 130907.

Community Notes: The Nutrition Challenge starts Monday! Throughout the challenge we’ll try to share articles and other information to motivate and educate you. Here’s a good one to get you started: Why the Campaign to Stop America’s Obesity Crisis Keeps Failing.

Daily WOD – Sep 14, 2013

Welcome Holly!
Welcome Holly!

Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2


EMOM for 5 minutes of:

  • 5 deadlifts (60% 2 rep max)
  • AMRAP in remainder of minute of double unders

WOD Notes:  Feel free to complete this workout during the 8 a.m. barbell club if you cannot make the 9:00 or 10:00 classes.  Compare deadlift to 130429.

Daily WOD – Sep 13, 2013

Katie N. back from the beach and strong as ever!
Katie N. back from the beach and strong as ever!
Construction on the new ICA space begins!
Construction on the new ICA space begins!

Partner Interval

Complete 10 rounds (5 each) for time of:

  • 5 front squats (215/135#)
  • 7 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 9 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Hoagie!!

Make Up Day – Sep 12, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Clean and jerk skill work followed by 3 minute AMRAP of clean and jerks
  2. “J.T.” Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of HSPU, ring dips and push ups
  3. Complete 8 rounds for time of 2 power cleans (80%) and 5 box jumps (36/28″)
  4. “Hope” –  Complete 3 rounds of 1 minute at each station:  burpees, power snatch (75/55#), box jumps (24/20″), thrusters (75/55#), C2B pull ups
  5. Back squat 3-3-3-3-3 then 5×5 GHR
  6. “Griff” – Complete two rounds for time of 800m run, 400 m backward run

Community Notes:  The nutrition challenge meeting will be tonight at 7:30.  It will be a brief overview of the challenge followed by Q&A.  Feel free to bring any family members who may be getting pulled into this challenge with you!

ICA Fall Nutrition Challenge!!


Summer is officially over, which means it’s time for our 2013 Fall Nutrition Challenge!! It’s a completely optional (but highly recommended) event. We’ll host a kick off meeting this Thursday, Sept 12th at 7:30pm for those who are interested. If you can’t make it, that’s okay, but read this post carefully and talk to John or Nikki with any questions.

Important Dates:

  • Kick off Meeting: Thursday Sept 12th, 7:30pm
  • Start date: Monday, September 16th, when you wake up!
  • End date: Tuesday, October 15th, when you go to sleep!


  • Commit to eating well for the entire 1 month period from 9/16-10/15.
  • Sign up at the box, and choose the Level 1 or Level 2 challenge (details below)
  • Performance Test – You must complete this test at the beginning and end of the challenge. We will run it as the daily WOD on Sept 16th and Oct 16th, or you can do it at make up night.
  • Body Measurements – We’ll take 3 measurements at the beginning and end of the challenge: waist and hip measurement (inches) and body weight.
  • Daily Food Log (optional) – Record everything you eat and general quantities. Be honest!  This will not be submitted but serves as a valuable resource if you have questions about quantity/quality of your food during the challenge

Competition Details:

  • We will pick 1 advanced winner, 1 beginner winner, and 1 spirit reward. (Advanced means you’ve been at ICA at least a year; beginner is at ICA less than a year.) Prizes will be awarded! We will select the winners primarily based on performance gains, but we will factor in the body measurements as well. The purpose of the food log is mainly so we can give you feedback on your eating, and help you if you start to notice that you are low on energy, hungry all the time, or not seeing results.
  • If you want to participate in the nutrition challenge but do not want to have us take body measurements, that is a-okay. However, you will not be eligible for any prizes.

Level 2 Challenge: Eat like a Caveman

  • Level 2 participants will strive to eat 100% Paleo for the duration of the competition. We define a paleo diet as eating meat, nuts, veggies, seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar, and no dairy. You should eat lots of leafy greens, and aim for a balance of carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Ideally you should eat only unprocessed foods that have no labels… but if something has a label you must read it and be sure there are no hidden “non paleo” ingredients! Read the detailed guidelines HERE.

Level 1 Challenge: Gluten Free and Sugar Free

  • If you’re not ready to go strict paleo (yet), you can choose to participate in the Level 1 challenge. Your goal is to avoid all gluten and added sugar. Unlike the Level 1 challenge, dairy is permitted as are many grains and legumes. Try to eat a balance of protein, fat, and carbs, and read the labels of everything you eat! For detailed guidelines, click HERE.

Daily WOD – Sep 7, 2013



Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of:

  • Handstand push ups
  • Ring dips
  • Push ups

WOD Notes:  This is a benchmark WOD that will not leave you out of breath but will completely fatigue your triceps. If you need your arms for the rest of day (weekend?), this may not be the WOD for you 🙂 Compare to 111219.

Daily WOD – Sep 6, 2013

Take 25 minutes to work on the clean and jerk.


AMRAP in 3 minutes of:

  • Clean and Jerk

WOD Notes:  Today is a technique focus day.  Take some time to self analyze your own break downs in the clean and jerk and be ready to work on correcting them during tonight’s session.  Choose your own weight for the AMRAP.