Complete 50-40-30-20-10-10-20-30-40-50 reps for time of:
- double unders
- situps
WOD Notes: Compare to 120728.
Complete 50-40-30-20-10-10-20-30-40-50 reps for time of:
WOD Notes: Compare to 120728.
© 2024 Iron Cross Athletics
1041 W. Bridge Street
Phoenixville, PA 19460
John: 717-572-3994
Nikki: 203-558-7281
This Post Has 23 Comments
Ass rash from regular Annie is a killer…double Annie should require a parting gift of a hemroid pillow! Haha
Body glide will work wonders on this.
I suspect the Annie rash is akin to what can happen after running long distances in humid conditions. (So I’ve been told.) Let’s just say that taking a shower was painful… Not that I’d know from any personal experience. 😉
Can Butt Wink offer any additional advice?
You gotta rest the wink! 😉
I used Body Glide this morning and it was perfect!
What I want to say: “Can I offer my spot to Sidlo to come do this for me?”
What I should/will be saying using positive reframing: “This will be an excellent opportunity for me to improve.”
Oh boy.
My first round pick is Sara R…
Good call Kehl, Sara beat everyone from last year by damn near 2 minutes.
This sentence above seems to be very poorly structured. I would have broken it into two separate sentences myself.
Whoa, whoa, whoa…
Two Things:
1) I didn’t write that comment. I believe the person that did, is capable of killing a bear by staring at it. If I were you, I’d be scared.
2) How can anyone be Anti-Kehl? That’s like saying you are anti-greatness?
I remember this one from last year. Be mindful of the coccyx, mine still hurts. Use a mat!
Sara- you smoked that WOD!!! Awesome job!!!!
Thanks Lindsey! I heart Annie 🙂
Sara, you’re officially the DU Queen!!!
She rocked it this morning!!!
Oh that’s a darling photo!! Thanks John for adding that extra special touch to a horrendous wod!
Rey 14:45 Rx (house roppeeee!!)
Joanna 19:11 2SU
Mel 18:51 Rx
Erin 21:12 2SU
Dave 18:51 2SU
Pete 22:18 2SU
Whit 22:04 2SU
Nice job Rey smacking my time, I was in my glory for a little at least. I hear Kehl beat me too, darn, must have been the Body Glide.
He was even using his “slow” rope, Sara. 😉
Rest those tushies ICA
Nikki McG. 13:32 (30% sit ups, 2xSU)
Paul 24:36 (40%du)
Mohyeed 29:21 (2xSU)
Jen N. 19:45 (40%du)
Holly 17:36 (40%DU)
Sara R. 14:50 Rx
Ernie 25:37 (2xSU, 1/2 situps)
Maggie 17:21 (2xSU)
Jacki 29:43 Rx
Jenn 24:18 (40%T2B)
Coll 24:31 (40% du)
Linds 19:47 (Rowx5)
Matt C. 19:54 Rx
Kehl 14:35 Rx
Brian 27:16 (1/2DU)
Katie N. 22:38 (1/2DU)
Katie L. 17:49 (2xSU)
Jackie T. 21:29 (1/2DU)
Ron 33:55 (1/2DU)
Marissa 30:03 DUA
HIlary 22:24 Rx
Nadine 29:39 (40% du)
Jimbo 18:05 Rx
Scott 29:56 (1/2du)
Fili 33:46 (1/2DU)
Laurie 20:25 Rx
Em 28:50 (2xSU)
Kim D. 23:04 (2xSU)
Nik 14:39 (1/2 situps row)
James 29:26 (16# MB throws)
Kerri 25:00 (40%DUA)
B 23:27 Rx
Joel 20:34 (2xSU)
Peggy 24:30 (1/2 du)
Kathy 17:36 (2XSU, 1/2 sit ups)
Natalie 23:18 (-50s, 2xsu)
Nikki K. 19:14 (2xsu)
Rich 20:18 (2xsu)
Robbie 16:21 Rx
Steve K. 20:58 (3xsu)
John 15:46 Rx
Annie-einnA at home. 21.58 2xSU
Tom S. 24:23 Rx
Rick – 20:45 Rx