Complete 5 rounds for time of:
- 800m run
- 5 muscle ups
- 10 hang power cleans (155/105#)
- 20 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
- 30 double unders
WOD Notes: This is the third offering of ICA’s House WOD! There will be no coach-led warm up today. Please show up at least 30 minutes prior to your heat to get warm/mobilize. The sub for muscle ups is 2x pull ups and push ups. If you’re not up for an hour-long monster WOD, scales to consider are: shortening the run to 400m, completing 3 rounds instead of 5, or cutting everything in half. Compare to 121122.
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Happy thanksgiving from Richmond, VA!!! Wish I was there to do the firebird with everyone!!
Crossfit Swift:
2 rounds
Run 200 m
11 PUs
28 DUs
28 Thrusters 55/45
28 weighted squat jumps
28 ball slams 20/14
Run 200m
28 WBs 20/14
28 bar rows 55/45
28 sit ups
28 box jumps 24/20
13 burpees
35:30 RX+30 extra burpees(apparently I was burpee happy) 55, 24″
John, if you were down here, I think you would have lost your voice having a field day no repping on WBs!!
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! Hope the folks doing the Firebird had a good time.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! 🙂
27:55, 3 rounds, 135#
That was a strange one…muscle ups were upbroken but the cleans were singles.
Happy t-day all!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Thanks for all the motivation today!!! Truly appreciate it.
Jacki 29:16 (1/2 reps, 75#, PU)
Joe 25:45 (3 rds, PU, 135)
Hilary 35:57 (3 rds, PU)
Sara R 39:18 (400m, PU)
Maggie 39:49 (400m, PU)
Craig 48:05 (PU, 115)
Dan 52:47 Rx
Matt C 54:33 Rx
Kehl 45:18 Rx
Nikki W 50:24 Rx
Tom S 51:29 (115, PU, 15 DU)
Rach 51:29 Rx
Moira 68:49 (35, PU 24′ box, P+mf, 6″ WB)
B 35:00 (3 rds, BMU, 15 DU, 400m sandbag run)
Lindsey ?? (3 rds, PU, step ups for DU)
Garrett 36:38 (3 rds Rx)
Tanya 60:30 (PU, 75)
Vollmer 62:33 (100SU)
Sabol 32:28 (3rds)
John 43:37 Rx
Rey 45:28 (PU)
Mike B 54:10 Rx
Belinda B 55:56 (PU)
Caba 61:30 (PU, 115, 60 SU)
Steve C 53:13 (PU (P), 115#, 14#)
Jimbo 52:26 (PU, 135#) *11 min PR!
Jackie T 59:38 (PU, 75#)
Holly 39:39 (75#, PU (P), 60 SU)
Marissa 56:31 (65#, PU, 60 SU)
Mohyeed 50:39 (400m, PU (P), 115#, 60 SU)
Jen N 50:58 (PU G+P, 24″ push ups, 75#, 10# WB, 60 SU)
Kim H 48:02 (PU (mm), 75#, 14#, 60 SU)
Erin 48:18 (G PU, 65#, 60 SU)
Chris S 61:10 (G+B PU, 50#, 12#, 60 SU)
Adam 59:27 (PU, 105#, 60 SU)
Kim 64:00 (G+mm, 65#, 8# WB, 60 SU)
Joanna 39:40 (400m, 5 PU, 65#, 12#, 60 SU)
Heidi 44:57 (400m, PU (G), 24″ pushups, 45#, 8#, 60 SU)
Laurie 47:25 (400m row, P, 12# to 8′, 60 SU)
Natalie 47:25 (3 rd, G+2mm, 20′ box, 60 SU)
James 47:33 scale (knee)
Tina 72:12 (P+mm PU-A, 50#, 8#, 60 SU)
Dave 42:02 (PU, 60 SU)
Sidlo 55:07 Rx
Colleen 60:18 (PU, SU)
Hoagie 48:14 (PU, 115#, 60 SU)
Thanks Nikki and John for a great day!! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Turkey never tasted so good!!
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