Find your 1 rep max:
- Snatch
- Power Snatch
WOD Notes: Today you will establish a 1 rep max on both a snatch and power snatch. You may choose which one to focus on longer but you must get one of each. On both lifts, we are expecting Olympic standards to be upheld which means no pressing out at the top of the lift (you should land with your arms already extended). For previous results and some nice video references, compare to 121001.
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YEAH! I get to squat more 🙂
Results: Name squat, power
Sara R. 75, 85
Dan E. 155, 115
Marissa 75, 65
Jacki 65, 80
Jenn 65, 65 form
Ron 65, 115
Rick 85, 105
Tanya 65, 75
B 145 PR!, 95
OMC 115S, 145
Zoo 200, —
JPO 70, 80
Chris 55, 65
Natalie 95, 105
Anthony 85, 100
Bob 115, 135
Sarge 85, 90
Linds 65, 65 form
Maria 35, 35
Jen N. 45, 75
Tom P. 135, 145
Erin 55, 65
Dave ouchie 🙁
Scott 135, 165 (PR)
Dani 100, 90
Pete (power clean) 133
Fili 115, 135
Tina 45, 45
Rey 135, 135 PRs both!
Craig 45, 115
Coll 102.5, 85
Great job PR’s! And way to kill it Nat and Colleen!
What an awesome photo!