Valentine’s Day Partner WOD
In teams of 2 complete:
- 50 kettlebell swings (53/35#)
- 50 sit ups
- 50L/50R walking lunge
- 50 box jumps (24/20″)
- 50 push ups
- 50 wall balls (20/14# to 10′)
- 50 pull ups
- 50 burpees
WOD Notes: One person is working at a time. Partners do NOT have to split the work evenly, but each partner must complete at least 10 reps of each movement. You do not need to have a partner before showing up. Anyone without a partner will get paired up when you get here! There will be plenty of scaling options so come on out and have fun! Compare to 130209.
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Warnek 10:46 Rx
Reichler 15:56 Rx
Kelly and Damien 17:32
Santoro 16:49
Fenn and Dje 16:22
Murray 19:02
Marissa and Zach 18:16
Moira and Jo 18:49
Jacki and Maggie 17:21
Nikki K and Dan E 13:29
Jimbo and Nick V. 15:38
Kaniewski 18:08
Garrett Nicole 14:18
Fili Nate 23:07 Rx
Kim Allen 23:40
Anna Sajan 16:17
Berman Twins 19:48
Ashley Phil 17:10
Dave Erin 14:13
Katie N. Tana 13:48
Joe and Nik 10:56 Rx
Salomone 16:11
Dave Ginny 20:45
Johnson 21:16
Lamac 19:40
Pugh 16:22
Robbie Caitlin 16:30
Vollmer 12:22 Rx
Sarge Christine 15:42
Laurie Joanna 16:33
Rodriguez 12:14 Rx
Awesome turn out today with 60 people completing this brutally fun workout. Way to go hard!
Dammit we only did 50 total too for the walking lunges too! It was totally my fault. Sorry honey.
Full disclosure. I realized afterwards that we only did 50 total walking lunges, not 50 per leg.
Dan, the only way to “make good” on this is to arrive early tomorrow and do an additional 50 lunges before football workout (David suggests 50 burpees, but I disagree…).
Since Joanna is going today, she has graciously volunteered to make up my lunges.
I think each of these photos qualify as my top three favorite ICA photos. It was fun to WOD and/or watch all of you. Happy heart day!!!! XO Erin
Holy muscles, Jess!!!! Lookin good! 🙂
Hahaha! Thanks Hilary! I totally freak my 15 year old son out!!
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