Overhead Squat 15-15-15
AMRAP in 3 minutes of burpees
WOD Notes: Compare to 120623.
Overhead Squat 15-15-15
AMRAP in 3 minutes of burpees
WOD Notes: Compare to 120623.
© 2024 Iron Cross Athletics
1041 W. Bridge Street
Phoenixville, PA 19460
John: 717-572-3994
Nikki: 203-558-7281
This Post Has 20 Comments
Nikki, I get it 🙂
Hahaha. This is priceless given our conversation tonight.
Inside joke, yeah, but Nikki…best poker face ever.
Agh! The torture.. 🙁
Nice…well, besides the Burpees.
I love this WOD.
Enjoy suckers!! Hahahahahaha!! 😉
Am I the only one excited about these burpees?
Did you trim down to 190 overnight?
C’Mon, John… You know burpees are my favorite. No joke.
Yes, yes you are.. The agony of putting these with something I actually like doing, oh well 10 a minute..
Jacki 55, 44
Rudy 45, 35
Jon 75 FS, 37
Jenn 105, 49
Zoo 155, 32 burpee pull ups
James 105 (wide grip BTN press), 36
Brian 115, 39
Hilary 105, 46
Katie N 35 form, 56
Ashley 65 FS, 45
Jess 75, 55
Sy 65, 39
Katie L 75, 50
Jackie T 85, 52
Fili 135, 41
Nadine 45FS, 52 paralette
Heather 25, 37
Marissa 85, 54
John –, 70
KEB 45, 75 FS, 55
Chris 45, 42
Steve K 105, 43
Stuart 225 sled 8x25yds, 65 reverse hyper
B 115, 38
Kathy 35FS, 25
Paul 75, 54
Whit 105 FS, 53
Rich 115 FS, 48
Robbie 135×12, 66
Sarge 95, 52
Rey 115, 50
Dave 135×12, 59
Erin 60, 48
Jen N (form), 39
Sara 75, 47
Joanna 60, 44
Mel 50, 46
Korba 135, 50
Big Mike 75, 52
Only a 4 person Breakfast Club? What’s going on here?
Guess who won’t be doing this WOD? Yup…me! I resolve however to practice these weekly!
Cherry pickin this one…
Couldn’t catch you John. Hell of a bar to set.
Good luck to everyone from ICA competing tomorrow in NY. Have a blast, and bring back some trophies.
Both of you guys. I kept pace for two minutes, then the bottom dropped out…
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