Daily WOD – Dec 30, 2013
This Post Has 15 Comments
Now that many of us have a great supply of awesome beer from the beer exchange, it’s seems just the right time to not drink it for a month. Erin and I will be replicating the Fall Nutrition Challenge starting on the ever-so-cliche date of January 2. So, anyone who would like to do it with us, performance test and all, we’ll be testing on Thursday.
Remember how well so many of us did? Let’s take another run at it, shall we?
Disclaimer: One full-fledged Cheat Day (beer and maybe food too) is planned for January 18, the ICA In-House Throw Down. It’s perfect as it will be pretty much the half way point through the month. After the last barbell is put down, we’ll celebrate and then get right back at it.
I am in – what was the performance test? what time are we meeting on Thursday? I am only doing level 1 – sorry paleo friends 🙂
Jen, here’s the test from the Sept/Oct challenge:
max strict pull ups in 1 minute (you can use a band)
75 wallballs for time (5 minute time cap)
1 rep max clean (10 minutes)
1 mile run
What time?
John, Any preference considering the movements involved? Or do you think we should do baseline to remove the 1 mile run in darkness? And not use bars…
I can make it over tree as early as 5:30. I am signed up for barbell club at 6:30 too. Pretty wide window for me.
I am in. My wife and I actually started a whole 30 today, which is essetially the same thing as the nutrition challenge. I will not be able to ake it on thursday but was going to redo the base line tomorrow during open gym. I will do this one instead. If anyone else is intrested in doing the test tomorrow I will probably be there around 8.
Technically Thursdays are not open gym days but in support of this nutrition challenge, we’ll allow anyone taking part to complete the challenge performance test during make up night.
Good luck everyone!
My apologies. I never differentiated between “Open Gym” and “Make Up Sessions” on the calendar. Bad Dave. Thanks for the clarification and support of the test.
Great WOD at crossfit 716 in Buffalo on Saturday!
Strength Front rack lunges 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Floor press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2
WOD 3 partner teams: 9 minutes max cal row (2 team members hold plank during row), then 9 minute amrap 50 deadlifts (315 men) 50 sit ups 50 wallballs
Great workout! Quads and and are destoyed!
180 # 30 consecutive pu.
Anybody up for doing the 12 days of Christmas Wod tomorrow? Nothing earlier than 0830!
No. Just no.
Rey 185, 32
James 255, 20
Nick V 225, 30
Jenn 110, 30
Maggie 100, 2
Robb 125, 6
Jerry 125, 13
Marissa 85, 36
Jacki N 105, 8
John 255, 25
Ron 225, 23
Tom S 155, 30
Katie N 100, 26
Sara R 95, 15
Jess V 95, 30 (bar)
Kerri 70, 5 (16″)
Mohyeed 190, 20
Hilary 110, 17
Anthony 145, 22
Brian 180, 12
Whit 145, 15
Fenn 50, 11 (28″)
Nadine 65, 40 (bar on rack)
Moira 50, 17 (20″)
Linds 115, 20
Heather 50, 11 (24″)
Kathy 50, 12 (32″)
Chloe 70, 14 (20″)
Stuart 135, 20 (12″)
Tanya 120, 27
OMC 225, 35
Denny 225, 23
Katie L 67.5, 6 (bar)
Jocelyn 67.5, 12 (24″)
Natalie 85, 6 (24″)
Sarge 100, 13
Dani 100, 30
Nikki K 60, 17 (16″)
Pugh 210, 43
Steve K 165, 16
Rich 135, 9 (24″)
Anna 75, 18 (12″)
Evan 275, 62
Peter 105, 15
Kelly 65, 4
Chase 210, 39
B 145, 17
Fili 245, 25
Dave 235, 29
Zoo 245, evan+3
Craig 195, 41
Holly 115, 31
Mel 80, 17
Tina 65, 17 (24″)
Erin 90, 20
As much as I appreciate the generous score, I didn’t get 245#. I got 205#.
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