Daily WOD – Feb 26, 2014

Nikki K. with a solid bottom position on a push up
Nikki K. with a solid bottom position on a push up

Bench Press 2-2-2-2-2-2


Weighted push ups 3-3-3-3-3

WOD Notes:  Compare bench press to 130517.


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  1. Kehl

    In for the 4:00!

    But on a side note, damn Bro, watchya bench?

    1. B

      #bicepsforboobs #99problemsbutmybenchaintone

  2. Joel V

    DO you even lift???

  3. Dave

    “There are only two reasons to not sign up for the Open.
    One is death. The other is cowardice. Choose your side!’ – – – Danny Broflex

    Damn, that was funny.

    1. Nick V

      Death or cowardice? I’m thinking, I’m thinking.

  4. John

    On the note of getting jacked up, it is 11 minutes long but man it does the trick. Khalipa is the man.

    1. Lindsey

      Aww! Those were the days Kehl 🙂

    2. Pugh

      Awesome! I saw the New Zealand All Blacks play in 2004. They do a haka before every match. The atmosphere on the stadium is unreal.

  5. Phil

    Rey 200, 75
    Rudy 105, NM
    Mohyeed 215, 70
    James 255, 100
    Dan E. 245, 120
    Jerry 125, 25
    Hilary 110
    Nadine, 70, 20″ Box
    Jenn 120 PR

    Marissa 100, 45
    Katie N 105, 45
    Brian 175, 35
    Ron 245, 110
    Sy 85, 35
    Betsy 90, 30
    Phil 265, 145

  6. Kehl


    John 275, 100
    Stuart 135, 5
    Tom 155, 70
    Sarge 112, 50
    Keb 100, 25
    Sara 100, 25
    Ashley 75, 5
    Chris 80, box
    Katie L 75, bar
    Adam 200, 70
    Denny 245, 70


    Lindz 125, 25
    Tanya 130, 35
    Kelly 85, 10
    Nikki K 70, bodyweight!
    Heidi 75, mm
    Fenn 60, mm
    Heather 60, mm
    Kehl 215, 100
    Mickey 225, 60
    B 155, 45
    Steve 180, 40
    Kyle 180, 80
    Bob 245, 100
    Rich 165, 25


    Dave 255, 80
    Chase 215, 80
    Nick V. 225, 80
    Sajan 245, 145
    Fili 235, 70
    Byron 255, 100
    Pete 115, 15
    Paul 155, 65
    Nik 130, 55
    Erin 100, 20
    Dani 105, 25
    Kathy 62.5, bands


    Joanna 85, 25
    Jim 115, bar
    Pugh 235, 115
    Scott 195, 45
    Colleen 115, 35
    Laurie 110, 25

    1. Lindsey

      Awesome push-ups Nikki!! Get it girl!!!

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