Phoenixville Inside Out Workouts!

Mark your calendars for ICA’s free community workouts on Bridge Street this summer!

We’re thrilled to be a part of Phoenixville’s “Inside Out” iniative for the third summer in a row.

Free community workouts will be held at the parking lot across from Molly Maguires on the following Sunday’s this summer:

  • June 23, 8:00 am
  • July 21, 8:00 am
  • August 18, 8:00 am

For whom are these classes intended? Anyone (age 13 to 100) who wants to have an energetic start to their Sunday morning and perhaps get a little fitter.

What should I bring? It would be a great idea to bring a cold drink, a friend and a smile.

How awesome of a time will I have if I show up? Great question; I’m glad you asked. Intensely awesome!

If you’ve never been to ICA before, you can click HERE to fill out a waiver and book the class so we know you’re coming.

If you have any questions, reach out to John at

Make Up Day – Jun 12, 2014

Tav pressing out 305!
Tav pressing out 305!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. “2012 Regionals Event 2” – Complete for time: 2000m row, 50 pistols, 30 hang power cleans (225/135#)
  2. Overhead Squat 5-5-10 then 3 rounds of 10 NFT of hollow rocks face up, hollow rocks face down and wall squats
  3. Complete 11 rounds for time of 3 thrusters (155/100#), 50 yd farmers carry
  4. With a partner complete 10 rounds for time of 12 power snatches (75/55#), 12 push ups, 12 box jumps
  5. AMRAP in 12 minutes of an ascending ladder by 2’s of deadlifts (225/155#) and C2B pull ups
  6. Bench Press 5-3-3-2-1-1 then 50 inverted bar rows NFT

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Garrett!!

Daily WOD – Jun 10, 2014

Mel demonstrating an excellent push up!
Mel demonstrating an excellent push up!

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

  • 2 deadlifts (225/155#)
  • 2 chest to bar pull ups
  • 4 deadlifts (225/155#)
  • 4 chest to bar pull ups
  • 6 deadlifts (225/155#)
  • 6 chest to bar pull ups

Continue adding 2 reps each round until time expires.

Football WOD – Jun 8, 2014

Todd working on some squat flexibility.
Todd working on some squat flexibility.

Complete 11 rounds for time of:

  • 3 thrusters (155/100#)
  • 50 yd farmer carry 

WOD Notes:  For farmer carries use as much weight as you can without putting it down for the 50 yds.

Outdoor WOD: Join us at 4pm at Valley Forge for a free outdoor WOD! Friends, spouses, kids, dogs, etc are all welcome. We have 2 fun ways to get your WOD on: 1) A 2.5 mile hike up and over Mount Misery, 2) a 1-hour class involving an AMRAP along Valley Creek. It is NOT a distance run – the AMRAP will include short sprits in a circuit style workout, so you don’t have to worry about being left behind. Meet at 4pm at the parking lot on Yellow Springs Rd. Directions:

  • Going East on Rt 23 turn onto right onto 252 South
  • Go 1.1 miles then turn right onto Yellow Springs Rd
  • Go through the covered bridge, the parking lot is 0.1 mi on your right hand side
  • If all the spots are full, continue another 0.1mi and park on the dirt road on the left.

(To find the parking lot on Google maps use the address 301 Yellow Springs Rd, Malvern)


Daily WOD – Jun 7, 2014

Killa throwing around the 135!
Killa throwing around the 135!
Brian keeping a really upright torso.
Brian keeping a really upright torso.

Overhead Squats 5-5-10


3 rounds NFT of:

  • 10 wall squats
  • 10 hollow rocks up
  • 10 hollow rocks down

WOD Notes:  The goal today is to achieve a 10 rep max.  The first two sets of 5 are to be done at slightly lighter weights to get you ready for the set of 10.

Daily WOD – Jun 6, 2014

Nikki in the middle of this workout at the 2012 regionals!
Nikki in the middle of this workout at the 2012 regionals!

“2012 Regionals Event 2”

Complete for time:

  • 2000m row
  • 50 pistols (25R/25L alternating)
  • 30 hang power cleans (225/135# NTE 85% of your 3 rep from last week)

WOD Notes: You can see results from around the world (including Nikki) by clicking here and changing the year to 2012.  There will be a 25 minute cap on this workout.

Make Up Day – Jun 5, 2014

Sarge getting up the rope!
Sarge getting up the rope!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Hang Power Clean  3-3-3-3-3 then 30R/30L sledge hammer hits
  2. “Murph” 1 mile then 100 pull ups, 20o push ups, 300 squats, 1 mile run
  3. Complete 10 rounds for time of 3 power clean and jerks (185/115#), 10 evil wheels
  4. Complete 2 rounds for time of 30 burpees, 15 front squats (155/105#)
  5. Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2 then 30 HSPU NFT
  6. Complete 4 rounds for time of 400m run, 15 KBS (70/53#), 3 rope climbs

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Sajan!!

June schedule & announcements


Mark your calendars for these important dates in June & July:

  • June 5– Stretching and Mobility (MOGA) with Coach Mark, 6pm
  • June 8 – Join us this Sunday at 4:00pm for a fun outdoor WOD at Valley Forge Park!! FREE for all members and guests!! We’ll have two options : 1) a one-hour class including warm up, stretch, and an AMRAP along Valley Creek Trail, or 2) a hike up and over Mount Misery (2.5 miles). Both will start and end at the parking lot by the covered bridge. Bring your friends, dogs, spouses, and kids, and let’s get outside and enjoy the June weather!
  • June 14 – “Shelly” WOD at South Mountain CrossFit (Allentown). Click HERE for details. Registration closes June 6.
  • June 19 – Stretching and Mobility (MOGA) with Coach Mark, 6pm
  • July 3 – Stretching and Mobility (MOGA) with Coach Mark, 6pm
  • July 4-6 – Stay posted for potential schedule changes over the holiday weekend
  • July 26 – Brawl in the Burbs (teams of 4) at CFKOP. Click HERE to register, or HERE for the Facebook page.

Third Anniversary Announcement: This August, ICA will turn 3 years old!! We are so proud of reaching this milestone, and incredibly thankful to each one of you that has helped ICA grow into the community it is today. For our Grand Opening and  first 2 anniversaries, we celebrated by hosting the 31 Heroes fundraiser. This year, we are opening it up to YOU, our members, to pick the fundraiser! If you have a cause that is near and dear to you, please post it to comments or send us an email by June 15, along with a short explanation of why that particular cause is important to you. If your cause already has a CrossFit WOD associated it with we’ll do our best to use the specified WOD. If not, we’ll make one up! The coaches will pick our favorite few causes/organizations, then open it up for a gym-wide vote. (31 Heroes is guaranteed to have a spot on the ballot.) We hope this will become a new tradition, so each year we can support a new and deserving cause and help give back to the organizations our members truly care about!

Football WOD – Jun 1, 2014

Complete 10 rounds for time of:

  • 3 power clean and jerks (185/115#)
  • 10 evil wheels

Community Notes: Good luck to John as he completes his first triathlon tomorrow!! It’s the Piranha Sports Independence Triathlon at Lake Nockamixon and it will include a 1/4 mi swim, 10 mi bike, and 2 mi run. #getjackedup!

Daily WOD – May 31, 2014

LT Michael Murphy
LT Michael Murphy


Complete for time:

  • 1 mile run
  • 100 pull ups
  • 200 push ups
  • 300 squats
  • 1 mile run

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.  See a summary of the story of Lt. Michael Murphy here.

WOD Notes: We are performing this hero WOD today in honor of all the men and women who have died serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. The WOD must start and end with the run, but you can split up the pull ups, push ups, and squats as desired. (Most people do 20 rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 squats.) This workout calls for a 20# weight vest for guys and 10# for girls, but we have a limited number of weight vests available so they will be first come first serve.

If you plan to do full Murph, it usually takes about an hour.  A good scale for this workout is to complete exactly half of the distances and reps. (800m run, 50 pull ups, 100 push ups, 150 squats, 800m run.) This scale usually takes 20-40 minutes. Compare results to last Memorial Day 130527.

Schedule Notes: We are starting heats every 30 minutes with the first heat being at 8:00 a.m. sharp.  Please show up at least 15 minutes before your heat to get warmed up in the warehouse or mobility room.

Community Notes:  Happy Actual Birthday to Kehl (sorry for the false alarm yesterday)!!

Good luck to Jen N., Tanya, Katie N., Jenn and Tina at the girls on girls competition at CrossFit Harmony tomorrow!

Daily WOD – May 30, 2014

Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3


30R/30L sledge hammer hits NFT

WOD Notes:  Compare to 110906.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Coach Kehl!!

Murph Notes:  We have changed the class times in Mindbody for Saturday.  We will be running small heats (8 people) each half hour starting at 8:00 a.m.  Barbell club will still be held from 7:30 to 8:30.

Make Up Day – May 29, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Push Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 then 30 strict pull ups NFT
  2. Complete 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′) and KBS (53/35#)
  3. Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of back squats (225/145#) and ring dips
  4. Partner interval AMRAP in 20 minutes of 9 KBSDHP (53/35#), 6 box jumps, 3 burpees
  5. Complete 2-4-6-8 reps for time of thrusters (185/115#) and muscle ups

Daily WOD – May 24, 2014

Matt C.
Matt C.

Complete 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:

  • Wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • KB swings (53/35#)

WOD Notes:  There will be a 25 minute cap on this workout.  You can scale by cutting reps in half or eliminating the round of 50.

Make Up Day – May 22, 2014


Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Complete 42-30-18 reps for time of: box jumps (24/20″) and power cleans (95/65#)
  2. Front Squat 20 rep max
  3. Complete 2 rounds for time of: 5 hang power cleans (185/135#), sprint 100m, 10 S2O (135/95#), sprint 80m, 20 Russian KBS (70/53#), sprint 60m, 30 slam balls (40/30#), sprint 20m, rest 3 minutes
  4. Rack Pull 5-5-5-5-5 (+7″) then GHR 3×10
  5. “Grace” – 30 clean and jerks for time (135/95#)
  6. “Griff” complete 2 rounds of 800m run, 400m run backwards

Daily WOD – May 20, 2014



30 clean and jerks  (135/95#)


10 minutes of handstand practice

WOD Notes:  There will be a 10 minute cap on this workout.  Compare to 130206.

Beef Notes:  I will be placing the beef order Tuesday at noon.  Anyone interested who hasn’t already said so should go back and do so on the post here.

Competition:  CrossFit 181P located by the Limerick outlets will be holding a coed partner competition on June 28th.  Anyone interested in more information click here.

Football WOD – May 18, 2014


  • 5 hang power cleans (185/135#)
  • 1o0 yd sprint
  • 10 shoulder to overhead (135/95#)
  • 80 yd sprint
  • 20 Russian KB swings (70/53#)
  • 60 yd sprint
  • 30 slam balls (40/30#)
  • 20 yd sprint

Rest 3 minutes and complete a second round.  Score is total time including the 3 minute rest.

WOD Notes:  The hang power cleans and push presses should be done with the heaviest weight you can use and still go unbroken.  Breaking the set means starting over.

Daily WOD – May 17, 2014

Front Squat 20 rep max

WOD Notes:  Warm up in sets of 5 to a weight that you think you can lift 5 to 10 times and then do it 20 times.  Compare to the 20 rep portion of the workout on 140201.

Schedule Notes: Remember this is the first summer Saturday with no 10:30am class. Wake up and drag yourselves in for the 9:30! 🙂

Next Beef Order!


Hey all, we are ordering up some beef again!  I believe the price will be 375 per 1/8th of cow and it will be arriving in early June.  If you would like to order an eighth, post to comments!  Last day to post will be Monday.

Make Up Day – May 15, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Complete 5 rounds for time of 50 double unders, 15 ring dips
  2. Max height box jump then 4 rounds of 30s on, 30s off of: DB power snatch right (45/30#), DB power snatch left (45/30#), ring rows, box jumps (65%)
  3. Run 1 mile then 10×2 banded box back squat
  4. Partner Interval Cindy:  AMRAP in 20 minutes of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats
  5. EMOM for 15 minutes of 2 snatches (85%)

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Adam!!

Daily WOD – May 13, 2014

Welcome Sean!
Welcome Sean!
I wonder if anyone that recognizes this beast still checks the blog...
I wonder if anyone that recognizes this beast still checks the blog…

Partner Interval Cindy 

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • 5 pull ups
  • 10 push ups
  • 15 squats

WOD Notes: Compare to 121120.

Yesterday’s WOD Notes:  Hats off to the amazing performances on the mile run.  On a Monday with unusually low attendance we had PR’s from Alicia, Pugh, Matt C, Rick, Joel, Moira, Chris (2014 goal), Katie L, Mohyeed, Hoagie, Sajan, Adam, Steve and Mel and I think a few others as well.  For anyone who saw the WOD and bailed, brush up on this article on cherry picking.

Daily WOD – May 10, 2014

The latest ICA shirts are in!  Front reads: "#getjackedup"  Cost:
The latest ICA shirts are in! Front reads: “#getjackedup” Cost: $20

Open Gym!

WOD Notes:  Come in between 7:30 and 10:30 a.m. to complete any workout you would like.  All of the gym equipment is fair game!  Feel free to redo the baseline, hit some strongman work or knock out a PR back squat.

Community Notes:  The coat drive items will be picked up on Monday.  This weekend is the last chance to drop off your old coats in the cardboard boxes just outside the gym doors!

Make Up Day – May 8, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Wide grip deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 then 400m farmer’s carry NFT
  2. “Filthy Fifty” – See Saturday for workout.
  3. Complete for time 3o back squats (bodyweight), 800m run, 30 burpees
  4. Complete for time 400m run, 50 back squats (45#), 400m run, 50 front squats (45#), 400m run, 50 overhead squats (45#), 400m run
  5. Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then DB shoulder press 5×5
  6. Complete in any order 45 deadlifts (275/185#), 45 rolling sit up wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 5 rope climbs

Daily WOD – May 6, 2014

Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


DB shoulder press 5×5

Reminder:  CustomFit Meals will be at the gym during the evening classes today with meal and protein bar samples.  Feel free to stop by if you have any questions or want to check them out.

Daily WOD – May 3, 2014

“Filthy Fifty”

For time:

  • 50 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 50 jumping pullups
  • 50 kettlebell swings (53/35#)
  • 50 walking lunge
  • 50 knees to elbows
  • 50 push press (45/35#)
  • 50 back extensions 
  • 50 wall balls, (20/14# t0 10/9′)
  • 50 burpees
  • 50 double unders

WOD Notes:  This is a long chipper and is a CrossFit benchmark. Beginners may scale to “Dirty Thirty” – which is 30 reps of each movement.  There will be a 40 minute time cap on the WOD.  50 burpee penalty for anyone who signed up and doesn’t show up. Compare to 131004.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Laurie! Good luck to Laurie and all the other Broad Street Runners!

May Schedule and Events


Mark your calendars for these important dates in May!

  • May 4 – Last day to donate used coats and children’s books for the Feel the Warmth drive! Take this opportunity to clear out your closets of all those winter coats you don’t wear anymore.
  • May 6 – CustomFit Meals tasting, 3:45-8:15pm
  • May 10 – Open Gym!!! In lieu of regular Saturday classes we will be running an Open Gym from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. Open Gym means you can do any workout you’d like! Coaches will be on hand to help you think of ideas or work on skills.
  • May 10 – CrossFit 215 (East Falls) is hosting a Strongman competition on Saturday May 10. Click here for event details or to register
  • May 15 – Stretching and Mobility with Coach Mark, 6pm
  • May 17 – This is the first Saturday of our Summer schedule, meaning no 10:30am class. (For the summer months, we run the 7:30 barbell and 8:30 and 9:30am classes ONLY.) The 10:30 class will resume in the Fall!
  • May 17 – CrossFit Rocksolid (Downingtown) is hosting a fundraiser for a member whose daughter has Angelman syndrome. Click here for more information or to register.
  • May 26 – CLOSED for Memorial Day. (We’ll do Memorial Day Murph on Saturday, May 31!)
  • May 29 – Stretching and Mobility with Coach Mark, 6pm
  • May 31 – “Murph” (a hero WOD)

Daily WOD – May 2, 2014

Wide Grip Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3


400m farmer’s carry NFT

WOD Notes:  The grip used today will be a snatch width grip but your hips will be in a normal deadlifting position to start.

Community Notes: Good luck to the ICA team competing in Mayhem at the Meadowlands this Saturday – Marissa, Hilary, and Sara R!

Make Up Day – May 1, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Complete 5 rounds for time of 50 double unders, 10 back squats (135/95#), 5 muscle ups
  2. Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 10R/L Turkish get ups NFT
  3. Complete 4 rounds for time of 10 KBS (70/53#), 10 front rack KB squats (right), 25 yd front rack carry (right), 10 KBS, 10 front rack KB squats (left), 25 yd front rack carry (left)
  4. Back Squat 5-3-3-2-1-1 then 4×4 barbell walking lunges (50%)
  5. AMRAP in 12 minutes of 5 C2B pull ups, 7 hang power cleans (145/100#), 9 box jumps
  6. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of KBS (53/35#), push ups, tuck ups

Notes:  Coach Kehl will be holding Moga tonight at 6:00.  Anyone interested be sure to sign up!

Daily WOD – Apr 30, 2014

Complete 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

  • KB swings (53/35#)
  • push ups
  • tuck ups

Community Notes:  CustomFit meals will be in the gym on Tuesday, May 6 with some meal and protein bar samples during all the evening classes.  Stop by if you want to see what they’re about!

Football WOD – Apr 27, 2014

Complete 4 rounds for time of:

  • 10 KB swings (70/53#)
  • 10 squats with KB in rack position (right)
  • 25 yd KB carry in rack position (right)
  • 10 KB swings (70/53#)
  • 10 squats with KB in rack position (left)
  • 25 yd KB carry in rack position (left)

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Angie!!

Daily WOD – Apr 25, 2014

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 50 double unders
  • 10 back squats (135/95#)
  • 5 muscle ups

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Kim D!!

Event Notes: This Saturday several ICA athletes are competing in a masters-only competition at CrossFit Generation. Good luck to Jimbo, Jess and Todd V, Dave and Erin, and Jenn!!! Spectators/fans are welcome and encouraged to attend. Click HERE for event information, and HERE for parking/schedule info (they even have a spot designated for tents!).

Make Up Day – Apr 24, 2014

The first of many!!
The first of many!!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 30 wallballs for time (40/30# to 10/8′)
  2. With a partner complete for time: 800m run (20/14#), 200 squats, 150 sit ups, 100 push ups, 50 burpees, 800m run (20/14#)
  3. “Fran” 21-15-9 reps for time of thrusters (95/65#), pull ups
  4. AMRAP in 15 minutes of 200m run and Russian twists (25/15#)
  5. Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Jess V!!

Rest Day – April 20, 2014

Happy Easter to those celebrating today, and happy rest day to all!

Community Notes: The collection boxes for the Feel the Warmth coat and book drive have been delivered!  We are collecting winter coats (all sizes) and children’s books from now through May 4.

Daily WOD – Apr 19, 2014

With a partner complete for time:

  • 800m run (20/14#)
  • 200 squats
  • 150 sit ups
  • 100 push ups
  • 50 burpees
  • 800m run (20/14#)

WOD Notes:  Only one partner may be working at a time except during the runs when both partners will run together.  The movements must be completed in order.

Make Up Day – Apr 17, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. 5 rounds for time of 30 double unders, 20 deadlifts (155/95#), 10 S2O (155/95#)
  2. Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 400m sled drag (30% SDC)
  3. Complete 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of power cleans (70%) and pull ups
  4. Complete for time: 30 box jumps (24/20″), 30 power snatches (95/65#), 3 rope climbs, 20 box jumps, 20 power snatches, 2 rope climbs, 10 , 10, 1
  5. Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 20 strongman G2S NFT
  6. “Lynne” – 5 rounds for max reps of bodyweight bench press and pull ups

Daily WOD – Apr 14, 2014

Jenn moving fast
Jenn moving fast
Welcome Sarah W!!
Welcome Sarah W!!

Complete for time:

  • 30 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 30 power snatches (95/65#)
  • 3 rope climbs
  • 20 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 20 power snatches (95/65#)
  • 2 rope climbs
  • 10 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 10 power snatches (95/65#)
  • 1 rope climb

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday to Allen and Denny!!

Make Up Day – Apr 10, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Power Squat 3-3-3-3-3 then 400m backwards run
  2. Complete 7 rounds for time of 10 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 10 pull ups
  3. EMOM for 8 minutes of 3 weighted pull ups (25/15#), max reps power cleans (185/125#)
  4. Max height box jump then thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
  5. Complete 3 rounds each for time of: 400m row, 20 slam balls (40/30#), 20 toes to bars
  6. AMRAP in 12 minutes of 5 burpees, 5 KBS (70/53#)

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday to our fearless leader, John!!! And happy birthday to Chris too! So many burpees tomorrow!!! 🙂

Schedule Note: John has a rehearsal dinner tonight, so Nikki’s running the gym solo from 4:30-7:30. I should be there right at 4:30, but please be understanding if I’m a few minutes late! Thanks!!

Daily WOD – Apr 9, 2014

Picture taken within 3 seconds of the end of the WOD
Picture taken within 3 seconds of the end of the WOD

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

  • 5 burpees
  • 5 KB swings (70/53#)

CFM Notes: Late reminder that meal orders are due tonight (Tuesday) by midnight.  The second round of meals this week is already in the fridge so drop by and pick them up!


Daily WOD – Apr 7, 2014

Mickey with a high jump
Mickey with a high jump
Sy demonstrates a fanstastic mid air position on a box jump
Sy demonstrates a fanstastic mid air position on a box jump

Max Height Box Jump


Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

WOD Notes:  Compare box jump to 131217.  Compare thruster to 130531.

CFM Notes: If you ordered meals from CFM they are ready for pick up! FYI – the meals were in the fridge as of Sunday morning’s football WOD, so in the future anyone who wants to pick up their meals on Sunday can show up during football WOD to get them. Meals for the second half of the week will be delivered on Wednesday and ready for pick up Thursday (or maybe even Wednesday evening).

Make Up Day – Apr 3, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. “14.5” Complete 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of thrusters (95/65#) and burpees
  2. Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 then 5×6 zurcher deads (40%)
  3. Death by G2O (50% 1 RM)
  4. Complete for time: 400m run, 30 pistols, 400m run, 20 HSPU, 400m run, 10 muscle ups
  5. “Fight Gone Bad” – Complete 3 rounds of 1 minute at each of the following stations: box jumps (20/16″), push press (75/55#), row (cal), wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), sumo deadlift high pulls (75/55#), rest
  6. Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5 then 50 floor presses NFT (60%)

Open Notes:  The final Open WOD is in the books! Great job to everyone who participated in this tough 5 week event!  The final week’s top performers were Tanya, Jenn and Nikki for the women and Dave, Zoo and John for the men. The full ICA Open leaderboard is linked HERE.

Schedule Notes: MOGA tonight at 6:00pm!

April Schedule & Events


Mark your calendars for these important dates in April (and May)!

  • April 3 – Stretching and mobility (MOGA), 6pm
  • April 17 – Stretching and mobility (MOGA), 6pm
  • April 26 – CrossFit DelVal is hosting a LGBT and ally CrossFit event on April 26. Click here for more info.
  • April 27 – Winter Coat & Children’s Book Drive. For those of you planning to do some spring cleaning anyway, this is a win–win. We are partnering with Feel The Warmth, a non-profit located in West Norriton, to collect gently worn coats (all sizes) and nicely kept children’s books. Donation boxes will be at the gym April 27 – May 4.
  • May 10 – CrossFit 215 (East Falls) is hosting a Strongman competition on Saturday May 10. Click here for event details or to register
  • May 17 – CrossFit Rocksolid (Downingtown) is hosting a fundraiser for a member whose daughter has Angelman syndrome. Click here for more information or to register.
  • May 17 – Civilian Military Combine in the Poconos. There’s still time to register and join team ICA! Click here for more.

Daily WOD – Apr 1, 2014

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:

  • 2 back squats (135/95#)
  • 2 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 4 back squats
  • 4 box jumps
  • 6 back squats
  • 6 box jumps


Fight Gone Bad!

WOD Notes:  Continue adding 2 reps to each round until time expires.

CFM Notes: CustomFit Meals orders are due by midnight tonight (Tuesday). Remember to select Iron Cross Athletics as your drop off location and use coupon code IRONCROSS for a 10% discount.

Football WOD – Mar 30, 2014

Death by ground to overhead (50% 1 rep max clean and jerk)

WOD Notes:  Complete 1 clean and jerk the first minute, 2 the second, 3 the third and so on until you cannot complete the number of reps within the minute.  There will be a 50 burpee penalty for anyone who is signed up as of 8:00 a.m. but does not show up.

My Goal for You

When you started CrossFit, your goal was simple: you wanted to improve your fitness. You wanted to run faster, get stronger, look better in a bathing suit, and overall just feel better. You wanted to be happier, and you knew that improving your fitness would improve your quality of life.

Somewhere along the way too many of us become obsessed with the numbers. We start losing sleep over our Open scores (I could have done a few more reps…), our 1RM back squat (why won’t it budge?), and our Fran time (I just want sub 5 minutes!).  We lose sight of the bigger picture, and instead of being a place to unwind, the box becomes another contributor to our daily stress. If this happens to you, it’s time to take a step back, breathe deep, and remember why you started CrossFit in the first place. (If you’ve already forgotten, go back and read paragraph 1…)

Over the last 5 years I’ve grown increasingly convinced that the most important aspect of fitness is its sustainability. My goal for you is to be fit and happy not only now, but decades from now. Some day when you’re retired, and maybe even have grandkids of your own, I want you to be able to hike, bike, run, swim, and walk up stairs without pain. Do you really think it will matter, when that time comes, that you never broke a 7-minute mile? Or that Jane or John Doe in the 6pm class beat your OHS/C2B score that one day in March 2014? (Hint: Absolutely not!) But it will matter that you trained smart and avoided injury; that you focused on your weaknesses and turned them into strengths; that you found a way of working out that you enjoyed, and made it a consistent part of your life.

Fitness improves quality of life, it’s that simple. We owe it to ourselves to get stronger, faster, more flexible, more coordinated, and more accurate. To develop better endurance, stamina, agility, balance, and power. To pursue all aspects of fitness, and in doing so, to improve ourselves. But we shouldn’t agonize over every number on the board, every missed lift or bad mile time.  Because at the end of the day, our goals are simple: Be fit. Be healthy. Live longer. Have fun.

Congrats to all our 2014 Open finishers! Time to kick back, enjoy the warm weather (coming soon!), and get outside to put our fitness to good use!

Custom Fit Meals is Here!!


As many of you have seen, the Custom Fit Meals cooler has made its way to ICA, and just yesterday we were added to their website as an official pick-up location!  Through this service, you now have access to fresh, never frozen meals made from high quality ingredients. Eating healthy has never been so convenient! Here is what you need to know:

  • Order at by midnight Tuesday each week for meal pick-ups the following week. There are two pick-ups per week – Mondays and Thursdays (during normal business hours).
  • There are no contracts or commitments. You place your orders week to week.
  • All meals are prepared in a fully licensed, USDA-certified commercial kitchen by a team of culinary chefs, and delivered safely to ICA via refrigerated vehicle.
  • There are 14-15 menu items offered each week and their menus constantly rotate. Meals are currently sold in increments of 5, although the company is going through a website re-design that will soon allow ordering in smaller increments.
  • The service is based on Custom Fit Meals’ founder Mike Clay’s personal weight-loss journey. He lost 100 pounds using this service and a link to his story is shown here.

For anyone interested in trying out this service, enter the coupon code IRONCROSS when placing your first order to receive a 10% discount.

We partnered with Custom Fit Meals because their nutritional philosophy mirrors our own: Eat real food!  Their meals are comprised of foods that are nutrient-dense, with lots of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, as opposed to processed foods that have more calories but less nutrition. They use only USDA-certified All Natural chicken, grass-fed beef and bison, all natural turkey, and pastured pork. They source the majority of these proteins and as much of their fresh produce as possible from local sources.

All of their meals are gluten-free, and many of them do not contain other potentially inflammatory ingredients like dairy and legumes. In fact, a large number of their menu items take the next major step, from a nutritional standpoint, and fall into the “paleo” category. They believe (and we agree) that paleo is the healthiest, cleanest way we can eat. While eating paleo might not be for everyone, it is an excellent starting point to determine whether you have any food sensitivities that might be causing you to hold on to weight, get headaches, feel tired, be congested, have joint pain, break out, or suffer from any number of other symptoms. By eliminating as many potential inflammatory foods from your diet as possible and seeing the effect this has on your body and wellness, then slowly adding them back in under a controlled setting, eating paleo can help you determine your personal sensitivity to different types of food.

Remember to place your first order by Tuesday at midnight, and use discount code IRONCROSS! Happy eating!

Make Up Day – Mar 27, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. “14.4” – AMRAP in 14 minutes of 60 cal row, 50 T2B, 40 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 30 power cleans (135/95#), 20 muscle ups
  2. Hang Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then AMRAP in 2 minutes of DB cleans (45/30#)
  3. Complete in any order for time: 50 wall climbs + push up, 100 slam balls (40/30#)
  4. Complete 3 rounds for time of: 10 OHS (135/95#), 10 KBS (70/53#), 10 strict pull ups
  5. Banded box front squat 10×2 (60/30%) then 30 pistols NFT
  6. “RKC KB Snatch Test” – AMRAP in 5 minutes of KB power snatches (53/35#)

Open Notes:  Another great showing from ICA on 14.4!  Only one more week, what will we see this time?  This weeks point scorers were Kehl, Sam and John for the men and Jenn/Marissa (tied), Dani and Nikki for the women.  Keep it up!

Daily WOD – Mar 26, 2014

“Russian Kettlebell Certification Snatch Test”

AMRAP in 5 minutes of:

  • 1 arm KB power snatch (53/35#)

WOD Notes:  For a complete list of rules, click here.

Community Notes: Congratulations to Coach Sara (Killa!) for completing her accelerated nursing program and earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing! We are so proud of you and can’t wait to have you back at ICA!

Daily WOD – Mar 22, 2014

Hang Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


AMRAP in 2 minutes of DB cleans (45/30#)

Schedule Notes: There will be no 10:30am class today. Join us at 7:30 barbell or 8:30 or 9:30 class. 

Have you met Pukie yet?

“Pizza Helen”

3 rounds for time of:

  • Eat 1 slice of pizza
  • Run 400m
  • 21 KBS (53/35#)
  • 12 pull ups

Pizza Helen Notes:  Join us for a (belated) St Patty’s day special – Pizza Helen! This is a FREE social event that will not count towards your class totals.  The pizza is on us, but BYOB for a “stink and drink” after the WOD! We’ve gotten some questions about scaling options. The world is your oyster, modify as desired! Full slice, half slice, no slice, sub-a-beverage, full slice plus beverage (Rx+) are all fair game.  And of course, KB weights and pull ups will be scaled as needed. The gym will open around 4:45. We’ll have an explanation of the WOD at 5:00pm, and heats will be 5:15pm, 5:45pm, and 6:15pm. Compare to 130317.

Daily WOD – Mar 21, 2014

“Open 14.4”

AMRAP in 14 minutes:

  • 60 calorie row
  • 50 toes to bar
  • 40 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 30 power cleans (135/95#)
  • 20 muscle ups

Community / Event Notes:

  1. Pizza Helen is Saturday, 5pm!  If you haven’t registered but plan to attend please sign up by the end of the day Friday. We will organize people into heats as you arrive and hopefully kick off the first heat around 5:15pm. We are trying to get a handle on how many pizzas to order… Please post to comments if don’t plan to eat pizza at all, or if you are going to “scale” with a half slice each round. Remember to dress in green and BYOB!
  2. Coach Plentus from CF KoP is running a clean and jerk clinic on Sunday March 30 from 12-3 and there are spots available. Class includes instructions on progressions, individual feedback,slow motion video analysis, and supplemental exercises to improve the C+J. Email Chris at for more info or to register. I believe the cost is $50.
  3. CrossFit DelVal is hosting a LGBT and LGBT ally CrossFit event on April 26. Click here for more info.
  4. CrossFit 215 (East Falls) is hosting a Strongman competition on Saturday May 10. Click here for event details or to register.
  5. CrossFit Rocksolid (Downingtown) is hosting a fundraiser for a member whose daughter has Angelman syndrome. Click here for more information or to register.

Make Up Day – Mar 20, 2014

the newest piece of equipment at ICA!
the newest piece of equipment at ICA!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. “14.3” AMRAP in 8 minutes of 1o deadlifts (135/95#), 15 box jumps, 15 deadlifts (185/135#), 15 box jumps, 20 deadlifts (225/155#), 15 box jumps, 25 deadlifts (275, 185#), 15 box jumps, 30 deadlifts (315/205#)
  2. Teams of 4 AMRAP in 15 min of 200m run, power cleans (50%), wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  3. Complete the following on alternating minutes for 14 minutes:  15 KBS (70/53#), 15 T2B
  4. Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2 then 15 muscle ups of 30 pull ups NFT
  5. Complete for tine 1000m row, 100 double unders
  6. Push Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 50 ring push ups NFT

Open Notes:  Remember to check out the announcement of 14.4 tonight at 8:00 on the games site.  After week 1, ICA was in 219th place in the region.  Week 2 took us to 193rd.  Week 3 has us placed at 181.  Let’s keep climbing!  Hats off to the point scorers this week. Men: Kehl, Garrett and John.  Women: Jenn, Lindsey and Katie N.

Mobility Notes:  Coach Kehl will be running a little late to mobility tonight due to teacher conferences.  Expect Moga to kick off closer to 6:15-6:30 time frame.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Katie L!!

Football WOD – Mar 16, 2014

Complete the following on alternating minutes for 14 minutes:

  • 15 KB swings (70/53#)
  • 15 toes to bar

WOD Notes:  Complete KB swings the first minute, T2B the second, KBS the third, T2B the fourth.  Continue alternating for 14 minutes.  If you cannot complete the 15 reps within the minute, switch anyway.

Daily WOD – Mar 15, 2014

Welcome Allen!
Welcome Allen!
Welcome Alicia!
Welcome Alicia!

Teams of 4 complete AMRAP in 15 min of:

  • 200m run
  • power cleans (50%)
  • wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • rest

WOD Notes:  Teams of 4 will start with 1 member at each station.  When the runner returns, everyone will rotate one station.  Score is total wallballs and power cleans.

Daily WOD – Mar 14, 2014

“Open 14.3”

AMRAP in 8 minutes of:

  • 10 deadlifts, 135 / 95 lb. 
  • 15 box jumps, 24 / 20 inch
  • 15 deadlifts, 185 / 135 lb.
  • 15 box jumps, 24 / 20 inch
  • 20 deadlifts, 225 / 155 lb.
  • 15 box jumps, 24 / 20 inch
  • 25 deadlifts, 275 / 185 lb.
  • 15 box jumps, 24 / 20 inch
  • 30 deadlifts, 315 / 205 lb.
  • 15 box jumps, 24 / 20 inch
  • 35 deadlifts, 365 / 225 lb. 
  • 15 box jumps, 24 / 20 inch

WOD Notes: We knew it was going to get heavy this week… deadlifts ascend in weight and reps as you work through this chipper. Note that for the box jumps, step ups are allowed! You need to load your own bar for the deadlifts. If you are competing in the Open, see the full standards here.

Make Up Day – Mar 13, 2014

Welcome Lee!
Welcome Lee!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. “14.2” – 3 minutes to complete 2 rounds of 10 OHS (95/65#), 10 C2B pull ups, if you finish take another 3 minutes to complete 12 and 12. Continue until you run out of time.
  2. Sumo Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2 then 5×10 Russian KBS (heavy)
  3. Complete 5 rounds for time of 2 rope climbs, 6 back squats (225/145#), 9 HSPU
  4. Parnter Interval AMRAP in 10 minutes of 5 power clean and jerks (135/95#), 5 burpees
  5. Complete 3 rounds for max reps in one minute at each of the following stations: row (1cal=1rep), bear sliders (1mat=1rep), reverse sled drag (180/135#, 1mat=1rep), rope pulls, army crawls
  6. Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 then 3×20 yd KB overhead carry

Open Notes:  Hats off to everyone who is competing in the Open; we are 40% through and we have loved the energy and positive disposition of everyone competing. Emotions run high in any competition, but it is great to see everyone having so much fun!  For 14.2 the top performers for ICA were Kehl, Phil and John for the men and Dani, Jenn and Nikki for the women.  Keep it up!

Open 14.3 will be announced Thursday at 8:00pm. The good news is we’ve gotten some of the hardest movements out of the way! Based on previous years’ WODs, the movements we’ll likely see in the next 3 workouts are: box jumps, burpees, deadlifts, push presses, toes to bar, wall balls, thrusters, clean and jerks, and muscle ups. What are your predictions for 14.3?!?