Complete for time:
- 1 mile run
- 100 pull ups
- 200 push ups
- 300 squats
- 1 mile run
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. See a summary of the story of Lt. Michael Murphy here.
WOD Notes: We are performing this hero WOD today in honor of all the men and women who have died serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. The WOD must start and end with the run, but you can split up the pull ups, push ups, and squats as desired. (Most people do 20 rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 squats.) This workout calls for a 20# weight vest for guys and 10# for girls, but we have a limited number of weight vests available so they will be first come first serve.
If you plan to do full Murph, it usually takes about an hour. A good scale for this workout is to complete exactly half of the distances and reps. (800m run, 50 pull ups, 100 push ups, 150 squats, 800m run.) This scale usually takes 20-40 minutes. Compare results to last Memorial Day 130527.
Schedule Notes: We are starting heats every 30 minutes with the first heat being at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Please show up at least 15 minutes before your heat to get warmed up in the warehouse or mobility room.
Community Notes: Happy Actual Birthday to Kehl (sorry for the false alarm yesterday)!!
Good luck to Jen N., Tanya, Katie N., Jenn and Tina at the girls on girls competition at CrossFit Harmony tomorrow!
This Post Has 20 Comments
John and Nikki can you cancel me…one murph this week was plenty
Good luck ladies!! Tina and Angie- I know you guys are going to kill those snatches- I promise 🙂
good luck ladies! and happy birfday to Kehlly
Good luck chicas!!!
Murph, no words other than silence.
G on G… Good luck all.
Momma Kehl, today we honor a true CrossFit legend.
What a way to honor those who gave their lives for freedom. May we never forget!
Good Luck Ladies!
HBD Kehl!
Happy real birthday, Kehl! And good luck ladies–most importantly, have tons of fun!!!
Happy birthday Kehl and good luck strong ICA Ladies!!!!
Great job to all everyone who finished Murph today! This hero WOD is like no other. I hope when the going got rough, you dug deeper knowing who you were doing this in memory of.
Nik 45:14 (10# vest)
Steve K 57:48 (1/2 PU)
Sabol 42:42 Rx
Angie 57:43 (20″, G+P)
Tina 55:00
Brian 67:13
Nadine 35:29 (1/2)
Byron 51:42
Patrick 65:03
Sean 55:55
OMC 73:30
Hoagie 62:11 (G)
Sidlo 42:24
Pugh 22:45 (1/2, strict)
Robbie 52:56 (20# vest)
Rick 48:08
Ron 35:07 (1/2)
Todd 47:51
Kelly D 42:12 (1/2)
Mel 47:08 (1/2)
Kyle 56:15
Fili 34:00 (1/2)
Rey 57:23 (20# vest)
Sara 70:00ish (18/25 rounds, 10 with vest!)
Paul 33:50 (1/2 reps)
Allen 59:07
Kim D 39:33 (row, 1/2)
Jimbo 51:00
Peggy 45:40 (1/2)
KEB 45:00 (1/2 reps)
Moira 65:48 (24″, P+mf)
Marissa 57ish
Happy Birthday Kehl, and good luck to everyone at girls on girls!
John- good luck tomorrow with the triathlon!
It’s tough to find the motivation to do our ICA WODs solo, but, knowing that this was a hero WOD and the constant mantra that this was in honor of all our servicemen and women I was able to sustain a good effort and finish – 54:34, no vest.
Wow nice job Betsy!
Great job everyone on Murph today! Best compliment I received went like this:
“what box do you go to?”
“In Phoenixville, ICA”
“Wow, I have heard you guys have the best community in the area.”
“Yup, best group of people Ive ever met. I love it and feel lucky.”
“Yeah, my wife and I were thinking of switching but heard there is a waitlist. How cool is it that you guys have a waitlist for you gym.”
So impressed on all the Murph work today. Well done, all!
Happy 2nd Kehl Day.
Had a chance to get a bit of the recap about today’s GoG, but the convo above is the best recap of the day. I’ve said before that I’m so lucky to have fallen into a great community like ICA. Our ringleaders, John and Nikki (with their supportive gang of coaches), make this one of the BEST places to workout.
so cool Jen, thanks for sharing!
So true!!!! Coaches, community, & support!! I <3 ICA!!
So true! ICA is the best! Happy Birthday Kehl!
For my future ref: 45:12 (1/2 murph, mm+mf). Great workout!
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