Push Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
50 ring push ups NFT
WOD Notes: Compare push press to 130803.
Push Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
50 ring push ups NFT
WOD Notes: Compare push press to 130803.
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Phoenixville, PA 19460
John: 717-572-3994
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This Post Has 17 Comments
Get jacked up!!!
Pizza Helen seems to be shaping up nicely!!! 36 signed up? I dig it.
From Caged Crossfit in Clearwater, FL
21-15-9 for time
Deadlifts (225#)
Overhead Squat (95#)
8-8-8-8-8 Bench Press – 195#
Pullup/Dip work with varying pullup grips.
So what make me less like to throw up during pizza Helen? Pizza or beer?
Thought you guys would like this. Gets me pretty damn jazzed!
kyle – my vote is pizza if your goal is to not throw up! but that’s b/c i’m a lightweight 🙂
Or you could do Rx+ and do a slice and a beer.
Kyle, do Rx+ with me…
Jacki 115
Jenn 125 PR
Marissa 95
Chase 215
Nick V. 185
Mohyeed 195
Marina 60
Alicia 75
Jon 115
Patrick 125
James 185
Jocelyn 90
Tana 75
Brian 175
Paul 135
Chris 90
Betsy 75
Sy 100
Kerri 85
Katie L. 85
Katie N. 105
Tim 185 Pr!
Pugh 185
Fenn 65
Jerry 145
Lee 135
Denny 185
Anthony 140
Sara R. 105 PR!
Peggy 80
Steve 185 (15# PR)
OMC 200
Kyle 165
Linds 115 Form
Natalie 95 Form
Anna 100 PR!
Nikki K. 45 (5×5)
Kathy 50
Ron 205 PR!
Mickey 225
Great job by Tim who just moved here from Phoenix and hit a 10# PR!
From Crossfit NYC: 2,2,4,4,6,6…ladder of 95# hang power cleans and pullups. Made it through 10s plus 8 HPCs.
Wait, Nick V pops a 185# push press 1RM Push Press at Breakfast Club, travels to NYC, then WODs? Badass, dude. I dig the intensity.
Is it CFNYC that has something like 500 members on their Open team?
Dani 120
Daria 77.5
Kim 100
Erin 85
Dave 195
Sajan 165
Pete 125
Rey 175 PR
Allen 130
Scott 195 PR
Ginger 92
Rachael 90
Phil 260 PR (from the floor!)
Ernie 175
Are we still able to sign up for pizza Helen?
Ginger, yes! I didn’t realize it was full. I’ll add more spots!
Dave, I’d believe it, from the size of the place. The box is big enough that they run 2-3 classes at a time doing different things, and they’ve got like 20 classes a day. Cool place and nice folks.
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