Make Up Day – Mar 20, 2014

the newest piece of equipment at ICA!
the newest piece of equipment at ICA!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. “14.3” AMRAP in 8 minutes of 1o deadlifts (135/95#), 15 box jumps, 15 deadlifts (185/135#), 15 box jumps, 20 deadlifts (225/155#), 15 box jumps, 25 deadlifts (275, 185#), 15 box jumps, 30 deadlifts (315/205#)
  2. Teams of 4 AMRAP in 15 min of 200m run, power cleans (50%), wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  3. Complete the following on alternating minutes for 14 minutes:  15 KBS (70/53#), 15 T2B
  4. Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2 then 15 muscle ups of 30 pull ups NFT
  5. Complete for tine 1000m row, 100 double unders
  6. Push Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 50 ring push ups NFT

Open Notes:  Remember to check out the announcement of 14.4 tonight at 8:00 on the games site.  After week 1, ICA was in 219th place in the region.  Week 2 took us to 193rd.  Week 3 has us placed at 181.  Let’s keep climbing!  Hats off to the point scorers this week. Men: Kehl, Garrett and John.  Women: Jenn, Lindsey and Katie N.

Mobility Notes:  Coach Kehl will be running a little late to mobility tonight due to teacher conferences.  Expect Moga to kick off closer to 6:15-6:30 time frame.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Katie L!!


This Post Has 53 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    Happy Birthday Katie!!! 🙂

  2. Kehl

    Happy birthday Katie!

  3. Ginger

    Happy birthday Katie!

  4. Nick V

    Happy birthday, Katie!

  5. Kerri

    Happy first day of spring! What a great day for a Birthday! Hope you have a spectacular day Katie!!

  6. Nikki Knapp

    Happy Birthday Katie!!

  7. Laurie

    Happy birthday, Katie! And happy Spring everybody! Now, it will only get warm and stay warm outside!!!

  8. Rick

    Happy birthday Katie L.

    1. Mel

      Happy birthday Katie!!

      Anyone up for the team Wod?

    2. Marissa

      I was thinking about doing it, what time?

  9. KEB

    Happy Birthday Katie L! Hope your day is bright and sunny!

  10. Marissa

    Happy Birthday Katie!

  11. Hilary

    Happy birthday, Katie! Hope it’s an absolutely fantastic day!! 🙂

  12. Kyle

    I’m up for team wod, but I can’t get there until 5

  13. Nikki

    Happy birthday Katie!!

    I am going to hit a short run at 5:15/5:30 if anyone wants to join me. Probably 2-3 miles down into Phoenixville and back.

    1. Dave

      Erin and I will be there.

    2. Jenn

      I would totally be there except I have my little monsters with me!!

    1. Dave


  14. Sara R.

    Happy Birthday Katie!! Hope you have a great day 🙂

  15. Peggy

    Happy, Happy Birthday Katie!

    1. Mel

      Hey Marissa- I can make it in by 5 or anytime after. Let me know what works!

    2. Erin Burke

      Happy Katie Day!

      Count me in for the run this evening.

  16. Jen N

    happy birthday katie 🙂

  17. Marissa

    Mel – I can be there by 5 too, see you then!

  18. Angie

    Happy birthday, Katie!

  19. Ron

    Happy birthday Katie!

  20. Pugh

    Happy birthday Katie!

    1. Pugh

      And I predict 7 mins of burpees or some combination of toes to bar and wall balls

  21. KEB

    Pizza Helen Question: Are we allowed to do half slices? I noticed a couple ladies did this last year.

    1. ICA admin

      KEB you have to do it with two slices and a milkshake each round just for asking.

    2. KEB's Tummy

      “I don’t feel so good.”

  22. Kyle

    Dave-I feel like I’m going to regret this…but what is the Rx+ that you were talking about?

    1. Dave

      A beer AND a slice each round. No sweat.

  23. Rick

    I can’t make the run tonight, Ricky has baseball practice. Yeah! Spring!!! Per the open I’m guessing some sort of chipper. 20 minute time limit of lifting heavy stuff and moving fast.

  24. ICA admin

    Based on Castro’s chipper reference, I’m calling 100 burpees, 100 wallballs 100 clean and jerks (135/95#), AMRAP in 17 minutes.

    1. Dave

      THAT WOULD BE AMAZING! John, You should program the Open.

    2. Kehl

      No he shouldn’t.

    3. Buttwink


  25. Anna

    Happy Birthday Katie!!

  26. Tina

    Happy birthday Katie!

  27. Phil

    Happy birthday Katie!

  28. Angie

    Re: Pizza Helen…I was hoping one scale option was to not eat pizza at all! This will not be pretty if I have to eat pizza!

  29. Jenn

    Happy birthday, Katie!!

  30. Garrett

    Happy Birthday Katie! What an awesome day for it!

  31. jimbo

    Happy Birthday Katie!

  32. jimbo

    Chipper hmm…..

  33. jimbo

    Since its an AMRAP do we have to get at least one rep of a muscle up to count our score or no?

    1. Fili

      As many reps as possible not rounds I’m assuming.

    2. Fili

      Oh I get you. Muscle ups are last, right? The row should give you a score, no?

  34. Katie

    Thank you for all the birthday love!!!!!

    1. Pugh

      Fili, yeah your score would be 60 after the row, 110 after the toes to bar etc.

  35. jimbo

    Thanks guys.

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