Partner Interval Cindy
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
- 5 pull ups
- 10 push ups
- 15 squats
WOD Notes: Compare to 121120.
Yesterday’s WOD Notes: Hats off to the amazing performances on the mile run. On a Monday with unusually low attendance we had PR’s from Alicia, Pugh, Matt C, Rick, Joel, Moira, Chris (2014 goal), Katie L, Mohyeed, Hoagie, Sajan, Adam, Steve and Mel and I think a few others as well. For anyone who saw the WOD and bailed, brush up on this article on cherry picking.
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For the record, I did not cherry pick! My hair appointment took priority!
Angie- hair ALWAYS takes priority!!!
What a coincidence…I also had a hair appointment.
I’m running up a mountain this weekend so that’ll make up for it.
looks like a good prelude to Murph!
Psyched for the 31st. I’ve got dibs on the 20# vest.
Dave, I think the camp one is tanner’s and he is planning to come for murph. Not sure if that is the one. I am trying to get one between now and then.
Awesome job on the PR’s today!
I hear the fantastic news was revealed on
Congrats Lindsey & Brendan!!! I’m so happy for you both, you will be such awesome parents! I can’t wait to meet Baby D! 🙂
…I’m lacking Facebook, clearly.
Me too! I just found out….now! Congratulations Lindsey and Brendan!
Thanks Sara appreciate the shout out, we are very excited for the next chapter!
Oh, and in my own defense, I actually ran last night. And yesterday morning. And this morning! Low mileage, but trying to get over my mental block. Running for time is too much pressure right now. But I DID run. Yah me! 🙂
Ahhhh! Lindsey, that explains the funny look you gave me on Friday when I wished you a happy mammas day! (in reference to the puppies: ) ) Congratulations! so happy for you both!
And congrats to all the PRs! Unfortunately mother nature’s call was stronger. ..as in weeding and mulching
Hahaha!! Kerri! I was so stunned when you said that to me the other day!!!i was totally off caught off guard! Thanks so much guys!! We are so excited and can’t wait for you all to meet our new little addition in Nov!!
6pm results
Joanna (MF, Knees)
Mike H
Dave (20# vest)
Fili (3PU, 5PU)
Mel (7, MM+MF)
Erin (7, MM+MF)
Tanya (MM)
Daria (RR, 20″)
Jess (RR, knees)