Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts. This week the choices are:
- Push Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 then 30 strict pull ups NFT
- Complete 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′) and KBS (53/35#)
- Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of back squats (225/145#) and ring dips
- Partner interval AMRAP in 20 minutes of 9 KBSDHP (53/35#), 6 box jumps, 3 burpees
- Complete 2-4-6-8 reps for time of thrusters (185/115#) and muscle ups
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ICA golfers!
I’m looking to create a Scramble format golf outing for Saturday, June 14th…preferably around 2:00 because it’s cheaper and I suck too much to pay rich people money to suck in the morning. Afterwards, any golfers and non-golfers can meet at a bar for drinks and laughs. I’ll probably set 4 tee times and we can pick teams at random. If we need more or less, we can adjust as needed.
Date: Saturday, June 14
Time: afternoon when it’s cheaper
Place: Kimberton Golf (or if anyone has any other suggestions/connections to get a good rate)
Let me know or if you have any questions email me at
One Love Yo.
I’m in
I am in – I think Kimberton is one of the more expensive courses…I could be wrong
Several questions….
Do you have to own golf clubs?
Do you have to know how to play golf?
Do you have to or should I say, can you wear goofy golf clothes?
Assuming the answer is yes to all of these questions, you can count me in.
Count me in
What you may not realize, since you have not yet golfed with Kehl, is that he might be one of the most golfy looking golfers I have played with. However, despite this, the actual golf ability does not scale accordingly.
So with that in mind, you should wear whatever you want that you deem appropriate and realize that most of us are quite terrible at the actual golf part.
That said, we should all likely bring: 1) our favorite six pack with cooler, 2) sunscreen, 3) a copious amount of cheap golf balls
If this goes off it will be pretty damn fun. I’m enlisting OMC in my scramble group for his ability to absolute club a ball off the tee like a baby seal.
Thought some of you would like these ultimate crossfit fails…
Kev is correct. Golf is just like CrossFit. Rule #1: look good. Rule #2: intimidate. Rule #3: performance.
Kimberton was chosen because it’s a pretty forgiving course. It’s one of the cheaper ones.
Pickering Valley: $45
Limerick $45
Spring Hollow $43
Kimberton $42
FYI – coolers/outside alcohol isn’t permitted on golf courses so stuff your bags!
Kehl has crossfit wind breakers and calloway hats for anyone who needs them day of
I’m in.