Make Up Day – Mar 27, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. “14.4” – AMRAP in 14 minutes of 60 cal row, 50 T2B, 40 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 30 power cleans (135/95#), 20 muscle ups
  2. Hang Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then AMRAP in 2 minutes of DB cleans (45/30#)
  3. Complete in any order for time: 50 wall climbs + push up, 100 slam balls (40/30#)
  4. Complete 3 rounds for time of: 10 OHS (135/95#), 10 KBS (70/53#), 10 strict pull ups
  5. Banded box front squat 10×2 (60/30%) then 30 pistols NFT
  6. “RKC KB Snatch Test” – AMRAP in 5 minutes of KB power snatches (53/35#)

Open Notes:  Another great showing from ICA on 14.4!  Only one more week, what will we see this time?  This weeks point scorers were Kehl, Sam and John for the men and Jenn/Marissa (tied), Dani and Nikki for the women.  Keep it up!


This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Fili

    Also for 14.5 – I think thrusters and burpees are a given. The way things are going, maybe increasing weights or a skill movement like HSPUs or pistols.

  2. Kehl

    My guess…
    15 minute running clock
    Minute 0-1 (max burpees)
    Minute 1-3 (max thrusters)
    Minute 3-6 (max burpees)
    Minute 6-10 (max thrusters)
    Minute 10-15 (max burpees)

    There’s a minimum you have to do each time domain to continue to the next round.

    Or, similar to 13.1 but with front squat/shoulder to overhead…so you could do thrusters or squat clean & jerk

    1. Erin Burke

      I predict off-road 5K, but that doesn’t make for good television. 😉 A girl can dream, right?

      In all seriousness, I would not be disappointed with thrusters and burpees… Of course, I may regret that statement come 6pm Fri.

  3. Rick

    If I bring my own pizza can I re-do pizza Helen?

    1. Rick

      ps. mostly joking about that.

    2. Dave

      Can we redo pizza Helen? I felt AMAZING at that.

  4. Steve

    I have a custom suit maker coming down either Sunday evening April 13th or Monday April 14th. This guy does great work and is very reasonable. If anyone is interested you can email me at and I can forward you some pricing.


  5. BJ

    5 thruster
    14 burpee
    Increasing thruster loads

  6. jimbo

    they take so long announcing the workout!

  7. jimbo

    Finally! Burpees and thrusters!

    1. Erin Burke

      This workout may take me until 8pm. I apologize in advance to my fellow 6pm crew, but this is going to be AWESOME!

  8. Anna

    Yeah….. It may take me for a looong time too :-), but I am so super excited!!! Way to end the Open!!!

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