Daily WOD – Apr 22, 2014

Kehl getting ready to stick the landing
Kehl getting ready to stick the landing
Kyle, precarious
Kyle, precarious

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:

  • 200m run
  • 10 Russian twists (25/15#)

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Dave

    Okay, am I the only one excited for this one?

    1. Katie N.

      I got your back Dave! I’m excited! Just have to figure out a way to get over there this afternoon.

    2. Rick

      Since you love running so much perhaps you could run over Katie??

  2. Sarge

    nope! i love sprints!!

  3. ICA admin

    Hoagie 8+3 Rx
    Jon 10+~run Rx
    Marissa πŸ™‚
    Russ 10 Rx

    Anthony 10 + run Rx
    Katie L. 10 Rx
    Fenn 9 Rx
    Katie N. 11+run Rx
    Patrick 11+~run Rx
    Sabol 10 Rx

    Pugh 11+~run Rx
    Sarah W. 9 Rx
    Kehl 9+run (+10PU/Rd)
    Jen N. 10+~run Rx
    B 10 Rx
    Jenn 8+~run Rx
    Kyle 10+~run Rx
    Chris 7+run Rx
    Maggie πŸ™‚ +
    Moira 8+ ~run (10#)

    7:00pm – this class did 8x25m shuttle runs in the warehouse due to the thunderstorms! great job keeping up the intensity class!
    Jimbo 10 + 200m
    Rachael 10 + 25m
    Nick V 8 + 200m
    Allen 9 + 200m
    James 11 + 50m (ROW)

  4. ICA admin

    Mel 8
    Tirzah 10 ~ run
    Ernesto 6+8
    Jeremy πŸ™‚
    Joanna 9
    Fili 8
    Dave 10

  5. Dave

    This will teach me to start paying attention more in warm up. So not paying close enough attention to Sarge’s instruction and WOD explanation, I did my first 5 rounds with only doing 10 total touches (5R/5L on the Russian twists) Realizing I was spending far too little time on the floor as compared to others, I decided to compensate by making them up. So, I started doing 40 touches per set of twists. Well, clearly, I wasn’t thinking clearly, cause that was 10 per round too many. So, in 10 sets, I should have had 200 touches, instead I did 250 (5 rounds of 10 touches + 5 rounds of 40 touches=250) What a dope. Last time I goof off in the instruction period…

    1. B

      Wow that sucks

  6. ICA admin

    how do those abs feel today dave? they’ll feel worse tomorrow…

  7. Dave

    I am waiting for the fallout to hi tomorrow morning…Those last sets of 40 were brutal. I had to stop at 30 on each of the last 3 sets.

    1. Dave

      Oh crap…it’s starting right now.

    2. Fili

      Yeah, I was fine until the last time I stood up from my desk. The pain is on its way.

    3. Tav

      Would you like some French Cries with your Whaaamburger?

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