Phoenixville Inside Out Workouts!

Mark your calendars for ICA’s free community workouts on Bridge Street this summer!

We’re thrilled to be a part of Phoenixville’s “Inside Out” iniative for the third summer in a row.

Free community workouts will be held at the parking lot across from Molly Maguires on the following Sunday’s this summer:

  • June 23, 8:00 am
  • July 21, 8:00 am
  • August 18, 8:00 am

For whom are these classes intended? Anyone (age 13 to 100) who wants to have an energetic start to their Sunday morning and perhaps get a little fitter.

What should I bring? It would be a great idea to bring a cold drink, a friend and a smile.

How awesome of a time will I have if I show up? Great question; I’m glad you asked. Intensely awesome!

If you’ve never been to ICA before, you can click HERE to fill out a waiver and book the class so we know you’re coming.

If you have any questions, reach out to John at

Make Up Day – Sep 11, 2014


Join us between 4:30 and 7:30pm to make up one of the last 6 workouts. You can also work on any independent lifting or skill work.

  1. Girls Gone Wild Part 2 – 21 deadlifts (225/155), 21 HPSU, 21 cleans (135/95), 21 ring dips, 21 thrusters, 21 pull ups
  2. Girls Gone Wild Park 1 – 400m run, 21 KBS (53/35), 12 pull ups, 400m run, 30 box jumps (24/20), 30 wall balls (20/14 to 10′), 400m run, 15 OHS (95/65), 400m run (TIME), max consecutive pull ups
  3. Front Squat 8×1 with 5 sec pause (~90% 1RM) then 20 hip pull overs NFT
  4. Complete three 90 second rounds of: 40 yd sprint, max KBS (70/53)
  5. Complete for time: 30-20-10 of wall ball (20/14 to 10/9′) and hang power cleans (95/65)
  6. Deficit deadlift 10×2 (~80% 1RM), then banded lateral walks 30 yd R/L

Community Notes: Happy birthday OMC!

Daily WOD – Sep 10, 2014

“Girls Gone Wild Part 2”

Complete for time:

  • 21 deadlifts (225/155#)
  • 21 handstand push ups
  • 21 cleans (135/95#)
  • 21 ring dips
  • 21 thrusters (95/65#)
  • 21 pull ups

WOD Notes:  Compare to 120313.  For anyone taking part in the nutrition challenge that wanted to take measurements but didn’t get the chance, its not too late!  Feel free to measure your weight and waist (at belly button) today and we can record it for comparison at the end of the month.

Nutrition Challenge Notes: One of the main purposes of the nutrition challenge is to break your addiction to sugar. It’s a common addiction, but curable! For more info on breaking sugar addiction, read this article. And be sure to watch the best Jack Lalanne video ever – a man ahead of his times!

Daily WOD – Sep 9, 2014

Girls Gone Wild (Part 1)

  • 400m run
  • 21 kettlebell swing (53/35#)
  • 12 pull ups
  • 400m run
  • 30 box jump (24/20″)
  • 30 wall ball (20/14# to 10′)
  • 400m run
  • 15 overhead squat (95/65#)
  • 400m run (record time)
  • Immediately into max consecutive pull ups

WOD Notes: Do you recognize the girls in today’s programming? This WOD is based off 4 benchmark girls. Who knows which 4? You will have two scores today – total time to complete the first 9 movements, and a second score for max consecutive pull ups.  Compare to 120312.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Whit and Joel!!

September Schedule & Events


In addition to all the events listed in our last post HERE, mark your calendars for these important dates!

  • Thurs, 9/18 – Stretching and Mobility (MOGA), 6:00-6:30pm. Join Coach Mark for 3o minutes of stretching and mobility work. The class is free for those attending Make Up Night or Barbell Club.
  • Fri, 9/19 – ICA Paleo Potluck, 7:00-9:00pm. This event is open to all ICA members and guests, whether or not you are participating in the nutrition challenge. Bring your favorite Paleo snack, appetizer or entree to share. (Desserts are also welcome, but please ensure they are truly Paleo – ask Nikki if you are unsure.) Please write out your recipe and bring 10-20 copies with you, for others to take home.
  • Sat, 9/27 – South Philly Rumble at CrossFit South Philly. Come heckle (I mean, cheer for) Team ICA – John, Zhu, Nikki, and Jenn!
  • Fri, 10/10 – There will be no 4:00pm class this day. We apologize for any inconvenience!

Daily WOD – Sep 6, 2014

Complete for time:

30-20-10 reps of

  • Wall ball (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • Hang power clean (95/65#)

Community Notes: It’s not too late to join us for the Run for Green Valleys 5k, 10k, or 1 mile fun run! We’ll be leaving ICA at 8:00am Saturday morning to head to the 9:00am race (1368 Prizer Road, Pottstown), and you can register when we get there. So far it’s Nikki, Jimbo, and Megg representing ICA.

Daily WOD – Sep 5, 2014

Deficit Deadlift 10×2 (80%)


Banded lateral walks 30 yds R/L

Nutrition Challenge Notes: You’ve survived the first two days of the nutrition challenge. Hooray! This is a good time to review what you’ve been eating and ensure you’re getting enough calories each day. Make sure to load up on healthy protein and fats (oils and nuts primarily) to replace the grains and dairy you’ve eliminated! The next few days are your first real test – can you make it through the weekend without cheating?? Remember, the only Paleo beverage is water, but 6 oz of red wine per day is allowed, and an ounce of 85% dark chocolate makes a great dessert! Post to comments if you have any questions, good stories, or even if you just want to complain! Also, check out this post of paleo recipes from previous years’ challenges. Add your favorite recipe as a comment!


Make Up Day – Sep 4, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 tonight to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Complete 50 reps for time of the following: pull ups, deadlifts (135/95#), push ups, box jumps (24/20″), toes to bar, 1-arm DB snatch (40/25#), air squats
  2. Box Squat 5×3 (80%) then 8 hill sprints
  3. Complete 9 rounds for time of: 5 DB thrusters (50/30#), 5 strict pull ups, 5 burpees
  4. “Bull” – 2 rounds for time of 200 double unders, 50 OHS (135/95#), 50 pull ups, 1 mile run
  5. Bamboo Bench Press 3×20 then Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3
  6. Performance Test – max distance broad jump, AMRAP in 3 minutes of 4 burpees, 8 KBS (53/35#), then 3 RM back squat, then 1 mile run

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Sarah L!!

There will be a Moga session tonight at 6:00 for anyone interested.  As usual, sign up through mindbody!

Daily WOD – Sep 2, 2014

Bamboo Bench Press 3×20


Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3

WOD Notes:  Compare to 131230.

Nutrition Notes:  Only one more day until the nutrition challenge starts!  Clear out what is left of your junk food and get ready for the test on Wednesday.  For anyone thinking of utilizing Customfit meals, the orders for next week must be placed by Tuesday night at midnight.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Fili!!

Daily WOD – Sep 1, 2014

Welcome David!
Welcome David!
and Quinn! (the 4th Vollmer to join the gym)
and Quinn! (the 4th Vollmer to join the gym)

Open Gym

WOD Notes:  Come in to work on anything you want!  If there is a 2014 goal you want to knock off, a benchmark WOD you’ve had your eye on, or just want to heave some iron, you can come in between 8:00 and 11:00 this morning to do it.  For anyone looking for a good workout, we are recommending:


Complete 2 rounds for time of:

  • 200 double unders
  • 50 overhead squats (135/95#)
  • 50 pull ups
  • 1 mile run

Community Notes:  Hats off to Erin and Dave for running in the Labor Pain 12 hour AMRAP race this weekend.  Erin racked up 31 miles (50K) and Dave hit 45 miles!

Daily WOD – Aug 29, 2014

** LAST MINUTE SCHEDULE CHANGE – Due to no one being registered for the 5:00pm class tonight, we are cancelling that class. We’ll be open for any independent mobility work, lifting, etc from 5:00-6:00pm. The 6:00pm class is still on! **

Complete for time:

  • 50 pull ups
  • 50 deadlifts (135/95#)
  • 50 push ups
  • 50 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 50 toes to bar
  • 50 one arm DB power snatches (40/25#)
  • 50 air squats

Nutrition Challenge Note: If you plan on doing the nutrition challenge, we have hand outs at the gym (left over from last night’s meeting), and we’ll get the sign up sheets posted asap. Take some time this weekend to hit the grocery store and stock up on high quality, unprocessed foods! Also remember that if you are planning to use CustomFit meals to help you get through the challenge, orders are due by Tuesday at midnight for delivery the following week.

Daily WOD – Aug 28, 2014

Welcome Crystal!!
Welcome Crystal!!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then AMRAP in 2 minutes of front squats (50%)
  2. “WOD For Dogs” – Fight Gone Bad style – Thrusters (75/55#), KB swings (53/35#), Jumping Squats, Lateral Burpees, Shuttle Runs
  3. 12-9-6-3 reps for time of push jerk (135/95#), slam balls (40/30#), KB swings (70/53#)
  4. AMRAP in 20 min of 2 muscle ups, 4 power snatches (135/95#), 200m run
  5. EMOM for 30 min of 1 clean and 1 power clean on alternating minutes at 90%
  6. With a partner complete 50 shuttle runs (10m) while partner holds a pull up, 50 box jumps while partner holds ring dip, 50 burpees while partner holds front rack (135/95#)

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Ron!!

Nutrition Challenge Reminder: We re having a kick-off meeting / Q&A session tonight at 6:30pm for anyone interested in participating in our Fall Nutrition Challenge!

ICA Fall Nutrition Challenge – 2014


Summer is quickly coming to an end, which means it’s time for our 2014 Fall Nutrition Challenge!! This is a completely optional (but highly recommended) event. We’ll host a kick off meeting tomorrow – Thursday, August 28th – at 6:30pm for those who are interested. We apologize for the late notice. If you can’t make it, that’s okay, just read this post carefully and talk to John or Nikki with any questions.

Important Dates:

  • Kick off Meeting: Thursday August 28th, 6:30-7:00pm
  • Start date: Wednesday, September 3th, when you wake up!
  • End date: Wednesday, October 1st, after your final performance test!


  • Sign up at the box under the Level 1 or Level 2 challenge (details below)
  • Commit to healthy eating, following your chosen Level, for the entire 4 week period
  • Complete the performance test at the beginning and end of the challenge. We will run it as the daily WOD on 9/3 and 10/1, or you can do it at each week’s make up night (9/4 and 10/2).
  • Body Measurements (optional) – We recommend waist (at the belly button) and body weight at a minimum. You may also choose to do hip, arm, and leg.
  • Daily Food Log (optional) – Record everything you eat and general quantities. Be honest!  This will not be submitted but serves as a valuable resource if you have questions about quantity/quality of your food during the challenge. We are more than happy to give you feedback on your log, and help you if you start to notice that you are low on energy, hungry all the time, or not seeing results.

Competition Details:

  • We will pick 1 advanced winner, 1 beginner winner, and 1 spirit reward. (Advanced means you’ve been at ICA at least a year; beginner is at ICA less than a year.) Prizes will be awarded! We will select the winners primarily based on performance gains, but we will factor in the body measurements as well if you completed them.

Level 2 Challenge: Eat like a Caveman

  • Level 2 participants will strive to eat 100% Paleo for the duration of the challenge. We define a paleo diet as eating meat, eggs, fish, veggies, fruit, nuts and seeds. (No grains, no legumes, no sugar, and no dairy.) You should focus your diet on quality sources of protein, nutrient dense carbs, and lots of leafy greens. Aim for a balance of carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Ideally you should eat only unprocessed foods that have no labels… but if something has a label you must read it and be sure there are no hidden “non paleo” ingredients! Read the detailed guidelines HERE.

Level 1 Challenge: Gluten Free and Sugar Free

  • If you’re not ready to go strict Paleo, you can choose to participate in the Level 1 challenge. Your goal is to avoid all gluten and added sugar. Unlike the Level 1 challenge, dairy is permitted as are many grains and legumes. Try to eat a balance of protein, fat, and carbs, and read the labels of everything you eat! For detailed guidelines, click HERE.

Daily WOD – Aug 27, 2014

A couple pictures from Moira
A couple pictures from Moira’s week long kayak trip along the Alaskan coast!


With a partner, complete for time:

  • 50 shuttle runs (10 yds), partner holds pull up position
  • 50 box jumps (24/20″), partner holds ring support
  • 50 burpees, partner holds front rack (135/95#)

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Tanya and Jill!!!

Labor Day Schedule

"Bull" Barrett
“Bull” Barrett

On Labor Day (Monday 9/1), ICA will host an Open Gym from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m, in lieu of regularly scheduled classes.  The Open Gym is free for all members and those with an ICA punchcard. Guests are welcome, but please run it by Nikki or John in advance.  At an Open Gym, you can work on ANYTHING you want. If you are looking for ideas, the recommended WOD for 9/1 will be a hero WOD, “Bull.” This was designed to be completed individually, but you may want to split the workload with a partner.  This is the first time we are doing “Bull” at ICA. Read his story here.


Complete 2 rounds for time of:

  • 200 double unders
  • 50 overhead squats (135/95#, NTE 70%)
  • 50 pull ups
  • Run 1 mile

Daily WOD – Aug 23, 2014

“WOD for Dogs: Dog Gone Good”

3 rounds for max reps, with 1 min at each station and 1 min rest bet. rounds:

  • Thrusters (75/5#)
  • KB swings (53/35#)
  • Jumping air squats (6″ clearance)
  • Lateral burpees
  • 5 meter shuttle sprints

WOD Notes: This workout was designed by Roo Yori as a fundraiser for the Wallace the Pit Bull Foundation, an organization that works to improve the lives of shelter dogs. The workout is designed to mimic movements that dogs make in a stressful kennel environment.  Because we just had our big 31 Heroes fundraiser a few weeks ago, donations are absolutely not expected for tomorrow’s WOD. However, any of our dog lovers who want to give are more than welcome to. Donate online HERE or bring cash to the workout.

Location Notes: We are holding both classes (8:30 and 9:30am) at Reeve’s Park, which is located between 2nd and 3rd streets, between Starr and Main.  We will meet by the playground.  Working out outdoors is not only a TON of fun, it will also allow us extra space so we can accommodate larger classes, and it means you can bring your dogs to spectate and play with each other! Please note that WOD for Dogs is a workout designed for humans to complete in honor of their dogs… your dogs will NOT actually be working out!

Schedule Notes: Barbell club will take place from 7:00-8:00am tomorrow (30 min earlier than normal). Thanks for your understanding!

Community Notes: Good luck at the Warrior Dash, Daria!

Daily WOD – Aug 22, 2014


Anthony hit his first muscle up in his last class before going to college.  Well played!!
Anthony hit his first muscle up in his last class before going to college. Well played!!


Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


AMRAP in 2 minutes of front squats (50% 1RM)

Community Notes: September 28 is the Parkway Run and Walk in Philadelphia, benefiting CHOP. Tom Salamone and Ron Santoro’s cousin, Mary, is a brain tumor survivor who is entering kindergarten this Fall. If you are looking for a fun 5k race, please consider joining her team, Mary’s Marchers. For more info, click HERE. To sign up, click HERE.

Make Up Day – Aug 21, 2014

Awesome Burpee!
Awesome Burpee!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. In 20 minutes complete 400m farmers carry (53/35#) then in the remainder complete 5 front squats (125/85#) and 7 toes to bar
  2. Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5 then “Baseline” – 500m row, 40 squats, 30 sit ups, 20 push ups, 10 pull ups
  3. Complete 3 rounds each for time of: 5 bear complexes (135/85#), 300m shuttle run
  4. Banded Deadlift 10×1 then 20 minutes to work on a goal
  5. AMRAP in 10 minutes of 10 box jumps (24/20″), 10 HSPU, 10 burpees
  6. Complete 5 rounds for time of: 3 power clean and jerks (225/135#), 10 wallballs (20/14# to 11/10′), 40 double unders

Community Notes:  We had some student athletes working out with us this summer who are all currently at college or headed back in the coming weeks.  Good luck to Alyssa, Allison, Tyler, Sean, Anthony, Rachael, Chloe and any others I might have missed!

Daily WOD – Aug 19, 2014

Some good stuff happening in the last week of the summer teen program
Some good stuff happening in the last week of the summer teen program
Welcome Danielle!
Welcome Danielle!
Bryan’s first muscle up and first class!

AMRAP in 10 minutes:

  • 10 box jumps
  • 10 hand stand push ups
  • 10 burpees

Community Notes:

  1. This Saturday the workout of the day will be the “WOD for Dogs” fundraiser. To accommodate larger-than-normal classes, your furry friends, and just because it’s fun to WOD outdoors, we are holding both the 8:30 and 9:30 classes at Reeve’s Park! Guests are welcome but are required to register for class.
  2. Mark your calendars for our annual Fall Nutrition Challenge! This year the challenge start on September 3 and run through October 1. More details to be announced!

Make Up Day – Aug 14, 2014

Steve K. working with bamboo
Steve K. working with bamboo

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Snatch Balance 1-1-1-1-1 then Hang Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
  2. “31 heroes” teams of 4 AMRAP in 31 minutes of thrusters, rope climbs, box jumps and sandbag runs
  3. AMRAP in 12 minutes of 5 S2O (185/125#), 10 push ups, 15 banded good mornings
  4. “Helen” – 3 rounds for time of 400m run, 21 KBS (53/35#), 12 pull ups
  5. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of sumo deadlift (275/185#) and wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  6. Bamboo overhead squat 3×5 then overhead squat 2-2-2-2-2-2

Community Notes: Happy Birthday Fenn!!

Daily WOD – Aug 12, 2014

Matt C. hitting an outstanding KBS!!
Matt C. hitting an outstanding KBS!!

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:

  • Sumo-deadlift (275/185# NTE 75%)
  • Wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)

WOD Notes:  Compare to 121003.

Community Notes: Saturday’s fundraising was a success! We raised nearly $2000 for the 31 Heroes organization, and $800 for the Kralick family. Thank you to everyone for your generosity!

Football WOD – Aug 10, 2014

31 Heroes 2014!!

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

  • 5 shoulder to overhead (185/115, NTE 75% 1RM)
  • 10 push ups
  • 15 banded good mornings

WOD Notes: Compare to CFFB WOD 140802.

Community Notes:

1. Happy (belated) birthday Tom S! Thanks for spending your day with us at 31 Heroes!

2. The heat spreadsheet has been updated with results that were turned in to us. Kids scores are listed at the bottom. Link to it HERE.

3. Congrats to the top teams in each level:

  • Level 1 – John, Sabol, Matt, and Zhu
  • Level 2 – Rick, Hoagie, Sidlo, Paul
  • Level 3 – Erin, Sarge, Peter, Fili
  • Level 4 – Daria, MB, Chris, Boelker

4. Shout out also to the highest scoring all-female teams:

  • Level 3 – Hilary, Jacki, Sara R, Lindsey
  • Level 4 – Alyssa, Rachael, Amanda, Jeanette

5. Congrats to the top girls scorers from the kids WOD:

  • Julia Lamb, 222
  • Maddie Mullaney, 209
  • Elena Rodriguez, 176

6. And congrats to the top boy scorers:

  • Leo Sardella, 213
  • Ronan Mullaney, 191
  • Jaron Johnson, 178

Daily WOD – Aug 9, 2014


“31 Heroes” – ICA Edition

In teams of 4, complete as many reps as possible in 31 minutes of:

  • 200m sandbag run (50/25#) 
  • Thrusters (155/105#)
  • Rope climbs
  • Box jumps (30/24″)

WOD Notes: While teammate 1 is running, teammate 2 is completing thrusters, 3 is doing rope climbs and 4 is jumping.  When the runner returns, everyone moves forward one station. The team’s score will be the total number of sandbag runs, thrusters, rope climbs and box jumps completed in 31 minutes. (If pull ups or ring rows are subbed for rope climbs, every 6 reps counts as 1 rope climb.)

  • Level 1 = Men’s Rx
  • Level 2 = Women’s Rx
  • Level 3 =  25# sandbag or plate, 65# thruster, rope climbs or pull ups, 20″ box
  • Level 4 = 15# plate, 35# thruster, rope climbs or PUs or ring rows,  16″ box

Schedule Notes: We’ll have opening announcements at 8:45, and the first adult heat will kick off at 9:00am. Click HERE to view the current heat assignments. Please note: We expect some heat changes over the night, so please check back in the morning!! We still have a few “free agents” who we’ll match up with walk-ins tomorrow. We can also accommodate a few 5-person teams, where 2 people will partner up and travel around the stations together. 

Donation Notes: It’s not too late if you haven’t gotten around to it yet! You can make donations to the 31 Heroes HERE , or we’ll be accepting cash/check donations at the door to benefit the Kralick Family.

Kids Notes: Kids should arrive by 8:00am; the kids heat will kick off at 8:15am. Each child should be accompanied by an adult who can count/judge/coach as needed! The kids WOD is:

3 rounds for max reps of:

  • 1 minute shuttle runs (older kids may choose to run with a sandbag)
  • 1 minute box jumps
  • 1 minute burpees 
  • 1 minute sit ups 

Other Notes:

  • Please come early (and stay late!) to cheer on your ICA teammates! At a minimum, show up 30 minutes before your heat to warm up.
  • Schuylkill Valley Sports (Pottstown store) will have a stand set up and will be selling Reebok CrossFit apparel, shoes, and accessories. Cash and credit card both accepted!
  • Pig and pizza are arriving at 11:00am. We’ll have water, beer, watermelon, and some munchies as well. Please bring some beer and food to share!
  • Remember that tomorrow’s WOD is in honor of 31 American heroes who died on August 6, 2011. When the workout gets rough (and it WILL), please think of these men, and dig a little deeper.
  • Last but not least – HAPPY THIRD BIRTHDAY ICA!! Thank you to ALL of our members – you make ICA the amazing and fun community that it is, and we are thankful every day that you found us!  A special shout out to our “original 20” members that have stuck with us for 3 years and counting – Sarge, Kehl, Zhu, Killa, Kev, Lindsey, OMC, McGonigal, Sabol, Laurie, Kim D,  and Jimbo!

Daily WOD – Aug 8, 2014

Snatch Balance 1-1-1-1-1


Hang Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

WOD Notes:  Compare snatch balance to 130920.  Compare snatch to 140304.

31 Heroes Notes:  If you are planning on working out on Saturday but have not yet added your name to the sign up sheet please do so tomorrow so we can start putting heats together!  If you will not be in the gym tomorrow, you can post what level you will be doing to comments.

Make Up Day – Aug 7, 2014

Alex training for Saturday!
Alex training for Saturday!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. 21-15-9 deadlift, power clean, power snatch and pull up, C2B pull ups, bar muscle ups
  2. Split Jerk 2-2-2-2-2-2 then 100 partner medball sit ups NFT
  3. Complete 12-9-6-3 power clean (185/125#) and ring dips
  4. Complete 5 rounds for time of 7 bar facing burpees and 14 overhead squats (95/65#)
  5. Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 5×6 GHR
  6. Complete each for time 800m run, 150 double unders, 1000m row, 75 box jumps

Daily WOD – Aug 6, 2014

Kerri on a bar jump
Kerri on a bar jump

Complete each exercise for time:

  • 800m run
  • 150 double unders
  • 1000m row
  • 75 box jumps

WOD Notes:  Athletes will have 5 minutes to complete each exercise and will rotate to a new station every seven minutes (at least 2 minutes of rest).  Compare row to 140125.  Compare run to 131030.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Jen N. and Mohyeed!!

Upcoming Local Events


Participating in CrossFit-type competitions, triathlons, running races, and other types of fitness events is a great way to challenge yourself and reinvigorate your training! We’ve been getting tons of emails about local events , so we wanted to put to get them all in one place. Check ’em out and post to comments if you’re looking for some teammates!

  • WOD for Dogs – August 23. A new fundraiser to raise money for the Wallace the Pit Bull Foundation. We’ll run this as the workout of the day at ICA on 8/23. Donations are absolutely not expected, but if you want to give we will collect and submit any donations we receive. For a neat video on the design of the WOD click here.
  • Warrior Dash at Pocono Raceway – August 23. A 3.32 mile, 12 obstacle course in a wooded setting. Daria is already registered; any other takers?
  • Run for Green Valleys – September 6. The Green Valley Watershed Association is a local organization that protects the health of our watersheds in northern Chester County. This annual fundraiser includes a 5k walk/run, a 10k run, and a children’s 1 mile fun run.  ICA is a sponsor of this event – please show your support!
  • Philly Civilian Military Combine – September 13. Join Team ICA as they take on the Philly CMC! We had a great crew complete the Pocono CMC, so we know this event will be loads of fun. Talk to Hilary for more information.
  • Diesel Thruster Competition – September 20. An individual competition at CF Kennett Square. $50 per person for Rx, scaled, or party division (for new athletes to modify as much as necessary but still get to compete).
  • South Philly Rumble – September 27. There are still spots open for this annual team WOD! Teams of 4 (2 men and 2 women) compete at CrossFit South Philly. We already have 1 ICA team signed up… any other takers?
  • Girls on Girls III – September 27. Girls-only partner competition at CrossFit Harmony in Newtown Square, PA. Rx and scaled divisions.
  • Will WOD for Beer – October 4. Save the date for CrossFit Del Val’s Will WOD for Beer. A mostly fun, somewhat competition-based event. We send a group every year and it’s always a blast!
  • Parkway Walk/Run 5k – Tom Salamone and Ron Santoro’s cousin, Mary, is a brain tumor survivor who is entering kindergarten this Fall. If you are looking for a fun 5k race, please consider joining her team, Mary’s Marchers. For more info, click HERE. To sign up, click HERE.
  • Unite Fitness Decathlon – October 11. A 10k trail run in Newton, PA, interspersed with 10 exercise-based challenges such as thrusters, lunges, box jumps, etc. Three divisions: competitive, completion, and relay team. Watch the trailer video here. The event benefits Alliance for a Healthier Generation, whose primary mission is to improve childhood health by fighting childhood obesity.
  • SuperFit Philadelphia – October 18. Held at CrossFit KOP, this is a fun partner competition run by one of the largest fitness event organizers in the country.
  • Phoenixville Run – October 25. A 5k or 10k run starting at Reeve’s park in Phoenixville, benefiting the Phoenixville Citizen Advocacy organization. ICA is a sponsor of this event – please show your support!
  • Race for Hope – November 2. Join Erin and team “Erin’s Irish Eyes” for a 5k run in Philadelphia benefiting the National Brain Tumor Society.  You can show your support by joining her team (runners, walkers, rollerbladers all welcome!), or donating. You can visit her personal fundraising page HERE.
  • Mount Laurel Throwdown – November 15. An all-day throwdown in NJ.

If you know of any other events that you’d like us to add, let us know!

31 Heroes & 3rd Anniversary Party!

Great crew!!!
2013 Anniversary & Fundraiser

On Saturday August 9, we’re celebrating ICA’s 3rd anniversary!!

For the 4th year in a row, we’ll run the 31 Heroes WOD in honor of the 31 Americans killed in action in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011. After the WOD, we’ll have an afternoon of fun and festivities. Food and drink is on ICA, and will include a roast pig, pizza, beer, and much more.  We’ll have Schuylkill Valley Sports on site selling Reebok CrossFit gear. It’s an all day party that you don’t want to miss!


To officially register for the fundraiser, visit our team page HERE. Registration is $39, which includes a $31 donation plus a tank or t-shirt. Even if you aren’t doing the workout with us, please consider making a donation to this very worthy cause!

All are welcome to join us on August 9th, even if you don’t officially register online. Donations collected at the door will go to the Kralick Family trust fund.


Click HERE to see our last post which includes the WOD details. If you haven’t already figured out a team, it’s time to get hot! There is a registration sheet on the box door where you can sign up as a free agent, a pair, or sign up as a full team. We’ll start assigning heats next week so please sign up soon!

Kids WOD

This year we’re hosting our first ever kids WOD! The kids will kick off our day with an 8:00am heat. The WOD will be a 12-minute amrap of shuttle runs, burpees, sit ups, and box jumps. Each child needs to have an adult with them to serve as their coach/counter/judge. We’ll add a kids sign up sheet to the door; please sign up so we know how many to expect.


Kids’ heat is at 8:15am; show up by 8:00am for warm up and the kids’ WOD explanation. For adults, welcoming remarks are at 8:30am. (Arrive early to warm up and cheer on the kids!) Heats are at 9:00, 9:40, 10:20, and 11:00, with an 11:40 heat if needed. Pig and pizza will arrive around 11:00!

Other Details

  • Family and friends are welcome to join us! If they want to spectate and celebrate we don’t need to know in advance, but if your guest wants to participate please let us know. Anyone brand new to CrossFit will likely default to Level 4.
  • We’ll provide water, roast pig, pizza, and some cold adult beverages. Please bring any food, dessert, or beverages you want to share!
  • Although this is a competitive event, there are no judges. The focus of the day is on fundraising, camaraderie, and celebrating 3 years of ICA!!!

Daily WOD – Aug 1, 2014

Welcome Allison!! (Allen
Welcome Allison!! (Allen’s daughter)

“21-15-9 Complex”

  • 8 deadlifts – 7 power cleans – 6 power snatch
  • 8 pull ups7 C2B pull ups – 6 bar muscle ups
  • 6 deadlifts – 5 power cleans – 4 power snatch
  • 6 pull ups – 5 C2B pull ups – 4 bar muscle ups
  • 4 deadlifts – 3 power cleans – 2 power snatch
  • 4 pull ups – 3 C2B pull ups – 2 bar muscle ups

WOD Notes: This was Event 6 for individuals at the 2014 CrossFit Games. The Games athletes used 155/115#, and had a 7:00 minute time cap. For tomorrow’s workout, we have not specified an Rx weight; use the heaviest weight you can safely power snatch 12 times (with good technique). We will have a 15:00 minute time cap.

Other Notes: Schuylkill Valley Sports in Pottstown recently got a new shipment of Reebok Games apparel, including the new Nano 4.0s! They’ll be selling some of their new gear at our anniversary party on August 9th, but you can also visit their store any time and get a 10% discount if you tell them you’re from ICA.

Make Up Day – Jul 31, 2014

Pugh goes on a 12" deficit HSPU
Pugh goes for a 12″ deficit HSPU
Blurry but Mickey
Blurry but Mickey’s first 500# deadlift!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Banded Box Back Squat 12×2 then 20 zurcher deadlifts (40% max dead) NFT
  2. “Carver” – 7 wall climbs, 27 deadlifts (205/125#), 20 pistols, 13 power cleans, 7 muscle ups, 27 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 20 box jumps (24/20″), 13 strict pull ups
  3. AMRAP in 15 minutes of 3 front squats (bodyweight), 10 push ups, 1 rope climb
  4. Sumo Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 400m run, 30 KBS (70/53#)
  5. Complete for time 21-15-9 thrusters, run 400m after each round
  6. Gymnastics practice (MU/HSPU), the 10x100m dash


Daily WOD – Jul 28, 2014

Sumo Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


1 round for time of: 400m run and 30 KBS (70/53#)

WOD Notes:  Compare deadlift to 131210.

Results Notes: To everyone who did the inaugural “Carver” WOD on Saturday… it turns out the camera we used to snap a shot of the results didn’t have a memory card in it, so we lost all the results!  If you were here on Saturday please go back to that day and post your results, if you remember them. We hope to make this an annual WOD, so you’ll want your results to compare to next year! Thanks and sorry!!!

Daily WOD – Jul 26, 2014

Killa getting over the rings
Killa getting over the rings
Rey hitting a heavy clean
Rey hitting a heavy clean


Complete for time:

  • 7 wall climbs
  • 27 deadlifts (205/125#)
  • 20 pistols
  • 13 power cleans (205/125#)
  • 7 muscle ups
  • 27 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 20 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 13 strict pull ups

Community Notes:  Good luck to Dan E, Phil, Jenn and Tanya as they compete at CrossFit King of Prussia Saturday!!

Daily WOD – Jul 25, 2014

The Defending Champ - 377# OHS
The Defending Champ – 377# OHS
Welcome Amy!!
Welcome Amy!!

Banded Box Back Squat 10×2 (60/30%)


20 zurcher deadlifts (30% 1RM deadlift) NFT

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Nikki K!!

CrossFit Games Notes:  The Games recaps are showing on ESPN/ESPN2 on Friday 9-10pm, Saturday 8-10pm, and Sunday 8-9pm. We’ll be watching at casa de Warnek – anyone who wants to join us is welcome! Just shoot us an email, text, or FB message if you need our address. Also, for those who didn’t know, you can watch the Games streaming live at the Games website. Coverage started on Tuesday and goes through Sunday.

Make Up Day – Jul 25, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. AMRAP in 12 minutes of 10 push ups, 5 snatches (95/65#), 1 rope climb
  2. Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 then 10 strict muscle ups to forward roll NFT
  3. 3 rounds of 40s on, 20s off: 1 arm DB thrusters (50/30#), strict pull ups, 1 arm KB snatch (62/44#), mountain climbers
  4. “Strongman Challenge” – Max weighted pull up, 2 min of tire flips, max axle or log G2O, 90 seconds of keg presses, 400m sandbag run (45/25#)
  5. 21-15-9 reps for time of front squats (155/105#), C2B pull ups
  6. Power Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then “Randy” – 75 power snatches for time (75/55#)

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday to Mary Beth (MB)!!

The Last One Done

CrossFit Camaraderie
CrossFit Camaraderie

It’s time for another edition of “words of wisdom from ICA.” This post has been a long time coming. It’s a post I never thought I’d have to write, but here goes.

No one likes to be the last one done. Growing up, we fear being last. The last one to cross the finish line, the last to get picked for a dodgeball team, the last to turn in your math test in school. One of the things I love most about the CrossFit community is it has changed what it means to be last. In CrossFit, the last person working is cheered for the loudest.

CrossFit WODs are painful. Whether we are the first one done, we’re in the middle of the pack, or we’re last…. we all end up on the floor in a puddle of our own sweat. And as the pain starts to fade, it should be replaced by a feeling of accomplishment. But, have you ever been the person still working when everyone else is done? They’re all sitting there, drinking water, chatting and recovering. Their pain is over, but yours is enduring. You want to stop, just quit, so everyone isn’t watching you. The pain of being the last one done can hurt worse than the physical pain from the workout.

We are a team, and it’s our job to cheer our teammates to victory. Recognize that the last person on the floor has been working harder and longer than everyone else in class. Celebrate them, cheer for them, help them get to the finish line. Show them you believe in them and you’re proud of them.

The CrossFit Games start this week, and I encourage you all to watch some of the competition. You’ll see the most amazing thing. The best athletes in the world finish their workout, turn around, and immediately start cheering for the person next to them. At ICA, we should be doing the same thing. No cleaning up your barbell, no chatting with a friend. Finish the WOD, take a few deep breaths, and show your support!

That’s what friends are for!

Daily WOD – Jul 21, 2014

“Strong Man Challenge”

  • Station 1: 1RM weighted pull up
  • Station 2: AMRAP in 2 minutes of tire flips
  • Station 3: 1RM ground to overhead axle or log
  • Station 4: AMRAP in 90 seconds of keg presses (105/55#)
  • Station 5: 400m sandbag run

WOD Notes: You will be broken into groups of 3 with approximately 8 minutes at each station to complete the tasks.  Each person will have 5 scores.

Football WOD – Jul 20, 2014

Complete three rounds:

  • One Arm DB Thruster (50/35) – 40 seconds
  • Rest 20 seconds
  • Strict Pull Ups – 40 seconds
  • Rest 20 seconds
  • One Arm KB Power Snatch (60/44) – 40 seconds
  • Rest 20 seconds
  • Mountain Climbers – 40 seconds
  • Rest 20 seconds

WOD Notes: The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. One point is given for each rep. For thruster or KB power snatch you can use any arm. You can do all the reps and all rounds with a single arm or mix it up to use both arms.

Community Notes: Good luck to the 11 ICA athletes (and 1 honorary ICA member) competing at Test your Metal tomorrow: Sarge, Joanna, Mel, Anna, Dave B, Erin, Colleen, Jimbo, Jen N, Alison, Tanner, and Pugh! Kick butt and have fun!! (So sorry we can’t be there to cheer.)


Make Up Day – Jul 17, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Deadlift 4-4-4-4-4 then 5x5R/L KB lunges
  2. Complete 3 rounds for time of 400m run, 15 thrusters (95/65#), 5 bar muscle ups
  3. Complete 7 rounds for time of 25yds OH walking lunge with plates (45/25#), lateral plyo hops 20 reps.  Cash out: walk for 15 minutes with sandbag for max distance.
  4. “Kelly” 5 rounds for time of 400m run, 30 box jumps (24/20″), 30 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  5. “The Bear” 7 rounds of power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push press
  6. 200 burpees for time

Schedule Notes:  Barbell club on Thursday nights has been extended to the full 3 hours (4:30 to 7:30).  Feel free to come in tonight and work on any heavy lifting you’d like.

Daily WOD – Jul 16, 2014

Welcome Chuck!!
Welcome Chuck!!

Yay Burpees!

  • Beginner: Complete 100 burpees for time
  • Intermediate: Complete 150 burpees for time
  • Advanced: Complete 200 burpees for time

WOD Notes:  We can scale the number of burpees to 150 or 100 depending on your love of burpees.  There will be a 25 minute time cap on this WOD.  Compare to 130522.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Mickey!!

Daily WOD – Jul 15, 2014

Sarah W. in mid wallball
Sarah W. in mid wallball
MB flying
MB flying
Hooray box jumps!
Hooray box jumps!

“The Bear”

Bear Complex 7-7-7-7-7

WOD Notes:  The bear complex is a barbell progression consisting of  power clean -> front squat -> push press -> back squat -> push press (from behind the head). For The Bear, you must tap the floor and repeat for a total of SEVEN consecutive bear complexes. A few ground rules:

  • You MAY NOT rest the bar on the floor until you complete all 7 times through the sequence. However, you can rest the bar anywhere on your body.
  • You ARE allowed to combine the front squat -> push press into a thruster. (Same for the back squat -> push press.)
  • You may NOT combine the power clean -> front squat.

Compare to 121210.

Daily WOD – Jul 14, 2014


Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 30 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 30 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)

WOD Notes: This is a benchmark WOD, and it’s a long one! The fastest athletes can finish this in the low 20 minute range, but it is more often in the 30-40 minute range. We will have a 35 minute time cap; please scale accordingly!  A GREAT scale for this WOD is to do 3 rounds instead of 5. We strongly recommend this for all beginners. Another scaling option is to do 1/2 reps of box jumps and wall balls.  Compare to 131023.

Event Notes:

  1. South Philly Rumble registration will open tomorrow (Monday).  This event consists of teams of two men and two women.  If you want to get a team together, register on the first day as they quickly sell out each year.  See details here.
  2. CrossFit Mount Laurel Throwdown will be taking place on Saturday, Nov 15.  See more details here.

Football WOD – Jul 13, 2014

Complete 7 rounds for time of:

  • Overhead walking lunge with 45/25# plate – 25 yards
  • Lateral plyo skier hops – 20 reps

Cash out:  WALK for 15 minutes with 45/25 lbs sand bag, weight vest, or plate for max distance.

WOD Notes: Compare to CFFB WOD 140712 (also includes link to youtube video of lateral plyo skier hops).

Community Notes: Happy birthday Rachael Schroeder! (Sorry for the late post!!!)

2014 Fundraiser Announcement!


The votes are in! Thank you to all the members who voted to help us decide our charity. We are excited to announce that we will be hosting the 31 Heroes WOD for the 4th year in a row!!!  31 Heroes narrowly edged out the Kralick Family for the fundraiser. As a result, we are going to support both causes. Here’s how it will work:

  • On August 9, 2014, ICA will host the 31 Heroes WOD. All are welcome to participate, whether or not you officially register online with the 31 Heroes organization.
  • If you sign up online, the fee is $39 ($31 donation plus $8 for a t-shirt). Click HERE for our team registration page.
  • If you do not register online, you can still participate! We ask that you make a cash or check donation at the door (any amount). All donations received the day of the event will go to the Kralick Family.

At ICA, we slightly modify the 31 Heroes workout to accommodate teams of 4. We strongly encourage folks to form teams in advance! We will post a sign up sheet at the box where free agents (or pairs) can list their names and find others to complete your team. Also, this year we are hoping to kick off the event with a kids WOD. More details TBA.

In teams of 4, complete as many reps as possible in 31 minutes of:

  • 200m sandbag run (50/25#)
  • Thrusters (155/105#)
  • Rope climbs
  • Box jumps (30/24″)

WOD Notes: While teammate 1 is running, teammate 2 is completing thrusters, 3 is doing rope climbs and 4 is jumping.  When the runner returns, everyone moves forward one station. The team’s score will be the total number of thrusters, rope climbs and box jumps completed in 31 minutes. (If pull ups or ring rows are subbed for rope climbs, every 6 reps counts as 1 rope climb.)

There are 4 levels to choose from. Teams must adhere to the weights/movements specified.

  • Level 1 = Men’s Rx
  • Level 2 = Women’s Rx
  • Level 3 =  25# sandbag, 65# thruster, rope climbs or pull ups, 20″ box
  • Level 4 = 15# plate, 35# thruster, rope climbs or PUs or ring rows,  16″ box

Although this is a competitive event, there are no judges. The focus of the day is on fundraising, camaraderie, and celebration! Guests are welcome, and we hope to see ALL of you there!

Make Up Day – Jul 10, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. “Parter Bar Mile” – perform all movements with a bar (65/45#): 400m run, 50 back squats, 50 front squats, 50 overhead squats, 400m run, 50 shoulder presses, 50 push presses, 50 push jerks, 400m run, 50 hang power cleans, 50 hang power snatches, 400m run
  2. Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 5 legless rope climbs NFT
  3. Complete 10 rounds for time of 3 deadlifts (315/205#), 6 ring dips, 9 toes to bar
  4. Back Squat (5 second pause) 2-2-2-2-2-2 then tabata box jumps (32/24″)
  5. For time complete: 500m row, 21-15-9 burpees and Russian twists (25/15#), 200m shuttle run
  6. Complete 3 rounds for time of 40 double unders, 20 pistols, 40 double unders, 5 shoulder to overheads (205/125#)

Daily WOD – Jul 9, 2014


Jess S. hammering out some burpees
Jess S. hammering out some burpees

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 40 double unders
  • 20 pistols
  • 40 double unders
  • 5 shoulder to overhead (205/125#, NTE 80%)

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday to Moira and Lil OMC (Aiden)!!

Announcement: We are happy to announce that Tanya is joining the ICA coaching staff as a coaching intern!  You’ll see her shadowing classes over the next few months as she learns about the coaching role and takes on increasing responsibility.  As most of you know, in the past we have posted openings for coaching intern positions. The decision to bring Tanya aboard was based on her uniquely meeting some of our needs, so the public posting was bypassed.  Tanya has previous coaching experience, a contagious energy, and a great rapport with our ICA athletes. Make sure to congratulate her the next time you see her!



Last chance to vote!

Our ICA anniversary celebration and annual fundraiser is a month away! #getjackedup! As always we’ll WOD in the morning, followed by an ICA sponsored stink-and-drink including pig, pizza, beer, and other treats. It’s guaranteed to be our loudest, craziest, most fun event of the year, so mark your calendars and invite your friends! If you haven’t already voted for this year’s fundraiser, now is your last chance. (If you’ve already voted please don’t vote again…)

web surveys

Daily WOD – Jul 4, 2014

Nice shorts Anthony
Nice shorts Anthony

“Partner Bar Mile”

  • 400m run (65/45#)
  • 50 back squats (65/45#)
  • 50 front squats (65/45#)
  • 50 overhead squats (65/45#)
  • 400m run (65/45#)
  • 5o shoulder press (65/45#)
  • 50 push press (65/45#)
  • 50 push jerks (65/45#)
  • 400m run (65/45#)
  • 50 hang power cleans (65/45#)
  • 50 hang power snatches (65/45#)
  • 400m run (65/45#)

One person is working at a time on the movements.  Both partners run but only one needs to be carrying the bar.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Stuart!!

Make Up Day – Jul 3, 2014

Jeremy PR
Jeremy PR’ing flexibility with a deep OHS

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 today to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Push Press 2-2-2-2-2-2 then 15 front levers NFT
  2. Run or Row 5k
  3. Barbell complex of 1 muscle clean to 1 push press, 2 muscle cleans, 2 push presses, 3 and 3 and so on then 5×5 lateral hops into a 20 yd sprint
  4. “J.J.” 1-10 cleans (185/125#), 10-1 HSPU (-5″)
  5. AMRAP in 9 minutes of: 12 pull ups, 12 deadlifts (155/105#), 4 wallball ladders (20/14# to 9,10,11’/8,9,10′)
  6. Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 3×10 KBS heavy

July Schedule & Announcements

CA 4th 010

Mark your calendars for these important dates in July and August:

  • July 3:  Stretching and Mobility (Moga) with Coach Mark, 6:00-6:30 p.m.
  • July 4:  All afternoon classes are cancelled, but we’ve added a 10:30am class.  Please sign up soon to guarantee your spot!
  • July 26:  CFKOP Brawl in the Burbs.  Come support our ICA teams already competing, or form your own team and enter!
  • August 9:  ICA 3rd anniversary party and fundraiser!! Vote below to help us decide what organization we should support this year:

web surveys

Daily WOD – Jul 1, 2014

Joel hitting a solid push up on the DBs
Joel hitting a solid push up on the DBs
Sam getting under a heavy clean
Sam getting under a heavy clean

AMRAP in 9 minutes of:

  • 12 pull ups
  • 12 deadlifts (155/105#)
  • 4 wallball ladders (20/14# to 9,10,11’/8,9,10′)

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Robbie!!

Daily WOD – Jun 30, 2014

Garrett upside down
Garrett upside down


Complete for time:

  • 1 clean (185/125#)
  • 10 hand stand push ups (-5″)
  • 2 cleans (185/125#)
  • 9 HSPU (-5″)
  • 3 cleans
  • 8 HSPU
  • 4 cleans
  • 7 HSPU
  • 5 cleans
  • 6 HSPU
  • 6 cleans
  • 5 HSPU
  • 7 cleans
  • 4 HSPU
  • 8 cleans
  • 3 HSPU
  • 9 cleans
  • 2 HSPU
  • 10 cleans
  • 1 HSPU

WOD Notes:  For a link to the original posting of this hero WOD by, click here.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Matt C!!

Custom Fit:  Our Custom Fit meals that are typically available Sunday morning will be available Monday afternoon this week due to an issue with delivery.

Football WOD – Jun 29, 2014

Welcome Deron!
Welcome Deron!
Hilary getting ready to lever
Hilary getting ready to lever

Complete 3 rounds:

1 Muscle Clean then a Push Press…2 Muscle Cleans then 2 Push Presses…3 Muscle Cleans then 3 Push Presses and so on until you can not complete the progression. Once you fail, rest 3-4 minutes, decide if you went too heavy or too light, adjust the weight if need be and try to beat your previous rounds.

*Each muscle clean must start on the ground.


Complete 5 rounds of 5 lateral hops (16/12″)  when you land on the fifth jump, immediately go into a 20 yd sprint.

Daily WOD – Jun 27, 2014

Push Press 2-2-2-2-2-2


15 lowers to front lever NFT

WOD Notes:  Compare to 130201.

Community Notes:  Congrats to Coach Kehl on his wedding day today!!  Another congrats to Rudy (from the morning crew) on the birth of his son Arjun!  Family is healthy and happy!!

Make Up Day – Jun 26, 2014

Coll going ninja
Coll going ninja
Angie throwing down
Angie throwing down

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Complete 4 rounds of a 400m run, 2o toes to bar, 20 push ups
  2. Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5 then 5×10 good mornings (60%)
  3. Complete 6 rounds of 5 hang power snatch (185/125#) and half gasser
  4. “Annie” – 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of double under and sit ups.  Or Muscle Up Annie or Rope Climb Annie
  5. Sumo Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 then 200m sled drag (40% SDC)
  6. “CMC WOD” 5 rounds for time of 5 G2O (115/75#), 7 burpee box jump overs, 9 KB swings (53/35#)

Daily WOD – Jun 25, 2014

Patrick leading the way on sled drags
Patrick leading the way on sled drags
Kathy picking up heavy weight
Kathy picking up heavy weight


Complete 5 rounds for time:

  • 5 ground to overhead (115/75#)
  • 7 burpee box jump overs (24/20″)
  • 9 KB swings (53/35#)

WOD Notes: This workout has been modified from its original 5 minute AMRAP to be a 5 rounder.

Daily WOD – Jun 21, 2014

Welcome Tyler!
Welcome Tyler!
and Jill!
and Jill!


Thanks to Anthony, Sam and Doses (the dog) for stopping in at ICA on their walk across the country to support Steve’s Club.  You can check out their story and donate to the cause here.

Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5


5×10 good mornings (60%)

WOD Notes: Compare to 131111.

Community Notes: South Philly Rumble is back!! Click HERE for details. Each gym can send 3 teams (of 2 men and 2 women), and registration opens July 14.

Daily WOD – Jun 20, 2014

IMG_3243 IMG_3244 IMG_3242

A push up is a great tool in developing core and pressing strength in any athlete.  There are so many small things that can go wrong.  We are upholding and unreasonably high standard today on push ups primarily to keep people progressing on the push up form.  Above are three pictures of push ups.  In the top picture, the abs have collapsed ever so slightly so that my rib cage and not my pecs hit the floor and the hips are slightly below the line from shoulder to ankle.  It makes a small range of motion difference (2″ ish) but more importantly it creates a crease in the low back that can cause pain or start to teach bad habits for heavier movements like the dead or squat.  The second picture is an over compensation of the abs.  Rather than collapsed abs, the abs are balled up a little too much.  The pecs still hit the floor but now the hips are above the shoulder/ankle line and the position is slightly easier to hold.  The bottom picture is the appropriate position where the hips are in line with the shoulder and ankle joints.  This is what I want everyone to work on as we progress through push ups.  It should be noted, any other gym would call all 3 of these perfectly fine.  I am very proud of the push ups in our gym, but we should always try to improve.

Complete 4 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 20 toes to bar
  • 20 push ups

Make Up Day – Jun 19, 2014

Sabol hitting a heavy thruster
Sabol hitting a heavy thruster

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Back squat 3-3-3-3-3 then 30 knee jump box jumps NFT
  2. Complete 2 rounds for time of:  800m run, 30 clean and jerks (135/95#)
  3. Complete 3 rounds for time of: 2 front squats (80%), 10 slam balls (40/30#), 1 rope climb.  Repeat for a total of 4 cycles.
  4. Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 5×5 snatch balances (50%)
  5. Complete for time: 100 double unders, 50 wallballs (20/14# to 11/10′), 50 KBS (53/35#), 50 box jumps (24/20″), 50 KB snatches (53/35#), 50 burpees, 100 double unders
  6. Complete 5 rounds for max reps of: thrusters (50%), pull ups.  Rest between rounds.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Kyle!!


Daily WOD – Jun 18, 2014

Some late workout burpee fun!
Some late workout burpee fun!

Complete 5 rounds of:

  • max thrusters (50% 1RM)
  • max pullups

Rest/recover between each round.

Notes:  The very full lost and found box will be donated to charity on Friday.  Come check sometime this week to see if you have any clothes in the box.

Daily WOD – Jun 17, 2014


Scott getting some one on one training at the 7:00
Scott getting some one on one training at the 7:00

Complete for time:

  • 100 double unders
  • 50 wallballs (20/14# to 11/10′)
  • 50 KB swings (53/35#)
  • 50 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 50 KB snatches (53/35#, alternating)
  • 50 burpees
  • 100 double unders


Daily WOD – Jun 16, 2014

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


Snatch balance 4×5 @ 50% 1RM snatch

Community Notes:  A little late but congratulations to Anthony and Rachael for graduating last week and congrats to Kelly K. for being selected second team all PAC-10 (softball) in her sophomore season!!

Daily WOD – Jun 14, 2014

Welcome Joe S!
Welcome Joe S!
and Sarah L!
and Sarah L!
and Alyssa!
and Mary Beth (MB)!
and Alyssa!
and Alyssa!

Complete 2 rounds for time of:

  • 800m run
  • 30 power clean and jerks (135/95#)

Anniversary Notes: Today is the last day to submit charity ideas for this year’s anniversary party. Please email us or post to the June events blog post HERE. Thanks to everyone who has submitted recommendations so far!


Daily WOD – Jun 13, 2014

Moira getting set to PR on bench
Moira getting set to PR on bench

Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3


30 knee jump box jumps NFT (32/24″)

WOD Notes: Compare to 130910.

ICA Teen Strength Program:  Starting this Monday we will be holding a summer teen strength and conditioning program every MWF at 8:20 a.m. running through Aug 22 (10 weeks).  The class is designed for high school aged athletes (boys and girls) who are looking to develop a basic understanding of weightlifting.  We currently have 4 more spots available.  If anyone is interested or knows someone who might be, email us at for more details.