Daily WOD – Aug 19, 2014

Some good stuff happening in the last week of the summer teen program
Some good stuff happening in the last week of the summer teen program
Welcome Danielle!
Welcome Danielle!
Bryan’s first muscle up and first class!

AMRAP in 10 minutes:

  • 10 box jumps
  • 10 hand stand push ups
  • 10 burpees

Community Notes:

  1. This Saturday the workout of the day will be the “WOD for Dogs” fundraiser. To accommodate larger-than-normal classes, your furry friends, and just because it’s fun to WOD outdoors, we are holding both the 8:30 and 9:30 classes at Reeve’s Park! Guests are welcome but are required to register for class.
  2. Mark your calendars for our annual Fall Nutrition Challenge! This year the challenge start on September 3 and run through October 1. More details to be announced!

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. McGonigal

    5 rounds – rx+ hungover, 2″ deficit

  2. John

    I think you earned an Rx+ on life for being hungover on a Tuesday.

  3. Rick

    Hungover on a Tuesday? You must really be into preseason football to go out and get tuned up like that.

    1. McGonigal

      I’m on vacation, I’m not that hardcore

    2. Rick

      Knocking back those Bartles and James’ huh?

    3. McGonigal

      3 of them Rick. I’m never drinking again.

  4. Patrick

    Kudos to the Teen Class – that is an absolutely SICK shot…love seeing the kids get tormented by John.

  5. Dave

    Hey all! I’m excited for this Saturday. Just as a refresher, here is the info on the WOD for Dogs. Quick 1:53 video explains it all. http://wodfordogs.wix.com/wodfordogs

    Wallace the Pitbull, well, this tells his story, labeled a liability, almost euthanized, he got some love, and a home, and became a national champion frisbee dog. Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikGFtvI-bE4

    1. Pugh

      Good stuff Dave.

    2. Dave

      If we get enough furry friends there, it will call for a group picture! Might I suggest at the changeover from the 8:30 to the 9:30? Just a thought.

  6. ICA admin

    Nikki 5+11 Rx+
    Emery 5+5 7″
    Jen N (hold+24″)

    Nice work tonight, ladies!

  7. Jimbo

    I did a lot of HSPU yesterday so I decided to do something a little crazy! Why not try the triple 3.: 3000 Meter row 300 DU and 3 mile run. I would like to thank Nikki , Jen N., Sarge, Kim D, Rob, Alan and Emery for helping me through the last 3 laps! Never would have made through without u guys!
    Finished in 48:49!

    1. Kim D.

      Good job Jimbo!! It was great to be a part of it!

  8. Angie

    Congrats Jimbo! Impressive!

  9. Kim D

    If anyone needs a dog for Saturday’s WOD for dogs, I have an extra that would love to be there! (:

  10. John

    Brant 4+2 (push ups)
    Dan E. 4+29 Rx
    James B. 4+10 (HSx5)
    Nadine 5 (RR, 16″)
    Brian 4 (5″)
    Patrick M. 4+12 (5″)
    Mohyeed 3+10 (5″x5)
    Amy 4 (HSx5)
    Erin 4+11 (5″)
    Deron 3+24 (5″)
    Mike E. 3+20 (5×1″)
    Todd V. 3+23 (-2″)

    Joel 3+12 (25#, 20″)
    Dave 4+13 (4″x7)
    Jess 4+21 Rx
    Chloe 5+1 (5″x8)
    Tom S. 6+15 (push ups)
    Chuck 4+10 (RR)
    Bryan 4+5 (push ups)
    Ron 4+1 (5×4″)
    katie L. 5 (5″)
    Danielle 3+3 (5″)
    Peggy 4+16 (push)
    Alicia 5+2 (15#)
    Anna 3+10 (HS)
    Kelly K. 4+13 (6″)

    Bob B> 2+16 (2″)
    Pugh 3+13 Rx
    Jeannette 6+5 (HS)
    Rick 2+14 (5xhspu)
    Linds 🙂
    Maggie 3+27 (7″)
    Sarge 4+10 (5″)
    Tina 3+23 (15#)
    Kathy 3+12 (16″, 10#)

    Kim D. 4+2 (20s hold)
    Allen 5+2 (8 HSPU 5″)
    Rob 3+28 (30#)

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