Daily WOD – Jun 17, 2014


Scott getting some one on one training at the 7:00
Scott getting some one on one training at the 7:00

Complete for time:

  • 100 double unders
  • 50 wallballs (20/14# to 11/10′)
  • 50 KB swings (53/35#)
  • 50 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 50 KB snatches (53/35#, alternating)
  • 50 burpees
  • 100 double unders



This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    This looks fun!!!

    1. Nick V.

      You have a very curious idea of fun, my friend.

  2. Jen N

    I’m def excited to get my sweat on!

  3. Phil

    oh snap. i predict Robbie sub 10 mins annnnd alot of skins on this one

    1. Robbie

      Ha…..I think you got half of that right Phil.

  4. Dan Eichenwald

    For anyone interested, a few of us (Bob, myself, Dave, Erin and possibly a few others) will be doing a 10K trail run on Sunday in Reading called the Run for the Ages. Interesting format. Its an age and gender graded start. So everyone gets a handicap based on your age and sex. Older women go first. Young guys go last. Everyone else in between. Ideally, the winners of each age all finish together. Race starts at 8am. If nothing else, Dave was beaten by a 73yr old woman last year. Thats gotta be worth coming out to see, right? Race website:


    And sign up here:


    Anyone who’s interested, let us know to organize carpools.

    1. Laurie

      I’m in! I haven’t done a trail run in a long time, but this one sounds like fun!

    2. Erin Burke

      I hung some applications on the bulletin board. Day-of registration is available, as well. This race has a nice swag bag and smooth trails.
      It’s guaranteed to be a fun race!

    3. Dave

      Yo, Heidi Moebius, 74, is a badass trail runner. Finished 15th overall. Me, 95th. That HAS got to be worth the price of admission. RIght?

    4. Dan Eichenwald

      For what its worth, I’m well aware that you and Heidi (and I’m sure some snarky 9 yr old) will all be running circles around me! I noticed that a girl in the 13-15 age group came in a second and her 0-12 yr old bro came in 10th. WTF!

    5. Erin Burke

      I love this race for the starting line format–you get cheers at the start as your group goes, and cheers at the finish line. Because of the staggered start (I think he’s about 7 minutes after me), this is the only race that I ever have an opportunity to see David cross the finish line. 🙂

  5. Nikki

    CrossFit Hanover has a few openings for a CrossFit Strongman Seminar (coached by Rob Orlando) on June 28. The seminar is a one day event that begins at 8:15am and ends by 4:30pm with a one hour break for lunch. The entire day is spent learning by lifting and covers 6 classic strongman movements — tire flips, stones, kegs, yoke, famers carries, and log press. The entire seminar is practical and designed for both men and women at any fitness level. This seminar is not only for current coaches/trainers, but also for gym members. There is NO CrossFit Level 1 certification required in order to participate. The seminar costs $350 for the day and Rob is offering a 10% discount per person for 4 or more attendees from the same gym (email Rob atRob@hybridathletics.net with the names and email addresses of those in the group).

  6. Sara R.

    This looks fun, ugh wish I could do it 🙁

  7. Jeannette Lamb

    Amanda has a conflict and I can’t log in as her to take her off the list. Can someone please remove her for me? Thanks.

    1. Tav

      I have a conflict too. It’s called burpees.

    2. Sarge

      Stop whining, Tav! 🙂

  8. Sarge

    Tanya 🙂 S
    Dani 29:31 S
    Chase 33:23 Rx
    Phil 27:27 Rx
    Tanner 28:00 Rx
    Jen N 33:33 RX +
    Mel 30:05 S
    Sarah 29:40 S
    Jeanette 33:45 S
    Garrett 25:41 Rx
    Daria 31:11 S
    Nikki 19:19 Rx

    S = Scale

    1. Tom S

      Tanya – love the dedication! Wow…went back for more.

  9. ICA admin

    Jimbo 33:20 (snatch 44#, 125 DU)
    Rob 35:00 (25 box jumps,20 DU, 4 DU left!)

  10. Tina

    So now I know what 50 burpees feel like…HOORAY!!!

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