Daily WOD – Mar 19, 2013

Welcome Phil K!
Welcome Phil K!

Gymnastics Skill Work –

  • Athlete’s choice: Muscle ups or Rope Climbs


Choose your “Annie”

  1. “Annie” (50-40-30-20-10 of double unders and sit ups)
  2. “Muscle up Annie” (5-4-3-2-1 MU after each round)
  3. “Rope Climb Annie” (1 rope climb after each round)

WOD Notes: With 3 weeks left in the Open, you’re almost guaranteed to see muscle ups (bar or rings) and double unders in the  near future. Today we’ll take some time to work on these skills! Each class will start with 15 minutes of skill work, and end with the benchmark WOD “Annie” or one of her variations. Compare “Annie” to 110810 or 120224.

Community Note:  Happy Birthday Sabol and Bryan Beatty!!


This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. T

    Let me be the first to say I <3 THIS WOD. Second, can we attempt to do muscle ups during the 15 minute skill work, or should we stick to rope climbs if we know we don't have the MU's. I figure I'll end up at rope climbs but would like to attempt a couple MU's.

    1. T

      Oh an happy birthday Sabol & Bryan!! Enjoy!

    2. John

      Athletes choice, you can feel free to try some MU whether you have them or not. I’ll also have some complex setups going for assisted muscle ups!

  2. Lindsey

    Happy Birthday Sabol!!! Happy Birthday Bryan! I agree with T- I love this WOD!!! Annie is one of my fave’s.. I am not really excited to work on muscle up’s but I am excited for rope climbs!!! Yay!!!

  3. Kehl

    Happy birthday Sabol and Bryan!

    Good lookin WOD!

  4. Chamberlain

    Happy Birthday Mike and Bryan!

  5. Phil

    happy birthday chalk whore. happy birthday beast mode stache

    1. Mar

      Haha nice Phil!

  6. Kim H.

    Happy birthday Sabol. Happy birthday Bryan.

  7. Laurie

    Happy birthday Mike and Bryan! Can’t wait to celebrate with this awesome WOD. Should be a fun night at ICA!

  8. Brendan

    Happy birthday Sabol and Bryan!

  9. Jenn

    Happy birthday, Mike and Bryan!!

  10. Sara

    I can’t wait to make this wod up on Thursday!
    Happy Birthday Sabol and Bryan.

  11. Ron

    Happy Birthday Mike and Bryan!

  12. Nick V

    Happy birthday guys!

  13. Filchner

    Happy Birthday Sabol and Bryan!

  14. Killa

    Happy birthday boys!!

  15. Jerry D

    Happy Birthday Mike and Bryan!

  16. ICA admin

    Phil K. 16:04 (40%DU)
    Sarge 9:04 Rx
    Dan E. 13:52 Rx+RC
    Mar 13:23 (1/2 DU)
    Jenn 16:00 (Rx+RC)
    Ginger 10:02 (40% DU)
    Jacki 14:09 Rx

    Tanner 8:47 Rx
    Craig 18:37 Rx+MU
    Ron 16:57 (40%DU)
    Jess 15:20 (1/2 DU,RC)
    jackie T. 10:05 (1/2 DU)
    Nikki W. 12:50 (40%T2B, 1MU)
    Killa 8:22 Rx+RC
    T 8:33 Rx
    Mike V. 10:22 Rx+MU
    Joe McG 11:22 Rx+MU
    Matt C. 15:00 Rx+RC
    Moira 14:07 (1/2 DU)

    Phil 19:23 Rx+2MU
    Brendan 20:38 Rx+1MU, 1Rd
    Levy 12:38 Rx
    Emily 10:42 (2xSU)
    Natalie 10:41 (2xSU)
    Jackie B 16:34 (1/2 DU, Rope)
    Filchner 12:57 Rx
    Lindsey 13:05 Rx+RC
    Garrett 10:09 Rx
    Chase ?????? Rx\
    Kim H. 18:31 (1/2RC, DUA)
    John W. 8:33 Rx+Rc
    Chamberlain 15:58 (2MU/RD)
    Peggy 12:42 (1/2DU+1PU/RD)

    Peter 10:55 (1xSU)
    Sidlo 8:40 Rx
    Rick 13:10 (1/2 DU)
    Nikki G. 10:34 (2xSU, 1/2situps)
    Nikki K. 9:54 (2xSU)
    Ernesto 14:43 (2xSU)
    Mel 10:27 (1/2DU)
    Stacey 13:34 (1/2 DU)

    Laurie 8:28 Rx
    Nick A. 7:47 Rx
    Scott 12:25 (40%DU)
    Rey 10:26 (Rx+RC)
    Jon 10:11 (1/2DU)
    Tom P. 9:52 (1/2DU)
    Jimbo 8:08 Rx

  17. T

    Looks like I did Annie back in Feb. 2012 9:47 with SU’s. Much better this time around.

    1. Jackie

      That’s awesome T!

  18. jimbo

    Happy Birthday Mike and Bryan!

  19. Sabol

    Thanks for all the Birthday Wishes!

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