Make Up Day – Jul 31, 2014

Pugh goes on a 12" deficit HSPU
Pugh goes for a 12″ deficit HSPU
Blurry but Mickey
Blurry but Mickey’s first 500# deadlift!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Banded Box Back Squat 12×2 then 20 zurcher deadlifts (40% max dead) NFT
  2. “Carver” – 7 wall climbs, 27 deadlifts (205/125#), 20 pistols, 13 power cleans, 7 muscle ups, 27 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 20 box jumps (24/20″), 13 strict pull ups
  3. AMRAP in 15 minutes of 3 front squats (bodyweight), 10 push ups, 1 rope climb
  4. Sumo Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 400m run, 30 KBS (70/53#)
  5. Complete for time 21-15-9 thrusters, run 400m after each round
  6. Gymnastics practice (MU/HSPU), the 10x100m dash



This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Angie

    Hey John! Hilary wants to play dodgeball at the 12:00 class on Friday, please?

  2. Nikki

    Nice job Pugh and Mickey!

    Note to make up nighters – We keep forgetting to formally post this on the blog, so I’ll add it here and try to get it on a blog post soon. We have decided to open up the Thursday night barbell club for an extra two hours. Instead of running from 6:30-7:30, barbell club will run during the entire duration of make up night (4:30-7:30pm ). Please note that metcons are still limited to those that were programmed during the previous week. Barbell club allows you to work olympic lifting, power lifting, and assistance work. If you have any questions regarding what is and is not allowed, please ask me or John. Thanks!

    1. Rick

      Are curls considered Olympic lifting? Pugh was asking the other day.

    2. Dave

      Only 1RM curls.

    3. Pugh

      Reverse curls and hammer curls. They help with my cleans.

    4. Rick

      Pugh, What does it help when you kiss your biceps as your doing them?? That part has me confused. Suns Out! Guns Out!

    5. Pugh

      My ego

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