Daily WOD – Feb 6, 2013

T2B substitution
T2B substitution


30 clean and jerks (135/95#) for time


50 toes to bar (NFT)

WOD Notes: Grace is a CrossFit benchmark workout. It’s meant to be a very short metcon – ideally in the 5 minute range. We’ll spend a good amount of time getting you warmed up and ready to go hard! We’ll do this workout in heats so everyone has a counter.  Compare to 111021.

Community Notes: This Saturday at 8:00am is the Nutrition Information Session. The session will focus on the basics of the Paleo diet. We’ll explain the who/why/how of Paleo, as well as different modifications that might be appropriate based on your background and specific goals. Come with a pen, paper, and any questions you may have!


This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. ICA admin

    Paul 4:01 (95)
    Jenn 5:55 (95)
    Jacki 4:58 (75)
    Sara 4:15 (55)

    Rey 5:22 (115)
    Tom P. 5:38 (125)
    Ron 3:48 (115)
    Tom S. 3:58 (93)
    Ginger 4:26 (55)
    Katie 4:51 (75)
    Jimbo 3:23 (135 PC)

  2. Kehl


    Amy 4:44 (55)
    Tom M. 5:29 (95)
    Craig 2:17 Rx
    Matt C. 4:07 Rx
    Denny 4:42 (105)
    T 3:47 Rx
    Caba 4:46 (95)
    Joel 5:05 (95)

    Korba 3:45 rx
    Linds 4:41 rx
    Garrett 3:44 rx
    Anna 4:42 (50)
    Kim H 4:46 (75)
    Emily 3:51 (55)
    Levy 3:51 rx
    Kelly 5:14 (65)
    Nikki K. 6:22 (55)
    Nick A 3:40 (95)
    Natalie 6:10 (75)

    Brendan 3:17 (105)
    Chase 4:31 rx
    Phil 3:02 rx
    Romanelli 6:00 (115)
    Vic 4:50 (125)
    Sweeney 3:49 (115)
    Jackie 5:31 (65)
    Sabol 3:40 rx
    Sarge 3:23 (75)

    Great effort everyone! Be proud of your mental toughness as you held on for those last 10 reps!

  3. Sarge


    Laurie 4:01 (65)
    Maggie 3:22 (65)
    Ken 8:50 (95)
    Tom F 6:34 Rx
    Mar 6:41 (55)
    Bryan 5:37 (115)
    Mel 4:55 (55)
    Ray 5:55 (95)
    Justin 3:42 Rx

  4. Scott

    Barb 3:15 (55)
    Cragle (85) form
    Scott 6:32 Rx

  5. McGonigal

    Looks like people were keeping score today. Nice times….Craig you’re a beast.

  6. Laurie

    Kudos to all those who did this Rx! Big shout out to T and Lindsey, Craig and Phil. You guys not only Rx it, but KILLED it! Awewome job!

    1. Lindsey

      Thanks Laurie!! Grace is one rough B$&@? 🙂

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