Daily WOD – Dec 20, 2013
This Post Has 25 Comments
Congratulations Mario!!!!
Great job Mario!!
Congratulations Mario!!!
Congratulations Mario! Oorah!!
Awe Congrats Mario!! So proud of you!!
Congrats Mario!!
Congrats Mario! The start of a great career.
Congrats, Mario!! This is awesome!!
Mario, very cool, you found a way and made it happen, it takes brass to pick up and go somewhere you’ve never been before to follow a dream. Very proud of you!
Way to kick ass Mario, congrats!
Mario! So proud of you man! Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice. Never forget your reasons for following your dreams. …an honor to work out with you!
For those that never got the chance, giant heart and tremendous work ethic.
Mario!!!! huge congrats man. We’re extremely proud of you kid!
Nice job Mario!!
Yeah Mario!!!!!.Congratulations!! So Awesome!!!
Way to go Mario! Awesome Job! Good luck in your military career!
Congratulations Mario!!!!
Congrats Mario! You knew what you wanted and didn’t let anything stop you.
Mario!! Hardwork pays off. Congrats!
So glad to hear about you Mario. Congratulations on your award. Stay in touch, please! Merry Christmas and God bless!
Awesome Mario- congrats!
175# no room for walk in the basement .
Jacki 125, 95
Marissa 110, 80
Jenn 125, 95
Kim L. 75 FS
Maggie 145, 105
Holly 115, 85
Rick 155, 115
Mohyeed 165, 115
Katie N. 100, 75
Katie L. 95, 75
Ron 185, 155
Matt C. 250, —
Tom S. 145, 95
Paul 115, 95
Tom P. 200, 155
Nadine form
Ginger 95 PR, 70
Brian 170 PR, 170 (15# clean PR!)
Fili 185 push press, 165
HIlary 135 PR!, 105
Jocelyn 65 form, 65
Laurie 115PR!, 70
B 185, 165
Korba —
Steve K. 165, 155
Robbie 185, 155
Nick V. 195, 135
Denny 155 push press, 135
Nik 153, 103
Rich 125 form, 95
Pete 125 form, 95
John 275, 225
Chase 215, 195
Sarge 130, 95
Dani 130, 95
Pugh- 25# pr
Big Mike 150, 105
Joanna 96, 66
Shannon 71, 53
James 175 (reverse strict), 95-> 135
OMC 215, 165, 185, 175, 185, 205
Rey 180, 45
Sara 105, 95
Colleen 135,105
Mel 101, 76
Mario, congrats! I’m proud of you!! You worked so hard, and deserve it!!
For my records
Done make up night
80#. 45#