“The Open” 2025

What is the Open?

The Open is an annual, online competition for CrossFit athletes around the world. It’s the largest and most inclusive fitness competition on Earth and a celebration of our CrossFit community! It’s 3 weeks long, with one “test” per week, beginning on Feb 27, 2025.

At ICA, the Open is one of the most fun times of the year, featuring an intramural competition for all registered athletes as well as “Friday Night Lights.” (Details below.) It’s a great way to connect with our community and celebrate our collective fitness!

Last year we had 98 athletes participate – can you help us get to 100 this year?!? 

Who Is the CrossFit Open For?

The Open is for everyone! For some, the CrossFit Games season is complete after 3 weeks of the Open and is a standalone yearly endeavor. For an elite few, the Open serves as the first qualifying round for the 2025 CrossFit Games season. Here is how the Open feeds into later stages of the CrossFit Games season:

  • The Open – Hundreds of thousands of people compete in the Open every year! Anyone can and everyone should participate!
  • Semifinals – The top finishers from the Open will move on to the In-Affiliate Semifinals.
  • CrossFit Games – The top finishers from the Semifinals move on to compete at the CrossFit Games where the Fittest on Earth are crowned.

Every athlete who registers for the Open will get placed into a division based on age and gender:

  • Individual – All athletes aged 18-34 will be placed in the individual division
  • Age Groups – There are 9 age groups for teenage athletes ages 14-17 as well as masters athletes ages 35-70+

Once you are placed in a division, you will have the opportunity to choose a variation of the workout based on your fitness level:

  • RX’d – Do the workouts as written. This is the most challenging option, yet many individuals have moved from scaled to Rx’d as they progress from year to year.
  • Scaled – Not quite ready to tackle the workouts as written? No problem. The scaled division offers classic scaling options for many of CrossFit’s common gymnastics movements and includes lighter loading.
  • Foundations – Just started CrossFit or maybe this is your first Open? The foundations workouts are a great place to start.

How Do I Participate?

If you are a member at ICA, participating in the Open is easy! We run the Open Workout as the Daily WOD every Friday. We run 2 heats per class, so everyone has a counter/judge. All you need to do is:

  1. Register for the Open ($20) by February 21, 2025. Remember to select “CrossFit Phoenixville” as your affiliate.
  2. Show up to the gym on Feb. 28, Mar. 7, and Mar. 14, and complete one of the official versions of the WOD. If you can’t make it to the gym on Friday, you can complete the workout during Open Gym on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. You’ll need to make your own arrangements for a counter/judge and ensure a coach is available to oversee.
  3. Post your score to the Games website by Monday at 8pm!

Friday Night Lights!

On Fridays during the Open, we hold all regular classes through the 4pm. Starting at 5pm, we turn up the energy, blast the music, and throw down with our ICA Fit Fam at “Friday Night Lights.” This fun and festive atmosphere is a great way to complete the Open workouts. Rather than a coach-led class, we run heats of the Open workout every 20-30 minutes until everyone has finished. Even if you complete the workout earlier in the day, we encourage you to come back to the gym from 5-7pm to cheer on your friends!

ICA Intramural

One of the most fun aspects of the Open is that every registered athlete gets assigned to one of our in-house Open teams. Teams are led by ICA coaches, who will be your guides for the Open. You’ll earn points for your team just by showing up and completing the workout. The higher you place, the more points you’ll earn. We’ll also give out spirit awards each week for a chance to earn your team even more points!

To get assigned to an in-house intramural team, you MUST officially register for the Open by Friday Feb. 21 and pick CrossFit Phoenixville as your affiliate! 

The Community Cup and Pairs Competition

New this year, CrossFit HQ is offering two new competitions that will be available exclusively to athletes who completed the Open:

  • The Community Cup – Taking place from Jun 9-15, this online competition will let you compete against other athletes of similar abilities. After completing the Open, you’ll be assigned a “competition level,” grouping you with other similarly skilled athletes. Use the time between the Open and Community Cup to tackle areas of your fitness you want to improve, then compete in the Community Cup in your assigned tier.  Similar to the Open, then competition will involve three workouts. Different from the Open, all three workouts will take place in one week!
  • The Pairs Competition – Individual and masters athletes who compete in the Open can partner with another athlete from anywhere in the world. Both partners will use their Open scores to qualify. The top pairs will then qualify for an in-person competition hosted by Masters Fitness Championship taking place Oct. 10-12, 2025, in Fort Wayne, Indiana, at the Grand Wayne Convention Center.

Let’s Goooooo!

Register today!  

Daily WOD – March 12, 2012

Girls Gone Wild (Part 1)

  • 400m run
  • 21 kettlebell swing (53/35#)
  • 12 pull ups
  • 400m run
  • 30 box jump (24/20″)
  • 30 wall ball (20/14# to 10′)
  • 400m run
  • 15 overhead squat (95/65#)
  • 400m run (record time)
  • Immediately into max consecutive pull ups

WOD Notes: Do you recognize the girls in today’s programming? This WOD is based off 4 benchmark girls. Who knows which 4? You will have two scores today – total time to complete the first 9 movements, and a second score for max consecutive pull ups.

Rest Day – March 11, 2012

Thanks for a FANTASTIC week at ICA! Congrats to everyone who set new PRs this week – either on Open WOD 12.3 or the power cleans on Friday. You guys are working hard and it’s showing!! Rest up and come back ready for another great week of WODs starting Monday. A few reminders / notes:

  • SUBMIT YOUR 12.3 SCORES IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY DONE SO! We had 2 people forget last week and unfortunately this means they are out of the competition. You have to have your score in by 8pm on Sunday, but don’t wait until then. Do it now!
  • Daylight savings – spring forward Sunday morning! This means more light in the evenings, so we can start running more again. 🙂 Woo woo!
  • Happy birthday Joe Miller! Come back soon!!

Daily WOD – Mar 10, 2012

Thanks for visiting Dana

In teams of 4, complete 4 rounds of:

  • 2 athletes alternate sandbag carry 800m run
  • 2 athletes alternate rope climbs (sub rope pull)

There will be two scores per team: time and total rope climbs.

WOD Notes: Each partner group will run twice and climb twice.  If you’re confused, just show up!  More details to come during WOD instruction.

Note 2: We have an Open make up session tomorrow at 8am! The gym will be open at 7:30 so you can warm up!

Open WOD 12.3 – March 8, 2012

Karen's first toes to bar!!!!
John and Killa earn the highest men's and women's scores tonight!

AMRAP in 18 minutes of:

  • 15 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 12 push press (115/75#)
  • 9 toes to bar

Notes: And we finally have it – a “traditional” CrossFit WOD!  It’s a brutal triplet that will tax your lungs, legs, arms, and core. The push press weight is heavy for some of you, but don’t let that worry you! Get through as many reps as you can, and if you can’t move the bar we’ll scale back to something more reasonable so you get a good workout in.  Just like the last two weeks, we (John and Nikki) will watch the standards video and be ready to talk standards tomorrow at 5pm. The gym will be open at 4:30 to start warming up. We’ll run heats approximately every half hour until everyone has had a chance to compete!

Daily WOD – Mar 7, 2012

Kim on a 3 rep max

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3


With a 5 minute running clock complete:

  • 80 air squats
  • AMRAP double unders

Score is total double unders completed.

Note:  Please remember to sign up for the 6:15 a.m. class if you are coming!

Clean & Jerk Clinic at CrossFit KOP

Looking to improve your clean and jerk? Here’s your answer! We just got word from CrossFit King of Prussia that they have a few extra spots in their C&J clinic this weekend. The clinic is Saturday March 10 from 12-3pm, and the cost is $50. The clinic will include instructions on progressions, individual feedback, video analysis, and supplemental exercises to improve the clean and jerk. I took this clinic a couple years ago and it really helped to improve my form! If you are interested, see the attached flyer, and contact Chris Plentus at chris@crossfitkop.com to reserve your spot. Space is limited!

Daily WOD – March 6, 2012

Perfect push up form!

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • Max consecutive handstand push ups (or push ups)
  • 400m run

WOD Notes: Today’s score will be the total number of handstand push ups (or push ups) completed. You start with a max consecutive set, then immediately go into a 400m run. Repeat for 20 minutes!

Rest Day – March 4, 2012

Hooray rest day! I think we ALL need it this week! Thanks for another fantastic week at ICA. Use today to rest, recover, sleep lots, and spend time with family and friends. Come back recharged on Monday ready for another great week of WODs!!

Reminder – if you are registered for the Open, submit your score asap! The cut off is Sunday at 8pm, but the sooner the better so we can validate it for you. Great job to everyone who snatched their hearts out this week!

Daily WOD – Mar 3, 2012

Greg pulling heavy
Greg pulling heavy
Chris deadlifts with his son looking on!

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3


100 box jumps (24″/20″) for time

Notes: We are running a make up session for Open WOD 12.2 tomorrow at 8:00am. We’ll have the gym opened by 7:30 so you can come in and warm up. Please register for the class if you are planning to attend so we know how many people to plan for! This does count as a regularly scheduled class. Thanks!

Daily WOD – Mar 2, 2012

Jimbo worked hard to earn an Rx tonight!! Way to go Jim!
Jimbo worked hard to earn an Rx tonight!! Way to go Jim!


  • Pull ups
  • Wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)

Community Notes: We (Nikki and John) can’t make it out to wings tonight, feel free to go out and have some for us! We’ll be back next Friday!

Open WOD 12.2 – March 1, 2012

John's redemption WOD?
Buzby gets a 135# Snatch PR!!!! Congrats to all our athletes who earned PRs tonight!

Open WOD 12.2

You have 10 minutes to complete as many reps as possible of the following sequence:

  • 30 snatch (75/45#)
  • 30 snatch (135/75#)
  • 30 snatch (165/100#)
  • As many snatches as possible at 210/120#

Notes:  Who’s ready to snatch?!?!?! The weights listed above apply for individuals and master athletes up to the age of 54. Just like last week, we (John/Nikki) will watch the full standards video tonight and can go over all the rules with you tomorrow at 5pm. A few things we already know: The bar must go from floor to overhead in one motion – a clean and jerk is NOT acceptable. You can power snatch, squat snatch, or even split snatch. You must show control of the bar overhead – meaning the bar must be directly over your shoulders and you must be standing still. Each athlete gets one bar and is responsible for adding weight to their bar as the workout progresses. (You can not receive help from anyone else.)  Get excited ICA, I think we’re gonna do great on this one!

Daily WOD – Feb 29, 2012

Mike, Cari, and Steph
Scott and Tiana

With a 20/14# medicine ball, do 40-30-20-10 of:

  • Overhead walking lunge
  • Ball push ups
  • Floor to overhead
Notes: Please sign up if you are coming to the 6:15am class! Remember, if no one is signed up 5:15am, we will cancel it…

March Announcements

Open WODs

This month we’ll have our final four Open WODs on March 1, 8, 15, and 22.  The gym will open at 4:30 for warm up, and we’ll go over rules/standards at 5pm. The first heat will kick off around 5:15pm. Make up sessions for the Open WODs will be Saturday mornings at 8am, but please let us know in advance if you’ll be coming! They are March 3, 10, 17, and 24.

Running Club

Just a reminder, for all our runners (or any athletes looking to improve their running!), there is a FREE group running opportunity every Thursday night at Valley Forge Park starting March 1.  The “Run Club” is sponsored by Lululemon KOP and will be led by Tim Pappas, a Lululemon ambassador and coach at CrossFit KOP. Runners should meet up with Tim at 6pm at the lower visitor parking lot. Some days will be a distance run, others will be hill workouts. All levels are welcome to attend! To read more about Tim, see his profile HERE.

Barbell Club

Last but not least, after the Open competition ends, ICA will be adding two new classes to the schedule! They will be supplemental strength training sessions, and will take place on Thursday nights at 6:30pm and Saturday mornings at 8:00am. (Thursday’s Make Up session will still run from 5-7:30; this will run in parallel.) Our goal is to provide athletes the opportunity to focus on specific strength goals. Please note, our day to day programming is already designed with an optimal blend of strength and cardio training! These new sessions are being offered, by request, for any athletes looking for more of a strength focus. We will have a kick off meeting / Q&A session on Thursday March 29 at 7:00pm to explain more. The first session will be Saturday March 31 at 8am!

Daily WOD – Feb 27, 2012

Matt crushing a 135 snatch

“Amanda” 9-7-5 of:

  • Muscle up
  • Snatch (135/95#)
WOD Notes: This is a memorial WOD for Amanda Miller, a CrossFit Games athlete who died from cancer at the age of 24. Read more about this tribute WOD here. A full squat snatch is required.

Daily WOD – Feb 25, 2012

Mark E - great form on the TGU!
10am class had to run in the snow!
Phil taking it out on the 53# KB

4 rounds for time of:

  • 400 m run
  • 20 kettlebell swing (53/35#)
  • 5R/5L turkish get-up

WOD Notes:  The turkish get-up starts on the floor, come to a full stand, and then finish back on the floor supporting a weight above head the entire time.  We will pick weights according to ability.

Reminder: We’ll be running a make up session for the Open WOD #1 at 8am. Please sign up in Mind Body if you are planning to attend. Even if you’re not making up the WOD, feel free to come in to judge and cheer!

Community Note: Good luck to Dan and Laurie who are attending the Level 1 Trainer certification at CrossFit King of Prussia this weekend!

Daily WOD – Feb 24, 2012

Natalie meets Annie!

Banded back squat 12×2


“Annie” (50-40-30-20-10 double unders and sit ups)

Notes: Thanks for a great showing tonight for our first Open Competition! We’re looking forward to 4 more weeks of that much energy and excitement! We had a record turnout of 21 athletes WOD-ing in 1 night 🙂 If you signed up for the Open competition please sign into the Games site ASAP and enter your score so we can validate it for you. This MUST be done by Sunday 8pm!! Also – please remember to sign up for the 6:15am class if you are coming. This will be a fun Friday WOD!

Compare Annie to 110810

Open WOD 12.1 – Feb 23, 2012

Burpee madness

2012 Reebok CrossFit Open WOD #1

AMRAP in 7 minutes of:


On each jump you must touch an object 6″ above your reach, with both hands.

WOD Notes:  You may think it is sick, twisted, or just plain mean… but CrossFit HQ has spoken. LET’S DO THIS! We will watch the full standards video tonight (once the site starts responding again…) and we’ll be prepared to brief you on any specific requirements.

Schedule Notes:  Instead of Make Up Day, we are running the above WOD from 5-7:30pm.  We will open the gym at 4:30 for athletes to start warming up, and we’ll go over standards at 5pm. The first heat will kick off at 5:15, and we’ll run heats continuously until all athletes have finished.  You can arrive anytime between 4:30pm and 7:00pm to do the WOD. Just like Make Up Day, we’ll have a recommended warm up on the board, but it’s your responsibility to ensure you are fully warmed up. For those athletes competing in the 2012 Open, you’ll have a judge assigned to count your reps so we can fairly validate your score. For anyone not competing in the Open, you are absolutely still welcome to come do the WOD! This will count as a class if you are a punch card or 2x/week member.

Daily WOD – Feb 22, 2012

7am burpees on Wheatland Street - name that CrossFitter!

Choose-your-weight dumbbells or kettlebells, then complete for time:

  • 400m farmer’s carry
  • 21-15-9 of box step ups (24/20″) and power snatch (one arm)
  • 400m farmer’s carry
Any time  you drop your DBs/KBs there is a 3 burpee buy-in to pick them back up.


WOD Notes: Today you get to choose your own weight DBs or KBs. As a general guideline, women should be between 10-26.5 lbs, and guys should be between 20-44lbs. Once you pick up your DBs/KBs, you must carry them for the entire WOD! Anytime you drop them to the floor (or rest them on any inanimate object…), it’s a 3 burpee buy in to pick them back up.

If tomorrow morning is really brutally cold, we WILL allow the breakfast club to do the farmer’s walk indoors, so don’t be afraid to show up nice and early. Please remember to sign up for the 6:15am class!

Daily WOD – Feb 20, 2012

Joe finishing the WOD

For time, complete 30-20-10 of:

  • Wall ball (20/14# to 10′)
  • Hang power clean (95/65#)

WOD Notes:  This WOD was created by CrossFit BWI for their 2010 Mid-Atlantic Hopper Challenge. There are 2 rules – 1) Men and women both throw to 10′, and 2) you must catch the medicine ball after each rep! You may catch the ball and place it on the floor if you need a rest, but if you let the ball drop straight from the wall to the floor it’s a no-rep.

Rest Day – Feb 19, 2012

Thanks for another great week at ICA! Great job with some tough WODs this week. Rest up – another great week of WODs starts on Monday! Even though it’s Presidents Day, we have a normal schedule on Monday – 4:30, 5:30, and 6:30pm classes. See you there!

Daily WOD – Feb 18, 2012

Welcome Tanner! And thanks to all our visitors today!!

“The Seven”

7 Rounds for time of:

  • 7 handstand push ups
  • 7 thrusters (135/95#)
  • 7 knees to elbows
  • 7 deadlifts (245/165#)
  • 7 burpees
  • 7 kb swings (2 pood/ 1.5 pood)
  • 7 pull ups
WOD Notes:  This is a hero WOD from main page. (Click HERE to see the hero WODs.)  It’s a doozy – long and heavy – but don’t be scared!  We will offer scales such as 4 or 5 rounds, or treat it as an AMRAP in 40 minutes.
Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Emily!

Make Up Day – Feb 16, 2012

Come on in between 5 and 7:30 tonight to make up any of the last 5 workouts.  This week’s choices are:

  1. 8×3 back squat (50% 1RM), max consecutive push ups, partner tabata leg tosses
  2. Valentine’s Day partner WOD (see 2/11 post for details)
  3. For time, complete 25-20-15-10-5  of overhead squat (95/65#) and box jumps (24/20″)
  4. 1 rep max ground to overhead, then 3 clean and jerk on the minute for 6 minutes (75%)
  5. 3 intervals, each for time, of 500m row, 50DU, 25 pull ups. 3 min rest between rounds.
Special Note:  I’m not long on words but this is worth saying.  It was about this time last year that we really started forming the idea for ICA.  I don’t think either of us expected it to develop into the community it has already become. You have done so much to help people reach their goals in and out of that gym.  Your passion for the sport of fitness is unlike anyone I’ve ever met and it is a constant inspiration for me and many others to strive for excellence whenever you set foot in the gym.  Thank you for everything you do.  I love you babe.  

Daily WOD – Feb 15, 2012

Post class roll - at least Mark's enjoying it!

February Interval Day

  • 500m row
  • 50 DU
  • 25 pull ups

All athletes will complete 2 intervals of the above sequence, with a  3 minute rest between rounds. Advanced athletes (and anyone else up for it!) will complete a third round.

Daily WOD – Feb 14, 2012

Find your 1 rep max ground to overhead


3 clean and jerk on the minute for 6 minutes (75% of your 1RM)

WOD Notes:  This is our Valentine’s day gift to you! Today you’ll find the heaviest weight you can get from the floor to overhead. For experienced CrossFitters, you’ll use a full squat clean into a split jerk. For newer CrossFitters, a power clean is permitted! For anyone with shoulder trouble, stick with a 1RM floor to shoulder.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Dad (Sieller)!

There’s still time to sign up!

John and Nikki at the 2011 Mid Atlantic Regionals

If you’ve been thinking about registering for the 2012 CrossFit Open competition, what are you waiting for?!?! We already have a strong team of 11 athletes: John, Nikki, Karen, Mark, Killa, Kevin, Lindsey, Cari, Jimbo, Emily, and Phil. But we know there are others who expressed interest, and we want everyone who is interested to join us! (Don’t make us call you out Joe, Craig, Mike S…) Directions on how to register are posted below.

For those of you still unsure of what the Open is, it’s the first level of competition leading up to the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games. Last year over 25,000 athletes participated worldwide. The 2012 Open will have 5 workouts, with one workout released each week for 5 consecutive weeks. Each athlete has until Sunday night to complete the workout and submit their score.  At the end of the 5 workouts, the top 60 men, 60 women, and 30 teams from each region will move on to the 2nd phase of competition, Regionals.

We are in the Mid-Atlantic region along with all of PA, MD, DE, WV, VA, NC, and DC. John and Nikki both qualified for the Regionals last year, and we’re looking for a repeat this year! The Mid Atlantic Regionals are scheduled for May 4-6, 2012. After the Regionals competition, the top 3 men, 3 women, and 3 teams will be invited to compete in the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games.

The Open WODs could be ANYTHING. We’ll have no clue until each week when the new WOD is announced. If you’re curious, click HERE to see last year’s WODs. If you have to scale a movement or weight in an Open WOD, that’s a-okay! When you submit your score each week, you’ll just check a box saying you had to scale. Scaling any WOD means you wont be eligible to go to Regionals, but you can still complete in the Open and have fun!

We’ll be hosting the Open WODs on Thursday nights from 5-7pm, and we’ll offer a chance to make them up on Saturdays at 8am for anyone who had a true conflict with Thursday night. We encourage EVERYONE to sign up to compete – it’s a lot of fun, and you’ll get to see where you rank compared to the rest of the world’s CrossFit athletes. Plus, by joining our team, you may help us rank higher as a team!!   Every week our box’s top 3 male and female scores will be used to calculate our team’s score.

Our goal is to have a fun, energy-filled, team building Open season.  The more people who participate the better! Sign up today and help us show the world that for a small, first-year affiliate, we are second to none in terms of community and spirit!

How to Register for the Open:

Link to the registration page HERE. Once you create a profile and pay your entry fee ($20), be sure to select CrossFit Phoenixville as your affiliate, and also join team “Iron Cross Athletics CrossFit Phoenixville.”

Daily WOD – Feb 11, 2012

9:00 class post Valentine's Day WOD!
10am class post WOD!

Valentine’s Day Partner WOD

In teams of 2 complete:

  • 50 kettlebell swings (53/35#)
  • 50 sit ups
  • 50L/50R walking lunge
  • 50 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 50 push ups
  • 50 wall balls (20/14# to 10′)
  • 50 pull ups
  • 50 burpees

WOD Notes:  One person is working at a time and partners do not need to do equal amounts of work, but each partner must complete at least 10 reps of each movement.  There will be plenty of scaling options so come on out and have fun!

Community Notes: Sorry we were late posting this – but Happy Birthday to Matt Flick! (Morning Matt!)

Daily WOD – Feb 10, 2012

Mike S putting the 88# KBs to good use!

Back squat 8 x 3 @ 50% of your 1 rep max (secret twist to be announced!)


  • Max consecutive push-ups
  • Partner Tabata leg tosses
WOD Notes: Come on in for another fun Friday at ICA! We’ll work some dynamic back squats and end with conditioning work. For the max consecutive push ups, you can pause and rest in the plank position, but you can’t put a knee down or come to a rest on the floor. For the partner Tabata leg tosses you’ll each do 4 sets of the 8 set workout.
Remember to sign up if you’re coming to the 6:15am class!

Make Up Day – Feb 9, 2012

Join us between 5pm and 7:30pm to make up a workout you missed this week. Your choices are:

  1. Teams of 4 have 20 minutes to score as many points as possible on: row, rope climb, keg, and tire flip. See the Feb 3 post for details. Can be done solo, or in smaller teams.
  2. Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1, then 200 meter sled drag (at bodyweight, or scale to 50% of your 1RM deadlift)
  3. 5 rounds for time of: 5 man makers, 3 box jumps (36/30″), then Bench Press 1-1-1-1-1
  4. 10 rounds for time of 5 burpees and 1 complex. The complex is 4 deadlifts, 3 hang power clean, 2 front squat, and 1 jerk (165/110# or 70% of your jerk)
  5. “Fran” 21-15-9 of thrusters (95/65) and pull ups

Daily WOD – Feb 7, 2012

Frank's complex

10 rounds for time of:

  • 5 burpees
  • 1 barbell complex (165/110#)

The barbell complex is:

  • 4 deadlifts
  • 3 hang power clean
  • 2 front squat
  • 1 push or split jerk

WOD Notes:  We’ll scale the complex to approximately 70% of your 1RM jerk.

Community Notes: This Saturday we’re hosting a special Valentine’s Day WOD during our 9am and 10am classes. Everyone can bring a guest for free, and it doesn’t have to be your Valentine! Bring a friend, sibling, parent, or coworker to partner with you for the WOD. Can’t convince anyone to join you? Come anyway! We’ll match you up with a partner when you get here.

Daily WOD – Feb 3, 2012

Dan on the keg to overhead

Teams of 4 will have 20 minutes to score as many points as possible:

  • Row (1 calorie = 1 point)
  • Keg (to shoulder = 1 point, floor to overhead = 2 points)
  • Rope (rope pull = 1 point, rope climb = 3 points)
  • Tire (1 flip = 1 point)

WOD Notes:  Teams can split up work and time intervals however they want to try to achieve the highest total points.

FYI – For any women interested in a discussion series on CrossFit related topics, Stephanie Vincent (a CrossFit coach at CFKOP) has organized “The Ladies RX Discussion Series.” It’s free and held through teleconference calls; there are 4 sessions total. Click HERE to read a flyer, and HERE to register! Space is limited, so sign up now!

Psssst – no one is signed up for 6:15am… get your names in there!

Registration is Open!

Sign up now for the 2012 Open competition! Cost is $20 to register. Link to the registration page HERE. Once you create a profile and pay your entry fee, be sure to select CrossFit Phoenixville as your affiliate, and also join team “Iron Cross Athletics CrossFit Phoenixville.”  We encourage EVERYONE to sign up to compete – it’s a lot of fun, and you’ll get to see where you rank compared to the rest of the world’s CrossFit athletes. Plus, by joining our team, you can help us rank higher as a team!!  Every week our box’s top 3 male and female scores will be used to calculate our team rank. Even if you don’t care where you rank individually, sign up to help us as a team! The first WOD will be announced Feb 22, and we’ll complete it on Feb 23. Get excited, this is gonna be a good time!

Make Up Day – Feb 2, 2012

Karen's PR party - a 250# deadlift and her first toes through rings!
Will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow?!?

Join us between 5 and 7:30pm to make up a workout you missed this week! Your choices are:

  1. Find your max weight at the following complex: 1 should press, 3 push press, 5 push jerk. Cash out: max consecutive DUs.
  2. For time: 400m run, 50 back squats (45#), 400m run, 50 front squats (45#), 400m run, 50 overhead squats (45#), 400m run.
  3.  Row 500m, 21-15-9 of thrusters (135/95#) and ring dips, run 400m.
  4. Complete 8 rounds for time of: 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats. Advanced – complete 12 rounds.
  5. Deadlift 3-3-2-2-1-1. Assistance work: 50 toes through rings.

The Who/What/When/Why of Deload Week

I’ve been working with CrossFit athletes for years, and one thing we all have in common is we LOVE to train and we HATE taking time off. When our lifts start to plateau, we automatically think we have to train more / train harder to get them to go up again. But, a lot of time, the exact opposite is true. If you’re the type of person who is doing 4-5 WODs a week, and really pushing yourself to high intensity, this message is for you: The quality of your rest and recovery is just as important as the quality of your training.

Last week you may have noticed that John didn’t complete a single workout from Sunday 1/22 until Saturday 1/28. That’s because on Saturday 1/21 he was warming up a deadlift when he tweaked his back – on a weight that should have been very light for him! He completed the WOD, but at a weight almost 4x less than what the WOD called for. Then, on Monday, he was warming up a front squat when he felt a sharp pain in his knee. He bailed out of the WOD completely.

That night John decided it was time for a deload week. His body was sending him a message – loud and clear – that it was tired and needed time for a deep, thorough recovery. John took a solid week away from CrossFit WODs. He did some light assistance work, lots of stretching, and suppressed the temptation to work out, even when some of his favorite lifts came up in the programming. John came back strong on Saturday 1/28, hitting a new PR of 285# on his Clean (and narrowly missing 295#)!

This week, it’s my turn for a deload week. Unlike John, I didn’t have any back or knee pain… my body sent me a much more subtle message. Have you ever had a day when you pick up a 95# barbell, and it feels like 115#? Or you do a 400m run and your feet like they’re inside concrete shoes? If it happens just once, maybe you were just having an “off” day. But if it happens a few days in a row, your body may be trying to tell you something. That it’s tired, and it needs some time off to rest and recover. That’s what happened to me.

If you’re the type of person who is doing 4-5 WODs a week, and really pushing yourself to high intensity, this message is for you: The quality of your rest and recovery is just as important as the quality of your training. Help your body recover by practicing good nutrition every day, and taking in a recovery meal or drink immediately after your workout.  Then, about once every 6-8 weeks, take a week COMPLETELY off. Here are some signs you may be overtraining:

  • You tweak a muscle doing a light or routine lift.
  • A barbell, kettlebell, or wall ball that you frequently lift feels heavy and unmanageable.
  • You have trouble hitting high intensity in a WOD because your mind and/or body are holding you back.
  • You have trouble sleeping
  • You notice a change in your appetite.
  • You can’t seem to kick a cold.
  • You’re less “lean” than normal, even though you’re working out more.
  • You are constantly sore and tight.

 If any of these sound like you, please talk to John, Nikki, or one of our coaching interns… and consider the benefits of a deload week!

Daily WOD – Feb 1, 2012

Denny hits a 300 deadlift!

Deadlift 3-3-2-2-1-1


50 toes through rings (not for time)

WOD Notes: Compare to August 9, 2011.

Community Notes:  Happy birthday Morgan! And, happy 6 months to I.C.A.! Thanks to all of you for being part of our ICA community – without you (and your hard work, dedication and enthusiasm) we wouldn’t be here today!

Note – please remember to sign up for the 6:15am class if you are coming…

Daily WOD – Jan 28, 2012

Jimbo getting deep on a front squat

For time, complete:

  • 400m run
  • 50 back squats (45#)
  • 400m run
  • 50 front squats (45#)
  • 400m run
  • 50 overhead squats (45#)
  • 400m run

WOD Notes: You get to choose the weight of your barbell, starting at PVC for beginners all the way up to a 45# barbell for advanced athletes. It’s going to be a beautiful morning so come get your run on!!

For our final Competitor WOD at 11am, the lift will be a (squat) Clean and the skill will be muscle ups!

February Dates & Announcements

We know it feels like winter is dragging on, but here are a few dates and announcements to get you psyched for the month of February!

  • February 1 – Registration launches for the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games Open competition!! Click HERE to visit the beta site for the 2012 Games and sign up for an account.
  • February 11 – Our first annual Valentine’s Day WOD!  Bring a spouse, significant other, friend, or family member for FREE to partner up with you for today’s WOD. If you don’t have a partner don’t worry – we’ll pair you up! All movements will be scalable for all ages and abilities.
  • February 22 – The first Open WOD is announced!
  • February 23No Make Up Session. Instead we will run Open WOD #1 from 5:00-7:30pm. (More details below.)


The 2012 CrossFit Games Open

The Open is the first level of competition for CrossFit athletes looking to qualify for the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games. For an in-depth explanation of the CrossFit Games season, read here.  The Open consists of 5 workouts that will take place over 5 consecutive weeks, from Feb 22 to March 25. Every Wednesday a new WOD will be announced, and athletes will have until that Sunday to complete the WOD and post their scores to the web. The Open is the most inclusive competition in the world – it is open to everyone/anyone who wants to register.

At ICA, we will host the Open WODs on Thursday nights. This will replace our Make Up Session for 5 weeks, from Feb 22 through March 22. You can join us on Thursday nights to work out even if you don’t formally register… but we encourage everyone to register! The cost is minimal (I think it was $10 last year), and we guarantee you’ll have fun, learn a lot about yourself, and take your intensity to a whole new level. If an athlete who registered for The Open can not make it to the Thursday night WOD, we will offer a chance to make it up on Saturday mornings.

Please see Nikki or John if you have any questions!

Daily WOD – Jan 27, 2012

Chris getting under the jerk

Take 4 attempts to find your max weight at the following complex:

  • 1 shoulder press
  • 3 push press
  • 5 push jerk

Cash out: Max consecutive double unders (or single unders)

WOD Notes: For the barbell complex, you’ll do 1 shoulder press, immediately into 3 push presses, immediately into 5 push jerks. Once you successfully complete the complex you can rest and recover, then increase the weight and try again. You must complete 4 full complexes. Your score will the heaviest weight successfully completed.

Note – Please remember to sign up for the 6:15am class if you are coming!

Make Up Day – Jan 26, 2012

Come in between 5 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts.  This week your choices are:

  1. Buy in: 30 burpees for time. Assistance work: 4 lengths banded lateral walks, 20L/20R  one leg Romanian deadlifts, 100 abmat situps, 100 abmat back extensions
  2. AMRAP in 15 minutes of: 5 deadlifts (70% 1rm) and 50 double unders 
  3. Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2, then 7 rounds of: 7 front squat (95/65#) and 7 ring pushups
  4. Interval Day – 3 short metcons of rowing, push press, SDHP, and toes to bar (see Jan 23 post for details)
  5. 1 rep max hang squat snatch, then 3 rounds for time of 15 hang power snatch (95/65#) and 15 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)

Daily WOD – Jan 24, 2012

Welcome Frank! (First class!)
Welcome Jim – First (official) class (at ICA)!!

For time

  • 250m row
  • 25 push press (75/55#)
  • 25 sumo-deadlift high-pull (75/55#)
  • 25 toes to bar


Then 200 m row and 20 of each


Then 150 m row and 15 of each

WOD Notes:  This is an interval workout in which you will go for a max effort at a short workout, then have time to recover before the next two rounds.

Daily WOD – Jan 23, 2012

Joe at 225

Announcement – If the paved parking spots along Wheatland Street are full, consider parking in the gated parking lot on the side or back of the building. The gates stay open until 8pm, and the lots are paved and plowed!  If you park on the side (near the baseball field), enter the door where we placed our A-frame ICA sign. If you park in back, you’ll enter on the floor below us. Take the stairs to the 2nd floor and turn right!

Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2


7 rounds of 7 ring push ups & 7 front squat (95/65#)

WOD Notes: The sub for ring push ups will be hand-release push ups.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Joe McGonigal!

Daily WOD – Jan 21, 2012


As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

  • 5 dead lifts (70% 1rm)
  • 50 double unders
WOD Notes:  We will scale the 50 DU as needed to keep you moving through this WOD! 


Competitor WOD at 11 a.m.:

  • Lift: Rack jerk
  • Skills: C2B pull ups & pistols

I.C.A. Coaching Interns

Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in becoming a Coaching Intern at ICA. We are proud to announce the selection of three new interns! Please take the time to congratulate each one; we are very excited to have them on board, and we’re expecting big things! Each intern is already a Level 1 CrossFit Trainer, with lots of CrossFit experience to help you reach your goals. In no particular order… (okay, it’s alphabetical)…

Sara Boehret
Mark Kehl
Karen Largent

Daily WOD – Jan 20, 2012

Morgan gets her first pull up!

Fun Friday Assistance Day!

Buy in: 30 burpees for time

Then: Complete the following, in any order, not for time:

  • 4 gym lengths banded lateral walk
  • 20R/20L one-legged KB Romanian deadlifts
  • 100 abmat sit ups (or 50 GHD)
  • 100 abmat back extensions (or 50 GHD)
You can use any remaining time to work on goals! 

Make Up Day – Jan 19, 2012

Come in between 5 and 7:30pm to make up any of the last 5 workouts.  This week’s options are:

  1. “Lynne” 5 rounds of max bodyweight bench press and pullups
  2. Complete 200 DU, 100 Situps, 5 rope climbs in any order for time.
  3. 5×2 banded clean pulls, 3-3-3 hang squat clean, 1000 m row
  4. 5 rounds of 10 power clean (135/95#), 10 C2B pullups
  5. Banded back squat 12×2, then 3 rds for time of 25 KB swings (53/35#), 15 box jumps, 5 hspu
With the new schedule change, we will be open until 7:30. However, you must be in the door by 7pm. If the gym is empty at 7 p.m. we will head on home!

Rest Day – Jan 15, 2012

Thanks for another great week at ICA! Rest up, stay warm, and enjoy your Sunday!

Community Note: Last week we announced a schedule change – starting tomorrow we are going to a 4:30/5:30/6:30pm schedule on Mondays. To minimize confusion, we are also changing Tuesday to the same. Wednesday evenings we’ll have a 4:30 and 5:30pm ONLY. To make up for the slightly earlier Wednesday, Thursday’s Make Up Session will stay open until 7:30pm. (Please be in the door by 7!) To see the full schedule click HERE.

Daily WOD – Jan 14, 2012

Complete for time:

  • 100 ab-mat sit ups
  • 200 double unders
  • 5 rope climbs

WOD Notes: You can complete the reps in any order. 5 rounds of 20 sit ups, 40 double unders, 1 rope climb? Maybe you want to try it as a chipper? Just get the reps done the fastest way you can!

Competitor WOD:

  • Lift – Heavy thruster
  • Skill – Rope Climb

Daily WOD – Jan 13, 2012

Cari grinds it out on the bench with Matt spotting for safety!


5 rounds for max reps of:

  • Bodyweight Bench Press
  • Pull ups
WOD Notes:  “Lynne” is designed to be 5 max efforts with rest in between.  You perform maximum reps on the bench, then IMMEDIATELY jump on the pull up bar and do a max set of pull ups. You get to rest and recover after the pull ups, then repeat for 5 rounds. Score is total number of reps.

Make Up Day – Jan 12, 2012

Join us between 5pm and 7pm to make up a WOD you missed in the last week. Your choices are:

  1. Banded shoulder press 3×3, Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1, 100 sledgehammer hits (not for time)
  2. “Badger” – 3 rds for time of 30 cleans (95/65#), 30 pull-ups, 800m run; OR “Honey Badger” – 3 rds for time of 20 cleans, 20 pull ups, 400m run
  3. Sumo deadlift 5-3-3-2-1-1, then 400m sled drag (30% 1RM). Skill: KB snatch (20L/20R)
  4. Team running / KBS / burpee WOD from Jan 10. This CAN be modified to be completed individually – ask Nikki or John for details.
  5. “Karen” – 150 wall balls for time (20/14# to 10/9′)

Daily WOD – Jan 11, 2012

The one and only Killa... crushing today's "Karen" at Men's Rx!!! (20# ball, 10' target) Way to go!!!

It’s a benchmark you’ve been waiting for

You’ll probably finish and collapse onto the floor

But in CrossFit that means a job well done

And that you had (a sick sort of) fun!

You can do 50 or 100 but if you want full length

Show up tomorrow with lung, leg, and mental strength

And rep out 150 as fast as you can

To 9′ if you’re a girl and 10′ if you’re a man

After the WOD what stories we’ll be sharin’

About CrossFit’s devious lady – Karen!

Daily WOD – Jan 10, 2012

Since F=ma, and a=v/t...
Which one is the butt?

In teams of 4, complete a 4800 meter (3 mile) run for time. Teams will rotate through four stations: run, KBS, burpee, and a rest station. Each team member must rotate in the prescribed order and contribute 1200m of running.  Your team can choose to break the run into 200m or 400m increments. Your team’s score is the time it takes to complete the 3 mile run, but you can subtract 1 second for each KBS and burpee completed. The fastest time wins!

Rest Day – Jan 8, 2012

Thanks for a GREAT first week of 2012! Rest up and enjoy your weekend – you’ve earned it!

Community Note: Starting NEXT Monday Jan 16, we are expanding the Monday night schedule. This is due to multiple requests to have a slightly later offering, and the 5pm class growing quickly! We are going to have a 4:30, 5:30, and 6:30pm class on Mondays. We will be looking for your feedback, and if it works well we will go to the same schedule on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the future.

Daily WOD – Jan 7, 2012

Mike Keeley with a great example of what the finish should look like!
Cari powering through kipping pull ups

“Badger” – 3 rounds for time of:

  • 30 squat clean (95/65#)
  • 30 pull ups
  • 800 m run


“Honey Badger” – 3 rounds for time of:

  • 20 squat clean
  • 20 pull ups
  • 400 m run

WOD Notes: Badger is a hero WOD, and it’s a doozy. We’re offering a slightly shorter version, the Honey Badger, for anyone looking to keep it under 30 minutes.

Competitor WOD: Today at 11am is our first of 5 competitor WODs. The session is free for any of our members looking to compete this season. We also welcome coaches and competitors from other gyms, but please let us know if you are planning on coming! Every week we will work 1 lift and 1-2 skills. These will be announced the night before. At the end of the session we’ll do a metcon incorporating some of the movements just practiced. The exact metcon will not be announced. This is a great opportunity to work two-a-days if you’d like, but consider scaling to the Honey Badger if you are looking to do both WODS.

This week we will work on:

  • Snatch (full squat)
  • Handstands and Handstand Push ups

Daily WOD – Jan 6, 2012

Nothing as bad ass as a girl with a sledgehammer 🙂
The breakfast club takes it to the tire

Banded shoulder press 3 x 3

Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1


100 sledge hammer swings (not for time)  

WOD Notes:  Sledge hits will be against a tire with a variety of weighted hammers.  Women will primarily use 6lb and men will be using 10lb.  The banded shoulder presses should be fairly light as they are preparing you to attempt a 1 rep max shoulder press.

Make Up Day – Jan 5, 2012

Join us between 5 and 7pm to make up a workout you missed during the past week. Your choices are:

  1. 5 rounds for time of 5 muscle ups, 5 burpee bar jumps, 20 deadlifts (135/95#)
  2. “Isabel” – 30 snatches for time (135/95#)
  3. Banded box front squat, then Death by 10 yards (see Tuesday’s post for more details)
  4. 100 single unders, 90 mtn climbers, 80 squats, 70 sit ups, 60 push press (75/55#), 50 KBS (53/35#), 40 walking lunge, 30 push ups, 20 backwards wall balls, 10 pull ups

Remember we are also running a Goal Setting Workshop from 6:30-7:30pm. It’s not a lecture but a chance to brainstorm goals, talk them through with a coach, and commit to them by posting them to our goals board! Hope to see you all there!

Daily WOD – Jan 4, 2012

Joe and Eric master the backwards wall ball

Complete the following for time:

  • 100 single unders
  • 90 mountain climbers
  • 80 air squats
  • 70 sit ups
  • 60 push press (75/55#)
  • 50 kettlebell swing  (53/35#)
  • 40 walking lunge
  • 30 push ups
  • 20 backwards wallballs
  • 10 pull ups
WOD Notes:  Complete all reps of each movement before moving on to the next exercise.  There are a lot of reps but don’t be intimidated – they’ll go by quickly! As always, we’ll scale reps and weights as needed.

Daily WOD – Jan 3, 2012

5pm class with Kassey leading the way!

Banded box front squat 10 x 2 (approx 50% 1RM)


Death by 10 meters (shuttle run) – AMRAP in 20 minutes

WOD Notes: “Death by” workouts can be done with pretty much any CrossFit movement. What it means is in the first minute you do 1 repetition, then you rest for the remainder of the minute. In the second minute you do 2 repetitions, then rest for the remainder of the minute. You continue until you can’t do the required number of reps for that minute. At which point you reset to 1 rep, and start building up all over again. The workout will last 20 minutes total, and your score will be the total number of 10 meter shuttle runs you completed.

Daily WOD – Jan 2, 2012

Slow pull to mid thigh, explosive through the middle!

“Isabel” – 30 snatch for time (135/95#)

WOD Notes: Isabel is a short metcon, ideally in the sub 10 minute time frame. Isabel is most commonly done with a power snatch, but you can choose to squat snatch or power snatch to accomplish your 30 reps.

Coaching Positions Available

We are looking to hire a few Coaching Interns for this winter/spring.  Our goal is to have some folks trained and ready to fill in for us whenever we are away. (Especially next July 6 – 21 when we’ll be gone for 2 weeks for our wedding and honeymoon!)

To be considered for a Coaching Intern position, individuals must:

  • Have an active membership or punch card at ICA. (Preference will be given to full time members due to their familiarity with our coaching styles and members.)
  • Be Level 1 CrossFit trainer OR planning to attend a Level 1 course in the next 6 months. (Preference will be given to those who have already completed the L1.)
  • Submit a one-page Statement of Interest describing your background, why you are interested in coaching at ICA, and your confidence and ability to be a CrossFit coach.

If you are interested in applying, please read through our ICA Coaching Manual. It describes the different levels of coaches and the responsibilities of each type of coach. Please submit your one-page Statements by Saturday January 14. Thanks for your interest!

Rest Day – January 1, 2012

Our very own Snickers - true relaxation

Happy New Year to our all friends and family at I.C.A.! Thanks for a fantastic first 5 months… we can’t wait to see what 2012 has in store! Take time today to start setting goals for the new year, and bring ’em with you on Thursday night for our Goal Setting Workshop from 6:30-7:30pm.

Daily WOD – Dec 31, 2011

Lindsey deadlifts 205 for a 50# PR!!

“Last Chance” New Years Eve Open Gym

Come on in between 9:00 and 10:30am for our New Years Eve open gym! It’s free for members and punch card athletes; $10 for guests/visitors. This is your last chance to meet your goals for 2011… we’ll be muscle up-ing, double under-ing, deadlift-ing and baseline-ing our way to some new PRs! Even if you didn’t set any goals for 2011, come on in and do a WOD you’ve been wanting to try!

Make Up Day – Dec 29, 2011

Lindsey, Laurie, and Craig take on the AMRAP!

Come on in between 5 and 7 t0 make up one of the last 4 workouts.  This week’s choices are:

  1. Bamboo Shoulder Press 3×10, 20 weighted box jumps (24″/20), 3×15 partner leg pushdowns.
  2. Thruster 3-3-3-3-3 then partner Kalsu (see Monday for details)
  3. AMRAP in 20 minutes of 30 DU, 20 box jumps (24″/20), 10 HPC (115#/75)
  4. Back Squat 5-3-3-2-1-1 then Bottom to Bottom Tabata squats

January Schedule Highlights

Here are some notable dates in the next month:

  • December 31  – “Last Chance Open Gym” from 9:00-10:30am. FREE for all members and those with an active punchcard; guests are welcome for a reduced drop-in fee of $10. This is your chance to meet any remaining goals for 2011, or try a WOD you’ve been thinking about.
  • January 5 – “Goal Setting Workshop” from 6:30-7:30pm.  Have you been thinking about your goals for 2012? Need help deciding? Join us next Thursday night to develop your 2012 goals, and get tips on how to reach them.  This isn’t a lecture; you can come anytime during the hour and we’ll be available to chat one-on-one or in a small group!
  • January 7 – Competitor WOD 11am*
  • January 14 – Competitor WOD 11am
  • January 21 – Competitor WOD 11am
  • January 28 – Competitor WOD 11am

*During the month of January we’re offering a “Competitor WOD” each Saturday at 11am.  The purpose is to get our athletes ready for the CrossFit Open competition, which starts in late February.  We will focus on olympic lifting, higher end gymnastics skills, and incorporating heavier weights into workouts. The workouts are free for all ICA members and punchcard athletes who are interested in competing this season. (We also welcome competitors and trainers from other gyms, but please contact us in advance if you are interested in joining us!) For more information on the Open, read HERE and HERE.

Daily WOD – Dec 28, 2011

Great form by Mike!

Back squat 5-3-3-2-1-1


Bottom to Bottom Tabata Squat

WOD Notes:  Tabata is a timed workout in which you complete 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated for a total of 8 work sets.  Bottom to bottom means the 10 seconds of rest is spent at the bottom of the squat. Your score is the number of reps in your lowest round.

Daily WOD – Dec 26, 2011

Grebe working hard with the girls gabbing in the background 🙂

Thruster 3-3-3-3-3


Partner Kalsu: With one partner working at a time, complete 100 thrusters (135/95#) for time.  At the start of each minute, complete 5 burpees.

WOD Notes: The 3RM thruster will come from the floor. You may squat clean into your first thruster. For Partner Kalsu, partner 1 starts by doing 5 burpees then completing as many thrusters as possible in the remainder of 1 minute. At the start of the next minute, partner 1 rests and partner 2 completes 5 burpees followed by as many thrusters as possible in the remainder of the minute. Repeat until you reach 100 thrusters as a team.

(Reminder – we are running one class only today – at noon!)

Daily WOD – Dec 23, 2011

“Fun Friday” Assistance Work

  • Bamboo shoulder press 3 x 10
  • Weighted box jump 20 reps (24/20″)
  • Partner leg push downs 3 x 15

WOD Notes: Okay, okay – we know we beat you up pretty bad this week. Thanks to everyone for showing up for the torture!  Come join us on Friday for an assistance / recovery day before Christmas weekend begins. Remember Friday is a normal schedule, then Saturday and Sunday we’re closed, and Monday we’ll have just ONE class – at noon.

Make Up Day – Dec 22, 2011

Come join us between 5 and 7 p.m. to make up a workout from the last week of programming.  It seems like a group is forming to do the Christmas WOD so you won’t be alone if you had your eye on it!  This week’s choices are:

  1. Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3 then 2 min at each station of: rope climb, sandbag clean (45/25#), farmer’s walk (135/95#), DB push press (40/25#), kettlebell swing (70/53#)
  2. “12 Days of Christmas” — see the post from 12/17 for details. 
  3. “J.T.” 21-15-9 of handstand push up, ring dip, push up
  4. Banded box back squat 12×2 (55% 1RM) then 40-30-20-10 med ball clean (20/14#) with 150 shuttle run after each round
  5. 3 rounds, each for time, of: 10L/10R KB power snatch (53/35#), 20 wall ball (20/14# to 10/9′), 20 pull ups, 20 thrusters (55/40#). Full recovery between rounds.

Daily WOD – Dec 21, 2011

5pm class lined up on the wall!

3 rounds each for time of:

  • Kettlebell power snatch 10L/10R (53/35#)
  • Wall ball 20 reps (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • Pull ups (10 reps beginner, 20 reps advanced)
  • Thruster 20 reps (55/40#)

WOD Notes:  Each round should be hard and fast! You’ll get full recovery between rounds. Pick weights and rep schemes that will allow you to minimize your breaks. (Translation: try to do each movement consecutively!)  

Daily WOD – Dec 19, 2011

Phil and Morgan with solid HSPU


21-15-9 reps for time of:

  • Handstand Pushups
  • Ring Dips
  • Pushups

WOD Notes:  This workout is another benchmark hero that will often not leave you out of breath but will completely fatigue your triceps.  Soreness is common afterward.

Daily WOD – Dec 17, 2011

Karen and Kim repping the KBS and KB SDHP

“12 Days of Christmas”

  • Day 1 = 1 run (200m)
  • Day 2 = 2 deadlifts (225/155#)
  • Day 3 = 3 box jumps (30/24″)
  • Day 4 = 4 push ups (clapping for guys)
  • Day 5 = 5 seconds L-sit hold
  • Day 6 = 6 wall ball (20/14″ to 10′)
  • Day 7 = 7 kettlebell swings (53/35#)
  • Day 8 = 8 kettlebell SDHP (53/35#)
  • Day 9 = 9 burpee pull ups
  • Day 10 = 10 walking lunge (5R/5L)
  • Day 11 = 11 knees to elbow
  • Day 12 = 12 keg to overhead (75/50#)

WOD Notes: Join us at 9am (only 1 class) for our first 12 Days of Christmas WOD! Just like the song, you start with Day 1. Then for the 2nd round you do Day 2 and Day 1. For the third round you do Day 3, 2, and 1. Continue all the way to round 12, where you do all of the movements (12 down to 1), and finally you’re done! We’ll run a Holiday Grab Bag immediately after the WOD, probably around 10:15/10:30. Bring a WRAPPED gift of NO MORE than $5 if you want to participate in the grab bag.

Daily WOD – Dec 16, 2011

Jim grinds it out on the bench

Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3


2 minute AMRAP at each of the following stations:

  • Rope Climb
  • Sandbag Cleans (45#/25)
  • Farmer’s Walk (135#/95)
  • Dumbbell Push Press (40#/25)
  • Kettlebell Swing (70#/53)
WOD Notes: Your score for the AMRAP will be total reps completed at all 5 stations. Each rope climb will be worth 5 points!

Make Up Day – Dec 15, 2011

Karen gets it done with 100# overhead

Come join us between 5 and 7 p.m. to make up one of the previous 5 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. 5-4-3-2-1 Clean and Jerk @ 80% of 1RM with 30 ft hand stand walk after each round.
  2. Max Height Box Jump then “Griff” Run 800m forward, 400m backward, 800m forward, 400m backward.
  3. Banded Deadlift 12×2 @ 50% 1RM then 5 rounds not for time of 5 zercher deadlifts (35% 1RM) and 10 toes to bars
  4. 3 Rounds for time of run 400m, 50 double unders, 25 burpees
  5. Overhead Squats 3-3-3-3-3, then 21-15-9 OHS (95#/65) and pullups