Daily WOD – Dec 13, 2011

Joe does not look happy about the burpees. Or about me taking his picture?

3 rounds for time of:

  • 400 m run 
  • 50 double unders
  • 25 burpees

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    I am (reluctantly) in : ). Is it 100 single unders as a sub for double unders???

    1. Nikki

      Hi Lindsey – That sounds like a reasonable sub to me. However, if you’re hitting even SOME doublers… which I think you are (occasionally hitting 1 at a time, right?)… you should start scaling with DU attempts. Instead of doing 50 DU, you can do 20 DU attempts. We’ll talk more about it tonight at class!

    2. Emily

      I’m right there with you Lindsey! So anti-burpee…but I’ll be there at 5

  2. Mark

    I will see you at 5!

  3. Joe C

    I’m taking a few days off, my knee swelled up over the weekend. Hope to be in by the end of the week.

  4. John

    Hope your knee feels better Joe. This should be a fun little workout.

  5. jw592349

    Tonights Results
    John 13:39 Rx
    Mark 12:08 Rx
    Joe Mc 14:15 Rx
    Lindsey 18:39 (100 SU)
    Gunter 13:31 (100 SU)
    Kevin 14:59 Rx
    Chris C 19:57 Rx (hard earned Rx Chris, great job!)
    Nikki 13:44 Rx
    Amol 20:46 Rx
    Killa 18:18 Rx
    Steph 25:13 (100 SU)
    Eric 17:44 (100 SU)
    Nick 16:32 (100 SU)

    1. Emily

      and me 🙂

  6. jimbo

    Why is there always 400paid meter runs when I can’t make class and I have to do it myself? Anyway I did it in 19:54 with 150 single unders.

    1. Nikki

      Great job Jim! Especially for being on your own – it’s not easy to keep the pace up solo!

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