Daily WOD – Dec 14, 2011

Steph with a solid OHS.

Overhead Squats 3-3-3-3-3


For time complete 21-15-9 of:

  • Overhead Squat (95/65#)
  • Pull-up

This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. Sarg

    this is music to my ears! see you guys tomorrow. i miss my crossfit family!!!!

    1. Mark

      You need new music!

  2. Joe

    I’m not happy about it, but I’ll probably be there in the am.

  3. Lindsey

    I am hoping to make the 5 pm class!

  4. Mark

    Oh craaaap… See ya at 5

  5. MJ

    Hey Nik/John,
    If I drive up tomorrow can I do front squats or back squats? I am having some shoulder issues on my left side. Let me know, thanks!

    1. Nikki

      Sure thing MJ! We can always modify

  6. Nikki

    Full results to be posted tonight but sneak peak / community note: Killa set the bar for you all this morning! 135×3!! Great work Sara!

    1. Sarg

      oh man, WOW!

  7. john

    Wow Killa,thats diesel!

  8. Lindsey

    Good job Sara!!!

  9. Phil

    damnnn. don’t you have to snatch or push press 135 first to be able to overhead squat 135?!

  10. John

    You at least need to be able to lock 135 out overhead to squat it

  11. Killa

    Haha thanks guys and thanks for the shout out Nik…another community note: please don’t let Kev break himself tonight! 😉

  12. Kevin

    Have you all seen that movie “Unbreakable”? It’s based on a true story. Me. *Pow*

  13. Killa

    There are only 2 kind of people who put *’s around everything…teenage girls and Kevin.

  14. Mark

    Haha, you guys are funny. Nice OHS Killa!

  15. Nikki


    Matt 65, 10:35 (55, G)
    Nicole 105 FS, 13:50 (65 FS)
    Killa 135, 8:33 Rx
    Steph 50, 10:12 (35, JPU)
    Kev 95 PR! 6:50 (pushups)
    Nikki 3:46 Rx
    Karen 105, 9:13 (p+mf, BS)
    Mark 125, 13:01 Rx
    Lindsey 50, 8:33 (35, p+mf)
    Jim 105, 8:14 (65, Black)
    Nick 40, 8:15 (25, mm/p)
    Amol 125, N/A
    John 215, 3:45 (115)
    Miranda 155 FS, 7:57 (Rx)
    Alison 125 FS, 7:58 (55, G)
    Phil 145, 9:46 Rx

    Awesome work tonight with a lot of heavy lifts and some first time max-outs! Keep up the good work.

  16. Cragle

    Results from O’Neill’s Garage:
    Barb 95, 8:00 (65# & 11,7,5 reps of unbanded pullups)
    Scott form and flexibility work, 7:29 (65#)
    Cragle 185, 4:40 Rx

  17. Killa

    I will consider Kev’s 95# PR as a victory. I win, Kev loses…as usual.

  18. MJ

    Killa B!!!!! Awesome job on the OHS! Congrats girl!

  19. John

    Great work over at the garage, those are some impressive numbers.

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