Daily WOD – Jan 13, 2012

Cari grinds it out on the bench with Matt spotting for safety!


5 rounds for max reps of:

  • Bodyweight Bench Press
  • Pull ups
WOD Notes:  “Lynne” is designed to be 5 max efforts with rest in between.  You perform maximum reps on the bench, then IMMEDIATELY jump on the pull up bar and do a max set of pull ups. You get to rest and recover after the pull ups, then repeat for 5 rounds. Score is total number of reps.

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Sarg


    i love lynne. and am sad i will be at the farm show. me and her will meet next Thursday, maybe.

  2. Mark


  3. Lindsey

    In for the breakfast club….if I am able to walk after Karen…. : )

  4. Kevin

    FYI there is a video on mainpage today on grip for benching by Westside Barbell. Good tips to think about when protecting your wrists as well.

    1. Phil

      very nice. i saw another vid a week back on proper bench technique from the same quy
      on how to place your legs, shoulders and the actual position of where the bar should be when you bench.

      my shoulder always bug me when i bench so looking forward to incorporating these tips.

  5. Phil

    destroyed after karen but will try to make the 4:30..

    hoping lynne is a bit gentler

    1. Nikki

      it’s not much gentler… but at least you wont need your legs!!

  6. Nikki

    Results from 6:15am
    Matt (135/G) 13/10, 6/9, 3/7, 3/5, 3/6 = 65
    Stephanie (55, ring row) 10/13, 9/15, 9/15, 4/15, 3/11 = 104
    Lindsey (75, P+B) 10/11, 12/12, 7/11, 6/11, 4/15 = 99
    Cari (95#) 10/15, 9/12, 8/13, 6/10, 7/15 = 105

    Big shout out to Cari for great form on the bench today AND repping out 65 kipping pull ups to take the lead in the morning class! Stephanie – welcome back to the breakfast club 🙂

  7. Phil

    For those who did the wod on the wooden bench check your shoulder blades in the mirror

  8. Nikki

    Nikki (95#, DC on PU?) 15/30, 12/27, 10/25, 8/22, 7/23 = 169
    Nicole (75) 13/8, 10/5, 10/5, 10/5, 8/5 = 79
    Phil (Rx, 180) 15/15, 8/10, 6/10, 6/10, 4/10 = 94
    John (Rx, 210) 14/41, 8/23, 6/20, 5/20, 5/21 = 163
    Mike (155, purple) 14/11, 11/11, 6/9, 3/14, 4/12 = 96
    Dan (155) 13/16, 8/11, 8/10, 6/10, 6/7 = 95
    Jim (155, purple) 6/13, 8/13, 7/13, 7/13, 6/10 = 96
    Sara (75) 17/15, 17/12, 13/12, 12/10, 13/10 = 131
    Natalie (65, ring rows) 11/20, 10/15, 10/15, 10/15, 9/12 = 127

  9. Nikki

    Results continued (sorry guys there was no breakdown for you on the board)
    Mark (Rx, 165) 163
    Kev (Rx,185) 120
    Chris S (Rx, 215) 96

    1. Nikki

      One more result – Chris C (155#)8/15, 6/15, 3/9, 1/9, 2/10 = 78

  10. Joe

    Some good scores there. I’m bummed I missed this. I will see Lynne on Thursday.

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