Join us between 5pm and 7pm to make up a WOD you missed in the last week. Your choices are:
- Banded shoulder press 3×3, Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1, 100 sledgehammer hits (not for time)
- “Badger” – 3 rds for time of 30 cleans (95/65#), 30 pull-ups, 800m run; OR “Honey Badger” – 3 rds for time of 20 cleans, 20 pull ups, 400m run
- Sumo deadlift 5-3-3-2-1-1, then 400m sled drag (30% 1RM). Skill: KB snatch (20L/20R)
- Team running / KBS / burpee WOD from Jan 10. This CAN be modified to be completed individually – ask Nikki or John for details.
- “Karen” – 150 wall balls for time (20/14# to 10/9′)
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Took a quick look at the WODs we did over the past week or so and I think we hit almost all of the movements I like least in Crossfit in that span (snatch (overhead squat), shoulder press, sumo deadlift, running, and wall balls). That said, I actually went to the WODs and enjoyed most of it (not Karen). The programming must be working because I didn’t notice this until they were all listed here. Thanks, coaches.
Thats good stuff Kevin! Unfortunately I used to enjoy wallballs but that is not the case anymore. It hurts to walk today.
Thanks Kev! Maybe if we keep up our sneaky programming ways, some day you’ll actually enjoy wall balls!? (Maybe not.) But one thing I am sure about… your birthday WOD this year is going to be fantastic. I’m thinking a 1RM shoulder press followed by a chipper of OHS, running, and wall balls. With a burpee cash out. I can’t wait!
Tonight’s results:
Chris 9:53 (100)
Kassey 11:04 (10# 9/8′)
Jim 12:10 (20 for 20, 14 for 130)
Gunter 20:28 20#
Karen 8:38 14#
Lindsey 12:55 12#
Kim 11:46 10#
Craig 11:04 Rx
Shoulder Press
Laurie 70#
Honey Badger:
Joe and Nick, Post your times if you know them fellas.
Great work tonight, keep getting stronger.
We found our results – in the spam folder!?!
Ooohhhh, that sounds great Nikki! Something I can beat him at on his birthday is always appreciated, I’m sure he’ll agree 😉
14 lb ball 150 reps wall balls in 12:11.
A lone and very cold friday make up from O’Neill’s Garage: Barb (the snail) O’Neill at 14:55 Rx
Sumo Deadlift (335lbs) and “Karen” time was 8:00 (20#, 100)
My Karen was 8:32, I think?
I just remember it was 20 sec longer than your last time, but with a heavier ball and higher target!