Daily WOD – Feb 6, 2012
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In at 4:30. I expect my BP max to be 115 after 5 rounds of man makers.
In at 4:30 also. Can’t wait to see what I bench after those man makers.
What’s a “man maker”? Should I be afraid?
Just went on U-Tube and found some variations of this. Looks like FUN!!! I’m in for 5:30.
I’m in for 4:30
Tonight’s Results:
Denny 10:28 (24, 30) 205
Natalie 10:29 (16, 20) 90
Emily 9:25 (16, 15) 85 PR
Joe 8:59 (36, 35) 225 PR
Gunter 8:30 (28, 25) 125
Mike S. 9:59 (36, 35) 235
John 285
Craig 10:56 (36, 35) 215
Chris 13:00 (36, 30) 145
Killa 10:46 (32, 20) 115
Kev 10:11 (36, 45) 255 PR
Mike K 10:09 (32, 25) 200 PR
Nikki 8:45 (32, 25) 135
Laurie 10:14 (24/32, 15) 112
Phil 9:45 (36, 35) 235
Nick 8:27 (32, 25) 135
Nicole S. 10:43 (28/24, 20) 95
Cari 5:30 (24, 25×3) 130 PR
Karen 9:02 (24, 15)
Dan 8:59 (32, 30×3) 195 PR
Great work tonight, I didn’t expect to see so many PR’s after man-makers, next time we need to make the metcon harder!
Awesome job tonight everyone-lots of PR’s!! I am going to make this one up Thurs!!
Results from the OG:
Barb 9:44 (24, 15), shoulder issues no bench
Scott * (36, 25), 175
Cragle* (36,25), shoulder issues no bench
* Shared db’s, time not accurate
Everyone better stop hitting PR’s if it results in harder metcons!!haha