Make Up Day – Dec 22, 2011

Come join us between 5 and 7 p.m. to make up a workout from the last week of programming.  It seems like a group is forming to do the Christmas WOD so you won’t be alone if you had your eye on it!  This week’s choices are:

  1. Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3 then 2 min at each station of: rope climb, sandbag clean (45/25#), farmer’s walk (135/95#), DB push press (40/25#), kettlebell swing (70/53#)
  2. “12 Days of Christmas” — see the post from 12/17 for details. 
  3. “J.T.” 21-15-9 of handstand push up, ring dip, push up
  4. Banded box back squat 12×2 (55% 1RM) then 40-30-20-10 med ball clean (20/14#) with 150 shuttle run after each round
  5. 3 rounds, each for time, of: 10L/10R KB power snatch (53/35#), 20 wall ball (20/14# to 10/9′), 20 pull ups, 20 thrusters (55/40#). Full recovery between rounds.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Joe

    What time is the group doing the 12 days showing up?

    1. Nikki

      Right at 5 hopefully – we’ll warm up, set up, and Starr around 5:20ish?

      1. Joe

        OK..I’m in.

  2. Lindsey

    In for JT @ 5

  3. jimbo

    Be there at 5 for 12u days of hell .

  4. Christopher Chamberlain

    Was trying to make it for “12 days of Christmas”, but Natalie had to work late and I won’t be there by 5. Hopefully I can get in there tonight and make up something else.

  5. Nikki

    12 days:
    Dan 40:36
    Laurie 40:30
    Gunter 37:18
    Joe Mc 37:13
    Nikki 34:49
    Chris 43:17
    Mel 45:40
    Jim 38:22
    Craig 42:58
    Emily 42:14
    Spence 38:52
    Phil 47:52
    Miranda 42:57

    Lindsey 11:45 (Box, box dips green band, knees)

    WOD 5:
    Killa 3:40, 4:29, 5:02
    Mike 2:46,4:14, 3:20
    Kevin 2:46, 4:30, 4:34

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