Daily WOD – Nov 30, 2011

Joe's 18" vertical

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5


3 rounds for time of:

  • 10 vertical jump (18″/14″)
  • 20 slam ball (20/14# med ball)
  • 30 sit ups

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    In – hopefully for the 6:15 class : )

  2. Mark

    Looks like a good one! In for 5pm

  3. Sarg


  4. Emily

    I like this one. Probably 5pm for me

  5. Nikki

    6:15 am results
    Joe 295, 5:47 Rx
    Nicole 135 (form), 6:49 D.C. (jump height)
    Lindsey 145, 7:15 (scale, 12#)
    Matt 200, 6:21 (16″, 14#)

  6. Kevin

    My triceps do not allow my arms to bend < 90 degrees. Boo burpees.

  7. John

    Nice work to that morning crew, way to lift some big weight! Can’t wait to get to this one tonight.

  8. Eric

    I’m in for tonight too!

  9. John

    Tonight’s Results:

    Eric 400 (BEAST!), 6:11 Rx
    Mark 345, 4:42 Rx
    Karen 185 (PR), 6:42 Rx
    Emily 145, 6:13 (10#, 8″)
    Kim 135, 6:42 (7″, 12#)
    Mike 135, 7:36 (13″, 14#)
    Amol 215, (265×2), 6:45 (15″, 20#)
    John 435 (500×4), 4:34 Rx
    Jim 220, 6:30 (12″, 20#)

    Big weights tonight. Impressive work by Eric who had a previous 410 1rep max and Mark who hit 5 reps at double bodyweight!

  10. Cragle

    The Lone OG 300, 5:57

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