Daily WOD – Dec 5, 2011

Welcome Craig - first class!
Lindsey rocking 20" box jumps tonight!


For time complete:

  • 25 pull ups
  • 50 deadlifts (135/95#)
  • 50 push ups
  • 50 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 50 floor wipers (135/95#)
  • 50 one-arm DB clean & jerk (35/15#)
  • 25 pull ups

WOD Notes:  This WOD was used by the actors who played the Spartans in the  movie “300.″ It was a benchmark during their training process. It’s a great chipper with 300 total reps and some new movements for some of you – like floor wipers and dumbbell clean and jerks!


This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    Im in…and to make it through this workout I will be thinking about how hot Gerard Butler was in the movie the whole time!! : ) haha

  2. Sarg


  3. Phil

    tonight we dine in helll!!

  4. John

    Haha, Love the enthusiasm guys, can’t wait to tear this one up.

  5. Nikki

    Results from tonight:
    John 14:28 Rx
    Sarg 27:46 (P+mm, 75#)
    Kev 17:59 Rx
    Emily 25:32 (Navy, 65#, knee, 12″, 45#)
    Lindsey 26:46 (G+mm, 65#, knee)
    Craig 24:00 (115#)
    Dan DNF (in 22 min got through wipers, 20″, 95#)
    Gunter 21:30 (95#, 20″, G)
    Phil 29:59 Rx
    Nik 16:04 Rx
    Amol 24:23 (115, step ups, 20″)
    Joe C 25:21 (JPU, 115, 20″, 25#)
    Chris 29:55 (115)

    1. Phil

      Tonight we almost threw up in ICA!

  6. Nikki

    Ooh yes, there were multiple near-miss pukies!

  7. Joe C

    That was insane.

  8. Emily

    Yes, for the first time I almost lost my marbles. Truly insane, but good stuff.

  9. Killa

    Disappointed guys, someone needs to join the pukie club 😉

  10. Cragle

    Results from O’Neill’s Garage (done on 12/7/2011):
    Scott 25:17 (95# Deadlift, 75# BB C&J)
    Cragle 22:45 Rx (95# BB C&J)
    No DB’s near the Rx’ed weight for men

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