31Heroes 2024 – Event Info!

31Heroes 2023

ICA’s 14th Annual 31Heroes WOD & 13th Anniversary Celebration – Sunday, September 15, 2024! 

13 years ago, on August 6, 2011, 30 Americans and 1 military K9 lost their lives when their helicopter was downed in Afghanistan. This tragedy happened only days after ICA opened its doors, and it has become our annual fundraising mission. Each year since 2011 we’ve hosted the 31Heroes WOD and fundraiser to honor these fallen heroes and raise money to support their families and others in the veteran community suffering from TBI and PTSD.


In teams of 4, complete as many reps as possible in 31 minutes of:

  • 200m wreck bag run
  • Thrusters
  • Rope climbs (scales: pull ups or ring rows)
  • Box jumps

WOD Notes: While teammate #1 is running, #2 is completing thrusters, #3 is doing rope climbs and #4 is jumping.  When the runner returns, everyone moves forward one station. The team’s score is the total number of thrusters, rope climbs and box jumps completed in 31 minutes. The rope climb scale is pull ups or ring rows, where every 5 reps counts as 1 rope climb. (It’s also okay to not count reps and just go hard for 31 minutes – that’s what most teams do!)

  • Level 1 = 50# wreck bag, 155# thruster, 30″ box
  • Level 2 = 35# wreck bag, 103# thruster, 24″ box
  • Level 3 = 35# wreck bag, 65# thruster, 20″ box
  • Level 4 = 20# wreck bag, 35# thruster, 16″ box

All team members share a sandbag, thruster bar, and box. Team members who are not comfortable thrustering their team’s weight can use a pair of dumbbells or power clean instead.

Fundraising / Donations

Every year since 2011 we’ve been among the top fundraisers in the WORLD for the 31Heroes organization. Help us keep our legacy alive by donating to our team! There are 3 ways you can contribute:

  1. Donate directly to our team page: https://www.classy.org/team/592517. A donation of $31 (or more) will get you a 31Heroes tank or t-shirt (mailed to you directly by 31Heroes). *To be eligible for a shirt, donations are due by Aug 31!*
  2. Sign up as an individual fundraiser! You can earn some cool gear depending on your fundraising totals. Go to our team page (linked above) and click the “Join Team” button. Prizes are listed here.
  3. Make a cash donation in person at the live event (no t-shirt or prizes).

While donations of any amount are appreciated, you are not required to make a donation in order to work out with us on September 15!


ICA members: Register via the members app under the Events tab. (Schedule–>Events). Cost is free!

  • IMPORTANT: Signing up in the app registers you for the event, but we still need to put together teams! We’ll have Level Sign Up Sheets at the gym where you can add your name to your desired level (1, 2, 3, or 4). You can sign up as a full 4-person team, as a pair of 2, or as a free agent, and we’ll match you up with a team.

Guests: We love having guests at this event! If you simply want to spectate and cheer, you do not need to register. If you want to participate in the WOD, please register here and then email us at ironcrossathletics@gmail.com with your preferred level (1, 2, 3 or 4).

ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSES SEPTEMBER 8 to give us time finalize heats and teams! 


  • 7:30 – Gym opens
  • 8:00 – Opening Remarks
  • 8:20 – Heat 1
  • 9:00 – Heat 2
  • 9:40 – Heat 3
  • 10:20 – Group Photo in the Parking Lot
  • 10:30 – Heat 4
  • 11:10 – Heat 5
  • 11:45 – PARKING LOT PARTY! We’ll provide pizza & wings; BYO beverages and snacks to share!

We will release heat assignments a few days before the event. If you have a specific heat request, please note that on the Level Sign Up Sheets. We will do our best to accommodate, but we cannot promise specific heat times!


The parking lot will be closed for athlete and spectator safety. Please park along Jefferson Street, on the northeast side of the building, or across Bridge Street at the Oakwood Apartments.

Parking Lot Party

Bring your canopies, folding chairs, and yard games to create a “tent city” in the parking lot! During the event, we’ll have water and snacks available for participants. Around 11:45 we’ll serve up some wings and pizza. Please bring snacks, food, desserts, and beverages to share… including cold, adult beverages if desired!

Special Note

Remember that our annual 31Heroes event is a fundraiser, not a competition. The focus of the day is honoring the 31Heroes, enjoying a grueling workout with 100+ of your closest friends, and celebrating our incredible community of fitness!

Thank you for your support of the 31Heroes! We can’t wait to workout, fundraise, and celebrate with you all! 

Make Up Day – Nov 24, 2011

Dan on the 24" box with Lindsey and Kim tackling "Prime Evil" in the back!

Happy Thanksgiving to our I.C.A. family and friends! Join us today between 9am and 10am for a make-up session. You can choose from the following WODs:

  1. Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 thenat 80% of your 1RM perform an AMPRAP in 8 minutes of 1 power clean, 1 burpee, 2 power cleans, 2 burpees… etc. 
  2. 5 x 400m sprint. Full recovery between rounds.
  3. For time complete 21-15-9 of deadlift (275/185), box jump (24/20), pull-up.
  4. Find your 1RM turkish get up, then 12×2 banded box back squats
  5. “Prime Evil”  17-13-11-7-5-3 power snatch & 3-5-7-11-13-17 thrusters (95/65)

Daily WOD – Nov 23, 2011

Matt hits a great triple extension!!

“Prime Evil”

For time, complete:

  • 17 power snatch, 3 thrusters (95/65#)
  • 13 power snatch, 5 thrusters
  • 11 power snatch, 7 thrusters
  • 7 power snatch, 11 thrusters
  • 5 power snatch, 13 thrusters
  • 3 power snatch, 17 thrusters

Daily WOD – Nov 22, 2011

Morgan focusing on the TGU
Chris C with a big TGU tonight!

Find your 1 rep max Turkish Get Up


12×2 Banded Back Box Squats

WOD Notes: Never heard of a Turkish get up before? Come on in and find out what they’re all about. (Hint: they’re fun!) For the banded box squats we’ll work on speed and explosiveness – pick the heaviest weight you can still move fast!

Rest Day – Nov 20, 2011

Thanks for another great week at I.C.A.! Rest up and get ready for another great week of WODs starting Monday. Remember we’ll have a regular schedule this Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, but a modified schedule (9am class only) on Thursday and Friday. For more info click the link on the top right hand side of the page. Bring a friend on Friday morning for our team WOD!

Daily Wod – Nov 18, 2011

Congrats Phil for hitting a 200# Power Clean!

Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

AMRAP in 8 minutes of:

  • 1 Power Clean, 1 Burpee
  • 2 Power Cleans, 2 Burpees
  • 3 Power Cleans, 3 Burpees
  • 4 Power Cleans, etc

Continue until time is up.  Power Cleans are at 80% of 1rm.

Make Up Day – Nov 17, 2011

Kim with a 1rm Push Press

Feel free to drop by anytime between 5 and 7 tonight to make up any of the last 5 WODs. Your choices this week are:

  1. NFL Combine – 40 yd dash, max reps bench press, vertical jump, broad jump, 3 cone drill, short shuttle
  2. “Helen” – 3 rounds for time of: Run 400 m, 21 KB swings (53#/35), 12 pullups
  3. 5 rounds for max reps of body-weight back squat and double unders.
  4. Push Press 5-3-3-2-1-1 then 10->1 of push press (50% 1RM) and situps.
  5. For time: 30 burpees, 30 HPC (95/65), 30 box jumps (24/21), 30 OH lunges (45/25), 30 DU, 30 KBS (53/35), 30 pushups, 30 wallballs (20/14 to 10′), 30 toes through rings, 30 one arm dumbbell snatch (40/25)

Daily WOD – Nov 16, 2011

Todd demo-ing toes through rings!

For time complete:

  • 30 burpees
  • 30 hang power clean (95/65#)
  • 30 box jumps
  • 30 overhead walking lunge (45/25#)
  • 30 double unders
  • 30 kettlebell swing (53/35#)
  • 30 push ups
  • 30 wall balls (20/14#)
  • 30 toes through rings
  • 30 one-arm dumbbell power snatch (40/25#)

WOD Notes: This type of workout is called a chipper. (It’s a bunch of different movements, just one time through the list.) Don’t be afraid if there are movements you don’t recognize – we’ll explain each of them before the WOD begins. This will be a fun one!

Daily WOD – Nov 15, 2011

Mark, Nik and Lindsey repping push presses

Push Press 5-3-3-2-1-1


For time complete 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:

  • Push press (50% of your 1RM)
  • Sit-ups

WOD Notes:  We will be finding a 1 rep max for your push press today.  Early sets (5’s and 3’s) should not be exhausting but should act as a warm up (60 to 85 % of your previous 1 rep max).

Daily WOD – Nov 14, 2011

Welcome Morgan and Joe M - First Class! Welcome also to Joe C!

5 Rounds for Max Reps of

  • Body Weight Back Squat
  • Double Unders

WOD Notes:  Upon finishing your last back squat, you must immediately grab your rope and go into double unders until failure.  The score will be total squats and double unders completed.  You may recover between rounds.

Daily WOD – Nov 11, 2011

Duce Staley and Jim (first class!)

“NFL Scouting Combine Workouts”

WOD Notes: Each February, hundreds of the best college football players are invited to the NFL Scouting Combine, where executives, coaches, scouts and doctors from all 32 NFL teams conduct an intense, four-day job interview in advance of the NFL Draft. Today we’ll run you through some of their drills:

  • 40-yard dash –  The 40-yard dash is the marquee event at the combine. What the scouts are looking for is an explosion from a static start.
  • Bench press –  The bench press is a test of strength — 225 pounds, as many reps as the athlete can get. (Today we’ll have you choose from the following weights: 65/105/145/185/225#.)
  • Vertical jump –  The athlete stands flat-footed and they measure his reach. The differential between the reach and the flag the athlete touches is his vertical jump measurement.
  • Broad jump –  The athlete starts out with a balanced stance and then explodes out as far as he can. He has to land without moving.
  • Shuttle run –  The short shuttle is known as the 5-10-5. It tests the athlete’s lateral quickness and explosion in short areas. The athlete starts at a cone, explodes out 5 yards to his right, goes back 10 yards to his left, and he returns to the start.
  • 3 cone drill – The 3 cone drill tests an athlete’s ability to change directions at a high speed. They set up three cones in an L-shape. From the starting line, the athlete goes 5 yards to the first cone and back. Then, he turns, runs around the second cone, runs a weave around the third cone, comes back around that second cone and finishes.

Make Up Day – Nov 9, 2011

Join us between 5pm and 7:30pm to make up a workout you missed this week! (Note the half hour extension… hopefully this will be a help for those of you who get out of work late!)

  1. “Nancy” – 5 rounds for time of 400m run and 15 overhead squats (95/65#)
  2. Banded platform deadlift 12 sets of 1, then assistance: 20 zercher deadlifts (not for time)
  3. “Angie” – 100 pull ups, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats
  4. Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 then 200m sled drag with 40% of your 1RM deadlift
  5. 21-15-9 of: KBS, KB squat, KB snatch right, KB snatch left (53/35#)

Thanksgiving Schedule

We’re happy to announce we’ll be open on Thanksgiving day and Black Friday! Thursday will be a make-up day, and Friday will be a team WOD perfect for all ages and abilities. Guests and visitors are welcome! (First visit is always free; drop-in rate is $15.) Our schedule will be:

  • Wednesday 11/23 – Normal schedule.
  • Thursday 11/24 – Thanksgiving! Class at 9am only.
  • Friday 11/25 –  Class at 9am only.
  • Saturday 11/26 – Normal schedule.

Daily WOD – Nov 9, 2011

Phil and Kim (first class!)


5 rounds for time of:

  • Run 400 m
  • 15 Overhead Squats (95#/65)

Class NotesThe 6:15am class is cancelled for Wednesday 11/9.  After calling, emailing  and texting all of our usual 6:15am suspects, we realized almost everyone is out of town or otherwise not coming in. If you were planning on attending the 6:15am class and this cancellation is ruining your day, PLEASE call, text, or email Nikki ASAP. We’ll hold class even if just one person wants it… but be careful what you wish for! This is a tough WOD that’s a lot more fun in a group.

Daily WOD – Nov 8, 2011

Mark - Zercher Deadlift

Banded Platform Deadlift: 12 x 1 @ 70% of 1RM

Assistance:  20 zercher deadlifts @ 20% of 1RM

WOD Notes:  Zercher deadlifts are a new movement for most of us.  The goal will be to complete 20 reps at 20 percent of your one rep max deadlift, however we will scale load/reps (up or down) as appropriate.

Barbells for Boobs!

This Saturday CrossFit King of Prussia is hosting a special fundraiser to raise money for Mammograms in Action.  There is no cost to participate, but donations are appreciated. The workout, Helen meets Grace, will be performed in teams of 2 (same gender).  You can read more details on the CFKOP blog post. Right now we have 2 teams signed up to represent I.C.A. – John/Kevin and Nikki/Sara. We would LOVE to send a few more teams! Don’t worry if you can’t do the workouts Rx… scaling is absolutely allowed and encouraged. If you’ve never been to a CrossFit event/competition before, you should really give this one a try… it’s bound to be a great day! Post to comments if you’re in.

Daily WOD – Nov 7, 2011

5pm class working hard!
Karen finishing strong


  • 100 pullups
  • 100 pushups
  • 100 situps
  • 100 squats

WOD Notes:  Angie can be scaled to half reps as needed.  It would be worth while to shave the calluses on your hands prior to the wod…  Angie is known for causing rips.

Daily WOD – Nov 4, 2011

The birthday girl getting some air on a KB snatch!
Welcome to our newest member - Phil!

21-15-9 of:

  • Kettlebell swings (53/35#)
  • Kettlebell goblet squat
  • Kettlebell snatch right
  • Kettlebell snatch left

Community Notes: Happy birthday Sara (the-WOD-Killa) B!

(Side note – There will be no WOD and wings tonight, but save up your appetite for next week – when we’ll celebrate the end of our Paleo Challenge with wings on ICA!)

Make Up Day – Nov 3, 2011

John and Miranda - skin-the-cats!

Join us between 5pm and 7pm to make up a workout you missed this week!

  1. “Fight Gone Strongman” – 1 minute at each station for 3 total rounds: Rope climb, weighted step up (45/25# sandbag to 24/20″ box), tire flip, pistols, keg to shoulder (135/75#)
  2. “CrossFit Total” – 3 attemps to find your 1RM back squat, shoulder press, and deadlift
  3. 5k run. Seriously.
  4. “John’s Revenge” – Run 200m, 3 thrusters (135/95#), run 200m, 6 thrusters, run 200m, 9 thrusters, run 200m, 12 thrusters, run 200m, 15 thrusters
  5. Power Snatch 1-1-1-1-1. Snatch Balance 1-1-1-1-1.
  6. 20 skin-the-cats, then “Flight Simulator” 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50 & back down of UNBROKEN double unders

Daily WOD – Nov 2, 2011

Joe and Matt on the way up

Skill work: 20 skin the cats

Then – “The Flight Simulator”

5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 unbroken double unders

WOD Notes:  The goal of this WOD is to practice stringing double unders. You’ll start with a set of 5, then a set of 10… and keep going up 5 reps at a time until you reach a set of 50 consecutive double unders. Head back down the ladder and you’re done! If you are still new to double unders, we’llscale this WOD by decreasing the rep scheme or subbing with single unders. Either way, bring your jumping shoes!

Daily WOD – Oct 29, 2011

Best Costume Prizes go to Mark and Killa!

“CrossFit Total”

  • Back Squat 1-1-1
  • Shoulder Press 1-1-1
  • Deadlift 1-1-1

WOD Notes: Today’s workout is a CrossFit benchmark.  You’ll have THREE attempts at each lift to establish a 1RM. Your score is the sum of your highest squat, press, and deadlift. If you’re curious, click HERE to read a  2006 CrossFit Journal article about the Total. Bonus question: Do you recognize the author’s name?

Everyone is encouraged to come in costume, and the WOD is free for everyone who does! We’ll also have a small prize for the best costume.

Community Notes: Remember to join us for a timed 5k run at Valley Forge Park on Sunday! We’ll post more details on the blog Saturday night. Family and friends are welcome to join.

Last but not least… Happy (18th) Birthday Karen D!!  You’re a great athlete and we’re so happy to have you at our gym! Enjoy your day 🙂

Daily WOD – Oct 28, 2011

Nicole flips the big tire!
5:00pm Strong Men do Fight Gone Strongman

“Fight Gone Strongman”

  1. Rope Climb
  2. Weighted step up (45/25# sandbag)
  3. Tire Flip
  4. Pistols
  5. Keg to Shoulder (135/75#)

Complete a 1 minute AMRAP at each station f0r 3 rounds. 1 minute rest between rounds.

Make Up Day – Oct 27, 2011

John and Kev with 32" (Rx+) box jumps!

Join us between 5pm and 7pm to make up a workout you missed this week!

  1. “Grace” – 30 clean & jerks for time (135/95#)
  2. Deadlift 1-10-1-20-1-30-1. Assistance: KB snatch 20L/20R
  3. 3 rounds for time: 5 2-fer muscle ups, 10 2-fer snatch (95/65#), 15 2-fer wall balls (20/14#)
  4. Buy-in: 5×3 banded bench press @ 40% 1RM. WOD: Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3. Cash out: 5 rounds of 10 push-ups and 20 double unders
  5. AMRAP in 15 minutes: 2 wall climbs, 8 toes to bar, 10 box jumps (30/24″)

Community Notes: To celebrate Halloween, this Saturday will be a special Costume WOD!  That’s right, you have a few days to plan out a great costume, then show up in style to the 9:00am class.  We’ll be doing a CrossFit benchmark WOD, and we’ll have a prize for the best costume.  As an added incentive, we’ll make this a FREE class for anyone who shows up in costume!

Also, remember to join us for a free 5k run on Sunday at Valley Forge park. Guests are welcome!

Daily WOD – Oct 26, 2011

Gunter and Laurie on the wall

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:

  • 2 wall climbs
  • 8 toes to bar
  • 10 box jumps (30/24″)

WOD Notes: Check out this video from CrossFit North Vancouver demonstrating  wall climbs:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJXJOU-PpPw&w=420&h=315]

Daily WOD – Oct 24, 2011

Kev with a solid snatch.

Three rounds for time of:

  • 5 2-fer muscle ups
  • 10 2-fer snatches (95/65#)
  • 15 2-fer wall balls (20/14#)

WOD Notes: Never heard of a 2-fer muscle up, snatch, or wall ball? Boy are you in for a treat! Watch the videos below for a demonstration of each movement. For anyone still confused, or anyone who can’t access our videos at work, here’s verbal description: The 2-fer muscle up is muscle-up followed by a ring dip. The 2-fer snatch is a squat snatch followed immediately by an overhead squat. The 2-fer wall ball is a wall ball with an extra full depth squat snuck in, before you catch the ball. Get jacked up — this is gonna be a good time!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDSOBkZKmZo?hl=en&fs=1&w=425&h=349]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmmIvDv-DVI?hl=en&fs=1&w=425&h=349]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIX_DgEPqS8?hl=en&fs=1&w=425&h=349]

Community Notes: We’re half way through the Paleo Challenge. Congrats to everyone still in it!! Have you noticed any differences in your body composition, energy levels, quality of sleep, hunger (or lack there of)?

Rest Day – Oct 23, 2011

Thanks for another great week at ICA!! Remember to rest and STRETCH tomorrow! If you have a roller at home, roll your back. If not, do some burpees to warm up and then get some good stretching in. It’s very normal for your glutes/hamstrings/lower back to be tight after a high volume deadlift day like today. Give your body a well deserved break and come back next week ready to work hard!


Mark your calendars!

Sunday October 30 –  Since many of you won’t be able to make it out to WOD on Monday October 31, we’re offering a special “out-of-the-box” WOD on Sunday October 30. We’ll be running a timed 5k at Valley Forge park. (I can hear the groans already!) A timed 5k is a great way to measure your fitness and track it over time. Start time will be 10:00am. It is FREE for all I.C.A. members. Guests and visitors are welcome to join in!

Friday November 11 – Happy hour at Bistro on Bridge to celebrate the end of our first I.C.A. Paleo Challenge! The wings are on us, but be prepared to buy your own drinks.  Start time is 6:30pm.

Saturday November 12 – “Helen meets Grace” at CrossFit King of Prussia. This is CFKOP’s annual fundraiser, raising money for Mammograms in Action. It’s a huge event, and there will be lots of local CrossFit gyms in attendance. Help us represent CF Phoenixville!

Daily WOD – Oct 21, 2011

Mark's first Rx Grace!


30 clean and jerks for time (135/95#)

WOD Notes: Today’s workout is a CrossFit benchmark workout. It’s meant to be a very short metcon – ideally in the 5 minute range. We’ll spend a good amount of time getting you warmed up and ready to go hard! We’ll do this workout in heats so everyone has a counter.

Make Up Day – Oct 20, 2011

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_utNqmXBQg&w=420&h=315] 

Join us betwen 5pm and 7pm to make up a workout you missed this week!

  1. Westside Assistance Day – Bamboo Bench 3×15, Bamboo OHS 5×3, Max weight box jump (20/16″), Max ring support hold
  2. “Half Murph” – 800m run, 50 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, 150 squats, 800m run
  3. 3 rounds for time of: 400m run, 15 KBS (70/55#), 15 ring rows
  4. Find your 10RM overhead squat
  5. For time complete 21 pull-ups, 21 sit-ups, 100ft walking lunge, 18/18/100, 15/15/100, 12/12/100, 9/9/100, 6/6/100, 3/3/100

Daily WOD – October 19, 2011

Waking up and warming up at 6am

For time, complete:

  • 21 pull ups, 21 sit ups, 100 ft walking lunge
  • 18 pull ups, 18 sit ups, 100 ft walking lunge
  • 15 pull ups, 15 sit ups, 100 ft walking lunge
  • 12 pull ups, 12 sit ups, 100 ft walking lunge
  • 9 pull ups, 9 sit ups, 100 ft walking lunge
  • 6 pull ups, 6 sit ups, 100 ft walking lunge
  • 3 pull ups, 3 sit ups, 100 ft walking lunge

Daily WOD – Oct 17, 2011

John's 75# Keg Swings
Lindsey on the Ring Row
Joe rocking the 70# KBS

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 15 KBS (70/55#)
  • 15 ring rows

WOD Notes: Try to go a step heavier on your KB than you normally use in WODs. Rx today is 1.5 pood for women and 2 pood for men. For the ring rows, Rx will be starting with your body parallel to the floor, Rx+ will be starting with your body below parallel, and scale is starting anywhere above parallel.

Community Notes: Week 1 of the Paleo challenge is in the books. Congratulations! How has every one been feeling? What’s been the hardest part? Any surprises? If you’ve been feeling low on energy, or you have any questions, now’s a good time to ask. Three weeks to go!

Daily WOD – Oct 15, 2011

9 a.m. half Murph, No better way to start your day.

“1/2 Murph”

  • Run 800 m
  • 50 pullups
  • 100 pushups
  • 150 squats
  • Run 800 m

Pullups, pushups and squats may be broken up however you wish, but the workout must start and end with an 800 m run.

WOD Notes: Advanced athletes may choose to do full Murph in which the reps and distances are doubled, and a 20 pound weight vest is worn for the entire WOD.

Daily WOD – Oct 14, 2011

Dan - 70# Bamboo OHS (What were YOU doing at 6:48 this morning??)
Emily - Bamboo Bench Press!

Westside Assistance Day:

  • Bamboo Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3
  • Max Weighted Box Jump (20″/16″)
  • Bamboo Bench Press 15-15-15
  • Max length Ring Support Hold

WOD Notes:  Scores will be weight for OHS, Box Jump and Bench Press and time for ring support hold.  Four separate scores.  If you’ve never done Bamboo work, you’re in for a treat!

Make Up Day – Oct 13, 2011

Join us between 5pm and 7pm to make up a workout you missed this week!

  1. For time, complete 45 HPSU, 45 deadlifts (275/185#), 45 C2B pull-ups, 5 rope climbs. You can complete the exercises in any order.
  2. Banded box back squats 12 sets of 2 @ 60% 1RM. Then AMRAP in 4 minutes of 25 burpees (40 for advanced) then max rep wall balls (score is total number of WB)
  3. “The End” – Complete in order: 20 calorie row, 20 WB (10′), 20 toes to bar, 20 box jumps, 20 KB SDHP (70/55#), 20 burpees, 20 push jerk (115/75#), 120 ft backwards sled pull (165/110#)
  4. I.C.A. Tabata Day – Kettlebell swings (53/35#), jumping pull-ups, 10m shuttle runs, push ups
  5. Clean & Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1, then perform 4 C&J on the minute for 7 minutes @ 135/95# for 65% 1RM

Daily Wod – Oct 11, 2011

ICA Tabata Day!

  • 10 m Shuttle Run
  • Pushups
  • Kettle Bell Swings (55/35)
  • Jumping Pullups

Notes:  Tabata is a timed workout in which you complete 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for a total of 8 rounds (or 4 minutes).  Then switch to the next movement.  Score is the total reps completed for the entire workout.

Daily WOD – Oct 10, 2011


Emily getting through the jerks

“The End” (modified from the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games chipper)

For time, complete:

  • 20 calorie row
  • 20 wall balls (20/14# both to 10′)
  • 20 toes to bar
  • 20 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 20 KB SDHP (70/55#)
  • 20 burpees
  • 20 push jerk (115/75#)
  • 120 ft backwards sled pull (165/110#)

Community Notes: We are offering a FREE 6:15am class tomorrow. Rise and shine and get your WOD on!

Also, today is the first day of the I.C.A. Fall Paleo Challenge! If you haven’t already, take a few minutes to record your weight, take hip and waist measurements, and shoot a photo of yourself (yup, naked, or at least aaaaalmost naked). You can compare before and after stats when the challenge ends on November 10. If you have any questions about the challenge, call or email any time. Good luck, we’re expecting big things out of you all!

Rest Day – Oct 8, 2011

Thanks for another great week at ICA!! Rest up, stretch, and get ready for a great WOD on Monday – straight from the 2011 CrossFit Games! Also, we’re planning on ordering ICA hoodies, and we want to know how many to get. The draft design is below. (Subject to change once the printing company proofs it.) We don’t have an exact price yet, but they will be $40-50 depending on the type of sweatshirt we order. Please post to comments if you’re in for a hoodie, and if so what size. We won’t be ordering many extras, so the only way to guarantee you get one is to pre-order here!

Daily WOD – Oct 7, 2011

Karen - first full trip up the rope!
Pink HPSU twins (Nik and Miranda)

For time, complete:

  • 45 handstand push-ups
  • 45 deadlifts (275/185#)
  • 45 chest-to-bar pull ups
  • 5 rope climbs

WOD Notes: You can complete the movements in ANY ORDER. Have fun and pick whatever motivates you to go hard! For instance, you can do 5 rounds of 9 HSPU, 9 DL, 9 C2B, and 1 rope climb. Or you can treat it like a chipper and complete each movement before moving on to the next. For those not fluent in CrossFit math, you can also do 21-15-9 of HSPU, DL, and C2B, with the rope climbs sprinkled in 🙂

Community Notes: WOD and wings tonight!

Make Up Day – Oct 6, 2011

Join us between 5pm and 7pm to make up a work out you missed this week! And hang around for Paleo Challenge kick off meeting at 7pm!

  1. Platform Deadlift – 12 sets of 1 at 80% of your 1RM. Then, sprint 400m and in remainder of 4 minutes perform max rep deadlifts (135/95#). Score is the total number of deadlifts performed.
  2. 5 rounds for time of 7 ring dips, 14 push press (95/65#), 21 double unders
  3. Team “Small” – 3 rounds for time of 1000m row, 50 burpees, 50 box jumps (24/20″), 800m row. Teams of 2 with 1 person working a time. Time cap = 45:00.
  4. Push press 2-2-2-2-2-2 then assistance work (not for time): 400m sled drag with 30% of your 1RM deadlift, 100 sit ups (200 for advanced)
  5. “The Chief” – AMRAP in 3 minutes of 3 power clean (135/95#), 6 push ups, 9 squats. Rest 1 minute. Repeat for 5 cycles.

Daily WOD – Oct 5, 2011

Laurie w/ a creative counting strategy

How many rounds did Laurie do?

AMRAP in 3 minutes of:

  • 3 power cleans (135/95#)
  • 6 push ups
  • 9 squats
Rest one minute, then repeat, for a total of FIVE cycles.
WOD Notes:  You have 3 minutes to complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) of 3 power cleans, 6 push ups, and 9 squats. Rest 1 minute, then repeat for a total of 5 cycles. Your score is the total number of rounds completed. For this WOD, only full rounds count toward your score, but keep track of every rep for your own record keeping!

Daily WOD – Oct 4, 2011

Karen and Joe!

Push Press 2-2-2-2-2-2


Assistance work (not for time):

  • 400m sled drag with 30% 1 RM
  • 100 sit ups (200 for advanced)

Community Notes: Remember to mark your calendars for our Fall Paleo Challenge kick-off meeting – this Thursday night at 7pm. We’ll talk a little about the Paleo diet, explain the three levels you can choose from for our challenge, and answer any questions you may have. Bring a pen and notepad, especially if the Paleo diet is new to you! The challenge officially begins on Monday October 10 and runs through November 10.

Daily WOD – Oct 3, 2011

Box Jump Party - it looks FUN! (Right John?)
Chris bringing it home - faster than the speed of light!

Team “Small”

In teams of 2 perform 3 rounds of the following, 1 person working at a time:

  • 1000m row
  • 50 burpees
  • 50 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 800m run

WOD Notes: “Small” is a hero WOD from the CrossFit mainpage, first posted June 12, 2011.  It was designed to be performed individually, but today we’ll complete the WOD in teams of two. U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Marc Small,  of Collegeville, PA, was assigned to 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), based in Fort Bragg, NC. He died on February 12, 2009, at the age of 29, from wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher and small arms fire in Faramuz, Afghanistan. He is survived by his father and stepmother, Murray and Karen, mother and stepfather, Mary and Peter MacFarland, and fiancee Amanda Charney.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Karen (aka SARGE)!!

Daily WOD – Sept 30, 2011

Killa B's sweat angel

Platform Deadlift – 12 sets of 1 @ 80% 1RM 


SPRINT 400m, in remainder of 4 minutes perform max reps deadlift (135/95#)

WOD Notes: For the deadlifts we’ll be lifting from a platform – standing on either 45# or 25# plates. The goal is to work on speed and explosiveness! For the cash out, your goal is to move fast and get lots of reps! If the prescribed weights are more than 50% of your 1RM deadlift, you should scale to 50% of your 1RM. Your score is the total number of deadlifts performed.

Please remember to sign up for class…

When you decide what class you are attending on any given day, pllllease remember to sign up in MindBody. At this point we haven’t hit the 12-person cap for a class yet, but we’d like everyone to get in the habit of signing up now! (There will be some unhappy campers the first time we have to turn someone away from a class because class is full and they didn’t pre-register.) It’s a little bit of an inconvenience, we know, but as we continue to grow it’s the only way we can ensure you’ll get the coach-to-athlete ratios that you pay for and deserve. For a full list of Q’s & A’s, along with directions on how to sign up for class using MindBody, click HERE.

Make Up Day – Sept 29, 2011

Welcome to our newest member - Chris!

Join us between 5pm and 7pm to make up a workout you missed this week!

  1. FRAN:  21-15-9 of thrusters (95/65#) and pull-ups
  2. Max height box jump followed by Back squat 3-3-3-3-3
  3. AMRAP in 20 of 2 muscle ups, 4 power snatch (135/95#), 200m run
  4. Clean 3-3-2-2-1-1-1
  5. Complete four 7 minute rounds of the following: 40 burpee box jumps (16/12″), 1000m row, 100 KBS, 800m run

Also, happy birthday to Gunter and Eric!!

Fall Paleo Challenge

We’ve received some questions on nutrition lately, and decided it’s time to bring about the first “Paleo Challenge” at Iron Cross Athletics!  “Paleo” refers to the Paleolithic diet that many CrossFitters adhere to… in varying degrees.  It basically constitutes eating only things a caveman could have gotten his hands on:  meat, eggs, veggies, fruits, nuts.  To accommodate varying dietary backgrounds, we have set up 3 levels to choose from for our inaugural Paleo Challenge:

Level 1:  Carb-a-holic

This level is for anyone whose current diet consists primarily of grain-based carbohydrates. These are foods such as breads, pasta, bagels, cereal, etc.  We won’t ask you to totally eliminate these foods, but your challenge is to start replacing them with healthier carbs (fruits and vegetables), and round out your meals with more proteins and fats. Every meal should have all three components on your plate: some protein, fat, and carbohydrate.

Level 2:  Sustainable Paleo

This level is for an athlete looking to take their nutrition and performance to the next level. If you’ve thought about going Paleo but can’t get past a few of the “exclusions” (like milk, cheese, wine/beer, and sugar of all kinds) this level is for you.  The goal is to eat MOSTLY Paleo, but make the diet sustainable over the long term by allowing a few “cheats.”  We’ll go over the specific rules of engagement at our kick off session.

Level 3:  Strict Paleo

This level is exactly what it sounds like.  100% Paleo. You won’t be buying any packaged item without thoroughly scanning the label for sugar or high fructose corn syrup or corn starch. You can eat only meats, eggs, veggies, some fruit, little starch, and nuts. NO sugar, dairy, or alcohol.

Anyone who sticks to one of these diets for a full 30 days should start to see noticeable changes in both body composition and athletic performance.  We challenge everyone at the gym to pick one and try to stick with it as best you can.

We will have a brief meeting to help further explain the benefits and answer any questions you might have Thursday, October 6th at 7:00pm.  The challenge will run from Monday October 10 through Thursday November 10.  We’ll celebrate a successful month over wings (and beer) on Friday November 11th at 6:30pm!

Daily WOD – Sept 24, 2011

Clean  3-3-2-2-1-1-1

WOD Notes: This is a full squat clean! (Hint: Any time you see an Olympic lift, it’s always a full squat movement unless preceded by the word “power.”) For anyone with knee limitations, we’ll sub with a one rep max power clean.

Community Notes: The water is going to be shut off at the gym tomorrow, so the bathrooms will be unavailable. Be sure to pee before you come!! 🙂

Daily WOD – Sept 23, 2011

Tom - Awesome KBS form!

Today’s WOD consists of 4 rounds, each 7 minutes long. Each round has a unique task, listed below. Once you finish the task, you can rest for the remainder of the 7 minutes. The faster you work, the longer you rest!

  1. 40 burpee box jumps (16/12″)
  2. 1000 m row
  3. 100 KBS (53/35#)
  4. 800 m run

Make Up Day – Sept 22, 2011

10% intimidated. 90% determined. Great job on the rope today Eric!

Join us between 5pm and 7pm to make up a work out you missed this week. Your choices are:

  1. 25-20-15-10-5 of Push up (clapping/regular), Sit up, Hang Power Clean (95/65#) with 1 rope climb after each round
  2. Buy in: “The Baseline”, Then Sumo Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
  3. Gymnastics Skills Day: Kipping pull-ups, Muscle ups, Handstand walk. Cash out: Max consecutive pull ups
  4. “Fight Gone Bad” – Complete 3 rounds of the following, with 1 minute at each station: Wall Ball (20/14# to 10/9′), SDHP (75/55#), Box Jump (20/16″), Push Press (75/55#), Row (for calories). Take a one minute rest between rounds.
  5. Banded Box (Back) Squats – 12 sets of 2 at 50% 1RM. Assistance work: 400m sled drag at 25% 1RM deadlift; 30 deadhang pull ups (not for time)

Daily WOD – Sept 19, 2011

Gymnastics Skills Clinic

  • Kipping Pull-ups
  • Muscle-ups
  • Handstand Walk

Cash out – Max consecutive pull-ups

WOD Notes: Today we’ll be gymnasts for the day! We’re going to focus on three important gymnastics skills: kipping pull-ups, muscle-ups, and handstand walks. Don’t be intimidated if you don’t have any of these skills – we will break them down and scale to each person’s ability. This is guaranteed to be a fun class!

Rest Day – Sept 18, 2011

Thanks for another great week at ICA! Special thanks to everyone who came out for FGB6 on Saturday morning, and those who helped with our fundraising efforts. Today (Sunday) is the last day to donate if you haven’t had the chance to yet.  Rest up and get ready for another jam-packed week starting Monday!

Daily WOD – Sept 17, 2011

The Fight Gone Bad Crew


Complete 3 rounds of:

  • Wall ball (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • Sumo deadlift high pull (75/55#)
  • Box jump (20/16″)
  • Push Press (75/55#)
  • Row (for calories)

WOD Notes:  There is a 1 minute break between rounds. We’ll run two heats, so every athlete will have a cheerleader/judge/counter to help you get through! Your score is the total number of reps completed (or calories on the rower).  Everyone will complete the movements in the order above, but not everyone will start from the top. Class starts at 9:00am, please be on time or early! We’re expecting a big turnout for this WOD!

Daily WOD – Sept 16, 2011

Matt showing off his early morning sled pulling skills!

Banded Box (Back) Squats – 12 sets of 2 (approx 50% 1RM back squat)


Assistance Work (not for time)

  • 400m sled drag with 25% 1RM deadlift
  • 30 dead hang pullups

WOD Notes: You can do the assistance work at any time throughout the class… If you want to hit a few dead hang pull-ups between each set of box squats, go for it. If you want to get the 400m sled drag out of the way early, have at it. Just get the work done any way you can!

Community Notes: Tomorrow we’re hosting FGB6 at 9:00am! If you haven’t signed up with us at the box, please post to comments so we know how many people to expect. Thank you!! You can donate through Sunday.

Make Up Day – Sept 15, 2011


Make up day.  Drop in between 5 and 7 to make up one of the following wods from the previous wee.

1. “Diane” 21-15-9 deadlift (225/155), hand stand pushup

2. Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1  then 100, 250 or 500 double unders for time.

3. “Kelly”  5 rounds for time of 400 m run, 30 box jumps, 30 wallballs

4. Front Squat 5-3-3-2-1-1 then skill work: pistols

5. “Three Little Girls” – Complete all 3 WODs with a 5 minute break between each
  • Angie – 25 pullups, 25 pushups, 25 situps, 25 squats
  • Karen- 75 wallballs  (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • Izzie – 30 power snatch (95/65#)

Announcement: Fight Gone Bad 6

This Saturday Sept 17 we will host Fight Gone Bad (FGB) 6 at Iron Cross Athletics.  FGB is a benchmark WOD with a neat story behind its naming.  (Hint – it was named by UFC fighter BJ Penn! If you’re curious about the story, click here to read more.)  Every year this workout is performed at CrossFit affiliates around the world to raise money for several different charities.  We are NOT requiring donations in order to participate in FGB at Iron Cross Athletics. However, we encourage you to check out the official FGB 6 page and donate if you can! We have a team registered under the name “CrossFit Phoenixville.” Every dollar helps!

We will run the workout as our normally scheduled class this Saturday at 9:00am. Guests and visitors are welcome, but please let us know in advance if you’ll be attending. This is guaranteed to be a great workout!

Daily WOD – Sept 12, 2011

Gunter's Blazing 400m


5 rounds for time of:

  • 400 m run
  • 30 box jumps
  • 30 wall balls

WOD Notes: This is a benchmark WOD, and it’s a long one! The fastest athletes can finish this in the low 20 minute range, but it is more often in the 30-40 minute range. We will have a 40 minute time cap; please scale accordingly!  A GREAT scale for this WOD is to do 3 rounds instead of 5. We strongly recommend this for all beginners. Another scaling option is to do 1/2 reps of box jumps and wall balls.

Daily WOD – Sept 9, 2011


“Three Little Girls”

(1) Little Angie – 25 pull-ups, 25 push-ups, 25 sit ups, 25 squats

(2) Little Karen – 75 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)

(3) Little Izzie – 30 power snatch (95/65#)

WOD Notes: These workouts are based off the benchmark WODs Angie, Karen, and Isabel. We will have an 8 minute time cap on each WOD and a 5 minute break between WODs.

Community Notes: It’s WOD ‘n Wings night! WOD at 5pm and wings at 6:30pm at Bistro on Bridge. Also remember Saturday’s class is at 8:30am! Thanks!

Make Up Day – Sept 8, 2011

Karen with the keg
Killa tossing the 75

Join us between 5pm and 7pm to make up a workout you missed this week!

  1. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of KBS (53/35#) KB SDHP, hand release push-ups
  2. 31 Heroes WOD (requires a partner; see Sept 3 post for details)
  3. 12 x 2 banded front squat, then 25 handstand push-ups (for depth, NOT for time)
  4. Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3, then 1 mile run for time
  5. 70 KBS (53/35#), 60 burpees, 50 S2O (75/55#), 40 double unders, 30 sit-ups, 20 ring push-ups, 10 keg ground-to-shoulder

Open Gym / Daily WOD – Sept 5, 2011

Ring HSPU - check. Smooth dismount - FAIL.

Instead of our regular 5pm and 6pm classes, we are offering an OPEN GYM tonight between 5pm-7pm. For those who want to continue to follow our ICA programming, here’s the recommended workout of the day:

Banded Front Squat 12 sets of 2 at 50% of your 1RM


Skill/conditioning: 25 handstand push-ups (NOT for time)

WOD Notes: For the HSPU, challenge yourself to go deeper than normal. If you can do full ROM HSPU, try putting your hands up on plates, or using parallettes.  This is skill/conditioning work and is NOT for time.

Rest Day – Sept 4, 2011

Thanks for another great week at Iron Cross Athletics. Enjoy your holiday weekend! Get plenty of rest and enjoy the time with friends a family. Remember we are open on Labor day between 5pm and 7pm for an Open Gym. Free for all ICA members (and those with ICA punchcards), and a reduced drop-in fee of $10 for all guests and visitors.

Daily WOD – Sept 3, 2011 **31 HEROES**

Eric leading the way with John close on his heels
Kevin 155lb thrusters!
George and Mike - dueling rope climbs
Mike - showing us how a SEAL gets it done
Justin rocking out pull-ups
Jim working hard to honor the 31 heroes
Sara, expert rope climber, with her fans watching on

Version 1 (Rx)

  • Partner 1: 8 thrusters (155/105#), 6 rope climbs, 11 box jumps (30/24″)
  • Partner 2: 400 m sandbag run (45/25#)

Version 2

  • Partner 1: 10 thrusters (95/65#), 10 alternating pullup/knees to elbows (1 pullup, 1 K2E, repeat), 10 box jumps (24/20″), 1 rope climb
  • Partner 2: 400 m plate run (25/15)

Version 3

  • Partner 1: 10 thrusters (95/65#), 10 pullups, 20 situps, 11 box jumps (24/20″)
  • Partner 2: 400 m plate run (25/15#)

WOD Notes: This WOD is run as an AMRAP in 31 minutes. Partner 1 works while Partner 2 runs. When Partner 2 returns, he/she picks up where Partner 1 left off. Score is the total number of rounds + reps.

We are offering three versions to acccomodate athletes and guests of all levels! The first version is the Rx WOD, posted at 31Heroes.com. It is for the experienced CrossFitter who is efficient at rope climbs.  The second version is ideal for someone who can perform rope climbs but may struggle with 6 at a time. The final version can be performed by anyone! It does not have any rope climbs and the weights can be scaled as needed.

Daily WOD – Sept 2, 2011

Maggie and Mary with some KBSDHP's

Matt F working through pushups

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of:

  • Kettlebell swings (53/35#)
  • Kettlebell sumo deadlift high pull
  • Hand-release push ups

Community Notes:   (1) We already have a few takers for our 6:15am class tomorrow, so it’s on! Join us bright and early, then cross that WOD off your to-do list. (2) It’s WOD ‘n Wings night!  Meet us at 5pm for the workout, or 6:30pm at Bistro on Bridge for the wings. (3) Saturday we’ll host the 31 Heroes WOD at 9am and 10am. Guests are invited to join us for this work out. Bring your friends!

Make Up Day – Sept 1, 2011

Joe’s 215lb bench press
Eric – Full ROM K2E

Join us between 5pm and 7pm to make up a workout you missed this week! Your choices are:

  1. Bench Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 3 rounds for time of 20 floor press (50% 1RM bench press) and 20 floor wipers
  2. 5 rounds for time of 7 bar-facing burpees & 14 overhead squats (95/65#)
  3. 3 x 800m sprint and 1 x 400m sled drag (35% of your 1RM deadlift on the sled) – treat as four 8 minute rounds, use remainder of 8 minutes to rest
  4. Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then complete 2 snatches on the minute for 8 minutes using 65% of your 1RM
  5. 400m farmers carry (53/35#) then in remainder of 20 minutes complete AMRAP of 5 front squats (125/85#) and 7 toes to bar

Labor Day Gym Hours

In lieu of regular classes, on Monday September 5th (Labor Day) we’ll hold an Open Gym from 5pm-7pm.  The Open Gym will be FREE for all ICA members and anyone with an ICA punchcard!  Guests and visitors are welcome to join us for a reduced drop-in fee of $10. Come work on skills or make up a WOD you’ve missed! We’ll also have a “recommended workout of the day” for anyone who wants to keep up with our regular programming. 🙂

Daily WOD – Aug 31, 2011

Gunter, John, Laurie. Welcome Laurie!

400m farmer’s carry (53/35#), then in remainder of 20 minutes complete AMRAP of:

  • 5 front squats (125/85#)
  • 7 toes to bar
Gym Notes:  We have found that it is possible to produce sandbags for future workouts by cutting the legs off of old blue jeans.  If anyone has any old blue jeans that they can get rid of (preferably without holes in the legs), feel free to bring them in and we will get to work making equipment from them!

Daily WOD – Aug 30, 2011

Tom's first squat snatch!

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


At 65% of your 1RM snatch, perform 2 snatches on the minute for 8 minutes

Community Notes: We are excited to add a new class to our schedule! Starting Wednesday 8/31 we will offer a 6:15am class on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please remember to sign up for this class in advance using the MindBody link on our homepage. If no one is registered by 5:15am the morning of, the class will be canceled. Thank you!

Announcement: 31 Heroes WOD

Due to the interest in the 31 Heroes WOD coming up this Saturday (Sept 3rd), we will be holding our usual 9 a.m. and an additional 10 a.m. class to accommodate the extra athletes. We will have 3 versions of the workout so that hopefully everyone that wants to can participate. All three versions are AMRAP in 31 minutes. Partner 1 works while Partner 2 runs; when Partner 2 returns he/she picks up where Partner 1 left off. Score is total number of rounds + extra reps completed.

Please sign up on MindBody for the 9am or 10am class, or if you don’t have a membership at ICA you can post to comments with which class you are coming to.

Version 1 (Rx)

Partner 1:

  • 8 thrusters (155/105#)
  • 6 rope climbs
  • 11 box jumps (30/24″)

Partner 2: 400 m sandbag run (45/25#)

Version 2

Partner 1:

  • 10 thrusters (95/65#)
  • 10 alternating pullup/knees to elbows (1 pullup, 1 K2E, repeat)
  • 10 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 1 rope climb

Partner 2: 400 m plate run (25/15#)

Version 3

Partner 1:

  • 10 thrusters (95/65#)
  • 10 pullups
  • 20 situps
  • 11 box jumps (24/20″)

Partner 2: 400 m plate run (25/15#)

Daily WOD – Aug 29, 2011


  • 3 x 800m run
  • 1 x 400m sled drag (with 35% of your 1RM deadlift on the sled)

WOD Notes: We will run this WOD in four 8 minute rounds. You’ll have the time remaining on the clock each round to rest/recover. Each athlete will complete three runs and one sled drag, but not necessarily in that order.

Community Notes: Thanks for a great turnout on Saturday for our Grand Opening! We are working to compile pictures from a few different sources (thanks to everyone who took pictures and shared them with us!) and we’ll link them to our website soon.