Skill work: 20 skin the cats
Then – “The Flight Simulator”
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 unbroken double unders
WOD Notes: The goal of this WOD is to practice stringing double unders. You’ll start with a set of 5, then a set of 10… and keep going up 5 reps at a time until you reach a set of 50 consecutive double unders. Head back down the ladder and you’re done! If you are still new to double unders, we’llscale this WOD by decreasing the rep scheme or subbing with single unders. Either way, bring your jumping shoes!
This Post Has 16 Comments
can’t wait : )
Morning class is a go! See you all at 6:15 🙂
I am not sure if I can come to the 615 class but I am going to try… I was more thinking the 5 pm class??? I am sorry for the confusion : / Although, I will try to come to the 615 class
either time is fine Lindsey!
This morning I felt like was trying to earn my junior wings, instead of doing a flight simulator.
I’m going to remember this week as the ego crusher. It’s a good mental test.
we all have days like that, Joe. my friend Jeff says “sometimes you’re the windshield, and sometimes you’re the bug.”
i really think that experiencing ego crushers makes me a better crossfitter. you learn a lot about yourself from your own frustration.
either way, GOOD work.
Thats good Joe, it happens to everyone. I thought I could beat Nikki’s time of 12 minutes the first time I tried this one. It took me 58 minutes. Really hoping to pr today.
and did you?
Hahaha. “Really hoping to PR today”. That made my morning. I have completed this workout once Rx. I’m not sure I’ll ever do it again … I agree, Joe … this is a week of Crossfit humility.
Joe you did awesome, DUs are tricky! Props to you, I think you may have done more than I did the first time I tried this wod without understanding the instructions…practice makes perfect! 😉
Joe – this is a video from again faster talking about their different types of jump ropes. Just happened to see it on FB today
my old jump rope – that you’ve used – is a buddy lee aerospeed rope
O’Neill’s Garage…
Spence: 23:56 Rx
Thought I was flying solo, turns out pukie was hanging out on the side of the garage.
Killa 5->30 = 16:48
Emily 5->50 SU = 15:47
Joe 5->15 = ??
Matt 10->100 = 22:30
Gunter 15->150 SU = 17:03
Lindsey 10->70 SU = 22:20
Nikki Rx 11:54
Kevin 5->35 = 11:35
Karen 2->20 = 27:04 (PR on 20 DU!!)
Miranda 5->35 = 26:02
John Rx 23:10
Cragle from the OG:
22:26 (Done on 11/8/2011)
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