Join us between 5pm and 7pm to make up a work out you missed this week. Your choices are:
- 25-20-15-10-5 of Push up (clapping/regular), Sit up, Hang Power Clean (95/65#) with 1 rope climb after each round
- Buy in: “The Baseline”, Then Sumo Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
- Gymnastics Skills Day: Kipping pull-ups, Muscle ups, Handstand walk. Cash out: Max consecutive pull ups
- “Fight Gone Bad” – Complete 3 rounds of the following, with 1 minute at each station: Wall Ball (20/14# to 10/9′), SDHP (75/55#), Box Jump (20/16″), Push Press (75/55#), Row (for calories). Take a one minute rest between rounds.
- Banded Box (Back) Squats – 12 sets of 2 at 50% 1RM. Assistance work: 400m sled drag at 25% 1RM deadlift; 30 deadhang pull ups (not for time)
This Post Has 4 Comments
I’m in for the 25-20-15-10-5 pushup, hang clean, situps wod anyone else doing it?
I’ll hit it up, Eric!
I’ll be doing that one too, Eric.
Results from tonight (all are for the push up / sit up / HPC / rope climb WOD)
Karen D 13:03 (scaled pushups, 35#, rope pulls)
Kevin 13:37 Rx
Eric 15:00
Killa 13:04 (rope pulls b/c ouchie knee)