Instead of our regular 5pm and 6pm classes, we are offering an OPEN GYM tonight between 5pm-7pm. For those who want to continue to follow our ICA programming, here’s the recommended workout of the day:
Banded Front Squat 12 sets of 2 at 50% of your 1RM
Skill/conditioning: 25 handstand push-ups (NOT for time)
WOD Notes: For the HSPU, challenge yourself to go deeper than normal. If you can do full ROM HSPU, try putting your hands up on plates, or using parallettes. This is skill/conditioning work and is NOT for time.
This Post Has 2 Comments
Lots of hard work tonight during open gym from a lot of familiar faces!
Football grace
15 c & j
40 burpees
10 c & j
20 burpees
5 c & j
10 burpees
Danny 7:44 Rx
Chris 11:07 95lb
Kristin 11:23 95 lb
Melinda 12:49 Rx
Matt 13:36 75lb
Brian R 10:30 115 lb
Rob Ph 10:24 95 lb
Congrats on the HSPU on the rings, Nik! Bummer on the dismount, haha.