Daily WOD – Aug 31, 2011

Gunter, John, Laurie. Welcome Laurie!

400m farmer’s carry (53/35#), then in remainder of 20 minutes complete AMRAP of:

  • 5 front squats (125/85#)
  • 7 toes to bar
Gym Notes:  We have found that it is possible to produce sandbags for future workouts by cutting the legs off of old blue jeans.  If anyone has any old blue jeans that they can get rid of (preferably without holes in the legs), feel free to bring them in and we will get to work making equipment from them!

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Nikki

    Looking forward to a great group tomorrow morning!

  2. Killa

    Not looking forward to the “morning”, definitely looking forward to the workout!haha

  3. Karen

    Lucky for you that crossfit helped me grow out of pants! 😉 my loss is your gain…

  4. Tom

    Well my shoulders are so burned out, it hurt to wash my hair this morning after the wod.

    Oh yeah, Morning Crossfit with Nikki, yeah!

    Thanks Nik 🙂

  5. Nikki

    Thanks for an awesome turn out this morning — what a great way to kick off our morning classes! It was especially fun having some new faces this morning, and I’m excited we’ll see you back for some 6:15ams in the future! We’ll have another morning class on Friday provided at least one brave soul signs up in advance 🙂

    6:15am results: rounds + reps
    Nicole 10 (65# bar)
    Killa 13 Rx
    Mel 7+8 DC (T2B ROM, 30# DB carry)
    Kristin 11+4 Rx
    Matt 10+8 Rx (50# DB carry)
    Joe 8 (115# bar)
    Tom 5 DC (T2B ROM)

    Notes – “DC” means Damn Close to Rx… The acronym was the brain child of CFKOP. It means the athlete used the Rx weights, but didn’t hit full range of motion (ROM) for one or more movements. We don’t use it to be a pain-in-the-ass; we use it for accuracy! That way you can look back a year from now and know exactly how you did on the WOD, and how far you’ve come!

  6. Joe

    I like Tom’s comment….the good news is that after a farmer’s carry to start the morning, carrying a brief case is much easier!

  7. Nikki

    Hahaha, thanks for the enthusiasm Tom… It makes early morning workouts much more fun!

  8. Nikki

    5pm and 6pm results:

    Nik 14 + 8
    Karen 17 (leg raises, 35)
    Sarge 7 + 10 (k2e, 65)
    John 10 +5 (70 kb)
    Gunter 15 (65, sit ups)
    Laurie 16 + 5 (45, sit ups)
    Dan 10 +4 (85, sit ups)
    Maggie 14 (45, sit ups)

    Nice work to Laurie, Maggie and Karen on their first wods!

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