Daily WOD – Nov 22, 2011

Morgan focusing on the TGU
Chris C with a big TGU tonight!

Find your 1 rep max Turkish Get Up


12×2 Banded Back Box Squats

WOD Notes: Never heard of a Turkish get up before? Come on in and find out what they’re all about. (Hint: they’re fun!) For the banded box squats we’ll work on speed and explosiveness – pick the heaviest weight you can still move fast!


This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    In! Just googled the Turkish Get Up…. fun, fun, fun!! : )

  2. John

    You’ll enjoy them Lindsey, its a great exercise. By the way, fantastic work on the WOD tonight. I just noticed you hit 135 on the deads, thats a big weight!

  3. Phil

    I just googled it too and wow that looks hard! I’m still trying to breath normal after tonights workout but I will try to make this tomorrow

  4. Lindsey

    Thanks John!! See you tomorrow!

  5. Jimbo

    Sounds good! See ya 6:00.

  6. John

    Results from today
    Kevin 75 R, 75L, 155 purple
    Killa 50R, 50L, 95 purple
    Nikki 40L, 50R, 105 mm
    Lindsey 20R, 20L, 75 mm
    Joe M 50R, 44L, 135 purple
    Morgan 30R, 25L, 55mm
    John 125R, 95L, 235purple
    Joe C 65R, 53L, 135 purple
    Jim 65R, 65L, 145purple
    Phil 70R, 70L, 165 purple
    Chris C 72R, 54L, 165purple

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