Daily WOD – Sept 19, 2011

Gymnastics Skills Clinic

  • Kipping Pull-ups
  • Muscle-ups
  • Handstand Walk

Cash out – Max consecutive pull-ups

WOD Notes: Today we’ll be gymnasts for the day! We’re going to focus on three important gymnastics skills: kipping pull-ups, muscle-ups, and handstand walks. Don’t be intimidated if you don’t have any of these skills – we will break them down and scale to each person’s ability. This is guaranteed to be a fun class!


This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Charles graham

    I might have to stop in at the 6pm class if I can get out of work on time.

  2. karen

    i couldn’t sign up for class because my punch card expired, but i’ll be at the 5pm!

  3. Nikki

    Sounds good Karen; I signed you up and we’ll start you with a new membership tonight!

    1. karen

      yay! shiny new membership! 🙂

  4. Tom

    I brought my rings and comp-straps with just incase it gets a little busy, if we dont need em its fine, better to be safe than sorry!. Thank god it doesnt involve jumping or squatting today, my right knee is waiving a white flag.

  5. Charles Graham

    The ironic thing is that I was up in Brooklyn this weekend talking to my friend Dan about Muscle ups, and he said that a Gymnast came and showed them how they did it and it was a joke for him after that, and I immediately thought that I had to ask Nikki about this. 😉

    See you at 6.

  6. Nikki

    Results from today = max consecutive pull-ups
    Tom 5
    Sarge 7
    Joe 21
    Kevin 30
    Mark 20
    Eric 19
    Charles 20

  7. Cragle

    Results from O’Neill’s Garage: Max consecutive pullups
    Spencer: 21
    Cragle: 30

  8. Nikki

    I think we have to get Cragle and Kevin together for a pull-up off! I’m sure each of you could have squeezed out 5 more, maybe even 10, if you knew the top score was on the line!

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