We’ve received some questions on nutrition lately, and decided it’s time to bring about the first “Paleo Challenge” at Iron Cross Athletics! “Paleo” refers to the Paleolithic diet that many CrossFitters adhere to… in varying degrees. It basically constitutes eating only things a caveman could have gotten his hands on: meat, eggs, veggies, fruits, nuts. To accommodate varying dietary backgrounds, we have set up 3 levels to choose from for our inaugural Paleo Challenge:
Level 1: Carb-a-holic
This level is for anyone whose current diet consists primarily of grain-based carbohydrates. These are foods such as breads, pasta, bagels, cereal, etc. We won’t ask you to totally eliminate these foods, but your challenge is to start replacing them with healthier carbs (fruits and vegetables), and round out your meals with more proteins and fats. Every meal should have all three components on your plate: some protein, fat, and carbohydrate.
Level 2: Sustainable Paleo
This level is for an athlete looking to take their nutrition and performance to the next level. If you’ve thought about going Paleo but can’t get past a few of the “exclusions” (like milk, cheese, wine/beer, and sugar of all kinds) this level is for you. The goal is to eat MOSTLY Paleo, but make the diet sustainable over the long term by allowing a few “cheats.” We’ll go over the specific rules of engagement at our kick off session.
Level 3: Strict Paleo
This level is exactly what it sounds like. 100% Paleo. You won’t be buying any packaged item without thoroughly scanning the label for sugar or high fructose corn syrup or corn starch. You can eat only meats, eggs, veggies, some fruit, little starch, and nuts. NO sugar, dairy, or alcohol.
Anyone who sticks to one of these diets for a full 30 days should start to see noticeable changes in both body composition and athletic performance. We challenge everyone at the gym to pick one and try to stick with it as best you can.
We will have a brief meeting to help further explain the benefits and answer any questions you might have Thursday, October 6th at 7:00pm. The challenge will run from Monday October 10 through Thursday November 10. We’ll celebrate a successful month over wings (and beer) on Friday November 11th at 6:30pm!
This Post Has 5 Comments
I’m in!!!
Yes! This is the motivation I need to ‘dial it in’ more, so to Speak!! 🙂
I’m in for this
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