Daily WOD – Sept 28, 2011
"FRAN" 21-15-9 of Thrusters (95/65#) Pull-ups WOD Notes: F-ing Fran (Yes it's a benchmark WOD. It's THE benchmark WOD. Get jacked up!)
"FRAN" 21-15-9 of Thrusters (95/65#) Pull-ups WOD Notes: F-ing Fran (Yes it's a benchmark WOD. It's THE benchmark WOD. Get jacked up!)
We've received some questions on nutrition lately, and decided it's time to bring about the first "Paleo Challenge" at Iron Cross Athletics! "Paleo" refers to the Paleolithic diet that many CrossFitters adhere to... in varying…
Congratulations to Eric and his wife Shannon on the birth of their baby boy! Tyler Scott Hetrick was born Friday September 23, weighing 7.7 pounds and 21 inches. Mom and baby are doing well!