Daily WOD – Jan 25, 2012
This Post Has 6 Comments
See you for breakfast…..
See ya there Joe!
In for 4:30!
Joined the breakfast club in spirit (minus a functioning body):
145# HSS
10:02 (95# HPS, 45# bar thrusters)
Joe, I don’t know how you function this early. I feel awful.
Tell me about it Kev. Some days are better than others. Today was not my day, but if I want to get 4 days in, I have to suck it up and do a few mornings.
Tonights Results:
Joe 115, 6:42 Rx
Emily 50, 6:33 (35, 10)
Matt 75 ROM, 6:42 (65, 16 to 9′)
Mike S 105, 6:37 (65)
Phil 155
Chris 95, 9:56 (85)
Denny 95 Power, 8:35 (85, 14)
Lindsey 55, 6:21 (45, 8′)
Craig 145 ROM, 6:38 (DC)
Gunter 65, 7:53 (55)
Nikki 120
Nick 75, 6:15 (45, 16)
Kim 65, 6:13 (35, 12)