Here are some notable dates in the next month:
- December 31 – “Last Chance Open Gym” from 9:00-10:30am. FREE for all members and those with an active punchcard; guests are welcome for a reduced drop-in fee of $10. This is your chance to meet any remaining goals for 2011, or try a WOD you’ve been thinking about.
- January 5 – “Goal Setting Workshop” from 6:30-7:30pm. Have you been thinking about your goals for 2012? Need help deciding? Join us next Thursday night to develop your 2012 goals, and get tips on how to reach them. This isn’t a lecture; you can come anytime during the hour and we’ll be available to chat one-on-one or in a small group!
- January 7 – Competitor WOD 11am*
- January 14 – Competitor WOD 11am
- January 21 – Competitor WOD 11am
- January 28 – Competitor WOD 11am
*During the month of January we’re offering a “Competitor WOD” each Saturday at 11am. The purpose is to get our athletes ready for the CrossFit Open competition, which starts in late February. We will focus on olympic lifting, higher end gymnastics skills, and incorporating heavier weights into workouts. The workouts are free for all ICA members and punchcard athletes who are interested in competing this season. (We also welcome competitors and trainers from other gyms, but please contact us in advance if you are interested in joining us!) For more information on the Open, read HERE and HERE.
This Post Has 7 Comments
Just out of curiosity, how many people are thinking of trying the open?
I am! (shocker!) I know Karen’s in too!
I’m down
Bring it!
I will be attempting it again. Stoked for the satuday wods.
I am down. Just need to get the muscle ups, kipping pull-ups and handstand push-ups all squared away by then. Oh double unders as well.
no problem jim you have plenty of time! 🙂 actually the way the Opens are run, you should be able to compete even if you’re missing certain skills… they try to make them so that everyone can compete. if you’re at all interested, i recommend signing up! it costs a minimal amount (like $5-10) and is a lot of fun. we’ll post more info on the Opens as it becomes available, but right now we know it starts Feb 22 and runs for 5 weeks (5 different WODs)